2023-01-16 sandeepindiaFixing RMR communication issue 70/10270/1 h-release master
2023-01-07 Alexandre HuffRelease 1.2.5 41/10241/1 g-release
2023-01-07 Alexandre HuffBump version to 1.2.5 and push to staging area 40/10240/1 1.2.5
2022-12-19 Deepanshu Karnwal[ISSUE-ID]: RICAPP-205 Fix communication between TS... 91/10191/1
2022-12-05 sandeepindia[ISSUE-ID] : RICAPP-202 upgrading protofile and modifie... 58/9958/1
2022-07-07 Alexandre HuffImprove error handling on rest api 44/8744/1
2022-06-29 Alexandre HuffRelease 1.2.4 63/8663/1 f-release
2022-06-29 Alexandre HuffBump version to 1.2.4 and push to staging area 62/8662/1 1.2.4
2022-06-25 sandeepindiaFixing Proto file 20/8620/1
2022-05-10 Alexandre HuffRelease 1.2.3 56/8256/1
2022-05-10 Alexandre HuffUpdate TS to enforce A1 policy on throughput predictions 52/8252/1 1.2.3
2022-04-26 Alexandre HuffRelease 1.2.2 28/8128/1
2022-04-26 Alexandre HuffFix dummy values in gRPC message sent to RC xApp 25/8125/1 1.2.2
2022-02-09 Alexandre HuffRelease 1.2.1 21/7721/1
2022-02-09 Alexandre HuffFix startup CrashLoopBackOff issue 20/7720/1 1.2.1
2021-12-09 Alexandre HuffRelease 1.2.0 80/7280/1 e-release
2021-12-09 Alexandre HuffUpdate TS xApp for Release E use case 79/7279/1 1.2.0
2021-06-24 Alexandre HuffRelease 1.1.1 31/6431/1 dawn
2021-06-24 Alexandre HuffFix extra nil termination char sent in RMR payload 29/6429/2 1.1.1
2021-06-23 Alexandre HuffReplacing committer Scott Daniels with Alexandre Huff 86/6386/1
2021-06-09 Alexandre HuffFixes A1 Policy documentation and bumps minor version 81/6281/1
2021-05-30 Alexandre HuffUpdate TS xApp for Release D use case 64/6164/1 1.1.0
2021-01-22 E. Scott DanielsFix copyright statements 97/5497/3
2020-12-10 Ron ShachamRelease 1.0.13 00/5300/1 cherry
2020-12-08 Ron ShachamChanges to SDL read to support new keys used by KPIMON 80/5280/1 1.0.13
2020-12-08 vaishali sachdeva[Issue-Id: RICAPP-153]: Update Container tag for Traffi... 70/5270/1
2020-11-18 Deepanshu Karnwal[Issue-Id: RICAPP-150]: Introduced Anomaly ACK for... 06/5106/1
2020-06-12 Ron ShachamFixed up Dockerfile for db prepopulate 79/4079/2 bronze
2020-06-12 Ron ShachamRelease 1.0.11 78/4078/1
2020-06-11 Ron ShachamRemoved unnecessary logging messages 72/4072/1 1.0.11
2020-06-08 Ron ShachamSet env variable for RMR Source ID 25/4025/1
2020-06-02 Ron ShachamUpdated xapp-descriptor to use rmr-data key instead... 62/3962/1
2020-06-02 Ron ShachamAdded documentation 57/3957/2
2020-05-26 Ron ShachamFixed up error from last commit 58/3858/1
2020-05-26 Ron ShachamDebugging output to show threshold is updated based... 57/3857/1
2020-05-26 Ron ShachamRelease 1.0.7 54/3854/1
2020-05-26 Ron ShachamFixed parsing issue for incoming prediction message 53/3853/2 1.0.7
2020-05-22 Ron ShachamRelease 1.0.6 02/3802/1
2020-05-22 Ron ShachamFixed the route for 30000 message type; fixed license... 01/3801/2 1.0.6
2020-05-22 Ron ShachamSwitched message name in xapp descriptor to correct... 98/3798/1
2020-05-21 Ron ShachamRelease 1.0.5 86/3786/1
2020-05-21 Ron ShachamAdded support for A1 Policy Create message parsing 78/3778/1 1.0.5
2020-05-20 Ron ShachamUpdated image tag in xapp descriptor 77/3777/1
2020-05-20 Ron ShachamMerge "Ensure that SDL libraries are in the image"
2020-05-20 E. Scott DanielsEnsure that SDL libraries are in the image 76/3776/1
2020-05-18 Ron ShachamIncluded k8s job for populating DB namespaces for TS... 32/3732/2
2020-05-15 Ron ShachamRelease 1.0.3 21/3721/1
2020-05-15 Ron ShachamAdd xApp descriptor in repo 02/3702/6 1.0.3
2020-05-08 Ron ShachamTS pred logic 45/3645/1
2020-04-30 E. Scott DanielsDockerfile corrections 55/3555/2
2020-04-30 E. Scott DanielsFix bootstrap route table 46/3546/1
2020-04-30 E. Scott DanielsPhase 2 of image generation prep 35/3535/4
2020-04-28 E. Scott DanielsAdd docker file to build image 19/3519/1
2020-04-24 Ron ShachamInitial commit of TS xapp 57/3457/1
2020-03-18 Matti HiltunenMerge "Automation adds INFO.yaml"
2020-03-12 E. Scott DanielsInitial license stash 68/2768/1
2020-03-11 LF Jenkins CIAutomation adds INFO.yaml 53/2653/2
2020-03-11 LF Jenkins CIAutomation adds .gitreview 52/2652/2
2020-03-11 LF Jenkins CIInitial empty repository