[it/otf.git] / virtual-test-head-details.component.pug
1 //-  Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #\r
2 //-                                                                             #\r
3 //-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #\r
4 //-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.           #\r
5 //-  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #\r
6 //-                                                                             #\r
7 //-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                             #\r
8 //-                                                                             #\r
9 //-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #\r
10 //-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          #\r
11 //-  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   #\r
12 //-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #\r
13 //-  limitations under the License.                                             #\r
14 //- #############################################################################\r
15 \r
16 \r
17 mat-card.mb-3\r
18     mat-card-header \r
19         mat-card-title \r
20             h4(*ngIf="testHead?.testHeadName") {{ testHead.testHeadName }} \r
21         mat-card-subtitle(style="margin-bottom: 0px")\r
22             div(*ngIf="testHead?.testHeadDescription") {{testHead.testHeadDescription }}\r
23     mat-card-content\r
24         .row(*ngIf="testHead")\r
25             .col-sm\r
26                 mat-form-field(*ngIf="testHead?.hostname")\r
27                     input(matInput, placeholder="Host Name", type="text", [value]="testHead.hostname", disabled, name="host")\r
28             .col-sm\r
29                 mat-form-field(style="width:50px", *ngIf="testHead?.port") \r
30                     input(matInput, placeholder="Port", type="text", [value]="testHead.port", disabled, name="port")\r
31             .col-sm\r
32                 mat-form-field(*ngIf="testHead?.resourcePath") \r
33                     input(matInput, placeholder="Resource Path", type="text", [value]="testHead.resourcePath", disabled, name="path")\r
34             .col-sm\r
35                 mat-form-field(*ngIf="testHead?.groupId")\r
36                     input(matInput, placeholder="Group", type="text", [value]="testHead.groupId", disabled, name="group")\r
37             .col-sm\r
38                 mat-form-field(style="width:50px",*ngIf="testHead?.isPublic != undefined")\r
39                     input(matInput, placeholder="Is Public", type="text", [value]="testHead.isPublic", disabled, name="public")\r
40 \r
41 div(style="position: relative")\r
42   .row\r
43     .col-12\r
44       .pull-left\r
45         mat-form-field(style="width:110px")\r
46           input(matInput, [matDatepicker]="fromPicker", placeholder="From Date", [(ngModel)]="stats.filters.startDate")\r
47           mat-datepicker-toggle(matSuffix, [for]="fromPicker")\r
48           mat-datepicker(#fromPicker)\r
49         mat-form-field.ml-2(style="width:110px")\r
50           input(matInput, [matDatepicker]="toPicker", placeholder="To Date", [(ngModel)]="stats.filters.endDate")\r
51           mat-datepicker-toggle(matSuffix, [for]="toPicker")\r
52           mat-datepicker(#toPicker)\r
53         button.ml-2(mat-icon-button, (click)="getData()") \r
54           mat-icon arrow_forward\r
55           \r
56       .pull-right\r
57         mat-form-field\r
58           input(matInput, [ngModel]="totalExecutions", placeholder="Total Executions", disabled)\r
59 \r
60   .row\r
61     .col-12\r
62       mat-card\r
63         mat-card-content\r
64           app-test-head-executions-line-chart(*ngIf="testHead", height="201px", [testHeadId]="testHead._id", (total)="setTotalExecutions($event)")\r
65 \r
66 //-   .row.mt-2\r
67 //-     .col-lg-5\r
68 //-       mat-card\r
69 //-         mat-card-header\r
70 //-           mat-card-title \r
71 //-             h5 Test Results\r
72 //-         mat-card-content\r
73 //-           app-pie-chart(height="230px")\r
74     \r
75 //-     .col-lg-7\r
76 //-       mat-card\r
77 //-         mat-card-header\r
78 //-           mat-card-title \r
79 //-             h5 Test Definition Usage\r
80 //-         mat-card-content\r
81 //-           app-test-definition-executions-bar-chart(height="230px")\r
82 //-   .row.mt-2\r
83     \r
84 //-     .col-lg-8\r
85 //-       mat-card\r
86 //-         mat-card-header\r
87 //-           mat-card-title \r
88 //-             h5 Virtual Test Head Executions\r
89 //-         mat-card-content\r
90 //-           app-test-head-executions-line-chart(height="230px")\r
91     \r
92 //-     .col-lg-4\r
93 //-       mat-card\r
94 //-         mat-card-header\r
95 //-           mat-card-title \r
96 //-             h5 Virtual Test Head Usage\r
97 //-         mat-card-content\r
98 //-           app-test-head-execution-bar-chart(height="230px")