[it/otf.git] / test-executions-catalog.component.pug
1 //-  Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #\r
2 //-                                                                             #\r
3 //-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #\r
4 //-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.           #\r
5 //-  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #\r
6 //-                                                                             #\r
7 //-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                             #\r
8 //-                                                                             #\r
9 //-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #\r
10 //-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          #\r
11 //-  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   #\r
12 //-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #\r
13 //-  limitations under the License.                                             #\r
14 //- #############################################################################\r
15 \r
16 \r
17 div([@routerTransition])\r
18   app-page-header([heading]="'Test Executions'", [icon]="'fa-edit'")\r
19 \r
20   .card-mb-12\r
21     .pull-left\r
22       mat-form-field\r
23         input(matInput, name="filter", (keyup)="applyFilter($event.target.value)", placeholder="Filter")\r
24     //.pull-right\r
25       button(mat-raised-button, color="primary", (click)="createTestInstance()") New\r
26 \r
27     div(style="width: 100%", [hidden]="!loading")\r
28       mat-spinner(style="margin: auto", color="primary")\r
29 \r
30     table.mat-elevation-z8(mat-table, [dataSource]="dataSource", style="width: 100%", [hidden]="loading")\r
31 \r
32       ng-container(matColumnDef="testInstanceName")\r
33         th(mat-header-cell, *matHeaderCellDef) Test Instance\r
34         td(mat-cell, *matCellDef="let element") {{ (element.historicTestInstance) ? element.historicTestInstance.testInstanceName : 'Does Not Exist' }}\r
35 \r
36       ng-container(matColumnDef="testInstanceDescription")\r
37         th(mat-header-cell, *matHeaderCellDef) Description\r
38         td(mat-cell, *matCellDef="let element") {{ (element.testInstanceId) ? element.testInstanceId.testInstanceDescription : ''}}\r
39 \r
40       ng-container(matColumnDef="result")\r
41         th(mat-header-cell, *matHeaderCellDef) Result\r
42         td(mat-cell, *matCellDef="let element") {{ element.testResult}}\r
43 \r
44       ng-container(matColumnDef="totalTime")\r
45         th(mat-header-cell, *matHeaderCellDef) Total Time\r
46         td(mat-cell, *matCellDef="let element") {{ element.totalTime + ' secs' }} \r
47 \r
48       ng-container(matColumnDef="options")\r
49         th(mat-header-cell, *matHeaderCellDef) Options\r
50         td(mat-cell, *matCellDef="let element")\r
51           button.mr-3(mat-mini-fab, matTooltip="Execution Logs", color="primary", [routerLink]="['/control-panel']", [queryParams]="{id: element._id}")\r
52             i.fa.fa-bar-chart\r
53           button.text-white(mat-mini-fab, matTooltip="Delete", color='warn', (click)='deleteTestInstance(element)')\r
54             i.fa.fa-remove\r
55           \r
56 \r
57       tr(mat-header-row, *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns")\r
58       tr(mat-row, *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns")\r
59 \r
60     mat-paginator([length]="resultsLength", [pageSizeOptions]="[10, 25, 100]", [hidden]="loading")\r
61 \r