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[it/otf.git] / otf-ping-test-head /
1 #   Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #\r
2 #                                                                              #\r
3 #   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #\r
4 #   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.           #\r
5 #   You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #\r
6 #                                                                              #\r
7 #                             #\r
8 #                                                                              #\r
9 #   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #\r
10 #   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          #\r
11 #   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   #\r
12 #   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #\r
13 #   limitations under the License.                                             #\r
14 ################################################################################\r
15 \r
16 from flask import Flask, request, make_response, jsonify, g\r
17 import json\r
18 import uuid\r
19 import traceback\r
20 import pyping\r
21 import paramiko\r
22 import socket\r
23 import os\r
24 import subprocess\r
25 import datetime\r
26 import logging\r
27 from logging import FileHandler\r
28 \r
29 #redirect http to https\r
30 app = Flask(__name__)\r
31 \r
32 \r
33 # Prevents print statement every time an endpoint is triggered.\r
34 logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.WARNING)\r
35 \r
36 def unix_time_millis(dt):\r
37         epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)\r
38         return (dt - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0\r
39 \r
40 def pingServer(targetHost):\r
41         try:\r
42                 response = subprocess.check_output(\r
43                         ['ping', '-c', '1', targetHost],        # execute the ping command\r
44                         stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,             # retrieve all the output\r
45                         universal_newlines = True                       # return as string\r
46                 )\r
47         except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:\r
48                 app.logger.error(e)\r
49                 app.logger.error('failed getting response from ' + str(targetHost))\r
50                 response = None\r
51 \r
52         return response\r
53 \r
54 @app.route("/otf/vth/ping/v1/health", methods = ['GET'])\r
55 def getHealth():\r
56         return "UP"\r
57 \r
58 @app.route('/otf/vth/sample/v1', methods = ['POST'])\r
59 def sample():\r
60         startTime = unix_time_millis(\r
61         responseData = {\r
62                 "vthResponse": {\r
63                         "testDurationMS": "",\r
64                         "dateTimeUTC": "",\r
65                         "abstractMessage": "Success",\r
66                         "resultData": {}\r
67                 }\r
68         }\r
69         responseData['vthResponse']['dateTimeUTC'] = str(\r
70         endTime = unix_time_millis(\r
71         responseData['vthResponse']['testDurationMS'] = endTime - startTime\r
72         responseData['vthResponse']['resultData']['result'] = "Executed test successfully in " + str(responseData['vthResponse']['testDurationMS']) + " milliseconds."\r
73'hit sample endpoint. response: ' + str(responseData))\r
74         return jsonify(responseData)\r
75 \r
76 @app.route('/otf/vth/ping/v1', methods = ['POST'])\r
77 def testHead():\r
78         responseData = {\r
79                 "vthResponse": {\r
80                         "testDurationMS": "",\r
81                         "dateTimeUTC": "",\r
82                         "abstractMessage": "",\r
83                         "resultData": {}\r
84                 }\r
85         }\r
86 \r
87         responseData['vthResponse']['dateTimeUTC'] = str(\r
88         startTime = unix_time_millis(\r
89 \r
90         try:\r
91                 if not request.is_json:\r
92                         raise ValueError('Request must be a valid JSON object.')\r
93 \r
94                 requestData = request.get_json()\r
95       'ping endpoint. request: ' + str(requestData))\r
96 \r
97                 if 'vthInput' in requestData:\r
98                         vthInput = requestData['vthInput']\r
99                         expectedKeys = ['vthName', 'testConfig', 'testData']\r
100                         receivedKeys = vthInput.keys();\r
101                         testData = ""\r
102                         testConfig = ""\r
103 \r
104                         if sorted(expectedKeys) == sorted(receivedKeys):\r
105                                 testData = vthInput['testData']\r
106 \r
107                                 # Check if a target host is provided.\r
108                                 if 'targetHost' not in testData:\r
109                                         raise KeyError('targetHost is required to ping server.')\r
110 \r
111                                 # Check if the target host IP address is in the correct format.\r
112                                 # This excludes IPv6. Use IPy to check both IPv6/IPv4.\r
113                                 try:\r
114                                         socket.inet_aton(testData['targetHost'])\r
115                                 except socket.error:\r
116                                         raise ValueError('Invalid IP address assigned to targetHost')\r
117 \r
118                                 # Don't use a jump server by default.\r
119                                 if 'useJumpServer' not in testData:\r
120                                         testData['useJumpServer'] = False\r
121                         else:\r
122                                 raise ValueError('Missing one or more expected keys: {expectedKeys}.'.format(expectedKeys = expectedKeys))\r
123 \r
124                         if testData['useJumpServer'] == False:\r
125                                 responseData['vthResponse']['resultData']['result'] = pingServer(testData['targetHost'])\r
126                         else:\r
127                                 testConfig = vthInput['testConfig']\r
128 \r
129                                 if 'jumpServer' not in testConfig:\r
130                                         raise KeyError('Cannot use jump server when jumpServer key is missing.')\r
131 \r
132                                 jumpServer = testConfig['jumpServer']\r
133 \r
134                                 if 'host' not in testConfig['jumpServer']:\r
135                                         raise KeyError('Missing host value in jumpServer.')\r
136 \r
137                                 host = testConfig['jumpServer']['host']\r
138 \r
139                                 if 'credentials' not in jumpServer:\r
140                                         raise KeyError('Missing credentials in jumpServer.')\r
141 \r
142                                 credentials = jumpServer['credentials']\r
143 \r
144                                 if 'username' not in credentials:\r
145                                         raise KeyError('Missing username in credentials.')\r
146 \r
147                                 username = credentials['username']\r
148 \r
149                                 if 'password' not in credentials:\r
150                                         raise KeyError('Missing password in credentials.')\r
151 \r
152                                 password = credentials['password']\r
153 \r
154                                 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()\r
155                                 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())\r
156                                 ssh.connect(host, username = username, password = password)\r
157                                 command = "ping -c 1 " + testData['targetHost']\r
158                                 ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)\r
159                                 output =\r
160                                 error =\r
161 \r
162                                 responseData['vthResponse']['resultData']['result'] = output\r
163                 else:\r
164                         raise KeyError('Missing vthInput parameter(s)')\r
165 \r
166                 # record the end time of the test\r
167                 endTime = unix_time_millis(\r
168 \r
169                 # Calculate the total duration of the test\r
170                 totalTime = endTime - startTime\r
171 \r
172                 # Set the test duration in the result\r
173                 responseData['vthResponse']['testDurationMS'] = totalTime\r
174 \r
175                 responseData['vthResponse']['abstractMessage'] = 'Result from pinging {host}'.format(host = testData['targetHost'])\r
176       'ping endpoint. response: ' + str(responseData))\r
177 \r
178                 return jsonify(responseData)\r
179         except Exception as e:\r
180       \r
181                 responseData['vthResponse']['abstractMessage'] = str(e)\r
182                 resp = make_response(json.dumps(responseData))\r
183                 endTime = unix_time_millis(\r
184 \r
185                 totalTime = endTime - startTime\r
186                 return resp\r
187 \r
188 if __name__ == '__main__':\r
189         logHandler = FileHandler('otf/logs/pingVTH.log', mode='a')\r
190         # logHandler = FileHandler('pingVTH.log', mode='a')\r
191         logHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO)\r
192         app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)\r
193         app.logger.addHandler(logHandler)\r
194         context = ('opt/cert/otf.pem', 'opt/cert/privateKey.pem')\r
195 = False, host = '', port = 5000, ssl_context = context)\r
196         # = False, host = '', port = 5000)\r