Change the PTL to Zhe Huang, Add Zhe Huang as committer.
[it/otf.git] / otf-frontend / server / config / default.json
1 {\r
2   "host": "",\r
3   "path": "otf/api/",\r
4   "base-path": "otf/api/v1/",\r
5   "port": 80,\r
6   "ssl": false,\r
7   "public": "../../../client/dist/",\r
8   "paginate": {\r
9     "default": 10,\r
10     "max": 50\r
11   },\r
12   "authentication": {\r
13     "strategies": [\r
14       "jwt",\r
15       "local"\r
16     ],\r
17     "path": "otf/api/v1/authentication",\r
18     "service": "otf/api/v1/users",\r
19     "jwt": {\r
20       "header": {\r
21         "typ": "access"\r
22       },\r
23       "audience": "https://localhost",\r
24       "subject": "anonymous",\r
25       "issuer": "feathers",\r
26       "algorithm": "HS256",\r
27       "expiresIn": "1d"\r
28     },\r
29     "local": {\r
30       "entity": "user",\r
31       "usernameField": "email",\r
32       "passwordField": "password"\r
33     }\r
34   },\r
35   "rate-limit": {\r
36     "mongoStore": {\r
37       "collection": "rateLimits"\r
38     },\r
39     "services": {\r
40       "users": {\r
41         "max": 5,\r
42         "windowMs": 60000,\r
43         "message": "User registration limit reached. Please wait before trying again."\r
44       },\r
45       "authentication": {\r
46         "max": 1,\r
47         "windowsMs": 250000,\r
48         "message": "Authentication limit reached. Please wait before trying again."\r
49       }\r
50     }\r
51   }\r
52 }\r