removed jpg files and jar files
[it/otf.git] / otf-frontend / client / src / app / layout / modeler / modeler.component.pug
1 //-  Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #\r
2 //-                                                                             #\r
3 //-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #\r
4 //-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.           #\r
5 //-  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #\r
6 //-                                                                             #\r
7 //-                             #\r
8 //-                                                                             #\r
9 //-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #\r
10 //-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          #\r
11 //-  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   #\r
12 //-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #\r
13 //-  limitations under the License.                                             #\r
14 //- #############################################################################\r
15 \r
16 \r
17 div(#container, style="width:100%;height:100%")\r
18         form(#testDefinitionForm="ngForm")\r
19 \r
20                 //- Tool Bar\r
21                 div#tool-bar\r
22                         input#file(type="file", #file, hidden, (change)="open()")\r
23                         input#fileForVersion(type="file", #fileForVersion, hidden, (change)="newVersion({fromFile: true})")\r
24               \r
25                         \r
26                                 //- BPMN Diagram items  \r
27 \r
28                                 .col(style="flex: 0 0 180px;-ms-flex: 0 0 180px;")\r
29                               \r
30                                                 .small.text-muted BPMN Diagram\r
31                               "margin-top: -10px")\r
32                                                 button(mat-icon-button, [matMenuTriggerFor]="newMenu")\r
33                                                         mat-icon insert_drive_file \r
34                                                                 span(style="margin-left: -7px") arrow_drop_down\r
35                                                 mat-menu(#newMenu="matMenu")\r
36                                                         button.text-small(mat-menu-item, (click)="newWorkflow()") New Workflow\r
37                                                 button(mat-icon-button, matTooltip="Open BPMN", (click)="")\r
38                                                         mat-icon folder_open\r
39                                                 button(mat-icon-button, matTooltip="Download BPMN", (click)="download()")\r
40                                                         mat-icon cloud_download\r
41                                                 button(mat-icon-button, matTooltip="View XML", disabled)\r
42                                                         mat-icon code\r
43                                                 \r
44 \r
45                                 mat-divider([vertical]="true")\r
46 \r
47                                 //- Test Definition items\r
48 \r
49                                 .col-3()\r
50                               \r
51                                                 .small.text-muted Test Definition\r
52                               "margin-top: -10px")\r
53                                                 //- Save & Update\r
54                                                 button(mat-icon-button, matTooltip="Save Test Definition", [disabled]="inProgress || !testDefinitionForm.form.valid || (hasBeenSaved && !testDefinitionForm.dirty)", (click)="save()")\r
55                                                         mat-icon save\r
56                                                 //- Deploy\r
57                                                 button(mat-icon-button, matTooltip="Deploy Test Definition", [disabled]="!testDefinitionForm.form.valid || ptd?.currentInstance?.isDeployed || !hasBeenSaved || !testDefinitionForm.pristine || inProgress", (click)="deploy()")\r
58                                                         mat-icon cloud_upload\r
59                                                 //- Delete Version\r
60                                                 button(mat-icon-button, matTooltip="Delete Version", [disabled]="!hasBeenSaved || inProgress", (click)="deleteVersion()")\r
61                                                         mat-icon delete_forever\r
62 \r
63                                                 //- Version Select\r
64                                                 mat-form-field(*ngIf="ptd", style="width: 80px")\r
65                                                         mat-select(disableOptionCentering, (selectionChange)="setVersion(ptd.currentVersionName)", placeholder="Version", name="selectedVersion", [(ngModel)]="ptd.currentVersionName")\r
66                                                                 mat-option(*ngFor="let instance of ptd.bpmnInstances.slice().reverse()", value="{{instance.version}}") {{ instance.version }}\r
67                                                 button(mat-icon-button, [matMenuTriggerFor]="versionMenu", matTooltip="New Version")\r
68                                                         mat-icon add\r
69                                                 mat-menu(#versionMenu="matMenu")\r
70                                                         button(mat-menu-item, [matMenuTriggerFor]="fromVersion") Create from version\r
71                                                         button(mat-menu-item, (click)="newVersion()") Create blank version\r
72                                                         button(mat-menu-item, (click)="") Create from file\r
73                                                 mat-menu(#fromVersion="matMenu")\r
74                                                         button(mat-menu-item, *ngFor="let instance of ptd?.bpmnInstances.slice().reverse(); let i = index", (click)="newVersion({versionIndex: ptd.bpmnInstances.length - i - 1})") {{ instance.version }}\r
75 \r
76                                         \r
77                 div#left_panel(#modeler)\r
78                         .panel-buttons\r
79                                 .properties-panel-button((click)="toggleProperties()") Properties Panel\r
80                                 .properties-panel-button((click)="toggleTestDefinition()") Test Definition\r
81       , [hidden]="!showSidebar")\r
82                         div#properties(#properties, [hidden]="!showProperties", style="width:100%")\r
83                         div(#testDefinition, *ngIf="ptd", [hidden]="!showTestDefinition", style="width:100%;")\r
84                                 .col-12\r
85                               \r
86                                                 .col-12\r
87                                                         \r
88                                                         //- Test Definition Form\r
89 \r
90                                                         h4 Details\r
91 \r
92                                                         mat-form-field(style="width:100%")\r
93                                                                 input(matInput, type="text", placeholder="Name", name="name", [disabled]="(existingTd && !hasBeenSaved)", [(ngModel)]="ptd.testName", required)\r
94                                                                 mat-error Required\r
95                                                         mat-form-field(style="width:100%")\r
96                                                                 input(matInput, type="text", placeholder="Description", name="description", [disabled]="(existingTd && !hasBeenSaved)", [(ngModel)]="ptd.testDescription", required)\r
97                                                                 mat-error Required\r
98                                                         mat-form-field(style="width:100%")\r
99                                                                 mat-select((selectionChange)="markFormAs('dirty')", name="ns", [disabled]="(existingTd && !hasBeenSaved)", placeholder="Group", [(value)]="ptd.groupId", required)\r
100                                                                         mat-option(*ngFor="let group of groups", value="{{group._id}}") {{ group.groupName }}\r
101                                                                 mat-error Required\r
102                                                         //- mat-form-field(style="width:100%")\r
103                                                         //-     input(matInput, type="text", *ngIf="!hasBeenSaved", placeholder="Version", name="version", [(ngModel)]="ptd.currentInstance.version", (keyup)="checkVersionUnique()", required)\r
104                                                         //-     mat-select((selectionChange)="switchVersion(ptd.currentVersionName)", placeholder="Version", name="selectedVersion", *ngIf="hasBeenSaved", [(value)]="ptd.currentVersionName", required)\r
105                                                         //-             mat-option(*ngFor="let instance of ptd.bpmnInstances", value="{{instance.version}}") {{ instance.version }}\r
106                                                         //-     mat-error Required\r
107                                                         //-     button(mat-button, matSuffix, color="primary", *ngIf="hasBeenSaved", (click)="newVersion(this.ptd.processDefinitionKey)", onclick=";") New\r
108 \r
109                                         //-\r
110                                         //-     .col-12\r
111                                         //-             h4 Resources\r
112                                         //-             .text-muted A single .zip file with scripts\r
113                                         //- input(type="file", #scripts, id="scripts", name="scripts", hidden,  (change)="markFormAs('dirty')", ng2FileSelect, [uploader]="uploader", accept="application/zip")\r
114                                         //-*ngIf="ptd.currentInstance.resourceFileId")\r
115                                         //-     .col-12\r
116                                         //-             mat-list\r
117                                         //-                     mat-list-item\r
118                                         //-                             mat-icon(mat-list-icon) insert_drive_file\r
119                                         //-                             h4(mat-line) {{ptd.currentInstance.resourceFileName }}\r
120                                         //- .row(*ngIf="!ptd.currentInstance.isDeployed")\r
121                                         //-     .col-md-12\r
122                                         //-             button(mat-raised-button, onclick="", color="primary") \r
123                                         //-                     | {{ !ptd.currentInstance.resourceFileId ? 'Choose File' : 'Replace File' }}\r
124                                                         \r
125                                         //-     .col-md-12\r
126                                         //-             div(*ngIf="uploader?.queue.length > 0")\r
127                                         //-                     label File:\r
128                                         //-                     ul.list-group(style="position:relative")\r
129                                         //-                             li.list-group-item(*ngFor="let item of uploader.queue")\r
130                                         //-                                     | {{ item?.file?.name }}\r
131                                         //-                                     div.upload-progress([ngStyle]="{'width': item.progress + '%'}")\r
132                                         //-                     //- button.pull-right(mat-button, (click)="upload()") Upload All\r
133                                         //-                     label(*ngIf="ptd.currentInstance.resourceFileId && uploader.queue.length > 0 && !saved") This will replace the previous resouce file\r
134                                         //-                     button.pull-right(mat-button, color="primary", (click)="clearQueue()") Remove All\r
135                                         //- .row(*ngIf="ptd.currentInstance.isDeployed")\r
136                                         //-     .col-12(*ngIf="!ptd.currentInstance.resourceFileId")\r
137                                         //-             | No resources were deployed with this version\r
138                                         \r
139                               \r
140                                                 .col-12(*ngIf="ptd.currentInstance.testDataTemplate != {}")\r
141                                                         h4 testInputTemplate.yaml\r
142                                                         div(style="border: 1px solid lightgrey; font-size: 12px !important")\r
143                                                                 codemirror(*ngIf="isRefreshed", [config]="codeConfig", [(ngModel)]="ptd.currentInstance.testDataTemplate", name="testConfig")\r
144 \r
145 \r
146                         #drag(#handle)\r
147 \r
148 div(style="position:absolute; bottom: 5px; left: 5px")\r
149         div(*ngIf="inProgress")\r
150                 mat-spinner([diameter]="15", style="display:inline")\r
151       "display:inline") In Progress\r
152         div(*ngIf="ptd?.currentInstance?.isDeployed") Deployed\r
153         div(*ngIf="hasBeenSaved && !testDefinitionForm.dirty") saved\r
154                 mat-icon(style="color:green") check\r
155         \r
156         //- div Form valid: {{ form.valid }}\r
157         //- div Form dirty: {{ form.dirty }}\r
158         //- div hasBeenSaved: {{ hasBeenSaved }}\r
159         //- div(*ngIf="ptd?.currentInstance?.bpmnHasChanged") ptd.currentInstance.bpmnHasChanged\r
160         //- \r
161         //- button((click)="popup()") popup\r
162         //- button((click)="nav()") nav\r