/************************************************************************* * * Copyright 2020 highstreet technologies GmbH and others * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include "nc_client.h" #include "utils/log_utils.h" #include "utils/sys_utils.h" #include #include #include #include "core/session.h" #include "core/nc_config.h" #include #include #include static char *nc_client_pass_cb(const char *username, const char *hostname, void *priv) { nc_client_t *client = (nc_client_t *)priv; return strdup(client->password); } static int nc_client_auth_hostkey_check(const char *hostname, ssh_session session, void *priv) { return 0; //auto-authorize } nc_client_t *nc_client_ssh_connect(const char *host, uint16_t port, const char *username, const char *password) { assert(host); assert(port > 20); assert(username); assert(password); nc_client_t *client = (nc_client_t *)malloc(sizeof(nc_client_t)); if(client == 0) { return 0; } client->edit_batch_root = 0; nc_client_ssh_set_auth_pref(NC_SSH_AUTH_PASSWORD, 3); nc_client_ssh_set_auth_pref(NC_SSH_AUTH_PUBLICKEY, -1); nc_client_ssh_set_auth_pref(NC_SSH_AUTH_INTERACTIVE, -1); nc_client_ssh_set_username(username); client->password = strdup(password); if(client->password == 0) { log_error("strdup failed\n"); free(client); return 0; } nc_client_ssh_set_auth_password_clb(nc_client_pass_cb, client); nc_client_ssh_set_auth_hostkey_check_clb(nc_client_auth_hostkey_check, 0); client->session = nc_connect_ssh(host, port, 0); if(client->session == 0) { log_error("nc_connect_ssh failed\n"); free(client->password); free(client); return 0; } return client; } nc_client_t *nc_client_tls_connect(const char *host, uint16_t port) { assert(host); assert(port > 20); nc_client_t *client = (nc_client_t *)malloc(sizeof(nc_client_t)); if(client == 0) { return 0; } client->edit_batch_root = 0; client->password = 0; int rc = nc_client_tls_set_cert_key_paths(CLIENT_CERT_PATH, CLIENT_KEY_PATH); if(rc != 0) { log_error("nc_client_tls_set_cert_key_paths failed\n"); return 0; } rc = nc_client_tls_set_trusted_ca_paths(CLIENT_CA_FILE, 0); if(rc != 0) { log_error("nc_client_tls_set_trusted_ca_paths failed\n"); return 0; } client->session = nc_connect_tls(host, port, 0); if(client->session == 0) { log_error("nc_connect_tls failed\n"); free(client); return 0; } return client; } int nc_client_disconnect(nc_client_t *client) { assert(client); nc_session_free(client->session, 0); free(client->password); free(client); return NTS_ERR_OK; } struct lyd_node *nc_client_send_rpc(nc_client_t *client, struct lyd_node *data, int timeout) { assert(client); assert(data); struct nc_rpc *rpc; struct nc_reply *reply; NC_MSG_TYPE send_ret; NC_MSG_TYPE reply_ret; uint64_t msg_id; char *xmldata = 0; if(lyd_print_mem(&xmldata, data, LYD_XML, 0) != 0) { log_error("lyd_print_mem failed\n"); return 0; } rpc = nc_rpc_act_generic_xml(xmldata, NC_PARAMTYPE_CONST); if(rpc == 0) { log_error("could not create rpc\n"); free(xmldata); return 0; } msg_id = 0; send_ret = nc_send_rpc(client->session, rpc, timeout, &msg_id); if(send_ret != NC_MSG_RPC) { log_error("could not send rpc\n"); free(xmldata); nc_rpc_free(rpc); return 0; } repeat_nc_recv_reply: reply_ret = nc_recv_reply(client->session, rpc, msg_id, timeout, LYD_OPT_DESTRUCT | LYD_OPT_NOSIBLINGS, &reply); if(reply_ret != NC_MSG_REPLY) { if(reply_ret == NC_MSG_NOTIF) { goto repeat_nc_recv_reply; } log_error("could not get rpc reply\n"); free(xmldata); nc_rpc_free(rpc); return 0; } if(reply->type != NC_RPL_DATA) { log_error("reply has no data\n"); free(xmldata); nc_rpc_free(rpc); nc_reply_free(reply); return 0; } char *ret_data_xml = strdup(""); //libyang does not support having the parent RPC in XML struct lyd_node *chd = 0; LY_TREE_FOR(((struct nc_reply_data *)reply)->data->child, chd) { char *temp_xml = 0; if(lyd_print_mem(&temp_xml, chd, LYD_XML, 0) != 0) { log_error("lyd_print_mem failed\n"); free(ret_data_xml); free(xmldata); nc_rpc_free(rpc); nc_reply_free(reply); return 0; } ret_data_xml = (char *)realloc(ret_data_xml, sizeof(char) * (strlen(ret_data_xml) + strlen(temp_xml) + 1)); strcat(ret_data_xml, temp_xml); free(temp_xml); } free(xmldata); nc_reply_free(reply); nc_rpc_free(rpc); struct lyd_node *ret_data = lyd_parse_mem(session_context, ret_data_xml, LYD_XML, LYD_OPT_RPCREPLY | LYD_OPT_NOEXTDEPS, data, 0); free(ret_data_xml); return ret_data; } struct lyd_node *nc_client_get_batch(nc_client_t *client, const char *xpath, int timeout) { assert(client); assert(xpath); struct nc_rpc *rpc; struct nc_reply *reply; NC_MSG_TYPE send_ret; NC_MSG_TYPE reply_ret; uint64_t msg_id; rpc = nc_rpc_get(xpath, NC_WD_UNKNOWN, NC_PARAMTYPE_CONST); if(rpc == 0) { log_error("could not create rpc\n"); return 0; } msg_id = 0; send_ret = nc_send_rpc(client->session, rpc, timeout, &msg_id); if(send_ret != NC_MSG_RPC) { log_error("could not send rpc\n"); nc_rpc_free(rpc); return 0; } repeat_nc_recv_reply: reply_ret = 0; reply_ret = nc_recv_reply(client->session, rpc, msg_id, timeout, LYD_OPT_DESTRUCT | LYD_OPT_NOSIBLINGS, &reply); if(reply_ret != NC_MSG_REPLY) { if(reply_ret == NC_MSG_NOTIF) { goto repeat_nc_recv_reply; } log_error("could not get rpc reply\n"); nc_rpc_free(rpc); return 0; } if(reply->type != NC_RPL_DATA) { log_error("reply has no data\n"); nc_rpc_free(rpc); nc_reply_free(reply); return 0; } char *ret_data_xml = 0; if(lyd_print_mem(&ret_data_xml, ((struct nc_reply_data *)reply)->data, LYD_XML, 0) != 0) { log_error("lyd_print_mem failed\n"); nc_reply_free(reply); nc_rpc_free(rpc); return 0; } nc_reply_free(reply); nc_rpc_free(rpc); struct lyd_node *ret_data = lyd_parse_mem(session_context, ret_data_xml, LYD_XML, LYD_OPT_DATA | LYD_OPT_NOSIBLINGS); free(ret_data_xml); return ret_data; } int nc_client_edit_batch(nc_client_t *client, struct lyd_node *data, int timeout) { assert(client); assert(data); struct nc_rpc *rpc; struct nc_reply *reply; NC_MSG_TYPE send_ret; NC_MSG_TYPE reply_ret; uint64_t msg_id; char *content = 0; int rc = lyd_print_mem(&content, data, LYD_XML, 0); if(rc != 0) { log_error("lyd_print_mem failed\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } rpc = nc_rpc_edit(NC_DATASTORE_RUNNING, NC_RPC_EDIT_DFLTOP_MERGE, NC_RPC_EDIT_TESTOPT_SET, NC_RPC_EDIT_ERROPT_STOP, content, NC_PARAMTYPE_CONST); if(rpc == 0) { log_error("could not create rpc\n"); free(content); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } msg_id = 0; send_ret = nc_send_rpc(client->session, rpc, timeout, &msg_id); if(send_ret != NC_MSG_RPC) { log_error("could not send rpc\n"); free(content); nc_rpc_free(rpc); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } reply_ret = nc_recv_reply(client->session, rpc, msg_id, timeout, LYD_OPT_DESTRUCT | LYD_OPT_NOSIBLINGS, &reply); if((reply_ret != NC_MSG_REPLY) || (reply->type != NC_RPL_OK)) { log_error("could not get rpc reply\n"); free(content); nc_rpc_free(rpc); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } free(content); nc_reply_free(reply); nc_rpc_free(rpc); return NTS_ERR_OK; } int nc_client_set_item_str(nc_client_t *client, const char *xpath, const char *value) { assert(client); assert(xpath); assert(value); if(client->edit_batch_root) { struct lyd_node *n = lyd_new_path(client->edit_batch_root, 0, xpath, (void*)value, LYD_ANYDATA_CONSTSTRING, 0); if(n == 0) { log_error("lyd_new_path error\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } } else { client->edit_batch_root = lyd_new_path(0, session_context, xpath, (void*)value, LYD_ANYDATA_CONSTSTRING, 0); if(client->edit_batch_root == 0) { log_error("lyd_new_path error\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } } return NTS_ERR_OK; } int nc_client_edit_apply_changes(nc_client_t *client, int timeout) { assert(client); assert(client->edit_batch_root); int rc = nc_client_edit_batch(client, client->edit_batch_root, timeout); lyd_free_withsiblings(client->edit_batch_root); client->edit_batch_root = 0; return rc; } int lyd_utils_dup(sr_session_ctx_t *session, const char *xpath_s, const char *xpath_d, struct lyd_node **tree) { assert(session); assert(xpath_s); assert(xpath_d); assert(tree); if(*tree == 0) { *tree = lyd_new_path(0, session_context, xpath_d, 0, LYD_ANYDATA_CONSTSTRING, 0); if(*tree == 0) { return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } } struct lyd_node *data_s = 0; int rc = sr_get_data(session, xpath_s, 0, 0, 0, &data_s); if(rc != SR_ERR_OK) { log_error("could not get value for xPath=%s from the datastore\n", xpath_s); lyd_free(*tree); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } struct lyd_node *next = 0; struct lyd_node *snode = 0; LY_TREE_DFS_BEGIN(data_s, next, snode) { char *xpath_c = lyd_path(snode); if((snode->schema->nodetype == LYS_LEAF) || (snode->schema->nodetype == LYS_LEAFLIST)) { const char *value = ((struct lyd_node_leaf_list*)snode)->value_str; char *new_xpath = str_replace(xpath_c, xpath_s, xpath_d); // ly_log_options(0); ly_verb(LY_LLERR); //checkAL lyd_new_path(*tree, 0, new_xpath, (void*)value, LYD_ANYDATA_CONSTSTRING, 0); free(xpath_c); free(new_xpath); } LY_TREE_DFS_END(data_s, next, snode); } lyd_free(data_s); return NTS_ERR_OK; }