/************************************************************************* * * Copyright 2020 highstreet technologies GmbH and others * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include "utils/log_utils.h" #include "utils/type_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/session.h" #include "core/framework.h" static int schema_print_recursive(struct lys_node *root); static bool generate_is_excluded_module(const char *module); int datastore_schema_get_xpaths(char ***root_xpath) { assert_session(); assert(root_xpath); const struct lys_module *module; const struct lys_node *root; uint32_t idx = 0; char **list = 0; int total = 0; while((module = ly_ctx_get_module_iter(session_context, &idx)) != 0) { if(!generate_is_excluded_module(module->name) && (module->implemented)) { LY_TREE_FOR(module->data, root) { if(((root->nodetype == LYS_CONTAINER) || (root->nodetype == LYS_LIST)) && ((root->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC) == 0)) { list = (char **)realloc(list, sizeof(char *) * (total + 1)); if(!list) { log_error("bad realloc\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } asprintf(&list[total], "/%s:%s", module->name, root->name); if(!list[total]) { log_error("bad asprintf\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } total++; } else if(root->nodetype == LYS_USES) { struct lys_node *chd; LY_TREE_FOR(root->child, chd) { if(((chd->nodetype == LYS_CONTAINER) || (chd->nodetype == LYS_LIST)) && ((chd->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC) == 0)) { list = (char **)realloc(list, sizeof(char *) * (total + 1)); if(!list) { log_error("bad realloc\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } asprintf(&list[total], "/%s:%s", module->name, chd->name); if(!list[total]) { log_error("bad asprintf\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } total++; } } } } } } *root_xpath = list; return total; } int datastore_schema_get_running_xpaths(char ***root_xpath, char ***modules) { assert_session(); assert(root_xpath); assert(modules); const struct lys_module *module; const struct lys_node *root; uint32_t idx = 0; char **xpath_list = 0; char **mod_list = 0; int total = 0; while((module = ly_ctx_get_module_iter(session_context, &idx)) != 0) { if(!generate_is_excluded_module(module->name) && (module->implemented)) { LY_TREE_FOR(module->data, root) { if(((root->nodetype == LYS_CONTAINER) || (root->nodetype == LYS_LIST)) && ((root->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC) == 0) && ((root->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W) == 1)) { xpath_list = (char **)realloc(xpath_list, sizeof(char *) * (total + 1)); if(!xpath_list) { log_error("bad realloc\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } asprintf(&xpath_list[total], "/%s:%s", module->name, root->name); if(!xpath_list[total]) { log_error("bad asprintf\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } mod_list = (char **)realloc(mod_list, sizeof(char *) * (total + 1)); if(!mod_list) { log_error("bad realloc\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } asprintf(&mod_list[total], "%s", module->name); if(!mod_list[total]) { log_error("bad asprintf\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } total++; } else if(root->nodetype == LYS_USES) { struct lys_node *chd; LY_TREE_FOR(root->child, chd) { if(((chd->nodetype == LYS_CONTAINER) || (chd->nodetype == LYS_LIST)) && ((chd->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC) == 0) && ((root->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W) == 1)) { xpath_list = (char **)realloc(xpath_list, sizeof(char *) * (total + 1)); if(!xpath_list) { log_error("bad realloc\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } asprintf(&xpath_list[total], "/%s:%s", module->name, chd->name); if(!xpath_list[total]) { log_error("bad asprintf\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } mod_list = (char **)realloc(mod_list, sizeof(char *) * (total + 1)); if(!mod_list) { log_error("bad realloc\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } asprintf(&mod_list[total], "%s", module->name); if(!mod_list[total]) { log_error("bad asprintf\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } total++; } } } } } } *root_xpath = xpath_list; *modules = mod_list; return total; } int datastore_schema_print_root_paths(void) { assert_session(); struct lys_module *module; struct lys_node *root; uint32_t idx = 0; while((module = (struct lys_module *)ly_ctx_get_module_iter(session_context, &idx)) != 0) { log_add_verbose(2, "looking into module "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_MAGENTA"%s"LOG_COLOR_RESET"\n", module->name); char flags[10]; strcpy(flags, "[ ]"); flags[1] = (module->implemented == 0) ? 'i' : ' '; flags[3] = generate_is_excluded_module(module->name) ? 'E' : ' '; LY_TREE_FOR(module->data, root) { log_add_verbose(2, " found "LOG_COLOR_CYAN"%s"LOG_COLOR_RESET" with name "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"%s"LOG_COLOR_RESET"\n", typeutils_yang_nodetype_to_str(root->nodetype), root->name); if((root->nodetype == LYS_CONTAINER) || (root->nodetype == LYS_LIST)) { flags[2] = ((root->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC) != 0) ? 'D' : ' '; flags[4] = ((root->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W) == 0) ? 'O' : 'R'; flags[5] = (root->nodetype == LYS_CONTAINER) ? 'C' : 'L'; log_add_verbose(1, LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"%s"LOG_COLOR_CYAN" /%s:%s\n"LOG_COLOR_RESET, flags, module->name, root->name); } else if(root->nodetype == LYS_USES) { struct lys_node *chd; LY_TREE_FOR(root->child, chd) { log_add_verbose(2, " - found "LOG_COLOR_CYAN"%s"LOG_COLOR_RESET" with name "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"%s"LOG_COLOR_RESET"\n", typeutils_yang_nodetype_to_str(chd->nodetype), chd->name); if((chd->nodetype == LYS_CONTAINER) || (chd->nodetype == LYS_LIST)) { flags[2] = ((chd->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC) != 0) ? 'D' : ' '; flags[4] = ((chd->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W) == 0) ? 'O' : 'R'; flags[5] = (chd->nodetype == LYS_CONTAINER) ? 'C' : 'L'; log_add_verbose(1, LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"%s"LOG_COLOR_CYAN" /%s:%s\n"LOG_COLOR_RESET, flags, module->name, chd->name); } } } } } log_add_verbose(1, "\n "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"i"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - not implemented | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"D"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - deprecated | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"E"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - excluded by config | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"O"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - operational datastore | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"R"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - running datastore | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"C"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - container | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"L"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - list\n\n"); return NTS_ERR_OK; } int datastore_schema_print_xpath(const char *xpath) { assert_session(); assert(xpath); if(xpath == 0) { log_error("xpath is null\n"); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } log_add_verbose(1, "printing out data structure for xpath: "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"%s"LOG_COLOR_RESET"\n", xpath); struct lys_node *elem = (struct lys_node *)ly_ctx_get_node(session_context, 0, xpath, 0); if(elem == 0) { log_error("ly_ctx_get_node failed for xpath: %s\n", xpath); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } struct lys_module *module = lys_node_module(elem); if(module == 0) { log_error("lys_node_module failed for xpath: %s\n", xpath); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } log_add_verbose(2, "module is %s @ revision %s\n", module->name, module->rev[0].date); int rc = schema_print_recursive(elem); if(rc != NTS_ERR_OK) { log_error("schema_print_recursive failed for xpath: %s\n", xpath); return NTS_ERR_FAILED; } log_add_verbose(1, "\n "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"O"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - operational datastore | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"R"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - running datastore | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"*"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - key | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"M"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - mandatory | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"D"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - deprecated | "LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"S"LOG_COLOR_RESET" - obsolete\n\n"); log_add_verbose(2, "schema_print() finished\n"); return NTS_ERR_OK; } static int schema_print_recursive(struct lys_node *root) { assert(root); char my_status[] = "[ ]"; my_status[1] = ((root->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W) == 0) ? 'O' : 'R'; my_status[2] = ((root->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE) != 0) ? 'M' : ' '; my_status[3] = ((root->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC) != 0) ? 'D' : ' '; my_status[4] = ((root->flags & LYS_STATUS_OBSLT) != 0) ? 'S' : ' '; if(((root->parent) && (root->parent->nodetype == LYS_CASE)) && ((root->parent->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE) != 0)) { my_status[2] = 'M'; } char *path = lys_data_path(root); if((root->nodetype != LYS_CHOICE) && (root->nodetype != LYS_CASE)) { log_add_verbose(1, LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"%s"LOG_COLOR_RESET" %-100s ", my_status, path); if(root->nodetype == LYS_LIST) { struct lys_node_list *list = (struct lys_node_list *)root; log_add(1, LOG_COLOR_CYAN"%s "LOG_COLOR_MAGENTA"(m: %d M: %d)"LOG_COLOR_RESET, 4 + typeutils_yang_nodetype_to_str(root->nodetype), list->min, list->max); //+4 to skip "LYS_" } else if(root->nodetype == LYS_LEAFLIST) { struct lys_node_leaflist *list = (struct lys_node_leaflist *)root; log_add(1, LOG_COLOR_CYAN"%s "LOG_COLOR_MAGENTA"(m: %d M: %d)"LOG_COLOR_RESET, 4 + typeutils_yang_nodetype_to_str(root->nodetype), list->min, list->max); //+4 to skip "LYS_" } else { log_add(1, LOG_COLOR_CYAN"%-20s"LOG_COLOR_RESET, 4 + typeutils_yang_nodetype_to_str(root->nodetype)); //+4 to skip "LYS_" } } free(path); switch(root->nodetype) { case LYS_LEAF: case LYS_LEAFLIST: { struct lys_type *type = &((struct lys_node_leaf *)root)->type; if(lys_is_key((const struct lys_node_leaf *)root, 0) != 0) { log_add(1, LOG_COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW"[*]"LOG_COLOR_RESET); } else { log_add(1, " "); } char *typestr = typeutils_type_to_str(type); log_add(1, "[%s]", typestr); free(typestr); if(root->parent) { if(root->parent->nodetype == LYS_CASE) { log_add(1, " is a "LOG_COLOR_BLUE"CASE"LOG_COLOR_RESET" of "LOG_COLOR_CYAN"%s"LOG_COLOR_RESET, root->parent->parent->name); } } if(type->base == LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) { log_add(1, " path: "LOG_COLOR_GREEN"%s"LOG_COLOR_RESET" ", type->info.lref.path); } else if(type->base == LY_TYPE_UNION) { if((type->info.uni.count == 0) && (type->der != 0)) { type = &type->der->type; } log_add(1, " available union types (%d):"LOG_COLOR_GREEN, type->info.uni.count); for(int i = 0; i < type->info.uni.count; i++) { char *typestr = typeutils_type_to_str(&type->info.uni.types[i]); log_add(1, " %s", typestr); free(typestr); } log_add(1, LOG_COLOR_RESET); } } break; default: break; } if((root->nodetype != LYS_CHOICE) && (root->nodetype != LYS_CASE)) { log_add(1, "\n"); } struct lys_node *child = 0; LY_TREE_FOR(root->child, child) { int rc = schema_print_recursive(child); if(rc != NTS_ERR_OK) { return rc; } } return NTS_ERR_OK; } static bool generate_is_excluded_module(const char *module) { assert(module); for(int i = 0; i < framework_config.datastore_generate.excluded_modules_count; i++) { if(strstr(module, framework_config.datastore_generate.excluded_modules[i]) != 0) { return true; } } return false; }