# RICDMS - [RICDMS](#ricdms) - [Building](#building) - [Local build and Run](#local-build-and-run) - [Kubernetes](#kubernetes) - [Developer Environment](#developer-environment) - [Mocking all the dependent services (chartmuseum, appmgr...)](#mocking-all-the-dependent-services-chartmuseum-appmgr) - [Running the RICDMS](#running-the-ricdms) ## Building ### Local build and Run Chekout code for [RICDMS](https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/ric-plt/ricdms) repository from gerrit. ```sh $ git clone ssh://subhash_singh@gerrit.o-ran-sc.org:29418/ric-plt/ricdms ``` build locally ```sh $ make build ``` Run the executable ```sh $./ricdms {"ts":1684321663015,"crit":"INFO","id":"ricdms","mdc":{},"msg":"Logger is initialized without config file()."} {"ts":1684321663023,"crit":"INFO","id":"ricdms","mdc":{},"msg":"Starting server at :"} 2023/05/17 11:07:43 Serving r i c d m s at http://[::]:8000 ``` It will start the RICDMS on port `:8000` ### Kubernetes Build the image ``` $ make image ``` Add the changes to `deployment/dms-config.yaml` as per your environment (refer your `.kubeconfig` file). ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: kube-env data: config: | apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster: certificate-authority-data: server: https://: name: contexts: - context: cluster: user: name: current-context: kind: Config preferences: {} users: - name: user: client-certificate-data: client-key-data: ``` Apply the deployment yaml : ``` $ kubectl apply -f deployment ``` Make sure that following pod, svc and configmap is created : ```sh $ kubectl get po,svc,config NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/dms-server-r2k64 1/1 Running 0 15s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/ric-dms-service NodePort 8000:32625/TCP 15s NAME DATA AGE configmap/kube-env 1 90s ``` ## Developer Environment ### Mocking all the dependent services (chartmuseum, appmgr...) One can bring [`moco`](https://github.com/dreamhead/moco) server to mock environment for development purpose. Mocks are captured in `mock` folder. Use below command to bring up the mock server : ```sh $ docker run --rm -d -v /home/ubuntu/osc/ric-plt/ricdms/mock:/var/moco -p 9191:8000 rezzza/docker-moco:latest ``` ### Running the RICDMS Export the `` enviroment variable to use the URLs from `` so that mock server could be used. ```bash $ export RIC_DMS_CONFIG_FILE=$(pwd)/config/config-test.yaml ``` Now, developer environment is ready :computer: