# Database as a service repository This repository containes all the needed elements to deploy database as a service to kubernetes ## Architecture Redis is the chosen database technology and the final product will deploy autonomous redis cluster. Supported deployment options are standalone Redis server and HA (Sentinel) Redis deployment. Either deployment option won't provide data persistency. ## Subsystem structure **docker** Contains dockerfiles to produce dbaas / testapplication container images **charts** Contais helm charts to deploy dbaas service / testapplication **testapplication** Contains dbaas test applications with various languages such as go, .. ## Container image creation The images must be built at subsystem root level To produce dbaas service image: ``` docker build --file docker/Dockerfile.redis --tag redis-standalone . ``` To produce testapplication image: ``` docker build --file docker/Dockerfile.testapp --tag dbaas-test . ``` ## Deployment ### DBaaS service Dbaas service is realized either with single container running redis database or with HA deployment implemented by a redis sentinel solution. Standalone dbaas database is configured to be non-persistent and non-redundant. HA dbaas provides redundancy but it is also configured to be non-persistent. After dbaas service is installed, environment variables **DBAAS_SERVICE_HOST** and **DBAAS_SERVICE_PORT** are exposed to application containers. In the case of HA dbaas deployment environment variables **DBAAS_MASTER_NAME** and **DBAAS_SERVICE_SENTINEL_PORT** are also exposed to application containers. SDL library will automatically use these environment variables. The service is installed via helm by using dbaas-service chart. Modify the values accordingly before installation (repository location, image name, ..) ``` helm install ./dbaas-service ``` ### DBaaS test application Test application is installed via helm by using dbaas-test chart. Modify the values accordingly before installation (repository location, image name, ..) ``` helm install ./dbaas-test ``` ## Testing Make sure that dbaas-service and dbaas-test application are deployed: ``` >>helm ls NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE angry-greyhound 1 Thu Mar 21 11:36:23 2019 DEPLOYED dbaas-test-0.1.0 1.0 default loitering-toad 1 Thu Mar 21 11:35:21 2019 DEPLOYED dbaas-0.1.0 1.0 default ``` Check the deployed pods ``` >>kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE dbaas-test-app-7695dbb9ff-qn8c2 1/1 Running 0 5s redis-standalone-78978f4c6f-54b2s 1/1 Running 0 66s ``` Connect to the test application container: ``` kubectl exec -it dbaas-test-app-7695dbb9ff-qn8c2 -- /bin/bash ``` In test application container: ``` The environment variables for database backend should be set: >>printenv DBAAS_SERVICE_HOST= DBAAS_SERVICE_PORT=6379 Go test application using preliminary go SDL-API should be able to perform reads and writes: >>./testapp key1:data1 key3:%!s() key2:data2 num1:1 num2:2 ------------- mix2:2 num1:1 num2:2 pair1:data1 array1:adata1 mix1:data1 mix3:data3 mix4:4 arr1: key1:data1 key2:data2 pair2:data2 array2:adata2 Redis server can be pinged with redis-cli: >>redis-cli -h $DBAAS_SERVICE_HOST -p $DBAAS_SERVICE_PORT ping PONG ``` ## License This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details