# Database as a service repository This repository containes all the needed elements to deploy database as a service to kubernetes ## Architecture Redis is the chosen database technology and the final product will deploy autonomous redis cluster. In R0 schedule, single, non-redundant, non-persistent redis server is deployed ## Subsystem structure **docker** Contains dockerfiles to produce dbaas / testapplication container images **charts** Contais helm charts to deploy dbaas service / testapplication **testapplication** Contains dbaas test applications with various languages such as go, .. ## Container image creation The images must be built at subsystem root level To produce dbaas service image: ``` docker build --file docker/Dockerfile.redis --tag redis-standalone . ``` To produce testapplication image: ``` docker build --file docker/Dockerfile.testapp --tag dbaas-test . ``` ## Deployment ### DBaaS service In R0, dbaas service is realized with single container running redis database. The database is configured to be non-persistent and non-redundant. The container exposes single port which is hardcoded to be 6379. After dbaas service is installed, environment variables **DBAAS_SERVICE_HOST** and **DBAAS_SERVICE_PORT** are exposed to application containers. SDL library will automatically use these environment variables. The service is installed via helm by using dbaas-service chart. Modify the values accordingly before installation (repository location, image name, ..) ``` helm install ./dbaas-service ``` ### DBaaS test application Test application is installed via helm by using dbaas-test chart. Modify the values accordingly before installation (repository location, image name, ..) ``` helm install ./dbaas-test ``` ## Testing Make sure that dbaas-service and dbaas-test application are deployed: ``` >>helm ls NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE angry-greyhound 1 Thu Mar 21 11:36:23 2019 DEPLOYED dbaas-test-0.1.0 1.0 default loitering-toad 1 Thu Mar 21 11:35:21 2019 DEPLOYED dbaas-0.1.0 1.0 default ``` Check the deployed pods ``` >>kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE dbaas-test-app-7695dbb9ff-qn8c2 1/1 Running 0 5s redis-standalone-78978f4c6f-54b2s 1/1 Running 0 66s ``` Connect to the test application container: ``` kubectl exec -it dbaas-test-app-7695dbb9ff-qn8c2 -- /bin/bash ``` In test application container: ``` The environment variables for database backend should be set: >>printenv DBAAS_SERVICE_HOST= DBAAS_SERVICE_PORT=6379 Go test application using preliminary go SDL-API should be able to perform reads and writes: >>./testapp key1:data1 key3:%!s() key2:data2 num1:1 num2:2 ------------- mix2:2 num1:1 num2:2 pair1:data1 array1:adata1 mix1:data1 mix3:data3 mix4:4 arr1: key1:data1 key2:data2 pair2:data2 array2:adata2 Redis server can be pinged with redis-cli: >>redis-cli -h $DBAAS_SERVICE_HOST -p $DBAAS_SERVICE_PORT ping PONG ``` ## License This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details