# Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) With respect to OAM the SMO implements the O1-interface provider. According to the O-RAN OAM Architecture and the O-RAN OAM Interface Specification, the SMO has a NetConf Client for configuration and HTTP/REST/VES Server for receiving all kind of events in a VES format. The setup contains an OpenDaylight based NetConf client and a VES Test Collector. ## Overview This docker-compose file starts a pre-configured, self-contained SDN-R solution for developer test or demo purposes * **SDN-R** single node instance ... representing the NetConf consumer on the Service Management and Orchstration framework (SMO) for the O1 interface. based on ODL-Sodium/ONAP-Guilin * **VES collector** ... representing the VES (REST) provider at SMO for all kind of events. * **DMaaP** ... representing SMO DMaaP component, includes message-router ## Prerequisites docker-compose file version 2.2 is used and tested with * Ubuntu 18.04 LTS * Docker version 19.03.x * docker-compose version 1.24.x * git version 2.17.1 * docker-compose for the solution * enable git private docker registry, if used ``` cat /etc/os-release docker --version docker-compose --version git --version cd ~ git clone https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org:29418/oam.git cd ~/oam/solution/integration/smo ``` ## Usage ### Bring Up Solution * Check (adjust if required) environment variables ``` cd ~/oam/solution/integration/smo nano .env ``` * startup solution ``` cd ~/oam/solution/integration/smo docker-compose up -d ``` ### Log files and karaf console * ODL karaf.logs ``` docker exec -it sdnr tail -f /opt/opendaylight/data/log/karaf.log ``` * karaf console access (karaf:karaf) ``` ssh karaf@localhost -p 8101 ``` * vescollector logs ``` docker logs -f vescollector ``` ### Customizing Solution '.env' file contains customizing parameters ### Verification Solution #### Access to SDN-R UX * login into SDN-R http://:8181/odlux/index.html User:admin Password:Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U ### Terminate solution To stop all container: ``` cd ~/oam/solution/integration/smo docker-compose down ``` re-start solution at any point in time with ``` cd ~/oam/solution/integration/smo docker-compose up -d ``` ### Cleanup !!! be careful if other stopped containers are on the same system ``` docker system prune -a -f ``` ### Troubleshooting