/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2020 Intel. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ /** * @brief XRAN library device (O-RU or O-DU) specific context and coresponding methods * @file xran_dev.c * @ingroup group_source_xran * @author Intel Corporation **/ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xran_fh_o_du.h" #include "xran_dev.h" #include "ethdi.h" #include "xran_printf.h" static struct xran_device_ctx *g_xran_dev_ctx[XRAN_PORTS_NUM] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; int32_t xran_dev_create_ctx(uint32_t xran_ports_num) { int32_t i = 0; struct xran_device_ctx * pCtx = NULL; if (xran_ports_num > XRAN_PORTS_NUM) return -1; pCtx = (struct xran_device_ctx *) _mm_malloc(sizeof(struct xran_device_ctx)*xran_ports_num, 64); if(pCtx){ for(i = 0; i < xran_ports_num; i++){ g_xran_dev_ctx[i] = pCtx; pCtx++; } } else { return -1; } return 0; } int32_t xran_dev_destroy_ctx(void) { if (g_xran_dev_ctx[0]) free(g_xran_dev_ctx[0]); return 0; } struct xran_device_ctx *xran_dev_get_ctx(void) { return g_xran_dev_ctx[0]; } struct xran_device_ctx **xran_dev_get_ctx_addr(void) { return &g_xran_dev_ctx[0]; } struct xran_device_ctx *xran_dev_get_ctx_by_id(uint32_t xran_port_id) { if (xran_port_id >= XRAN_PORTS_NUM) return NULL; else return g_xran_dev_ctx[xran_port_id]; } static struct xran_fh_config *xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(void *pHandle) { struct xran_device_ctx * p_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx*)pHandle; return (&(p_dev_ctx->fh_cfg)); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of eAxC ID * * @return the pointer of configuration */ struct xran_eaxcid_config *xran_get_conf_eAxC(void *pHandle) { struct xran_device_ctx * p_dev_ctx = pHandle; if(p_dev_ctx == NULL) p_dev_ctx = xran_dev_get_ctx(); if(p_dev_ctx == NULL) return NULL; return (&(p_dev_ctx->eAxc_id_cfg)); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of the total number of beamforming weights on RU * * @return Configured the number of beamforming weights */ uint8_t xran_get_conf_num_bfweights(void *pHandle) { struct xran_device_ctx * p_dev_ctx = pHandle; if(p_dev_ctx == NULL) p_dev_ctx = xran_dev_get_ctx(); if(p_dev_ctx == NULL) return 0; return (p_dev_ctx->fh_init.totalBfWeights); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of subcarrier spacing for PRACH * * @return subcarrier spacing value for PRACH */ uint8_t xran_get_conf_prach_scs(void *pHandle) { return (xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle)->prach_conf.nPrachSubcSpacing); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of FFT size for RU * * @return FFT size value for RU */ uint8_t xran_get_conf_fftsize(void *pHandle) { return (xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle)->ru_conf.fftSize); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of nummerology * * @return Configured numerology */ uint8_t xran_get_conf_numerology(void *pHandle) { return (xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle)->frame_conf.nNumerology); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of IQ bit width for RU * * @return IQ bit width for RU */ uint8_t xran_get_conf_iqwidth_prach(void *pHandle) { struct xran_fh_config *pFhCfg; pFhCfg = xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle); return ((pFhCfg->ru_conf.iqWidth_PRACH==16)?0:pFhCfg->ru_conf.iqWidth_PRACH); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of compression method for RU * * @return Compression method for RU */ uint8_t xran_get_conf_compmethod_prach(void *pHandle) { return (xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle)->ru_conf.compMeth_PRACH); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of the number of component carriers * * @return Configured the number of component carriers */ uint8_t xran_get_num_cc(void *pHandle) { return (xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle)->nCC); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of the number of antenna for UL * * @return Configured the number of antenna */ uint8_t xran_get_num_eAxc(void *pHandle) { return (xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle)->neAxc); } /** * @brief Get configuration of O-RU (Cat A or Cat B) * * @return Configured the number of antenna */ enum xran_category xran_get_ru_category(void *pHandle) { return (xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle)->ru_conf.xranCat); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of the number of antenna * * @return Configured the number of antenna */ uint8_t xran_get_num_eAxcUl(void *pHandle) { return (xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle)->neAxcUl); } /** * @brief Get the configuration of the number of antenna elements * * @return Configured the number of antenna */ uint8_t xran_get_num_ant_elm(void *pHandle) { return (xran_lib_get_ctx_fhcfg(pHandle)->nAntElmTRx); } int32_t xran_get_common_counters(void *pXranLayerHandle, struct xran_common_counters *pStats) { int32_t o_xu_id = 0; int32_t xran_port_num = 0; struct xran_device_ctx* pDev = (struct xran_device_ctx*)pXranLayerHandle; struct xran_ethdi_ctx *ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); uint16_t port, qi; if(pStats && pDev) { xran_port_num = pDev->fh_init.xran_ports; for(o_xu_id = 0; o_xu_id < XRAN_PORTS_NUM;o_xu_id++ ){ if(o_xu_id < xran_port_num ){ pStats[o_xu_id] = pDev->fh_counters; } pDev++; } if (ctx->io_cfg.id == 0 && ctx->io_cfg.num_rxq > 1) { for (port = 0; port < ctx->io_cfg.num_vfs; port++) { printf("vf %d: ", port); for (qi = 0; qi < ctx->rxq_per_port[port]; qi++){ printf("%6ld ", ctx->rx_vf_queue_cnt[port][qi]); } printf("\n"); } } return XRAN_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { return XRAN_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM; } } uint16_t xran_get_beamid(void *pHandle, uint8_t dir, uint8_t cc_id, uint8_t ant_id, uint8_t slot_id) { return (0); // NO BEAMFORMING } struct cb_elem_entry *xran_create_cb(XranSymCallbackFn cb_fn, void *cb_data, void* p_dev_ctx) { struct cb_elem_entry * cb_elm = (struct cb_elem_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct cb_elem_entry)); if(cb_elm){ cb_elm->pSymCallback = cb_fn; cb_elm->pSymCallbackTag = cb_data; cb_elm->p_dev_ctx = p_dev_ctx; } return cb_elm; } int32_t xran_destroy_cb(struct cb_elem_entry * cb_elm) { if(cb_elm) free(cb_elm); return 0; } uint16_t xran_map_ecpriRtcid_to_vf(struct xran_device_ctx *p_dev_ctx, int32_t dir, int32_t cc_id, int32_t ru_port_id) { return (p_dev_ctx->map2vf[dir][cc_id][ru_port_id][XRAN_CP_VF]); } uint16_t xran_map_ecpriPcid_to_vf(struct xran_device_ctx *p_dev_ctx, int32_t dir, int32_t cc_id, int32_t ru_port_id) { return (p_dev_ctx->map2vf[dir][cc_id][ru_port_id][XRAN_UP_VF]); } uint16_t xran_set_map_ecpriRtcid_to_vf(struct xran_device_ctx *p_dev_ctx, int32_t dir, int32_t cc_id, int32_t ru_port_id, uint16_t vf_id) { p_dev_ctx->map2vf[dir][cc_id][ru_port_id][XRAN_CP_VF] = vf_id; return XRAN_STATUS_SUCCESS; } uint16_t xran_set_map_ecpriPcid_to_vf(struct xran_device_ctx *p_dev_ctx, int32_t dir, int32_t cc_id, int32_t ru_port_id, uint16_t vf_id) { p_dev_ctx->map2vf[dir][cc_id][ru_port_id][XRAN_UP_VF] = vf_id; return XRAN_STATUS_SUCCESS; } const char * xran_pcid_str_type(struct xran_device_ctx* p_dev, int ant) { if(ant < xran_get_num_eAxcUl(p_dev)) return "PUSCH"; else if (ant >= xran_get_num_eAxcUl(p_dev) && ant < 2*xran_get_num_eAxcUl(p_dev)) return "PRACH"; else if ( ant >= xran_get_num_eAxcUl(p_dev) * 2 && ant < 2*xran_get_num_eAxcUl(p_dev) + xran_get_num_ant_elm(p_dev)) return " SRS "; else return " N/A "; } int32_t xran_init_vf_rxq_to_pcid_mapping(void *pHandle) { /* eCPRI flow supported with DPDK 21.02 or later */ #if (RTE_VER_YEAR >= 21) /* eCPRI flow supported with DPDK 21.02 or later */ struct xran_ethdi_ctx *eth_ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); uint8_t xran_port_id = 0; struct xran_device_ctx* p_dev = NULL; struct rte_flow_error error; int32_t vf_id = 0; int32_t ant = 0; int32_t cc = 0; uint16_t pc_id_be = 0; uint16_t rx_q[XRAN_VF_MAX] = { 0 }; int32_t dir = XRAN_DIR_UL; uint8_t num_eAxc = 0; uint8_t num_cc = 0; if(pHandle) { p_dev = (struct xran_device_ctx* )pHandle; xran_port_id = p_dev->xran_port_id; } else { print_err("Invalid pHandle - %p", pHandle); return (XRAN_STATUS_FAIL); } num_cc = xran_get_num_cc(p_dev); if(xran_get_ru_category(pHandle) == XRAN_CATEGORY_A) num_eAxc = xran_get_num_eAxc(p_dev); else num_eAxc = xran_get_num_eAxcUl(p_dev); num_eAxc *= 2; /* +PRACH */ num_eAxc += xran_get_num_ant_elm(p_dev); /* +SRS */ for(cc = 0; cc < num_cc; cc++) { for(ant = 0; ant < num_eAxc; ant++) { pc_id_be = xran_compose_cid(0, 0, cc, ant); vf_id = xran_map_ecpriPcid_to_vf(p_dev, dir, cc, ant); /* don't use queue 0 for eCpri Flows */ if(rx_q[vf_id] == 0) rx_q[vf_id]++; p_dev->p_iq_flow[p_dev->iq_flow_cnt] = generate_ecpri_flow(vf_id, rx_q[vf_id], pc_id_be, &error); eth_ctx->vf_and_q2pc_id[vf_id][rx_q[vf_id]] = rte_be_to_cpu_16(pc_id_be); xran_decompose_cid((uint16_t)pc_id_be, ð_ctx->vf_and_q2cid[vf_id][rx_q[vf_id]]); eth_ctx->vf_and_q2cid[vf_id][rx_q[vf_id]].bandSectorId = vf_id; eth_ctx->vf_and_q2cid[vf_id][rx_q[vf_id]].cuPortId = rx_q[vf_id]; printf("%s: p %d vf %d qi %d 0x%016p UP: dir %d cc %d (%d) ant %d (%d) type %s", __FUNCTION__, xran_port_id, vf_id, rx_q[vf_id], ð_ctx->vf_and_q2cid[vf_id][rx_q[vf_id]], dir, cc, eth_ctx->vf_and_q2cid[vf_id][rx_q[vf_id]].ccId, ant, eth_ctx->vf_and_q2cid[vf_id][rx_q[vf_id]].ruPortId, xran_pcid_str_type(p_dev, ant)); printf(" queue_id %d flow_id %d pc_id 0x%04x\n",rx_q[vf_id], p_dev->iq_flow_cnt, pc_id_be); p_dev->iq_flow_cnt++; rx_q[vf_id]++; if(rx_q[vf_id] > eth_ctx->io_cfg.num_rxq) rte_panic("Not enough RX Queues\n"); eth_ctx->rxq_per_port[vf_id] = rx_q[vf_id]; } } #endif return XRAN_STATUS_SUCCESS; } int32_t xran_init_vfs_mapping(void *pHandle) { int ctx, dir, cc, ant, i; struct xran_device_ctx* p_dev = NULL; uint8_t xran_port_id = 0; uint16_t vf_id = 0; uint16_t vf_id_cp = 0; struct xran_ethdi_ctx *eth_ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); uint16_t vf_id_all[XRAN_VF_MAX]; uint16_t total_vf_cnt = 0; if(pHandle) { p_dev = (struct xran_device_ctx* )pHandle; xran_port_id = p_dev->xran_port_id; } else { print_err("Invalid pHandle - %p", pHandle); return (XRAN_STATUS_FAIL); } memset(vf_id_all, 0, sizeof(vf_id_all)); for(i = 0; i < XRAN_VF_MAX; i++){ if(eth_ctx->vf2xran_port[i] == xran_port_id){ vf_id_all[total_vf_cnt++] = i; printf("%s: p %d vf %d\n", __FUNCTION__, xran_port_id, i); } } print_dbg("total_vf_cnt %d\n", total_vf_cnt); if(eth_ctx->io_cfg.nEthLinePerPort != (total_vf_cnt >> (1 - eth_ctx->io_cfg.one_vf_cu_plane))) { print_err("Invalid total_vf_cnt - %d [expected %d]", total_vf_cnt, eth_ctx->io_cfg.nEthLinePerPort << (1 - eth_ctx->io_cfg.one_vf_cu_plane)); return (XRAN_STATUS_FAIL); } for(dir=0; dir < 2; dir++){ for(cc=0; cc < xran_get_num_cc(p_dev); cc++){ for(ant=0; ant < xran_get_num_eAxc(p_dev)*2 + xran_get_num_ant_elm(p_dev); ant++){ if(total_vf_cnt = 2 && eth_ctx->io_cfg.one_vf_cu_plane){ if(ant & 1) { /* split ant half and half on VFs */ vf_id = vf_id_all[XRAN_UP_VF+1]; xran_set_map_ecpriPcid_to_vf(p_dev, dir, cc, ant, vf_id); vf_id_cp = vf_id_all[XRAN_UP_VF+1]; xran_set_map_ecpriRtcid_to_vf(p_dev, dir, cc, ant, vf_id_cp); } else { vf_id = vf_id_all[XRAN_UP_VF]; xran_set_map_ecpriPcid_to_vf(p_dev, dir, cc, ant, vf_id); vf_id_cp = vf_id_all[XRAN_UP_VF]; xran_set_map_ecpriRtcid_to_vf(p_dev, dir, cc, ant, vf_id_cp); } } else { vf_id = vf_id_all[XRAN_UP_VF]; xran_set_map_ecpriPcid_to_vf(p_dev, dir, cc, ant, vf_id); vf_id_cp = vf_id_all[(eth_ctx->io_cfg.one_vf_cu_plane ? XRAN_UP_VF : XRAN_CP_VF)]; xran_set_map_ecpriRtcid_to_vf(p_dev, dir, cc, ant, vf_id_cp); } print_dbg("%s: p %d vf %d UP: dir %d cc %d ant %d\n", __FUNCTION__, xran_port_id, vf_id, dir, cc, ant); print_dbg("%s: p %d vf %d CP: dir %d cc %d ant %d\n", __FUNCTION__, xran_port_id, vf_id_cp, dir, cc, ant); } } } return (XRAN_STATUS_SUCCESS); }