/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2020 Intel. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ /** * @brief XRAN layer one-way delay measurement support * @file xran_delay_measurement.c * @ingroup group_source_xran * @author Intel Corporation **/ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xran_common.h" #include "ethdi.h" #include "xran_pkt.h" #include "xran_dev.h" #include "xran_lib_mlog_tasks_id.h" #include "xran_ecpri_owd_measurements.h" #include "xran_printf.h" #include "xran_mlog_lnx.h" //#define ORAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW //#define XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW //#define XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_DELAY_INFO //#define XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_TIME_STAMPS_INFO //#define XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MEAS_DB //#define XRAN_OWD_TIMING_MODS // Support for 1-way eCPRI delay measurement per section of eCPRI Specification V2.0 uint64_t xran_ptp_to_host(uint64_t compValue) { return (rte_be_to_cpu_64(compValue)); } void xran_host_to_ptp_ts(TimeStamp *ts, struct timespec *t) { uint64_t seconds, nanoseconds; seconds = t->tv_sec; nanoseconds = t->tv_nsec%1000000000LL; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_DELAY_CONV_FUNCTIONS printf("H2P_ts tv_sec %8"PRIx64" tv_nsec %8"PRIx64" seconds %8"PRIx64" ns %8"PRIx64" \n",t->tv_sec,t->tv_nsec,seconds,nanoseconds); #endif ts->secs_msb = rte_cpu_to_be_16((rte_be16_t)((seconds >> 32) & 0xFFFF)); ts->secs_lsb = rte_cpu_to_be_32((rte_be32_t)(seconds & 0xFFFFFFFF)); ts->ns = rte_cpu_to_be_32((rte_be32_t)nanoseconds); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_DELAY_CONV_FUNCTIONS printf("Net order s_msb %4"PRIx16" s_lsb %8"PRIx32" ns %8"PRIx32" \n", ts->secs_msb, ts->secs_lsb,ts->ns ); #endif } uint64_t xran_ptp_ts_to_ns(TimeStamp *t) { uint64_t seconds, nanoseconds; uint64_t ret_value; // Convert to host order t->secs_msb=rte_be_to_cpu_16(t->secs_msb); t->secs_lsb=rte_be_to_cpu_32(t->secs_lsb); seconds = ((uint64_t)t->secs_msb << 32) | ((uint64_t)t->secs_lsb ); nanoseconds = rte_be_to_cpu_32((uint64_t)t->ns); ret_value = seconds * NS_PER_SEC + nanoseconds; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_DELAY_CONV_FUNCTIONS printf("PTP ts to ns sec_msb %4"PRIx16" secs_lsb %4"PRIx32" ns %4"PRIx32" seconds %8"PRIx64" nanosec %8"PRIx64" ret_value %8"PRIx64"\n",t->secs_msb,t->secs_lsb,t->ns,seconds, nanoseconds,ret_value); #endif return ret_value; } static inline uint64_t xran_timespec_to_ns(struct timespec *t) { uint64_t ret_val; ret_val = t->tv_sec * NS_PER_SEC + t->tv_nsec; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_DELAY_CONV_FUNCTIONS printf("t->tv_sec is %08"PRIx64" tv_nsec is %08"PRIx64" ret_val is %08"PRIx64" ts_to_ns\n",t->tv_sec,t->tv_nsec,ret_val); #endif return ret_val; } void xran_ns_to_timespec(uint64_t ns, struct timespec *t) { t->tv_sec = ns/NS_PER_SEC; t->tv_nsec = ns % NS_PER_SEC; } void xran_initialize_and_verify_owd_pl_length(void* handle) { struct xran_device_ctx * p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; if ((p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id].owdm_PlLength == 0)||(p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id].owdm_PlLength < MIN_OWDM_PL_LENGTH)) { // Use default length value p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id].owdm_PlLength = MIN_OWDM_PL_LENGTH; } else if ( p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id].owdm_PlLength > MAX_OWDM_PL_LENGTH) { p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id].owdm_PlLength = MAX_OWDM_PL_LENGTH; } } void xran_adjust_timing_parameters(void* Handle) { struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx*)Handle; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_TIMING_MODS printf("delayAvg is %d and DELAY_THRESHOLD is %d \n", p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][0].delayAvg, DELAY_THRESHOLD); #endif if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][0].delayAvg < DELAY_THRESHOLD ) { /* Modify the timing parameters */ if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_max_up >= ADJUSTMENT) p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_max_up -= ADJUSTMENT; if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T2a_max_up >= ADJUSTMENT) p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T2a_max_up -= ADJUSTMENT; if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.Ta3_min >= ADJUSTMENT) p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.Ta3_min -= ADJUSTMENT; if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_max_cp_dl >= ADJUSTMENT) p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_max_cp_dl -= ADJUSTMENT; if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_min_up >= ADJUSTMENT) p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_min_up -= ADJUSTMENT; if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_max_up >= ADJUSTMENT) p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_max_up -= ADJUSTMENT; if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.Ta4_min >= ADJUSTMENT) p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.Ta4_min -= ADJUSTMENT; if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.Ta4_max >= ADJUSTMENT) p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.Ta4_max -= ADJUSTMENT; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_TIMING_MODS printf("Mod T1a_max_up is %d\n",p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_max_up); printf("Mod T2a_max_up is %d\n",p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T2a_max_up); printf("Mod Ta3_min is %d\n",p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.Ta3_min); printf("Mod T1a_max_cp_dl is %d\n",p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_max_cp_dl); printf("Mod T1a_min_up is %d\n",p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_min_up); printf("Mod T1a_max_up is %d\n",p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.T1a_max_up); printf("Mod Ta4_min is %d\n",p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.Ta4_min); printf("Mod Ta4_max is %d\n",p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_cfg.Ta4_max); #endif } } void xran_compute_and_report_delay_estimate (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port *portData, uint16_t totalSamples, uint16_t id ) { uint16_t i; uint64_t *samples= portData->delaySamples; for (i=2 ; i < MX_NUM_SAMPLES; i++) //Ignore first 2 samples { portData->delayAvg += samples[i]; } // Average the delay by the number of samples if ((totalSamples != 0)&&(totalSamples > 2)) { portData->delayAvg /= (totalSamples-2); } // Report Average with printf flockfile(stdout); printf("OWD for port %i is %lu [ns] id %d \n", portData->portid, portData->delayAvg, id); funlockfile(stdout); } int xran_get_delay_measurements_results (void* handle, uint16_t port_id, uint8_t id, uint64_t* pdelay_avg) { int ret_value = FAIL; struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx*)handle; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* powdp = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[id][port_id]; // Check is the one way delay measurement completed successfully if (powdp->msState == XRAN_OWDM_DONE) { *pdelay_avg = powdp->delayAvg; ret_value = OK; } return (ret_value); } void xran_build_owd_meas_ecpri_hdr(char* mbuf, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* eowdcmn) { union xran_ecpri_cmn_hdr *tmp= (union xran_ecpri_cmn_hdr*)mbuf; /* Fill common header */ tmp->bits.ecpri_ver = XRAN_ECPRI_VER; tmp->bits.ecpri_resv = 0; // should be zero tmp->bits.ecpri_concat = 0; tmp->bits.ecpri_mesg_type = ECPRI_DELAY_MEASUREMENT; tmp->bits.ecpri_payl_size = 10 + eowdcmn->owdm_PlLength; tmp->bits.ecpri_payl_size = rte_cpu_to_be_16(tmp->bits.ecpri_payl_size); } void xran_add_at_and_measId_info_to_header(void* pbuf, uint8_t actionType, uint8_t MeasurementID) { struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl* tmp = (struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl*)pbuf; // Fill ActionType and MeasurementId tmp->ActionType = actionType; tmp->MeasurementID = MeasurementID; } void xran_initialize_ecpri_del_meas_port(struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* pCmn, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* pPort, uint16_t full) { uint16_t i=0; // Initialize port parameters during the first pass pPort->currentMeasID++; pPort->runMeas = 1; pPort->txDone = 0; if (full) { pPort->numMeas = 0; pPort->portid = pCmn->measVf; pPort->delayAvg = 0; pPort->delta = 0; pPort->t1 = 0; pPort->t2 = 0; pPort->tr = 0; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MEAS_DB printf("Clearing t1 and delta\n"); #endif for (i=0; i < MX_NUM_SAMPLES; i++) { pPort->delaySamples[i] = 0; } } // Set msState based on measMethod and whether the FHI is initiator or recipient if (pCmn->initiator_en) { switch (pCmn->measMethod) { case XRAN_REQUEST: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITRESP; break; case XRAN_REM_REQ: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITREQ; break; case XRAN_REQ_WFUP: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITRESP; break; case XRAN_REM_REQ_WFUP: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITREQWFUP; break; default: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITRESP; break; } } else { switch (pCmn->measMethod) { case XRAN_REQUEST: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITREQ; break; case XRAN_REM_REQ: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITREMREQ; break; case XRAN_REQ_WFUP: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITREQWFUP; break; case XRAN_REM_REQ_WFUP: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITREMREQWFUP; break; default: pPort->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITREQ; break; } } } int32_t xran_ecpri_port_update_required (struct xran_io_cfg * cfg, uint16_t port_id) { int32_t ret_value = 0; int32_t* port = &cfg->port[0]; if (cfg != NULL) { struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* eowdp = &cfg->eowd_port[cfg->id][port_id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* eowdc = &cfg->eowd_cmn[cfg->id]; // Check if the current port has completed all the measurements to move to the next port if (eowdp->numMeas == eowdc->numberOfSamples) { // Mark state as done and move to the next port if (port_id < cfg->num_vfs) { port_id++; if (port[port_id] == 0xFF) { // Done with all ports disable further execution eowdc->owdm_enable = 0; } else { eowdc->measVf++; eowdp= &cfg->eowd_port[cfg->id][port_id]; // Initialize the next port #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MEAS_DB printf("Init call_1 port %d\n", port_id); #endif xran_initialize_ecpri_del_meas_port(eowdc, eowdp,1); } ret_value = 1; // Wait for the next pass through the loop to go to the next port } else { // Disable the measurements eowdc->owdm_enable = 0; ret_value = 1; } } else { // Continue running on the same port ret_value = 0; // xran_initialize_ecpri_del_meas_port(eowdc, eowdp,0); //Now this logic is driven by the receiver } } else { errx(1, "Exit 1 epur with cfg null"); } return ret_value; } /** * @brief ecpri 2.0 one-way delay measurement transmitter control * * @ingroup group_source_xran * * @param port_id * port_id to be used * @param handle * Pointer to an xran_device_ctx (cast) * * @return * OK on success * FAIL if failed to process the packet */ int xran_ecpri_one_way_delay_measurement_transmitter(uint16_t port_id, void* handle) { // The ecpri one way delay measurement transmitter handles the transmission // of the owd measurement packets on each of the vfs present in the system in a sequential order // so the owd_meas_method is provided from the configuration file and it can be one of 4 possible // methods: REQUEST, REM_REQ, REQ_WFUP or REM_REQ_WFUP // In the current implementation the measurement is performed on one vf until completion of the number // of measurements defined from the configuration file. // A variable in the xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn keeps track of the current vf that is using the transmitter and // when the current vf completes all the measurements it moves to the next vf until all of the vfs complete // the measurements // In the current implementation the measurements start after the xran_if_current_state has reached the // XRAN_RUNNING state (i.e. after having executed the xran_start()) // The measurements run only once for the current release. int ret_value = FAIL; struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* powdc = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* powdp = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][port_id]; if (powdc->measState == OWDMTX_INIT) { // Perform the initialization for the very first call to the transmitter for a given port powdc->measVf = port_id; powdc->measState = OWDMTX_ACTIVE; // Check whether PL length was passed in config file and if it is within bounds if ((powdc->owdm_PlLength == 0)|| ( powdc->owdm_PlLength < MIN_OWDM_PL_LENGTH )) { // Use default length value powdc->owdm_PlLength = MIN_OWDM_PL_LENGTH; } else if ( powdc->owdm_PlLength > MAX_OWDM_PL_LENGTH) { powdc->owdm_PlLength = MAX_OWDM_PL_LENGTH; } #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MEAS_DB printf("Clear call 2 port_id %d\n", port_id); #endif xran_initialize_ecpri_del_meas_port(powdc, powdp,1); } // Initiator State Machine , recipient state machine driven from process_delay_meas() // printf("owdm tx w state %d runMeas %d inen %d\n", powdp->msState,powdp->runMeas,powdc->initiator_en); if ((powdp->runMeas != 0 )&&(powdc->initiator_en != 0)) // Current port still running measurements { switch (powdp->msState) { case XRAN_OWDM_WAITRESP: // Check the measmethod to define the action if (powdc->measMethod == XRAN_REQUEST) { if (!powdp->txDone) { #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("owdm ecpri tx req gen\n"); #endif if (xran_generate_delay_meas(port_id, handle, (uint8_t)ECPRI_REQUEST, powdc->measId) == 0 ) { errx(1, "Exit 1 owdm tx port_id %d measId %d", port_id, powdc->measId); } powdp->txDone =1; } } else { // The only else corresponds to XRAN_REQ_WFUP if (!powdp->txDone) { #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("owdm ecpri tx req w fup gen\n"); #endif if (xran_generate_delay_meas(port_id, handle, (uint8_t)ECPRI_REQUEST_W_FUP , powdc->measId) == 0 ) { errx(1, "Exit 2 owdm tx port_id %d measId %d", port_id, powdc->measId ); } powdp->txDone=0; // Needs fup } } break; case XRAN_OWDM_WAITREQ: if (!powdp->txDone) { #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("owdm ecpri tx rem req gen\n"); #endif if (xran_generate_delay_meas(port_id, handle, (uint8_t)ECPRI_REMOTE_REQ , powdc->measId) == 0 ) { errx(1, "Exit 3 owdm tx port_id %d measId %d", port_id, powdc->measId ); } powdp->txDone=1; } break; case XRAN_OWDM_WAITREQWFUP: if (!powdp->txDone) { #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("owdm ecpri tx rem req w fup gen\n"); #endif if (xran_generate_delay_meas(port_id, handle, (uint8_t)ECPRI_REMOTE_REQ_W_FUP , powdc->measId) == 0 ) { errx(1, "Exit 4 owdm tx port_id %d measId %d", port_id, powdc->measId ); } powdp->txDone=1; } break; case XRAN_OWDM_GENFUP: if (!powdp->txDone) { #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("owdm ecpri follow up gen\n"); #endif if (xran_generate_delay_meas(port_id, handle, (uint8_t)ECPRI_FOLLOW_UP , powdc->measId) == 0 ) { errx(1, "Exit 4 owdm tx port_id %d measId %d", port_id, powdc->measId ); } powdp->txDone=1; } break; case XRAN_OWDM_WAITFUP: case XRAN_OWDM_DONE: case XRAN_OWDM_IDLE: // Transmitter doesn't have to do anything in these states break; default: errx(1, "Exit 5 owdm tx port_id %d measId %d id %d state %d", port_id, powdc->measId, p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id, powdp->msState ); } } ret_value = OK; return ret_value; } /** * @brief Generate a Delay Measurement packet * Transport layer fragmentation is not supported. * * @ingroup group_source_xran * * @param port_id * port_id to be used * @param handle * Pointer to an xran_device_ctx (cast) * @param actionType * actionType to be used in the owd measurement packet * @param MeasurementID * MeasurementID to be populated in the owd measurement packet * @return * OK on success * FAIL if failed to process the packet */ int xran_generate_delay_meas(uint16_t port_id, void* handle, uint8_t actionType, uint8_t MeasurementID ) { struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pkt *ecpri_delmeas_pkt; int pkt_len; struct rte_mbuf *mbuf,*pkt; char* pChar; struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl * pdm= NULL; uint64_t tcv1,tr2m,trm; struct timespec tr2, tr; struct xran_io_cfg* cfg = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* powdc = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* powdp = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][port_id]; int32_t *port = &cfg->port[port_id]; int ret_value = FAIL; struct rte_ether_addr addr; uint16_t ethertype = ETHER_TYPE_ECPRI; // printf("in xran_generate_delay_meas for action_type %d\n", actionType); pkt_len = sizeof(struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt); // Allocate a buffer from the pool mbuf =xran_ethdi_mbuf_alloc(); if (mbuf == NULL) { MLogPrint(NULL); errx(1,"exit 1 owdm gen"); } pChar = rte_pktmbuf_append(mbuf, pkt_len); if (pChar == NULL) { MLogPrint(NULL); errx(1,"exit 2 owdm gen"); } pChar = rte_pktmbuf_prepend(mbuf, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); if (pChar == NULL) { MLogPrint(NULL); errx(1,"exit 3 owdm gen"); } struct xran_ethdi_ctx *ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); struct rte_ether_hdr *h = (struct rte_ether_hdr *)rte_pktmbuf_mtod(mbuf, struct rte_ether_hdr*); PANIC_ON(h == NULL, "mbuf prepend of ether_hdr failed"); /* Fill in the ethernet header. */ rte_eth_macaddr_get(port_id, &h->s_addr); /* set source addr */ if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id) { // rte_ether_addr_copy( (struct rte_ether_addr *)p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.p_o_du_addr[port_id],&h->d_addr); h->d_addr = ctx->entities[port_id][ID_O_DU]; /* set dst addr */ } else { h->d_addr = ctx->entities[port_id][ID_O_RU]; /* set dst addr */ // rte_ether_addr_copy( (struct rte_ether_addr *)p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.p_o_ru_addr[port_id],&h->d_addr); } h->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(ethertype); /* ethertype too */ mbuf->port = ctx->io_cfg.port[port_id]; // Prepare the ecpri header info // Advance pointer to the begining of the ecpri common header pChar = pChar + sizeof (struct rte_ether_hdr); xran_build_owd_meas_ecpri_hdr(pChar, powdc ); // Advance pointer to the begining of the xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl pChar = pChar + sizeof (union xran_ecpri_cmn_hdr); xran_add_at_and_measId_info_to_header(pChar, actionType, MeasurementID); pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl *)rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(mbuf, struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl *, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) + sizeof(union xran_ecpri_cmn_hdr)); switch (actionType) { // For owd meas originator there are a subset of actionTypes used see ecpri 2.0 Figures 25 and 26 for the details case ECPRI_REQUEST: // Record t1, prepare Request Message and determine tcv1 and include both time stamps in the packet // 1) Record the current timestamp when the preparation of the message started i.e. t1 if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr )) // t1 { return ret_value; } trm = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_TIME_STAMPS_INFO printf("trm at gen is %8"PRIx64" \n", trm); #endif // 2) Prepare the delay measurement request packet pdm->ActionType = ECPRI_REQUEST; // 3) Record the current timestamp at the moment that the delay measurement packet is ready to be transmitted tr2 i.e.t1+tcv1 and write it // to the Delay Measurement request packet PL field if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr2 )) // ts { return ret_value; } // 4) Convert host to ptp time stamp format for tr and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->ts, &tr); // 5) Convert from Timestamp tr2 to ns before computing the compensation value tr2m = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr2); // 6) Compute tcv1 as tr2m-trm tcv1 = tr2m - trm; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_TIME_STAMPS_INFO printf("tcv1 is %08"PRIx64"\n",tcv1); #endif // 7) write tcv1 to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement request packet pdm->CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(tcv1); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_TIME_STAMPS_INFO printf("compensation value after net order %8"PRIx64" \n", pdm->CompensationValue); #endif // 8) Store t1 and tcv1 to be used later once we get the response message powdp->currentMeasID = pdm->MeasurementID; powdp->t1 = trm; powdp->delta = tcv1; powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITRESP; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_TIME_STAMPS_INFO printf("At req gen t1 %8"PRIx64" and delta %8"PRIx64" port %d \n",powdp->t1,powdp->delta,port_id); #endif break; case ECPRI_REMOTE_REQ: // Prepare and send Remote Request Message with zero timestamp and correction values tr.tv_sec = 0; tr.tv_nsec = 0; tcv1 = 0; // Convert host to ptp time stamp format for tr and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->ts, &tr); // write zero to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement remote request packet pdm->CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(tcv1); // 1) Prepare the delay measurement request packet pdm->ActionType = ECPRI_REMOTE_REQ; // 2) Store MeasurementID and msState to be checked once the Request Message is received powdp->currentMeasID = pdm->MeasurementID; powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITREQ; break; case ECPRI_REQUEST_W_FUP: // Record t1, prepare Request with follow up Message and determine tcv1, send zero timestamp and correction value in the packet // 1) Record the current timestamp when the message preparation started i.e. t1 if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr )) // t1 { return ret_value; } trm = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr); // 2) Prepare the delay measurement remote request with follow up packet pdm->ActionType = ECPRI_REQUEST_W_FUP; // 3) Record the current timestamp at the moment that the delay measurement packet is ready to be transmitted tr2 i.e.t1+tcv1 if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr2 )) // ts { return ret_value; } // 4) Convert from Timestamp tr2 to ns before computing the compensation value tr2m = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr2); // 5) Compute tcv1 as tr2m-trm tcv1 = tr2m - trm; // Prepare and send Remote Request Message with zero timestamp and correction values tr.tv_sec = 0; tr.tv_nsec = 0; powdp->delta = tcv1; // Save tcv1 while waiting for the Response tcv1 = 0; // Convert host to ptp time stamp format for tr and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->ts, &tr); // write zero to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement remote request packet pdm->CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(tcv1); // 6) Store MeasurementID and msState to be checked once the Request Message is received powdp->currentMeasID = pdm->MeasurementID; powdp->t1 = trm; powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_GENFUP; break; case ECPRI_FOLLOW_UP: // Use the t1 and tcv1 values recorded in the ECPRI_REQUEST_W_FUP packet generation step and send these values in the follow up packet // 1) Prepare the delay measurement follow up packet pdm->ActionType = ECPRI_FOLLOW_UP; // 2) Convert t1 from host to ptp format xran_ns_to_timespec(powdp->t1, &tr); // 3) Convert host to ptp time stamp format for tr and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->ts, &tr); // 4) write tcv1 to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement request packet pdm->CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(powdp->delta); powdp->currentMeasID = pdm->MeasurementID; powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITRESP; break; case ECPRI_REMOTE_REQ_W_FUP: // Prepare the Remote Request with follow up Message, send zero timestamp and correction value in the packet tr.tv_sec = 0; tr.tv_nsec = 0; tcv1 = 0; // Convert host to ptp time stamp format for tr and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->ts, &tr); // write zero to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement remote request packet pdm->CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(tcv1); // 1) Prepare the delay measurement request packet pdm->ActionType = ECPRI_REMOTE_REQ_W_FUP; // 2) Store MeasurementID and msState to be checked once the Request Message is received powdp->currentMeasID = pdm->MeasurementID; powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITREQWFUP; break; default: errx(1,"exit 4 owdm gen"); break; } // printf("xran_gen_del_4n"); // Retrieve Ethernet Header for the port and copy to the packet rte_eth_macaddr_get(port_id, &addr); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_PKTS printf("id is %d\n", p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id); printf("Port %u SRC MAC: %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8 " %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8"\n", (unsigned)port_id, addr.addr_bytes[0], addr.addr_bytes[1], addr.addr_bytes[2], addr.addr_bytes[3], addr.addr_bytes[4], addr.addr_bytes[5]); #endif if (p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id) { #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_PKTS int8_t *pa = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.p_o_du_addr[0]; printf("DST_MAC: %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8"\n", pa[0],pa[1],pa[2],pa[3],pa[4],pa[5]); #endif rte_ether_addr_copy((struct rte_ether_addr *)&p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.p_o_du_addr[0], (struct rte_ether_addr *)&h->d_addr.addr_bytes[0]); } else { #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_PKTS int8_t *pb = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.p_o_ru_addr[0]; printf("DST_MAC: %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8"\n", pb[0],pb[1],pb[2],pb[3],pb[4],pb[5]); #endif rte_ether_addr_copy((struct rte_ether_addr *)&p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.p_o_ru_addr[0], (struct rte_ether_addr *)&h->d_addr.addr_bytes[0]); } #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_PKTS uint8_t *pc = &h->s_addr.addr_bytes[0]; printf(" Src MAC from packet: %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8"\n", pc[0],pc[1],pc[2],pc[3],pc[4],pc[5]); uint8_t *pd = &h->d_addr.addr_bytes[0]; printf(" Dst MAC from packet: %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8"\n", pd[0],pd[1],pd[2],pd[3],pd[4],pd[5]); #endif // Copy dest address from above // Send out the packet ret_value = rte_eth_tx_burst((uint16_t)*port, 0, &mbuf, 1); // Try using the normal scheme of passing through the ring // ret_value = xran_enqueue_mbuf(mbuf, ctx->tx_ring[port_id]); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_PKTS printf("owdt rte_eth_tx_burst returns %d for port %d\n", ret_value,port_id); #endif return ret_value; } /** * @brief Process a Delay Measurement Request packet * * @ingroup group_source_xran * * @param mbuf * The pointer of the packet buffer to be processed * @param handle * Pointer to an xran_device_ctx (cast) * @param xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl * Pointer to an eCPRI delay measurement PL * @return * OK on success * FAIL if failed to process the packet */ int xran_process_delmeas_request(struct rte_mbuf *pkt, void* handle, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* ptr, uint16_t port_id) { int ret_value = FAIL; struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl *txDelayHdr; TimeStamp pt1; struct rte_mbuf* pkt1; char* pchar; uint64_t tcv1, tcv2,t2m,trm, td12, t1m; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *pdm= NULL; union xran_ecpri_cmn_hdr *cmn; struct timespec tr, t2; struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* powdc = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* powdp = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][port_id]; struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr; struct rte_ether_addr addr; struct xran_ethdi_ctx *ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); //101620 struct xran_io_cfg* cfg = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg; // struct xran_io_cfg *cfg = &ctx->io_cfg; int32_t *port = &cfg->port[port_id]; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("RX ecpri Measure Request \n"); #endif // Since we are processing the receipt of a delay measurement request packet the following actions // need to be taken (Per eCPRI V2.0 Figure 25) // 1) Record the current timestamp when the message was received i.e. tr if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr )) // tr { errx(1, "Exit 1 owd rx f1 port_id %d", port_id); return ret_value; } trm = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr); // 2) Copy MeasurementID to the Delay Measurement Response packet // but first prepend ethernet header since the info is still in the buffer // pchar = rte_pktmbuf_prepend(pkt, (uint16_t)(sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)+ sizeof(union xran_ecpri_cmn_hdr ))); // Pointer to new data start address 10/20/20 Now not removing ecpri_cmn in process_delay_meas pchar = rte_pktmbuf_prepend(pkt, (uint16_t)sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); pkt1 = rte_pktmbuf_copy(pkt, _eth_mbuf_pool, 0, UINT32_MAX); pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(pkt1, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); // 3) Get time stamp T1 from the Timestamp field i.e. t1 pt1 = pdm->deMeasPl.ts; // 3a) Convert to ns in the host format t1m = xran_ptp_ts_to_ns(&pt1); // 4) Get the compensation value from the packet i.e. tcv1 tcv1 = rte_be_to_cpu_64(pdm->deMeasPl.CompensationValue); // 5) Prepare the delay measurement response packet pdm->deMeasPl.ActionType = ECPRI_RESPONSE; // 6) Record the current timestamp at the moment that the delay measurement packet is ready to be transmitted i.e.t2 and write it // to the Delay Measurement response packet PL field if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t2 )) // t2 { errx(1,"Exit 2 owd rx f1 port_id %d", port_id); return ret_value; } // 7) Convert host to ptp time stamp format for t2 and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->deMeasPl.ts, &t2); // 8) Convert from Timestamp t2 to ns before computing the compensation value t2m = xran_timespec_to_ns(&t2); // 9) Compute tcv2 as t2-tr tcv2 = t2m - trm; // 10) write cv2 to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement response packet pdm->deMeasPl.CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(tcv2); // 11) Fill the ethernet header properly by swapping src and dest addressed from the copied frame eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt1, struct rte_ether_hdr *); /* Swap dest and src mac addresses. */ rte_ether_addr_copy(ð_hdr->d_addr, &addr); rte_ether_addr_copy(ð_hdr->s_addr, ð_hdr->d_addr); rte_ether_addr_copy(&addr, ð_hdr->s_addr); // Still need to check ol_flags state and update if necessary // Compute the delay td12 and save // Still need to define the DB to save the info and run averages td12 = t2m - tcv2 - (t1m + tcv1); // 12) Send the response right away struct rte_ether_hdr *h = (struct rte_ether_hdr *)rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt1, struct rte_ether_hdr*); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_PKTS uint8_t *pc = &h->s_addr.addr_bytes[0]; printf(" Src MAC from packet: %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8"\n", pc[0],pc[1],pc[2],pc[3],pc[4],pc[5]); uint8_t *pd = &h->d_addr.addr_bytes[0]; printf(" Dst MAC from packet: %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8"\n", pd[0],pd[1],pd[2],pd[3],pd[4],pd[5]); // printf("EtherType: %04"PRIx16" \n",&h->ether_type); #endif pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(pkt1, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) ); pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size = 10 + powdc->owdm_PlLength; // 10 correponds to the xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl minus the dummy_bytes field which now allows the user to select the length for this field to be sent pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size = rte_cpu_to_be_16(pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size); pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_mesg_type = ECPRI_DELAY_MEASUREMENT; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_TIME_STAMPS_INFO printf ("pdm has:%02"PRIx8" %04"PRIx16" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" \n", pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_mesg_type, pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size, pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_ver,pdm->deMeasPl.MeasurementID); #endif // Copy dest address from above ret_value = rte_eth_tx_burst((uint16_t)*port, 0, &pkt1, 1); // Need to check for the proper method of getting the port and mac address #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf ("in dly ms req sending response rte_eth_tx_burst returns %d for port %d\n",ret_value, *port); #endif // 13) Update measurements DB and check if completed powdp->delaySamples[powdp->numMeas]= td12 ; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_DELAY_INFO printf("Computed delay is %08"PRIx64" MeasNum %d portId %d id is %d \n",powdp->delaySamples[powdp->numMeas],powdp->numMeas, port_id, p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id); #endif powdp->numMeas++; if (powdp->numMeas == powdc->numberOfSamples) { xran_compute_and_report_delay_estimate(powdp, powdc->numberOfSamples, p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id); powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_DONE; xran_if_current_state = XRAN_RUNNING; } else { // powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_IDLE; if (powdc->initiator_en) { // Reinitialize txDone for next pass powdp->txDone = 0; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MEAS_DB printf("Clear call 3 port id %d \n", port_id); #endif xran_initialize_ecpri_del_meas_port(powdc, powdp,0); } } return 1; } int xran_process_delmeas_request_w_fup(struct rte_mbuf *pkt, void* handle, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* ptr, uint16_t port_id) { int ret_value = FAIL; struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl* txDelayHdr; TimeStamp pt2; struct rte_mbuf* pkt1; uint64_t trm; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* pdm= ptr; struct timespec tr; struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* powdc = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* powdp = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][port_id]; struct xran_ethdi_ctx *const ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); struct xran_io_cfg *cfg = &ctx->io_cfg; int32_t* port = &cfg->port[port_id]; // Since we are processing the receipt of a delay measurement request with follow up packet the following actions // need to be taken (Per eCPRI V2.0 Figure 26) #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("RX ecpri Measure Request with fup\n"); #endif pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*); // Record tr and save to memory with the associated measurement Id and Port // 1) Record the current timestamp when the message was received i.e. tr if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr )) // tr { errx(1, "Exit 1 owd rx f2 port_id %d",port_id); return ret_value; } trm = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr); // Save trm so when the Follow Up packet is received we can compute tcv2 as t2-trm powdp->tr = trm; // Save the measurement Id powdp->currentMeasID = pdm->deMeasPl.MeasurementID; // Change the state to waiting for follow up powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITFUP; return ret_value; } int xran_process_delmeas_response(struct rte_mbuf *pkt, void* handle, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* ptr, uint16_t port_id) { int ret_value = 1; struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl* txDelayHdr; TimeStamp pt2; struct rte_mbuf* pkt1; uint64_t tcv1, tcv2,t2m,trm, td12; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* pdm; struct timespec tr, t2; struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* powdc = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* powdp = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][port_id]; struct xran_ethdi_ctx *const ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); struct xran_io_cfg *cfg = &ctx->io_cfg; struct xran_io_cfg* cfg1 = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg; int32_t* port = &cfg->port[port_id]; // Since we are processing the receipt of a delay measurement response packet the following actions // need to be taken (Per eCPRI V2.0 Figure 25) // Need to know if a Remote Request was processed against this measurement ID if so then the receipt of the response // is used to compute the one-way delay as td= (t2-tcv2) - (t1+tcv1) with t2, tcv2 contained in the packet and // t1 and tcv1 stored from the previous Remote Request packet processing task #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("RX ecpri Measure Response \n"); #endif pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)(struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *)rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *); // Save the measurement Id powdp->currentMeasID = pdm->deMeasPl.MeasurementID; // 1) Get time stamp T2 from the Timestamp field i.e. t2 pt2 = pdm->deMeasPl.ts; // 2a) Convert to ns in the host format t2m = xran_ptp_ts_to_ns(&pt2); // 3) Get the compensation value from the packet i.e. tcv2 tcv2 = rte_be_to_cpu_64(pdm->deMeasPl.CompensationValue); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_TIME_STAMPS_INFO printf ("tcv2 at Gen is %08"PRIx64" \n",tcv2); #endif // Compute the delay using the stored t1 and tcv1 used in the request message // td= (t2-tcv2) - (t1+tcv1) where t1 and tcv1 have been stored previously for the same measurement ID #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_TIME_STAMPS_INFO printf("Delay comp at orig has t2m %08"PRIx64" tcv2 %08"PRIx64" t1 %08"PRIx64" delta %08"PRIx64" port_id %d \n", t2m,tcv2,powdp->t1 ,powdp->delta,port_id); #endif powdp->delaySamples[powdp->numMeas]= (t2m-tcv2) -(powdp->t1 + powdp->delta); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_DELAY_INFO printf("Computed delay is %08"PRIx64" MeasNum %d portId %d id is %d \n",powdp->delaySamples[powdp->numMeas],powdp->numMeas, port_id,p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id ); #endif powdp->numMeas++; if (powdp->numMeas == powdc->numberOfSamples) { xran_compute_and_report_delay_estimate(powdp, powdc->numberOfSamples,p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id); powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_DONE; xran_if_current_state= XRAN_RUNNING; } else { // powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_IDLE; if (powdc->initiator_en) { // Reinitialize txDone for next pass powdp->txDone = 0; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MEAS_DB printf("Clear call_4 port_id %d \n", port_id); #endif xran_initialize_ecpri_del_meas_port(powdc, powdp,0); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MEAS_DB printf("Reseting done \n"); #endif } } // Needs work and change ret_value to OK return ret_value; } int xran_process_delmeas_rem_request(struct rte_mbuf *pkt, void* handle, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* ptr, uint16_t port_id) { int ret_value = FAIL; struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl* txDelayHdr; struct rte_mbuf* pkt1; uint64_t tcv1,tr2m,trm; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* pdm; char* pchar; struct timespec tr2, tr; struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr; struct rte_ether_addr addr; struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* powdc = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* powdp = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][port_id]; struct xran_ethdi_ctx *const ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); struct xran_io_cfg *cfg = &ctx->io_cfg; int32_t* port = &cfg->port[port_id]; // Since we are processing the receipt of a delay measurement remote request packet the following actions // need to be taken (Per eCPRI V2.0 Figure 25) #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("RX ecpri Measure Remote Request \n"); #endif // 1) Record the current timestamp when the message was received i.e. t1 if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr )) // t1 { errx(1,"Exit 1 owd rx f4 port_id %d", port_id); return ret_value; } trm = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr); // 2) Copy MeasurementID to the Delay Measurement Request packet // but first prepend ethernet header since the info is still in the buffer pchar = rte_pktmbuf_prepend(pkt, (uint16_t)sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); pkt1 = rte_pktmbuf_copy(pkt, _eth_mbuf_pool, 0, UINT32_MAX); pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(pkt1, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); // 3) Prepare the delay measurement request packet pdm->deMeasPl.ActionType = ECPRI_REQUEST; // 4) Record the current timestamp at the moment that the delay measurement packet is ready to be transmitted tr2 i.e.t1+tcv1 and write it // to the Delay Measurement request packet PL field if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr2 )) // tr2 { errx(1,"Exit 2 owd rx f4 port_id %d", port_id); return ret_value; } // 5) Convert host to ptp time stamp format for tr2 and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->deMeasPl.ts, &tr); // 6) Convert from Timestamp tr2 to ns before computing the compensation value tr2m = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr2); // 7) Compute tcv1 as tr2m-trm tcv1 = tr2m - trm; // 8) write tcv1 to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement request packet pdm->deMeasPl.CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(tcv1); // 9) Fill the ethernet header properly by swapping src and dest addressed from the copied frame eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt1, struct rte_ether_hdr *); /* Swap dest and src mac addresses. */ rte_ether_addr_copy(ð_hdr->d_addr, &addr); rte_ether_addr_copy(ð_hdr->s_addr, ð_hdr->d_addr); rte_ether_addr_copy(&addr, ð_hdr->s_addr); // 10) Send the response right away pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(pkt1, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) ); pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size = 10 + powdc->owdm_PlLength; // 10 correponds to the xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl minus the dummy_bytes field which now allows the user to select the length for this field to be sent pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size = rte_cpu_to_be_16(pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size); pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_mesg_type = ECPRI_DELAY_MEASUREMENT; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("Ecpri Measure Sending Request Msg \n"); #endif ret_value = rte_eth_tx_burst((uint16_t)*port, 0, &pkt1, 1); // Need to check for the proper method of getting the port and mac address // Still need to check ol_flags state and update if necessary // Save the computed delays and the measurementId powdp->t1 = trm; powdp->delta = tcv1; powdp->currentMeasID = pdm->deMeasPl.MeasurementID; powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITRESP; return ret_value; } int xran_process_delmeas_rem_request_w_fup(struct rte_mbuf* pkt, void* handle, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* ptr, uint16_t port_id) { int ret_value = FAIL; struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl* txDelayHdr; TimeStamp pt2; struct rte_mbuf* pkt1; struct rte_mbuf* pkt2; uint64_t tcv1,tsm,t1; struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr; struct rte_ether_addr addr; struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* powdc = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* powdp = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][port_id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* pdm; struct timespec tr, ts; char* pchar; struct xran_ethdi_ctx *const ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); struct xran_io_cfg *cfg = &ctx->io_cfg; int32_t* port = &cfg->port[port_id]; tsm = 0; // Since we are processing the receipt of a delay measurement remote request with follow up packet the following // actions need to be taken (Per eCPRI V2.0 Figure 26) // record t1 for the packet arrival time and then prepare Request with follow up packet which uses 0 for timsetamp // and for correctionvalue. #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("RX ecpri Measure Remote Request w Fup \n"); #endif // 1) Record the current timestamp when the message was received i.e. t1 if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr )) // t1 { errx(1,"Exit 1 owd rx f5 port_id %d", port_id); return ret_value; } t1 = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr); // 2) Copy MeasurementID to the Delay Measurement Request packet // but first prepend ethernet header since the info is still in the buffer pchar = rte_pktmbuf_prepend(pkt, (uint16_t)sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); pkt1 = rte_pktmbuf_copy(pkt, _eth_mbuf_pool, 0, UINT32_MAX); pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(pkt1, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); // 3) Prepare the delay measurement request w fup packet pdm->deMeasPl.ActionType = ECPRI_REQUEST_W_FUP; // 4) Zero the ts and CompensationValue entries in the packet ts.tv_sec=0; ts.tv_nsec =0; // 5) Convert host to ptp time stamp format for t2 and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->deMeasPl.ts, &ts); // 6) write zero to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement response packet pdm->deMeasPl.CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(tsm); // 7) Fill the ethernet header properly by swapping src and dest addressed from the copied frame eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt1, struct rte_ether_hdr *); /* Swap dest and src mac addresses. */ rte_ether_addr_copy(ð_hdr->d_addr, &addr); rte_ether_addr_copy(ð_hdr->s_addr, ð_hdr->d_addr); rte_ether_addr_copy(&addr, ð_hdr->s_addr); // 8) Duplicate packet to be used for the follow up packet pkt2 = rte_pktmbuf_copy(pkt1, _eth_mbuf_pool, 0, UINT32_MAX); // 9) Record the current timestamp when the request with follow up is being sent if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts )) // ts { errx(1,"Exit 2 owd rx f5 port_id %d", port_id); return ret_value; } // 10) Send the request with follow up #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("ecpri Measure sending Request with Fup \n"); #endif ret_value = rte_eth_tx_burst((uint16_t)*port, 0, &pkt1, 1); // Need to check for the proper method of getting the port and mac address // After the Request with follow up packet has been sent, prepare follow up packet with t1 and tcv1, where // tcv1 = ts - t1 and writing it to the outgoing packet pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(pkt2, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); // 11) Prepare the delay measurement request with follow up packet pdm->deMeasPl.ActionType = ECPRI_FOLLOW_UP; // 12) Convert host to ptp time stamp format for t1 and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->deMeasPl.ts, &tr); // 13) Convert from Timestamp t2 to ns before computing the compensation value tsm = xran_timespec_to_ns(&ts); // 14) Compute tcv1 as tsm-t1 tcv1 = tsm - t1; // 15) write cv1 to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement response packet pdm->deMeasPl.CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(tcv1); // 16) Send the follow up message #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("ecpri Measure sending Follow Up \n"); #endif ret_value = rte_eth_tx_burst((uint16_t)*port, 0, &pkt2, 1); // Need to check for the proper method of getting the port and mac address // Save trm since it will be used to compute tcv2 based on the arrival of the Follow Up packet powdp->currentMeasID = pdm->deMeasPl.MeasurementID; powdp->t1 = t1; powdp->delta = tcv1; powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_WAITRESP; return ret_value; } int xran_process_delmeas_follow_up(struct rte_mbuf *pkt, void* handle, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt* ptr, uint16_t port_id) { int ret_value = FAIL; struct xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl *txDelayHdr; struct rte_mbuf *pkt1; char* pChar= NULL; uint64_t tcv1,tr2m, tcv2, t1; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *pdm; struct timespec tr2, tr; struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr; struct rte_ether_addr addr; TimeStamp pt1; struct xran_device_ctx* p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_cmn* powdc = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_cmn[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id]; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_port* powdp = &p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.eowd_port[p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id][port_id]; struct xran_ethdi_ctx *const ctx = xran_ethdi_get_ctx(); struct xran_io_cfg *cfg = &ctx->io_cfg; int32_t *port = &cfg->port[0]; // Since we are processing the receipt of a delay measurement follow up packet the following actions // need to be taken (Per eCPRI V2.0 Figure 26) #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("ecpri Measure received Followup \n"); #endif // 1) Record the current timestamp when the message was received i.e. tr2 if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tr2 )) // tr2 { errx(1,"Exit 1 owd rx f6 port_id %d", port_id); return ret_value; } tr2m = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr2); // 2) Copy MeasurementID to the Delay Measurement Response packet // but first prepend ethernet header since the info is still in the buffer pChar = rte_pktmbuf_prepend(pkt, (uint16_t)sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); pkt1 = rte_pktmbuf_copy(pkt, _eth_mbuf_pool, 0, UINT32_MAX); pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(pkt1, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr)); // 3) Get time stamp T1 from the Timestamp field i.e. t1 pt1 = pdm->deMeasPl.ts; // 4) Convert to ns in the host format t1 = xran_ptp_ts_to_ns(&pt1); // 5) Get the compensation value from the packet i.e. tcv1 tcv1 = rte_be_to_cpu_64(pdm->deMeasPl.CompensationValue); // 6) Prepare the delay measurement response packet pdm->deMeasPl.ActionType = ECPRI_RESPONSE; // 7) Convert host to ptp time stamp format for tr2 and write to the outgoing packet xran_host_to_ptp_ts(&pdm->deMeasPl.ts, &tr2); // 8) Convert from Timestamp tr2 to ns before computing the compensation value tr2m = xran_timespec_to_ns(&tr2); // 9) Compute tcv2 as tr2m-trm tcv2 = tr2m - powdp->tr; // 0) write tcv2 to the CompensationValue field of the delay measurement request packet pdm->deMeasPl.CompensationValue = rte_cpu_to_be_64(tcv2); // 9) Fill the ethernet header properly by swapping src and dest addressed from the copied frame eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt1, struct rte_ether_hdr *); /* Swap dest and src mac addresses. */ rte_ether_addr_copy(ð_hdr->d_addr, &addr); rte_ether_addr_copy(ð_hdr->s_addr, ð_hdr->d_addr); rte_ether_addr_copy(&addr, ð_hdr->s_addr); pdm = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt*)rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(pkt1, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) ); pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size = 10 + powdc->owdm_PlLength; // 10 correponds to the xran_ecpri_delay_meas_pl minus the dummy_bytes field which now allows the user to select the length for this field to be sent pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size = rte_cpu_to_be_16(pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_payl_size); pdm->cmnhdr.bits.ecpri_mesg_type = ECPRI_DELAY_MEASUREMENT; // 10) Send the response right away ret_value = rte_eth_tx_burst((uint16_t)*port, 0, &pkt1, 1); // Need to check for the proper method of getting the port and mac address // Compute the delay using the stored t1 and tcv1 used in the request message // td= (t2-tcv2) - (t1+tcv1) where t1 and tcv1 have been stored previously for the same measurement ID powdp->delaySamples[powdp->numMeas]= (tr2m-tcv2) -(t1 + tcv1); #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_DELAY_INFO printf("Computed delay is %08"PRIx64" MeasNum %d portId %d id %d \n",powdp->delaySamples[powdp->numMeas],powdp->numMeas,port_id,p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id); #endif powdp->numMeas++; if (powdp->numMeas == powdc->numberOfSamples) { xran_compute_and_report_delay_estimate(powdp, powdc->numberOfSamples, p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id); powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_DONE; xran_if_current_state = XRAN_RUNNING; } else { ; // powdp->msState = XRAN_OWDM_IDLE; if (powdc->initiator_en) { // Reinitialize txDone for next pass powdp->txDone = 0; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_MEAS_DB printf("Clear Call_5 port_id %d \n", port_id); #endif xran_initialize_ecpri_del_meas_port(powdc, powdp,0); } } return ret_value; } /** * @brief Parse a Delay Measurement packet * Transport layer fragmentation is not supported. * * @ingroup group_source_xran * * @param mbuf * The pointer of the packet buffer to be parsed * @param handle * Pointer to an xran_device_ctx (cast) * @return * OK on success * FAIL if failed to process the packet */ int process_delay_meas(struct rte_mbuf *pkt, void* handle, uint16_t port_id) { struct xran_device_ctx * p_xran_dev_ctx = (struct xran_device_ctx *)handle; struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *ecpri_delmeas_pkt; union xran_ecpri_cmn_hdr * ecpricmn; int ret_value = FAIL; #ifdef XRAN_OWD_DEBUG_PKTS printf("pdm Device is %d\n", p_xran_dev_ctx->fh_init.io_cfg.id); #endif /* Process eCPRI cmn header. */ // (void *)rte_pktmbuf_adj(pkt, sizeof(*ecpricmn)); ecpri_delmeas_pkt = (struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *)rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt, struct xran_ecpri_del_meas_pkt *); // The processing of the delay measurement here corresponds to eCPRI sections and switch(ecpri_delmeas_pkt->deMeasPl.ActionType) { case ECPRI_REQUEST: #ifdef ORAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("Proc rx Dly Meas Req\n"); #endif ret_value = xran_process_delmeas_request(pkt, p_xran_dev_ctx, ecpri_delmeas_pkt, port_id); break; case ECPRI_REQUEST_W_FUP: #ifdef ORAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("Proc Dly Meas rx Req w Fup\n"); #endif ret_value = xran_process_delmeas_request_w_fup(pkt, p_xran_dev_ctx, ecpri_delmeas_pkt, port_id); break; case ECPRI_RESPONSE: #ifdef ORAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("Proc Dly Meas rx Resp\n"); #endif ret_value = xran_process_delmeas_response(pkt, p_xran_dev_ctx, ecpri_delmeas_pkt, port_id); break; case ECPRI_REMOTE_REQ: #ifdef ORAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("Proc Dly Meas rx Rem Req\n"); #endif ret_value = xran_process_delmeas_rem_request(pkt, p_xran_dev_ctx, ecpri_delmeas_pkt, port_id); break; case ECPRI_REMOTE_REQ_W_FUP: #ifdef ORAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("Proc Dly Meas Rem rx Req w Fup\n"); #endif ret_value = xran_process_delmeas_rem_request_w_fup(pkt, p_xran_dev_ctx, ecpri_delmeas_pkt, port_id); break; case ECPRI_FOLLOW_UP: #ifdef ORAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("Proc Dly Meas rx Fup\n"); #endif ret_value = xran_process_delmeas_follow_up(pkt, p_xran_dev_ctx, ecpri_delmeas_pkt, port_id); break; default: #ifdef ORAN_OWD_DEBUG_MSG_FLOW printf("Proc Dly Meas default\n"); #endif break; } return ret_value; }