/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2019 Intel. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "xran_compression.hpp" #include "xran_compression.h" #include #include #include #include #include static int16_t saturateAbs(int16_t inVal) { int16_t result; if (inVal == std::numeric_limits::min()) { result = std::numeric_limits::max(); } else { result = (int16_t)std::abs(inVal); } return result; } /// Compute exponent value for a set of RB from the maximum absolute value void computeExponent(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, int8_t* expStore) { __m512i maxAbs = __m512i(); /// Load data and find max(abs(RB)) const __m512i* rawData = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); constexpr int k_numRBPerLoop = 4; constexpr int k_numInputLoopIts = BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB / k_numRBPerLoop; #pragma unroll(k_numInputLoopIts) for (int n = 0; n < k_numInputLoopIts; ++n) { /// Re-order the next 4RB in input data into 3 registers /// Input SIMD vectors are: /// [A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B] /// [B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C] /// [C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D] /// Re-ordered SIMD vectors are: /// [A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D] /// [A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D] /// [A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D] constexpr uint8_t k_msk1 = 0b11111100; // Copy first lane of src constexpr int k_shuff1 = 0x41; const auto z_w1 = _mm512_mask_shuffle_i64x2(rawData[3 * n + 0], k_msk1, rawData[3 * n + 1], rawData[3 * n + 2], k_shuff1); constexpr uint8_t k_msk2 = 0b11000011; // Copy middle two lanes of src constexpr int k_shuff2 = 0xB1; const auto z_w2 = _mm512_mask_shuffle_i64x2(rawData[3 * n + 1], k_msk2, rawData[3 * n + 0], rawData[3 * n + 2], k_shuff2); constexpr uint8_t k_msk3 = 0b00111111; // Copy last lane of src constexpr int k_shuff3 = 0xBE; const auto z_w3 = _mm512_mask_shuffle_i64x2(rawData[3 * n + 2], k_msk3, rawData[3 * n + 0], rawData[3 * n + 1], k_shuff3); /// Perform max abs on these 3 registers const auto abs16_1 = _mm512_abs_epi16(z_w1); const auto abs16_2 = _mm512_abs_epi16(z_w2); const auto abs16_3 = _mm512_abs_epi16(z_w3); const auto maxAbs_12 = _mm512_max_epi16(abs16_1, abs16_2); const auto maxAbs_123 = _mm512_max_epi16(maxAbs_12, abs16_3); /// Perform horizontal max over each lane /// Swap 64b in each lane and compute max const auto k_perm64b = _mm512_set_epi64(6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1); auto maxAbsPerm = _mm512_permutexvar_epi64(k_perm64b, maxAbs_123); auto maxAbsHorz = _mm512_max_epi16(maxAbs_123, maxAbsPerm); /// Swap each pair of 32b in each lane and compute max const auto k_perm32b = _mm512_set_epi32(14, 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1); maxAbsPerm = _mm512_permutexvar_epi32(k_perm32b, maxAbsHorz); maxAbsHorz = _mm512_max_epi16(maxAbsHorz, maxAbsPerm); /// Swap each IQ pair in each lane (via 32b rotation) and compute max maxAbsPerm = _mm512_rol_epi32(maxAbsHorz, BlockFloatCompander::k_numBitsIQ); maxAbsHorz = _mm512_max_epi16(maxAbsHorz, maxAbsPerm); /// Insert values into maxAbs /// Use sliding mask to insert wanted values into maxAbs /// Pairs of values will be inserted and corrected outside of loop const auto k_select4RB = _mm512_set_epi32(28, 24, 20, 16, 28, 24, 20, 16, 28, 24, 20, 16, 28, 24, 20, 16); constexpr uint16_t k_expMsk[k_numInputLoopIts] = { 0x000F, 0x00F0, 0x0F00, 0xF000 }; maxAbs = _mm512_mask_permutex2var_epi32(maxAbs, k_expMsk[n], k_select4RB, maxAbsHorz); } /// Convert to 32b by removing repeated values in maxAbs const auto k_upperWordMask = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0000FFFF0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF); maxAbs = _mm512_and_epi64(maxAbs, k_upperWordMask); /// Compute and store exponent const auto totShiftBits = _mm512_set1_epi32(32 - dataIn.iqWidth + 1); const auto lzCount = _mm512_lzcnt_epi32(maxAbs); const auto exponent = _mm512_sub_epi32(totShiftBits, lzCount); constexpr uint16_t k_expWriteMask = 0xFFFF; _mm512_mask_cvtepi32_storeu_epi8(expStore, k_expWriteMask, exponent); } /// Pack compressed 9 bit data in network byte order /// See https://soco.intel.com/docs/DOC-2665619 __m512i networkBytePack9b(const __m512i compData) { /// Logical shift left to align network order byte parts const __m512i k_shiftLeft = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0000000100020003, 0x0004000500060007, 0x0000000100020003, 0x0004000500060007, 0x0000000100020003, 0x0004000500060007, 0x0000000100020003, 0x0004000500060007); auto compDataPacked = _mm512_sllv_epi16(compData, k_shiftLeft); /// First epi8 shuffle of even indexed samples const __m512i k_byteShuffleMask1 = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0000000000000000, 0x0C0D080904050001, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0C0D080904050001, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0C0D080904050001, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0C0D080904050001); constexpr uint64_t k_byteMask1 = 0x000000FF00FF00FF; auto compDataShuff1 = _mm512_maskz_shuffle_epi8(k_byteMask1, compDataPacked, k_byteShuffleMask1); /// Second epi8 shuffle of odd indexed samples const __m512i k_byteShuffleMask2 = _mm512_set_epi64(0x000000000000000E, 0x0F0A0B0607020300, 0x000000000000000E, 0x0F0A0B0607020300, 0x000000000000000E, 0x0F0A0B0607020300, 0x000000000000000E, 0x0F0A0B0607020300); constexpr uint64_t k_byteMask2 = 0x000001FE01FE01FE; auto compDataShuff2 = _mm512_maskz_shuffle_epi8(k_byteMask2, compDataPacked, k_byteShuffleMask2); /// Ternary blend of the two shuffled results const __m512i k_ternLogSelect = _mm512_set_epi64(0x00000000000000FF, 0x01FC07F01FC07F00, 0x00000000000000FF, 0x01FC07F01FC07F00, 0x00000000000000FF, 0x01FC07F01FC07F00, 0x00000000000000FF, 0x01FC07F01FC07F00); return _mm512_ternarylogic_epi64(compDataShuff1, compDataShuff2, k_ternLogSelect, 0xd8); } /// Pack compressed 10 bit data in network byte order /// See https://soco.intel.com/docs/DOC-2665619 __m512i networkBytePack10b(const __m512i compData) { /// Logical shift left to align network order byte parts const __m512i k_shiftLeft = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0000000200040006, 0x0000000200040006, 0x0000000200040006, 0x0000000200040006, 0x0000000200040006, 0x0000000200040006, 0x0000000200040006, 0x0000000200040006); auto compDataPacked = _mm512_sllv_epi16(compData, k_shiftLeft); /// First epi8 shuffle of even indexed samples const __m512i k_byteShuffleMask1 = _mm512_set_epi64(0x000000000000000C, 0x0D08090004050001, 0x000000000000000C, 0x0D08090004050001, 0x000000000000000C, 0x0D08090004050001, 0x000000000000000C, 0x0D08090004050001); constexpr uint64_t k_byteMask1 = 0x000001EF01EF01EF; auto compDataShuff1 = _mm512_maskz_shuffle_epi8(k_byteMask1, compDataPacked, k_byteShuffleMask1); /// Second epi8 shuffle of odd indexed samples const __m512i k_byteShuffleMask2 = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0000000000000E0F, 0x0A0B000607020300, 0x0000000000000E0F, 0x0A0B000607020300, 0x0000000000000E0F, 0x0A0B000607020300, 0x0000000000000E0F, 0x0A0B000607020300); constexpr uint64_t k_byteMask2 = 0x000003DE03DE03DE; auto compDataShuff2 = _mm512_maskz_shuffle_epi8(k_byteMask2, compDataPacked, k_byteShuffleMask2); /// Ternary blend of the two shuffled results const __m512i k_ternLogSelect = _mm512_set_epi64(0x000000000000FF03, 0xF03F00FF03F03F00, 0x000000000000FF03, 0xF03F00FF03F03F00, 0x000000000000FF03, 0xF03F00FF03F03F00, 0x000000000000FF03, 0xF03F00FF03F03F00); return _mm512_ternarylogic_epi64(compDataShuff1, compDataShuff2, k_ternLogSelect, 0xd8); } /// Pack compressed 12 bit data in network byte order /// See https://soco.intel.com/docs/DOC-2665619 __m512i networkBytePack12b(const __m512i compData) { /// Logical shift left to align network order byte parts const __m512i k_shiftLeft = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0000000400000004, 0x0000000400000004, 0x0000000400000004, 0x0000000400000004, 0x0000000400000004, 0x0000000400000004, 0x0000000400000004, 0x0000000400000004); auto compDataPacked = _mm512_sllv_epi16(compData, k_shiftLeft); /// First epi8 shuffle of even indexed samples const __m512i k_byteShuffleMask1 = _mm512_set_epi64(0x00000000000C0D00, 0x0809000405000001, 0x00000000000C0D00, 0x0809000405000001, 0x00000000000C0D00, 0x0809000405000001, 0x00000000000C0D00, 0x0809000405000001); constexpr uint64_t k_byteMask1 = 0x000006DB06DB06DB; auto compDataShuff1 = _mm512_maskz_shuffle_epi8(k_byteMask1, compDataPacked, k_byteShuffleMask1); /// Second epi8 shuffle of odd indexed samples const __m512i k_byteShuffleMask2 = _mm512_set_epi64(0x000000000E0F000A, 0x0B00060700020300, 0x000000000E0F000A, 0x0B00060700020300, 0x000000000E0F000A, 0x0B00060700020300, 0x000000000E0F000A, 0x0B00060700020300); constexpr uint64_t k_byteMask2 = 0x00000DB60DB60DB6; auto compDataShuff2 = _mm512_maskz_shuffle_epi8(k_byteMask2, compDataPacked, k_byteShuffleMask2); /// Ternary blend of the two shuffled results const __m512i k_ternLogSelect = _mm512_set_epi64(0x00000000FF0F00FF, 0x0F00FF0F00FF0F00, 0x00000000FF0F00FF, 0x0F00FF0F00FF0F00, 0x00000000FF0F00FF, 0x0F00FF0F00FF0F00, 0x00000000FF0F00FF, 0x0F00FF0F00FF0F00); return _mm512_ternarylogic_epi64(compDataShuff1, compDataShuff2, k_ternLogSelect, 0xd8); } /// Unpack compressed 9 bit data in network byte order /// See https://soco.intel.com/docs/DOC-2665619 __m512i networkByteUnpack9b(const uint8_t* inData) { /// Align chunks of compressed bytes into lanes to allow for expansion const __m512i* rawDataIn = reinterpret_cast(inData); const auto k_expPerm = _mm512_set_epi32(15, 14, 13, 12, 7, 6, 5, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0); auto expData = _mm512_permutexvar_epi32(k_expPerm, *rawDataIn); /// Byte shuffle to get all bits for each sample into 16b chunks /// Due to previous permute to get chunks of bytes into each lane, there is /// a different shuffle offset in each lane const __m512i k_byteShuffleMask = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0F0E0D0C0B0A0908, 0x0706050403020100, 0x090A080907080607, 0x0506040503040203, 0x0809070806070506, 0x0405030402030102, 0x0708060705060405, 0x0304020301020001); expData = _mm512_shuffle_epi8(expData, k_byteShuffleMask); /// Logical shift left to set sign bit const __m512i k_slBits = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0007000600050004, 0x0003000200010000, 0x0007000600050004, 0x0003000200010000, 0x0007000600050004, 0x0003000200010000, 0x0007000600050004, 0x0003000200010000); expData = _mm512_sllv_epi16(expData, k_slBits); /// Mask to zero unwanted bits const __m512i k_expMask = _mm512_set1_epi16(0xFF80); return _mm512_and_epi64(expData, k_expMask); } /// Unpack compressed 10 bit data in network byte order /// See https://soco.intel.com/docs/DOC-2665619 __m512i networkByteUnpack10b(const uint8_t* inData) { /// Align chunks of compressed bytes into lanes to allow for expansion const __m512i* rawDataIn = reinterpret_cast(inData); const auto k_expPerm = _mm512_set_epi32(15, 14, 13, 12, 8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0); auto expData = _mm512_permutexvar_epi32(k_expPerm, *rawDataIn); /// Byte shuffle to get all bits for each sample into 16b chunks /// Due to previous permute to get chunks of bytes into each lane, lanes /// 0 and 2 happen to be aligned, but lane 1 is offset by 2 bytes const __m512i k_byteShuffleMask = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0809070806070506, 0x0304020301020001, 0x0809070806070506, 0x0304020301020001, 0x0A0B090A08090708, 0x0506040503040203, 0x0809070806070506, 0x0304020301020001); expData = _mm512_shuffle_epi8(expData, k_byteShuffleMask); /// Logical shift left to set sign bit const __m512i k_slBits = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0006000400020000, 0x0006000400020000, 0x0006000400020000, 0x0006000400020000, 0x0006000400020000, 0x0006000400020000, 0x0006000400020000, 0x0006000400020000); expData = _mm512_sllv_epi16(expData, k_slBits); /// Mask to zero unwanted bits const __m512i k_expMask = _mm512_set1_epi16(0xFFC0); return _mm512_and_epi64(expData, k_expMask); } /// Unpack compressed 12 bit data in network byte order /// See https://soco.intel.com/docs/DOC-2665619 __m512i networkByteUnpack12b(const uint8_t* inData) { /// Align chunks of compressed bytes into lanes to allow for expansion const __m512i* rawDataIn = reinterpret_cast(inData); const auto k_expPerm = _mm512_set_epi32(15, 14, 13, 12, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0); auto expData = _mm512_permutexvar_epi32(k_expPerm, *rawDataIn); /// Byte shuffle to get all bits for each sample into 16b chunks /// For 12b mantissa all lanes post-permute are aligned and require same shuffle offset const __m512i k_byteShuffleMask = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0A0B090A07080607, 0x0405030401020001, 0x0A0B090A07080607, 0x0405030401020001, 0x0A0B090A07080607, 0x0405030401020001, 0x0A0B090A07080607, 0x0405030401020001); expData = _mm512_shuffle_epi8(expData, k_byteShuffleMask); /// Logical shift left to set sign bit const __m512i k_slBits = _mm512_set_epi64(0x0004000000040000, 0x0004000000040000, 0x0004000000040000, 0x0004000000040000, 0x0004000000040000, 0x0004000000040000, 0x0004000000040000, 0x0004000000040000); expData = _mm512_sllv_epi16(expData, k_slBits); /// Mask to zero unwanted bits const __m512i k_expMask = _mm512_set1_epi16(0xFFF0); return _mm512_and_epi64(expData, k_expMask); } /// 8 bit compression void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_8b_AVX512(const ExpandedData& dataIn, CompressedData* dataOut) { /// Compute exponent and store for later use int8_t storedExp[BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB] = {}; computeExponent(dataIn, storedExp); /// Shift 1RB by corresponding exponent and write exponent and data to output #pragma unroll(BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB) for (int n = 0; n < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++n) { const __m512i* rawDataIn = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded + n * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal); auto compData = _mm512_srai_epi16(*rawDataIn, storedExp[n]); auto thisRBExpAddr = n * (BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal + 1); /// Store exponent first dataOut->dataCompressed[thisRBExpAddr] = storedExp[n]; /// Store compressed RB constexpr uint32_t k_rbMask = 0x00FFFFFF; // Write mask for 1RB (24 values) _mm256_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1, k_rbMask, _mm512_cvtepi16_epi8(compData)); } } /// 9 bit compression void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_9b_AVX512(const ExpandedData& dataIn, CompressedData* dataOut) { /// Compute exponent and store for later use int8_t storedExp[BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB] = {}; computeExponent(dataIn, storedExp); /// Shift 1RB by corresponding exponent and write exponent and data to output /// Output data is packed exponent first followed by corresponding compressed RB #pragma unroll(BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB) for (int n = 0; n < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++n) { /// Apply exponent shift const __m512i* rawDataIn = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded + n * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal); auto compData = _mm512_srai_epi16(*rawDataIn, storedExp[n]); /// Pack compressed data network byte order auto compDataBytePacked = networkBytePack9b(compData); /// Store exponent first constexpr int k_totNumBytesPerRB = 28; auto thisRBExpAddr = n * k_totNumBytesPerRB; dataOut->dataCompressed[thisRBExpAddr] = storedExp[n]; /// Now have 1 RB worth of bytes separated into 3 chunks (1 per lane) /// Use three offset stores to join constexpr uint16_t k_RbWriteMask = 0x01FF; constexpr int k_numDataBytesPerLane = 9; _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1, k_RbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 0)); _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1 + k_numDataBytesPerLane, k_RbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 1)); _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1 + (2 * k_numDataBytesPerLane), k_RbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 2)); } } /// 10 bit compression void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_10b_AVX512(const ExpandedData& dataIn, CompressedData* dataOut) { /// Compute exponent and store for later use int8_t storedExp[BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB] = {}; computeExponent(dataIn, storedExp); /// Shift 1RB by corresponding exponent and write exponent and data to output /// Output data is packed exponent first followed by corresponding compressed RB #pragma unroll(BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB) for (int n = 0; n < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++n) { /// Apply exponent shift const __m512i* rawDataIn = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded + n * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal); auto compData = _mm512_srai_epi16(*rawDataIn, storedExp[n]); /// Pack compressed data network byte order auto compDataBytePacked = networkBytePack10b(compData); /// Store exponent first constexpr int k_totNumBytesPerRB = 31; auto thisRBExpAddr = n * k_totNumBytesPerRB; dataOut->dataCompressed[thisRBExpAddr] = storedExp[n]; /// Now have 1 RB worth of bytes separated into 3 chunks (1 per lane) /// Use three offset stores to join constexpr uint16_t k_RbWriteMask = 0x03FF; constexpr int k_numDataBytesPerLane = 10; _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1, k_RbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 0)); _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1 + k_numDataBytesPerLane, k_RbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 1)); _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1 + (2 * k_numDataBytesPerLane), k_RbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 2)); } } /// 12 bit compression void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_12b_AVX512(const ExpandedData& dataIn, CompressedData* dataOut) { /// Compute exponent and store for later use int8_t storedExp[BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB] = {}; computeExponent(dataIn, storedExp); /// Shift 1RB by corresponding exponent and write exponent and data to output /// Output data is packed exponent first followed by corresponding compressed RB #pragma unroll(BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB) for (int n = 0; n < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++n) { /// Apply exponent shift const __m512i* rawDataIn = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded + n * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal); auto compData = _mm512_srai_epi16(*rawDataIn, storedExp[n]); /// Pack compressed data network byte order auto compDataBytePacked = networkBytePack12b(compData); /// Store exponent first constexpr int k_totNumBytesPerRB = 37; auto thisRBExpAddr = n * k_totNumBytesPerRB; dataOut->dataCompressed[thisRBExpAddr] = storedExp[n]; /// Now have 1 RB worth of bytes separated into 3 chunks (1 per lane) /// Use three offset stores to join constexpr uint16_t k_RbWriteMask = 0x0FFF; constexpr int k_numDataBytesPerLane = 12; _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1, k_RbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 0)); _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1 + k_numDataBytesPerLane, k_RbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 1)); _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(dataOut->dataCompressed + thisRBExpAddr + 1 + (2 * k_numDataBytesPerLane), k_RbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 2)); } } /// 8 bit expansion void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_8b_AVX512(const CompressedData& dataIn, ExpandedData* dataOut) { #pragma unroll(BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB) for (int n = 0; n < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++n) { /// Expand 1RB of data auto expAddr = n * (BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal + 1); const __m256i* rawDataIn = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataCompressed + expAddr + 1); const auto compData16 = _mm512_cvtepi8_epi16(*rawDataIn); const auto expData = _mm512_slli_epi16(compData16, *(dataIn.dataCompressed + expAddr)); /// Write expanded data to output constexpr uint8_t k_rbMask64 = 0b00111111; // 64b write mask for 1RB (24 int16 values) _mm512_mask_storeu_epi64(dataOut->dataExpanded + n * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal, k_rbMask64, expData); } } /// 9 bit expansion void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_9b_AVX512(const CompressedData& dataIn, ExpandedData* dataOut) { #pragma unroll(BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB) for (int n = 0; n < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++n) { constexpr int k_totNumBytesPerRB = 28; auto expAddr = n * k_totNumBytesPerRB; /// Unpack network order packed data auto expData = networkByteUnpack9b(dataIn.dataCompressed + expAddr + 1); /// Apply exponent scaling (by appropriate arithmetic shift right) constexpr int k_maxExpShift = 7; expData = _mm512_srai_epi16(expData, k_maxExpShift - *(dataIn.dataCompressed + expAddr)); /// Write expanded data to output static constexpr uint32_t k_WriteMask = 0x00FFFFFF; _mm512_mask_storeu_epi16(dataOut->dataExpanded + n * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal, k_WriteMask, expData); } } /// 10 bit expansion void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_10b_AVX512(const CompressedData& dataIn, ExpandedData* dataOut) { #pragma unroll(BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB) for (int n = 0; n < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++n) { constexpr int k_totNumBytesPerRB = 31; auto expAddr = n * k_totNumBytesPerRB; /// Unpack network order packed data auto expData = networkByteUnpack10b(dataIn.dataCompressed + expAddr + 1); /// Apply exponent scaling (by appropriate arithmetic shift right) constexpr int k_maxExpShift = 6; expData = _mm512_srai_epi16(expData, k_maxExpShift - *(dataIn.dataCompressed + expAddr)); /// Write expanded data to output static constexpr uint32_t k_WriteMask = 0x00FFFFFF; _mm512_mask_storeu_epi16(dataOut->dataExpanded + n * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal, k_WriteMask, expData); } } /// 12 bit expansion void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_12b_AVX512(const CompressedData& dataIn, ExpandedData* dataOut) { #pragma unroll(BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB) for (int n = 0; n < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++n) { constexpr int k_totNumBytesPerRB = 37; auto expAddr = n * k_totNumBytesPerRB; /// Unpack network order packed data auto expData = networkByteUnpack12b(dataIn.dataCompressed + expAddr + 1); /// Apply exponent scaling (by appropriate arithmetic shift right) constexpr int k_maxExpShift = 4; expData = _mm512_srai_epi16(expData, k_maxExpShift - *(dataIn.dataCompressed + expAddr)); /// Write expanded data to output static constexpr uint32_t k_WriteMask = 0x00FFFFFF; _mm512_mask_storeu_epi16(dataOut->dataExpanded + n * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal, k_WriteMask, expData); } } /// Reference compression void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_Basic(const ExpandedData& dataIn, CompressedData* dataOut) { int dataOutIdx = 0; int16_t iqMask = (int16_t)((1 << dataIn.iqWidth) - 1); int byteShiftUnits = dataIn.iqWidth - 8; for (int rb = 0; rb < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++rb) { /// Find max abs value for this RB int16_t maxAbs = 0; for (int re = 0; re < BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal; ++re) { auto dataIdx = rb * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal + re; auto dataAbs = saturateAbs(dataIn.dataExpanded[dataIdx]); maxAbs = std::max(maxAbs, dataAbs); } // Find exponent and insert into byte stream auto thisExp = (uint8_t)(std::max(0,(16 - dataIn.iqWidth + 1 - __lzcnt16(maxAbs)))); dataOut->dataCompressed[dataOutIdx++] = thisExp; /// ARS data by exponent and pack bytes in Network order /// This uses a sliding buffer where one or more bytes are /// extracted after the insertion of each compressed sample static constexpr int k_byteMask = 0xFF; int byteShiftVal = -8; int byteBuffer = { 0 }; for (int re = 0; re < BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal; ++re) { auto dataIdxIn = rb * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal + re; auto thisRE = dataIn.dataExpanded[dataIdxIn] >> thisExp; byteBuffer = (byteBuffer << dataIn.iqWidth) + (int)(thisRE & iqMask); byteShiftVal += (8 + byteShiftUnits); while (byteShiftVal >= 0) { auto thisByte = (uint8_t)((byteBuffer >> byteShiftVal) & k_byteMask); dataOut->dataCompressed[dataOutIdx++] = thisByte; byteShiftVal -= 8; } } } dataOut->iqWidth = dataIn.iqWidth; } /// Reference expansion void BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_Basic(const CompressedData& dataIn, ExpandedData* dataOut) { uint32_t iqMask = (uint32_t)(UINT_MAX - ((1 << (32 - dataIn.iqWidth)) - 1)); uint32_t byteBuffer = { 0 }; int numBytesPerRB = (3 * dataIn.iqWidth) + 1; int bitPointer = 0; int dataIdxOut = 0; for (int rb = 0; rb < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++rb) { auto expIdx = rb * numBytesPerRB; auto signExtShift = 32 - dataIn.iqWidth - dataIn.dataCompressed[expIdx]; for (int b = 0; b < numBytesPerRB - 1; ++b) { auto dataIdxIn = (expIdx + 1) + b; auto thisByte = (uint16_t)dataIn.dataCompressed[dataIdxIn]; byteBuffer = (uint32_t)((byteBuffer << 8) + thisByte); bitPointer += 8; while (bitPointer >= dataIn.iqWidth) { /// byteBuffer currently has enough data in it to extract a sample /// Shift left first to set sign bit at MSB, then shift right to /// sign extend down to iqWidth. Finally recast to int16. int32_t thisSample32 = (int32_t)((byteBuffer << (32 - bitPointer)) & iqMask); int16_t thisSample = (int16_t)(thisSample32 >> signExtShift); bitPointer -= dataIn.iqWidth; dataOut->dataExpanded[dataIdxOut++] = thisSample; } } } } /// Reference compression void BlockFloatCompanderBFW::BlockFloatCompress_Basic(const BlockFloatCompanderBFW::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompanderBFW::CompressedData* dataOut) { int dataOutIdx = 0; int16_t iqMask = (int16_t)((1 << dataIn.iqWidth) - 1); int byteShiftUnits = dataIn.iqWidth - 8; for (int rb = 0; rb < BlockFloatCompanderBFW::k_numRB; ++rb) { /// Find max abs value for this RB int16_t maxAbs = 0; for (int re = 0; re < BlockFloatCompanderBFW::k_numREReal; ++re) { auto dataIdx = rb * BlockFloatCompanderBFW::k_numREReal + re; auto dataAbs = saturateAbs(dataIn.dataExpanded[dataIdx]); maxAbs = std::max(maxAbs, dataAbs); } // Find exponent and insert into byte stream auto thisExp = (uint8_t)(std::max(0,(16 - dataIn.iqWidth + 1 - __lzcnt16(maxAbs)))); dataOut->dataCompressed[dataOutIdx++] = thisExp; /// ARS data by exponent and pack bytes in Network order /// This uses a sliding buffer where one or more bytes are /// extracted after the insertion of each compressed sample static constexpr int k_byteMask = 0xFF; int byteShiftVal = -8; int byteBuffer = { 0 }; for (int re = 0; re < BlockFloatCompanderBFW::k_numREReal; ++re) { auto dataIdxIn = rb * BlockFloatCompanderBFW::k_numREReal + re; auto thisRE = dataIn.dataExpanded[dataIdxIn] >> thisExp; byteBuffer = (byteBuffer << dataIn.iqWidth) + (int)(thisRE & iqMask); byteShiftVal += (8 + byteShiftUnits); while (byteShiftVal >= 0) { auto thisByte = (uint8_t)((byteBuffer >> byteShiftVal) & k_byteMask); dataOut->dataCompressed[dataOutIdx++] = thisByte; byteShiftVal -= 8; } } } dataOut->iqWidth = dataIn.iqWidth; } /// Reference expansion void BlockFloatCompanderBFW::BlockFloatExpand_Basic(const BlockFloatCompanderBFW::CompressedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompanderBFW::ExpandedData* dataOut) { uint32_t iqMask = (uint32_t)(UINT_MAX - ((1 << (32 - dataIn.iqWidth)) - 1)); uint32_t byteBuffer = { 0 }; int numBytesPerRB = (3 * dataIn.iqWidth) + 1; int bitPointer = 0; int dataIdxOut = 0; for (int rb = 0; rb < BlockFloatCompanderBFW::k_numRB; ++rb) { auto expIdx = rb * numBytesPerRB; auto signExtShift = 32 - dataIn.iqWidth - dataIn.dataCompressed[expIdx]; for (int b = 0; b < numBytesPerRB - 1; ++b) { auto dataIdxIn = (expIdx + 1) + b; auto thisByte = (uint16_t)dataIn.dataCompressed[dataIdxIn]; byteBuffer = (uint32_t)((byteBuffer << 8) + thisByte); bitPointer += 8; while (bitPointer >= dataIn.iqWidth) { /// byteBuffer currently has enough data in it to extract a sample /// Shift left first to set sign bit at MSB, then shift right to /// sign extend down to iqWidth. Finally recast to int16. int32_t thisSample32 = (int32_t)((byteBuffer << (32 - bitPointer)) & iqMask); int16_t thisSample = (int16_t)(thisSample32 >> signExtShift); bitPointer -= dataIn.iqWidth; dataOut->dataExpanded[dataIdxOut++] = thisSample; } } } } #define RB_NUM_ROUNDUP(rb) \ (BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB * ((rb + BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB - 1) / BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB)) /** callback function type for Symbol packet */ typedef void (*xran_bfp_compress_fn)(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData* dataOut); int32_t xranlib_compress_avx512(const struct xranlib_compress_request *request, struct xranlib_compress_response *response) { BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData expandedDataInput; BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData compressedDataOut; xran_bfp_compress_fn com_fn = NULL; int16_t numRBs = request->numRBs; int16_t len = 0; switch (request->iqWidth){ case 8: expandedDataInput.iqWidth = 8; com_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_8b_AVX512; break; case 9: expandedDataInput.iqWidth = 9; com_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_9b_AVX512; break; case 10: expandedDataInput.iqWidth = 10; com_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_10b_AVX512; break; case 12: expandedDataInput.iqWidth = 12; com_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_12b_AVX512; break; default: expandedDataInput.iqWidth = request->iqWidth; com_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatCompress_Basic; break; } for (int16_t block_idx = 0; block_idx < RB_NUM_ROUNDUP(numRBs)/BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB /*+ 1*/; /* 16 RBs at time */ block_idx++) { expandedDataInput.dataExpanded = &request->data_in[block_idx*BlockFloatCompander::k_numSampsExpanded]; compressedDataOut.dataCompressed = (uint8_t*)&response->data_out[len]; com_fn(expandedDataInput, &compressedDataOut); len += ((3 * expandedDataInput.iqWidth) + 1) * std::min((int16_t)BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB,(int16_t)numRBs); } response->len = ((3 * expandedDataInput.iqWidth) + 1) * numRBs; return 0; } /** callback function type for Symbol packet */ typedef void (*xran_bfp_compress_bfw_fn)(const BlockFloatCompanderBFW::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompanderBFW::CompressedData* dataOut); int32_t xranlib_compress_avx512_bfw(const struct xranlib_compress_request *request, struct xranlib_compress_response *response) { BlockFloatCompanderBFW::ExpandedData expandedDataInput; BlockFloatCompanderBFW::CompressedData compressedDataKern; xran_bfp_compress_bfw_fn com_fn = NULL; #if 0 for (int m = 0; m < BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; ++m){ for (int n = 0; n < BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal; ++n){ expandedDataInput.dataExpanded[m*BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal+n] = request->data_in[m*BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal+n]; } } #endif expandedDataInput.dataExpanded = request->data_in; compressedDataKern.dataCompressed = (uint8_t*)response->data_out; com_fn = BlockFloatCompanderBFW::BlockFloatCompress_Basic; switch (request->iqWidth){ case 8: expandedDataInput.iqWidth = 8; break; case 9: expandedDataInput.iqWidth = 9; //com_fn = BlockFloatCompanderBFW::BlockFloatExpand_9b_AVX512 break; case 10: expandedDataInput.iqWidth = 10; break; case 12: expandedDataInput.iqWidth = 12; break; default: printf("bfwIqWidth is not supported %d\n", request->iqWidth); return -1; break; } com_fn(expandedDataInput, &compressedDataKern); response->len = ((BlockFloatCompanderBFW::k_numRE/16*4*expandedDataInput.iqWidth)+1)*BlockFloatCompanderBFW::k_numRB; return 0; } /** callback function type for Symbol packet */ typedef void (*xran_bfp_decompress_fn)(const BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData* dataOut); int32_t xranlib_decompress_avx512(const struct xranlib_decompress_request *request, struct xranlib_decompress_response *response) { BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData compressedDataInput; BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData expandedDataOut; xran_bfp_decompress_fn decom_fn = NULL; int16_t numRBs = request->numRBs; int16_t len = 0; switch (request->iqWidth){ case 8: compressedDataInput.iqWidth = 8; decom_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_8b_AVX512; break; case 9: compressedDataInput.iqWidth = 9; decom_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_9b_AVX512; break; case 10: compressedDataInput.iqWidth = 10; decom_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_10b_AVX512; break; case 12: compressedDataInput.iqWidth = 12; decom_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_12b_AVX512; break; default: compressedDataInput.iqWidth = request->iqWidth; decom_fn = BlockFloatCompander::BlockFloatExpand_Basic; break; } for (int16_t block_idx = 0; block_idx < RB_NUM_ROUNDUP(numRBs)/BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB; block_idx++) { compressedDataInput.dataCompressed = (uint8_t*)&request->data_in[block_idx*(((3 * compressedDataInput.iqWidth ) + 1) * BlockFloatCompander::k_numRB)]; expandedDataOut.dataExpanded = &response->data_out[len]; decom_fn(compressedDataInput, &expandedDataOut); len += std::min((int16_t)BlockFloatCompander::k_numSampsExpanded, (int16_t)(numRBs*BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal)); } response->len = numRBs * BlockFloatCompander::k_numREReal* sizeof(int16_t); return 0; }