/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2020 Intel. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ /** * @brief xRAN BFP compression/decompression for C-plane with 32T32R * * @file xran_bfp_cplane32.cpp * @ingroup group_source_xran * @author Intel Corporation **/ #include "xran_compression.hpp" #include "xran_bfp_utils.hpp" #include "xran_bfp_byte_packing_utils.hpp" #include #include #include namespace BFP_CPlane_32 { /// Namespace constants const int k_numDataElements = 64; /// 16 IQ pairs const int k_numRegsPerBlock = 2; /// Number of AVX512 registers per compression block (input) inline int maxAbsOneBlock(const __m512i* inData) { /// Vertical maxAbs on all registers __m512i maxAbsReg = __m512i(); #pragma unroll(k_numRegsPerBlock) for (int n = 0; n < k_numRegsPerBlock; ++n) { const auto thisRegAbs = _mm512_abs_epi16(inData[n]); maxAbsReg = _mm512_max_epi16(thisRegAbs, maxAbsReg); } /// Horizontal max across remaining register return BlockFloatCompander::horizontalMax1x32(maxAbsReg); } /// Compute exponent value for a set of 16 RB from the maximum absolute value inline __m512i computeExponent_16RB(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, const __m512i totShiftBits) { __m512i maxAbs = __m512i(); const __m512i* dataInAddr = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); #pragma unroll(16) for (int n = 0; n < 16; ++n) { ((uint32_t*)&maxAbs)[n] = maxAbsOneBlock(dataInAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock); } /// Calculate exponent return BlockFloatCompander::expLzCnt(maxAbs, totShiftBits); } /// Compute exponent value for a set of 4 RB from the maximum absolute value inline __m512i computeExponent_4RB(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, const __m512i totShiftBits) { __m512i maxAbs = __m512i(); const __m512i* dataInAddr = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); #pragma unroll(4) for (int n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { ((uint32_t*)&maxAbs)[n] = maxAbsOneBlock(dataInAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock); } /// Calculate exponent return BlockFloatCompander::expLzCnt(maxAbs, totShiftBits); } /// Compute exponent value for 1 RB from the maximum absolute value inline uint8_t computeExponent_1RB(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, const __m512i totShiftBits) { __m512i maxAbs = __m512i(); const __m512i* dataInAddr = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); ((uint32_t*)&maxAbs)[0] = maxAbsOneBlock(dataInAddr); /// Calculate exponent const auto exps = BlockFloatCompander::expLzCnt(maxAbs, totShiftBits); return ((uint8_t*)&exps)[0]; } /// Apply compression to one compression block template inline void applyCompressionN_1RB(const __m512i* dataIn, uint8_t* outBlockAddr, const int iqWidth, const uint8_t thisExp, const int totNumBytesPerReg, const uint16_t rbWriteMask) { /// Store exponent first *outBlockAddr = thisExp; #pragma unroll(k_numRegsPerBlock) for (int n = 0; n < k_numRegsPerBlock; ++n) { /// Apply the exponent shift const auto compData = _mm512_srai_epi16(dataIn[n], thisExp); /// Pack compressed data network byte order const auto compDataBytePacked = networkBytePack(compData); /// Now have 1 register worth of bytes separated into 4 chunks (1 per lane) /// Use four offset stores to join const auto thisOutRegAddr = outBlockAddr + 1 + n * totNumBytesPerReg; _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(thisOutRegAddr, rbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 0)); _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(thisOutRegAddr + iqWidth, rbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 1)); _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(thisOutRegAddr + (2 * iqWidth), rbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 2)); _mm_mask_storeu_epi8(thisOutRegAddr + (3 * iqWidth), rbWriteMask, _mm512_extracti64x2_epi64(compDataBytePacked, 3)); } } /// Derive and apply 9, 10, or 12bit compression to 16 compression blocks template inline void compressN_16RB(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData* dataOut, const __m512i totShiftBits, const int totNumBytesPerBlock, const int totNumBytesPerReg, const uint16_t rbWriteMask) { const auto exponents = computeExponent_16RB(dataIn, totShiftBits); const __m512i* dataInAddr = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); #pragma unroll(16) for (int n = 0; n < 16; ++n) { applyCompressionN_1RB(dataInAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock, dataOut->dataCompressed + n * totNumBytesPerBlock, dataIn.iqWidth, ((uint8_t*)&exponents)[n * 4], totNumBytesPerReg, rbWriteMask); } } /// Derive and apply 9, 10, or 12bit compression to 4 compression blocks template inline void compressN_4RB(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData* dataOut, const __m512i totShiftBits, const int totNumBytesPerBlock, const int totNumBytesPerReg, const uint16_t rbWriteMask) { const auto exponents = computeExponent_4RB(dataIn, totShiftBits); const __m512i* dataInAddr = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); #pragma unroll(4) for (int n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { applyCompressionN_1RB(dataInAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock, dataOut->dataCompressed + n * totNumBytesPerBlock, dataIn.iqWidth, ((uint8_t*)&exponents)[n * 4], totNumBytesPerReg, rbWriteMask); } } /// Derive and apply 9, 10, or 12bit compression to 1 RB template inline void compressN_1RB(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData* dataOut, const __m512i totShiftBits, const int totNumBytesPerBlock, const int totNumBytesPerReg, const uint16_t rbWriteMask) { const auto thisExponent = computeExponent_1RB(dataIn, totShiftBits); const __m512i* dataInAddr = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); applyCompressionN_1RB(dataInAddr, dataOut->dataCompressed, dataIn.iqWidth, thisExponent, totNumBytesPerReg, rbWriteMask); } /// Calls compression function specific to the number of blocks to be executed. For 9, 10, or 12bit iqWidth. template inline void compressByAllocN(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData* dataOut, const __m512i totShiftBits, const int totNumBytesPerBlock, const int totNumBytesPerReg, const uint16_t rbWriteMask) { switch (dataIn.numBlocks) { case 16: compressN_16RB(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits, totNumBytesPerBlock, totNumBytesPerReg, rbWriteMask); break; case 4: compressN_4RB(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits, totNumBytesPerBlock, totNumBytesPerReg, rbWriteMask); break; case 1: compressN_1RB(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits, totNumBytesPerBlock, totNumBytesPerReg, rbWriteMask); break; } } /// Apply 8b compression to 1 compression block. inline void applyCompression8_1RB(const __m512i* dataIn, uint8_t* outBlockAddr, const uint8_t thisExp) { /// Store exponent first *outBlockAddr = thisExp; constexpr uint32_t k_writeMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; __m256i* regOutAddr = reinterpret_cast<__m256i*>(outBlockAddr + 1); #pragma unroll(k_numRegsPerBlock) for (int n = 0; n < k_numRegsPerBlock; ++n) { /// Apply the exponent shift const auto compData = _mm512_srai_epi16(dataIn[n], thisExp); /// Truncate to 8bit and store _mm256_mask_storeu_epi8(regOutAddr + n, k_writeMask, _mm512_cvtepi16_epi8(compData)); } } /// Derive and apply 8b compression to 16 compression blocks inline void compress8_16RB(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData* dataOut, const __m512i totShiftBits) { const auto exponents = computeExponent_16RB(dataIn, totShiftBits); const __m512i* dataInAddr = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); #pragma unroll(16) for (int n = 0; n < 16; ++n) { applyCompression8_1RB(dataInAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock, dataOut->dataCompressed + n * (k_numDataElements + 1), ((uint8_t*)&exponents)[n * 4]); } } /// Derive and apply 8b compression to 4 compression blocks inline void compress8_4RB(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData* dataOut, const __m512i totShiftBits) { const auto exponents = computeExponent_4RB(dataIn, totShiftBits); const __m512i* dataInAddr = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); #pragma unroll(4) for (int n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { applyCompression8_1RB(dataInAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock, dataOut->dataCompressed + n * (k_numDataElements + 1), ((uint8_t*)&exponents)[n * 4]); } } /// Derive and apply 8b compression to 1 compression block inline void compress8_1RB(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData* dataOut, const __m512i totShiftBits) { const auto thisExponent = computeExponent_1RB(dataIn, totShiftBits); const __m512i* dataInAddr = reinterpret_cast(dataIn.dataExpanded); applyCompression8_1RB(dataInAddr, dataOut->dataCompressed, thisExponent); } /// Calls compression function specific to the number of RB to be executed. For 8 bit iqWidth. inline void compressByAlloc8(const BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData* dataOut, const __m512i totShiftBits) { switch (dataIn.numBlocks) { case 16: compress8_16RB(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits); break; case 4: compress8_4RB(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits); break; case 1: compress8_1RB(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits); break; } } /// Expand 1 compression block template inline void applyExpansionN_1RB(const uint8_t* expAddr, __m512i* dataOutAddr, const int maxExpShift, const int totNumBytesPerReg) { static constexpr uint8_t k_WriteMask = 0xFF; const auto thisExpShift = maxExpShift - *expAddr; #pragma unroll(k_numRegsPerBlock) for (int n = 0; n < k_numRegsPerBlock; ++n) { const auto thisInRegAddr = expAddr + 1 + n * totNumBytesPerReg; /// Unpack network order packed data const auto inDataUnpacked = networkByteUnpack(thisInRegAddr); /// Apply exponent scaling (by appropriate arithmetic shift right) const auto expandedData = _mm512_srai_epi16(inDataUnpacked, thisExpShift); /// Write expanded data to output _mm512_mask_storeu_epi64(dataOutAddr + n, k_WriteMask, expandedData); } } /// Calls expansion function specific to the number of blocks to be executed. For 9, 10, or 12bit iqWidth. template void expandByAllocN(const BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData* dataOut, const int totNumBytesPerBlock, const int totNumBytesPerReg, const int maxExpShift) { __m512i* dataOutAddr = reinterpret_cast<__m512i*>(dataOut->dataExpanded); switch (dataIn.numBlocks) { case 16: #pragma unroll(16) for (int n = 0; n < 16; ++n) { applyExpansionN_1RB(dataIn.dataCompressed + n * totNumBytesPerBlock, dataOutAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock, maxExpShift, totNumBytesPerReg); } break; case 4: #pragma unroll(4) for (int n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { applyExpansionN_1RB(dataIn.dataCompressed + n * totNumBytesPerBlock, dataOutAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock, maxExpShift, totNumBytesPerReg); } break; case 1: applyExpansionN_1RB(dataIn.dataCompressed, dataOutAddr, maxExpShift, totNumBytesPerReg); break; } } /// Apply expansion to 1 compression block inline void applyExpansion8_1RB(const uint8_t* expAddr, __m512i* dataOutAddr) { const __m256i* rawDataIn = reinterpret_cast(expAddr + 1); static constexpr uint8_t k_WriteMask = 0xFF; #pragma unroll(k_numRegsPerBlock) for (int n = 0; n < k_numRegsPerBlock; ++n) { const auto compData16 = _mm512_cvtepi8_epi16(rawDataIn[n]); const auto expData = _mm512_slli_epi16(compData16, *expAddr); _mm512_mask_storeu_epi64(dataOutAddr + n, k_WriteMask, expData); } } /// Calls expansion function specific to the number of RB to be executed. For 8 bit iqWidth. void expandByAlloc8(const BlockFloatCompander::CompressedData& dataIn, BlockFloatCompander::ExpandedData* dataOut) { __m512i* dataOutAddr = reinterpret_cast<__m512i*>(dataOut->dataExpanded); switch (dataIn.numBlocks) { case 16: #pragma unroll(16) for (int n = 0; n < 16; ++n) { applyExpansion8_1RB(dataIn.dataCompressed + n * (k_numDataElements + 1), dataOutAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock); } break; case 4: #pragma unroll(4) for (int n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { applyExpansion8_1RB(dataIn.dataCompressed + n * (k_numDataElements + 1), dataOutAddr + n * k_numRegsPerBlock); } break; case 1: applyExpansion8_1RB(dataIn.dataCompressed, dataOutAddr); break; } } } /// Main kernel function for 32 antenna C-plane compression. /// Starts by determining iqWidth specific parameters and functions. void BlockFloatCompander::BFPCompressCtrlPlane32Avx512(const ExpandedData& dataIn, CompressedData* dataOut) { /// Compensation for extra zeros in 32b leading zero count when computing exponent const auto totShiftBits8 = _mm512_set1_epi32(25); const auto totShiftBits9 = _mm512_set1_epi32(24); const auto totShiftBits10 = _mm512_set1_epi32(23); const auto totShiftBits12 = _mm512_set1_epi32(21); /// Total number of data bytes per compression block is (iqWidth * numElements / 8) + 1 const auto totNumBytesPerBlock = ((BFP_CPlane_32::k_numDataElements * dataIn.iqWidth) >> 3) + 1; /// Total number of compressed bytes to handle per register is 32 * iqWidth / 8 const auto totNumBytesPerReg = dataIn.iqWidth << 2; /// Compressed data write mask for each iqWidth option constexpr uint16_t rbWriteMask9 = 0x01FF; constexpr uint16_t rbWriteMask10 = 0x03FF; constexpr uint16_t rbWriteMask12 = 0x0FFF; switch (dataIn.iqWidth) { case 8: BFP_CPlane_32::compressByAlloc8(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits8); break; case 9: BFP_CPlane_32::compressByAllocN(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits9, totNumBytesPerBlock, totNumBytesPerReg, rbWriteMask9); break; case 10: BFP_CPlane_32::compressByAllocN(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits10, totNumBytesPerBlock, totNumBytesPerReg, rbWriteMask10); break; case 12: BFP_CPlane_32::compressByAllocN(dataIn, dataOut, totShiftBits12, totNumBytesPerBlock, totNumBytesPerReg, rbWriteMask12); break; } } /// Main kernel function for 32 antenna C-plane expansion. /// Starts by determining iqWidth specific parameters and functions. void BlockFloatCompander::BFPExpandCtrlPlane32Avx512(const CompressedData& dataIn, ExpandedData* dataOut) { constexpr int k_maxExpShift9 = 7; constexpr int k_maxExpShift10 = 6; constexpr int k_maxExpShift12 = 4; /// Total number of data bytes per compression block is (iqWidth * numElements / 8) + 1 const auto totNumBytesPerBlock = ((BFP_CPlane_32::k_numDataElements * dataIn.iqWidth) >> 3) + 1; /// Total number of compressed bytes to handle per register is 32 * iqWidth / 8 const auto totNumBytesPerReg = dataIn.iqWidth << 2; switch (dataIn.iqWidth) { case 8: BFP_CPlane_32::expandByAlloc8(dataIn, dataOut); break; case 9: BFP_CPlane_32::expandByAllocN(dataIn, dataOut, totNumBytesPerBlock, totNumBytesPerReg, k_maxExpShift9); break; case 10: BFP_CPlane_32::expandByAllocN(dataIn, dataOut, totNumBytesPerBlock, totNumBytesPerReg, k_maxExpShift10); break; case 12: BFP_CPlane_32::expandByAllocN(dataIn, dataOut, totNumBytesPerBlock, totNumBytesPerReg, k_maxExpShift12); break; } }