/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2020 Intel. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ /** * @brief * @file * @ingroup * @author Intel Corporation **/ #include "rte_common.h" #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #include "debug.h" #include #define MAX_LINE_SIZE 512 /* Configuration file maximum supported line length */ #define KEY_APP_MODE "appMode" #define KEY_XRAN_MODE "xranMode" #define KEY_XRAN_TECH "xranRanTech" #define KEY_MU_NUMBER "mu" #define KEY_NDLABSFREPOINTA "nDLAbsFrePointA" #define KEY_NULABSFREPOINTA "nULAbsFrePointA" #define KEY_NDLBANDWIDTH "nDLBandwidth" #define KEY_NULBANDWIDTH "nULBandwidth" #define KEY_NDLFFTSIZE "nDLFftSize" #define KEY_NULFFTSIZE "nULFftSize" #define KEY_DU_PORT_ID_BITWIDTH "DU_Port_ID_bitwidth" #define KEY_BANDSECTOR_ID_BITWIDTH "BandSector_ID_bitwidth" #define KEY_CC_ID_BITWIDTH "CC_ID_bitwidth" #define KEY_RU_PORT_ID_BITWIDTH "RU_Port_ID_bitwidth" #define KEY_NFRAMEDUPLEXTYPE "nFrameDuplexType" #define KEY_NTDDPERIOD "nTddPeriod" #define KEY_SSLOTCONFIG "sSlotConfig" #define KEY_CC_PER_PORT_NUM "ccNum" #define KEY_ANT_NUM "antNum" #define KEY_UL_ANT_NUM "antNumUL" #define KEY_ANT_ELM_TRX_NUM "antElmTRx" #define KEY_MU_MIMO_UES_NUM "muMimoUEs" #define KEY_DLLAYERS_PER_UE "DlLayersPerUe" #define KEY_ULLAYERS_PER_UE "UlLayersPerUe" #define KEY_FILE_DLBFWUE "DlBfwUe" #define KEY_FILE_ULBFWUE "UlBfwUe" #define KEY_FILE_ULSRS "antSrsC" #define KEY_TTI_PERIOD "ttiPeriod" #define KEY_MTU_SIZE "MTUSize" #define KEY_IO_CORE "ioCore" #define KEY_IO_WORKER "ioWorker" #define KEY_IO_SLEEP "ioSleep" #define KEY_SYSTEM_CORE "systemCore" #define KEY_IOVA_MODE "iovaMode" #define KEY_INSTANCE_ID "instanceId" #define KEY_DU_MAC "duMac" #define KEY_RU_MAC "ruMac" #define KEY_FILE_NUMSLOTS "numSlots" #define KEY_FILE_AxC "antC" #define KEY_FILE_PRACH_AxC "antPrachC" #define KEY_PRACH_ENABLE "rachEanble" #define KEY_SRS_ENABLE "srsEanble" #define KEY_PRACH_CFGIDX "prachConfigIndex" #define KEY_SRS_SYM_IDX "srsSym" #define KEY_MAX_FRAME_ID "maxFrameId" #define KEY_IQ_SWAP "iqswap" #define KEY_HTONS_SWAP "nebyteorderswap" #define KEY_COMPRESSION "compression" #define KEY_COMP_TYPE "compType" #define KEY_BFW_NUM "totalBFWeights" #define KEY_TADV_CP_DL "Tadv_cp_dl" #define KEY_T2A_MIN_CP_DL "T2a_min_cp_dl" #define KEY_T2A_MAX_CP_DL "T2a_max_cp_dl" #define KEY_T2A_MIN_CP_UL "T2a_min_cp_ul" #define KEY_T2A_MAX_CP_UL "T2a_max_cp_ul" #define KEY_T2A_MIN_UP "T2a_min_up" #define KEY_T2A_MAX_UP "T2a_max_up" #define KEY_TA3_MIN "Ta3_min" #define KEY_TA3_MAX "Ta3_max" #define KEY_T1A_MIN_CP_DL "T1a_min_cp_dl" #define KEY_T1A_MAX_CP_DL "T1a_max_cp_dl" #define KEY_T1A_MIN_CP_UL "T1a_min_cp_ul" #define KEY_T1A_MAX_CP_UL "T1a_max_cp_ul" #define KEY_T1A_MIN_UP "T1a_min_up" #define KEY_T1A_MAX_UP "T1a_max_up" #define KEY_TA4_MIN "Ta4_min" #define KEY_TA4_MAX "Ta4_max" #define KEY_CP_ENABLE "CPenable" #define KEY_CP_VTAG "c_plane_vlan_tag" #define KEY_UP_VTAG "u_plane_vlan_tag" #define KEY_DEBUG_STOP "debugStop" #define KEY_DEBUG_STOP_CNT "debugStopCount" #define KEY_BBDEV_MODE "bbdevMode" #define KEY_DYNA_SEC_ENA "DynamicSectionEna" #define KEY_ALPHA "Gps_Alpha" #define KEY_BETA "Gps_Beta" #define KEY_NPRBELEM_DL "nPrbElemDl" #define KEY_PRBELEM_DL "PrbElemDl" #define KEY_NPRBELEM_UL "nPrbElemUl" #define KEY_PRBELEM_UL "PrbElemUl" /** * Set runtime configuration parameters to their defaults. * * @todo Initialize missing parameters. */ static void init_config(RuntimeConfig* config) { memset(config , 0, sizeof(RuntimeConfig)); } /** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - **/ static void trim(char* input) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; iappMode = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_XRAN_TECH) == 0) { config->xranTech = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_XRAN_MODE) == 0) { config->xranCat = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_CC_PER_PORT_NUM) == 0) { config->numCC= atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_MU_NUMBER) == 0) { config->mu_number= atoi(value); printf("mu_number: %d\n",config->mu_number); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NDLABSFREPOINTA) == 0) { config->nDLAbsFrePointA = atoi(value); printf("nDLAbsFrePointA: %d\n",config->nDLAbsFrePointA); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NULABSFREPOINTA) == 0) { config->nULAbsFrePointA = atoi(value); printf("nULAbsFrePointA: %d\n",config->nULAbsFrePointA); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NDLBANDWIDTH) == 0) { config->nDLBandwidth = atoi(value); printf("nDLBandwidth: %d\n",config->nDLBandwidth); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NULBANDWIDTH) == 0) { config->nULBandwidth = atoi(value); printf("nULBandwidth: %d\n",config->nULBandwidth); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NDLFFTSIZE) == 0) { config->nDLFftSize = atoi(value); printf("nDLFftSize: %d\n",config->nDLFftSize); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NULFFTSIZE) == 0) { config->nULFftSize = atoi(value); printf("nULFftSize: %d\n",config->nULFftSize); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NFRAMEDUPLEXTYPE) == 0) { config->nFrameDuplexType = atoi(value); printf("nFrameDuplexType: %d\n",config->nFrameDuplexType); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_DU_PORT_ID_BITWIDTH) == 0) { config->DU_Port_ID_bitwidth = atoi(value); printf("DU_Port_ID_bitwidth: %d\n",config->DU_Port_ID_bitwidth); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_BANDSECTOR_ID_BITWIDTH) == 0) { config->BandSector_ID_bitwidth = atoi(value); printf("BandSector_ID_bitwidth: %d\n",config->BandSector_ID_bitwidth); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_CC_ID_BITWIDTH) == 0) { config->CC_ID_bitwidth = atoi(value); printf("CC_ID_bitwidth: %d\n",config->CC_ID_bitwidth); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_RU_PORT_ID_BITWIDTH) == 0) { config->RU_Port_ID_bitwidth = atoi(value); printf("RU_Port_ID_bitwidth: %d\n",config->RU_Port_ID_bitwidth); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NTDDPERIOD) == 0) { config->nTddPeriod = atoi(value); printf("nTddPeriod: %d\n",config->nTddPeriod); if (config->nTddPeriod > XRAN_MAX_TDD_PERIODICITY) { printf("nTddPeriod is larger than max allowed, invalid!\n"); config->nTddPeriod = XRAN_MAX_TDD_PERIODICITY; } } else if (strncmp(key, KEY_SSLOTCONFIG, strlen(KEY_SSLOTCONFIG)) == 0) { unsigned int slot_num = 0; int i = 0; sscanf(key,"sSlotConfig%u",&slot_num); if (slot_num >= config->nTddPeriod){ printf("slot_num %d exceeds TddPeriod\n",slot_num); } else{ sscanf(value, "%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx,%02hhx", (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[0], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[1], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[2], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[3], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[4], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[5], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[6], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[7], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[8], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[9], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[10], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[11], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[12], (uint8_t *)&config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[13]); printf("sSlotConfig%d: ",slot_num); for (i = 0; i< 14; i++){ printf("%d ",config->sSlotConfig[slot_num].nSymbolType[i]); } printf("\n"); } } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_ANT_NUM) == 0) { config->numAxc = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_UL_ANT_NUM) == 0) { config->numUlAxc = atoi(value); }else if (strcmp(key, KEY_ANT_ELM_TRX_NUM) == 0) { config->antElmTRx = atoi(value); printf("antElmTRx %d\n", config->antElmTRx); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_MU_MIMO_UES_NUM) == 0) { config->muMimoUEs = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_DLLAYERS_PER_UE) == 0) { config->DlLayersPerUe = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_ULLAYERS_PER_UE) == 0) { config->UlLayersPerUe = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_TTI_PERIOD) == 0) { config->ttiPeriod = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_IQ_SWAP) == 0) { config->iqswap = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_HTONS_SWAP) == 0) { config->nebyteorderswap = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_COMPRESSION) == 0) { config->compression = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_COMP_TYPE) == 0) { config->CompHdrType = atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_MTU_SIZE) == 0) { config->mtu = atoi(value); printf("mtu %d\n", config->mtu); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_IO_SLEEP) == 0) { config->io_sleep = atoi(value); printf("io_sleep %d \n", config->io_sleep); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_IO_CORE) == 0) { config->io_core = atoi(value); printf("io_core %d [core id]\n", config->io_core); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_IO_WORKER) == 0) { config->io_worker = strtoll(value, NULL, 0); printf("io_worker 0x%lx [mask]\n", config->io_worker); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_SYSTEM_CORE) == 0) { config->system_core = atoi(value); printf("system core %d [core id]\n", config->system_core); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_IOVA_MODE) == 0) { config->iova_mode = atoi(value); printf("iova_mode %d\n", config->iova_mode); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_INSTANCE_ID) == 0) { config->instance_id = atoi(value); printf("instance_id %d\n", config->instance_id); } else if (strncmp(key, KEY_DU_MAC, strlen(KEY_DU_MAC)) == 0) { unsigned int vf_num = 0; sscanf(key,"duMac%02u",&vf_num); if (vf_num >= XRAN_VF_MAX) { printf("duMac%d exceeds max antenna supported\n",vf_num); } else { printf("duMac%d: %s\n",vf_num, value); sscanf(value, "%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx", (uint8_t*)&config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[0], (uint8_t*)&config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[1], (uint8_t*)&config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[2], (uint8_t*)&config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[3], (uint8_t*)&config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[4], (uint8_t*)&config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[5]); printf("[vf %d]O-DU MAC address: %02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx\n", vf_num, config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[0], config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[1], config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[2], config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[3], config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[4], config->o_du_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[5]); } } else if (strncmp(key, KEY_RU_MAC, strlen(KEY_RU_MAC)) == 0) { unsigned int vf_num = 0; sscanf(key,"ruMac%02u",&vf_num); if (vf_num >= XRAN_VF_MAX) { printf("ruMac%d exceeds max antenna supported\n",vf_num); } else { printf("ruMac%d: %s\n",vf_num, value); sscanf(value, "%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx", (uint8_t*)&config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[0], (uint8_t*)&config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[1], (uint8_t*)&config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[2], (uint8_t*)&config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[3], (uint8_t*)&config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[4], (uint8_t*)&config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[5]); printf("[vf %d]RU MAC address: %02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx\n", vf_num, config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[0], config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[1], config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[2], config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[3], config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[4], config->o_ru_addr[vf_num].addr_bytes[5]); } } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_FILE_NUMSLOTS) == 0) { config->numSlots = atoi(value); printf("numSlots: %d\n",config->numSlots); }else if (strncmp(key, KEY_FILE_AxC, strlen(KEY_FILE_AxC)) == 0) { unsigned int ant_num = 0; sscanf(key,"antC%02u",&ant_num); if (ant_num >= MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED) { printf("antC%d exceeds max antenna supported\n",ant_num); } else { strncpy(&config->ant_file[ant_num][0], value, strlen(value)); printf("antC%d: %s\n",ant_num, config->ant_file[ant_num]); } } else if (strncmp(key, KEY_FILE_DLBFWUE, strlen(KEY_FILE_DLBFWUE)) == 0) { unsigned int ue_num = 0; sscanf(key,"DlBfwUe%02u",&ue_num); if (ue_num >= MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED) { printf("DlBfwUe%d exceeds max streams supported\n",ue_num); } else { strncpy(&config->dl_bfw_file[ue_num][0], value, strlen(value)); printf("DlBfwUe%d: %s\n",ue_num, config->dl_bfw_file[ue_num]); } }else if (strncmp(key, KEY_FILE_ULBFWUE, strlen(KEY_FILE_ULBFWUE)) == 0) { unsigned int ue_num = 0; sscanf(key,"UlBfwUe%02u",&ue_num); if (ue_num >= MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED) { printf("UlBfwUe%d exceeds max streams supported\n",ue_num); } else { strncpy(&config->ul_bfw_file[ue_num][0], value, strlen(value)); printf("UlBfwUe%d: %s\n",ue_num, config->ul_bfw_file[ue_num]); } }else if (strncmp(key, KEY_FILE_ULSRS, strlen(KEY_FILE_ULSRS)) == 0) { unsigned int srs_ant = 0; sscanf(key,"antSrsC%02u",&srs_ant); if (srs_ant >= MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED_CAT_B) { printf("antSrsC%d exceeds max ant elemnets supported [%d]\n", srs_ant, MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED_CAT_B); } else { strncpy(&config->ul_srs_file[srs_ant][0], value, strlen(value)); printf("antSrsC%d: %s\n",srs_ant, config->ul_srs_file[srs_ant]); } } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_PRACH_ENABLE) == 0) { config->enablePrach = atoi(value); printf("Prach enable: %d\n",config->enablePrach); }else if (strcmp(key, KEY_MAX_FRAME_ID) == 0) { config->maxFrameId = atoi(value); printf("maxFrameId: %d\n",config->maxFrameId); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_SRS_ENABLE) == 0) { config->enableSrs = atoi(value); printf("Srs enable: %d\n",config->enablePrach); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_PRACH_CFGIDX) == 0) { config->prachConfigIndex = atoi(value); printf("Prach config index: %d\n",config->prachConfigIndex); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_SRS_SYM_IDX) == 0) { config->srsSymMask = atoi(value); printf("Srs symbol [0-13]: %d\n",config->srsSymMask); } else if (strncmp(key, KEY_FILE_PRACH_AxC, strlen(KEY_FILE_PRACH_AxC)) == 0) { unsigned int ant_num = 0; sscanf(key,"antPrachC%02u",&ant_num); if (ant_num >= MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED) { printf("antC%d exceeds max antenna supported\n",ant_num); } else{ strncpy(&config->prach_file[ant_num][0], value, strlen(value)); printf("antPrachC%d: %s\n",ant_num, config->prach_file[ant_num]); } } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_BFW_NUM) == 0) { config->totalBfWeights = atoi(value); printf("%s : %d\n",KEY_BFW_NUM, config->totalBfWeights); /* timing */ } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_TADV_CP_DL ) == 0) { config->Tadv_cp_dl = atoi(value); printf("Tadv_cp_dl: %d\n",config->Tadv_cp_dl); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T2A_MIN_CP_DL ) == 0) { config->T2a_min_cp_dl = atoi(value); printf("T2a_min_cp_dl: %d\n",config->T2a_min_cp_dl); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T2A_MAX_CP_DL ) == 0) { config->T2a_max_cp_dl = atoi(value); printf("T2a_max_cp_dl: %d\n",config->T2a_max_cp_dl); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T2A_MIN_CP_UL ) == 0) { config->T2a_min_cp_ul = atoi(value); printf("T2a_min_cp_ul: %d\n",config->T2a_min_cp_ul); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T2A_MAX_CP_UL ) == 0) { config->T2a_max_cp_ul = atoi(value); printf("T2a_max_cp_ul: %d\n",config->T2a_max_cp_ul); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T2A_MIN_UP ) == 0) { config->T2a_min_up = atoi(value); printf("T2a_min_up: %d\n",config->T2a_min_up); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T2A_MAX_UP ) == 0) { config->T2a_max_up = atoi(value); printf("T2a_max_up: %d\n",config->T2a_max_up); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_TA3_MIN ) == 0) { config->Ta3_min = atoi(value); printf("Ta3_min: %d\n",config->Ta3_min); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_TA3_MAX ) == 0) { config->Ta3_max = atoi(value); printf("Ta3_max: %d\n",config->Ta3_max); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T1A_MIN_CP_DL ) == 0) { config->T1a_min_cp_dl = atoi(value); printf("T1a_min_cp_dl: %d\n",config->T1a_min_cp_dl); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T1A_MAX_CP_DL ) == 0) { config->T1a_max_cp_dl = atoi(value); printf("T1a_max_cp_dl: %d\n",config->T1a_max_cp_dl); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T1A_MIN_CP_UL ) == 0) { config->T1a_min_cp_ul = atoi(value); printf("T1a_min_cp_ul: %d\n",config->T1a_min_cp_ul); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T1A_MAX_CP_UL ) == 0) { config->T1a_max_cp_ul = atoi(value); printf("T1a_max_cp_ul: %d\n",config->T1a_max_cp_ul); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T1A_MIN_UP ) == 0) { config->T1a_min_up = atoi(value); printf("T1a_min_up: %d\n",config->T1a_min_up); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_T1A_MAX_UP ) == 0) { config->T1a_max_up = atoi(value); printf("T1a_max_up: %d\n",config->T1a_max_up); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_TA4_MIN ) == 0) { config->Ta4_min = atoi(value); printf("Ta4_min: %d\n",config->Ta4_min); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_TA4_MAX ) == 0) { config->Ta4_max = atoi(value); printf("Ta4_max: %d\n",config->Ta4_max); /* end of timing */ } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_CP_ENABLE ) == 0) { config->enableCP = atoi(value); printf("CPenable: %d\n",config->enableCP); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_DEBUG_STOP ) == 0) { config->debugStop = atoi(value); printf("debugStop: %d\n",config->debugStop); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_DEBUG_STOP_CNT) == 0) { config->debugStopCount = atoi(value); printf("debugStopCount: %d\n",config->debugStopCount); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_BBDEV_MODE) == 0) { config->bbdevMode = atoi(value); printf("bbdevMode: %d\n",config->debugStopCount); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_DYNA_SEC_ENA) == 0) { config->DynamicSectionEna = atoi(value); printf("DynamicSectionEna: %d\n",config->DynamicSectionEna); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_ALPHA) == 0) { config->GPS_Alpha = atoi(value); printf("GPS_Alpha: %d\n",config->GPS_Alpha); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_BETA) == 0) { config->GPS_Beta = atoi(value); printf("GPS_Beta: %d\n",config->GPS_Beta); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_CP_VTAG ) == 0) { config->cp_vlan_tag = atoi(value); printf("cp_vlan_tag: %d\n",config->cp_vlan_tag); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_UP_VTAG ) == 0) { config->up_vlan_tag = atoi(value); printf("up_vlan_tag: %d\n",config->up_vlan_tag); } else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NPRBELEM_UL ) == 0) { config->PrbMapUl.nPrbElm = atoi(value); if (config->PrbMapUl.nPrbElm > XRAN_MAX_PRBS) { printf("nTddPeriod is larger than max allowed, invalid!\n"); config->PrbMapUl.nPrbElm = XRAN_MAX_PRBS; } printf("nPrbElemUl: %d\n",config->PrbMapUl.nPrbElm); } else if (strncmp(key, KEY_PRBELEM_UL, strlen(KEY_PRBELEM_UL)) == 0) { sscanf(key,"PrbElemUl%u",§ion_idx_ul); if (section_idx_ul >= config->PrbMapUl.nPrbElm){ printf("section_idx %d exceeds nPrbElemUl\n",section_idx_ul); } else{ struct xran_prb_elm *pPrbElem = &config->PrbMapUl.prbMap[section_idx_ul]; sscanf(value, "%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd", (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->nRBStart, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->nRBSize, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->nStartSymb, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->numSymb, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->nBeamIndex, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->bf_weight_update, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->compMethod, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->iqWidth, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->BeamFormingType); printf("nPrbElemUl%d: ",section_idx_ul); printf("nRBStart %d,nRBSize %d,nStartSymb %d,numSymb %d,nBeamIndex %d, bf_weight_update %d compMethod %d, iqWidth %d BeamFormingType %d\n", pPrbElem->nRBStart,pPrbElem->nRBSize,pPrbElem->nStartSymb,pPrbElem->numSymb,pPrbElem->nBeamIndex, pPrbElem->bf_weight_update, pPrbElem->compMethod, pPrbElem->iqWidth, pPrbElem->BeamFormingType); } }else if (strcmp(key, KEY_NPRBELEM_DL ) == 0) { config->PrbMapDl.nPrbElm = atoi(value); if (config->PrbMapDl.nPrbElm > XRAN_MAX_PRBS) { printf("nTddPeriod is larger than max allowed, invalid!\n"); config->PrbMapDl.nPrbElm = XRAN_MAX_PRBS; } printf("nPrbElemDl: %d\n",config->PrbMapDl.nPrbElm); } else if (strncmp(key, KEY_PRBELEM_DL, strlen(KEY_PRBELEM_DL)) == 0) { sscanf(key,"PrbElemDl%u",§ion_idx_dl); if (section_idx_dl >= config->PrbMapDl.nPrbElm){ printf("section_idx %d exceeds nPrbElemDl\n",section_idx_dl); } else{ struct xran_prb_elm *pPrbElem = &config->PrbMapDl.prbMap[section_idx_dl]; sscanf(value, "%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd", (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->nRBStart, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->nRBSize, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->nStartSymb, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->numSymb, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->nBeamIndex, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->bf_weight_update, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->compMethod, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->iqWidth, (int16_t*)&pPrbElem->BeamFormingType); printf("nPrbElemDl%d: ",section_idx_dl); printf("nRBStart %d,nRBSize %d,nStartSymb %d,numSymb %d,nBeamIndex %d, bf_weight_update %d compMethod %d, iqWidth %d BeamFormingType %d\n", pPrbElem->nRBStart,pPrbElem->nRBSize,pPrbElem->nStartSymb,pPrbElem->numSymb,pPrbElem->nBeamIndex, pPrbElem->bf_weight_update, pPrbElem->compMethod, pPrbElem->iqWidth, pPrbElem->BeamFormingType); } } else { printf("Unsupported configuration key [%s]\n", key); return -1; } return 0; } int parseConfigFile(char *filename, RuntimeConfig *config) { char inputLine[MAX_LINE_SIZE] = {0}; int inputLen = 0; int i; int lineNum = 0; char key[MAX_LINE_SIZE] = {0}; char value[MAX_LINE_SIZE] = {0}; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (NULL == file) { log_err("Error while opening config file from: %s", filename); return -1; } // init_config(config); for (;;) { if (fgets(inputLine, MAX_LINE_SIZE, file) == NULL) { if (lineNum > 0) { printf("%d lines of config file has been read.\n", lineNum); break; } else { printf("Configuration file reading error has occurred.\n"); fclose(file); return -1; } } if (inputLine[strlen(inputLine)-1] == '\n') inputLine[strlen(inputLine)-1] == '\0'; lineNum++; inputLen = strlen(inputLine); for (i=0; i inputLen - 1) || (i - 2 > inputLen)) { log_err("Parsing config file error at line %d", lineNum); fclose(file); return -1; } strncpy(value, &inputLine[i+1], (sizeof(value) - 1)); value[inputLen-i-2] = '\0'; trim(value); if (strlen(key) == 0 || strlen(value) == 0) { printf("Parsing config file error at line %d", lineNum); fclose(file); return -1; } if (fillConfigStruct(config, key, value) != 0) { fclose(file); return -1; } break; } memset(&inputLine[0], 0, sizeof(MAX_LINE_SIZE)); memset(&key[0], 0, sizeof(MAX_LINE_SIZE)); memset(&value[0], 0, sizeof(MAX_LINE_SIZE)); } fclose(file); return 0; }