Intel O-RAN/X-RAN Generated Doxygen Documentation
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NnlohmannNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 CCOMPLEX32Defines 64-bit complex structure; both real part and image part have 32 bit width
 Ccomplex_doubleDefines 128-bit complex structure; both real part and image part have 64 bit width
 Ccomplex_floatDefines 64-bit complex structure; both real part and image part have 32 bit width
 Ccomplex_halfDefines 32-bit complex structure; both real part and image part have 16 bit width
 Ccomplex_int16_tDefines 32-bit complex structure; both real part and image part have 16 bit width
 Ccomplex_int32_tDefines 64-bit complex structure; both real part and image part have 32 bit width
 Cxranlib_compress_requestRequest structure containing pointer to data and its length
 Cxranlib_compress_responseResponse structure containing pointer to data and its length
 Cxranlib_decompress_requestRequest structure containing pointer to data and its length
 Cxranlib_decompress_responseResponse structure containing pointer to data and its length