--- - project: name: ric-plt-sdlpy-project-view project-name: ric-plt-sdlpy views: - project-view - _sdlpy_common: &sdlpy_common name: sdlpy-common # git repo project: ric-plt/sdlpy # jenkins job name prefix project-name: ric-plt-sdlpy # maven settings file has credentials mvn-settings: ric-plt-sdlpy-settings # release job requires centos build-node: centos7-builder-1c-1g # verify distribution and publish to test.pypi.org - project: name: ric-plt-sdlpy-pypi <<: *sdlpy_common gerrit_trigger_file_paths: - compare-type: REG_EXP pattern: "ricsdl-package/.*" tox-dir: ricsdl-package jobs: - gerrit-pypi-verify - gerrit-pypi-stage stream: - master: branch: master # promote distribution from test.pypi.org to pypi.org - project: name: ric-plt-sdlpy-release <<: *sdlpy_common jobs: - "{project-name}-gerrit-pypi-release-jobs" # analyze unit test coverage - project: name: ric-plt-sdlpy-sonar <<: *sdlpy_common branch: master sonarcloud: true sonarcloud-api-token: "{sonarcloud_api_token}" sonarcloud-project-key: "{sonarcloud_project_organization}_{project-name}" sonarcloud-project-organization: "{sonarcloud_project_organization}" tox-dir: ricsdl-package mvn-params: -f ricsdl-package jobs: - gerrit-tox-sonar