2020-11-03 wahidwAdd log formatting option and dynamic Log-Level change... 64/4964/2 cherry dawn e-release f-release g-release v0.0.2
2020-08-23 wahidwAdded documentation 92/4592/1
2020-07-02 czichyAdding committers and remove inactive ones 01/4301/1
2019-11-28 Roni RiskaMerge "Add new license claim" bronze
2019-11-27 Roni RiskaAdd new license claim 98/1798/1
2019-11-26 Roni RiskaMerge "Update" Amber
2019-11-25 Roni RiskaUpdate 58/1758/1
2019-11-14 Roni RiskaMerge "Automation adds INFO.yaml"
2019-11-12 Roni RiskaAdd documents building 04/1504/3
2019-11-08 Aric GardnerAutomation adds INFO.yaml 51/1451/2
2019-10-31 Roni RiskaUse go modules and include CI support 07/1307/1
2019-06-04 Roni RiskaFirst version of the Golang logging library 45/245/2 v0.0.1
2019-05-14 Andrew GrimbergInitial empty repository