helm install --debug oran-smo local/smo --namespace smo -f $OVERRIDEYAML
+check_for_secrets() {
+ try=0
+ retries=60
+ until (kubectl get secret -n onap | grep -P "\b$1\b") >/dev/null 2>&1; do
+ try=$(($try + 1))
+ [ $try -gt $retries ] && exit 1
+ echo "$1 not found. Retry $try/$retries"
+ sleep 10
+ done
+ echo "$1 found"
# Copying kafka secrets from onap namespace
# SMO installation uses ONAP strimzi kafka
# All KafkaUser and KafkaTopic resources should be created as part of ONAP namespace
# Once the secrets are created, it should be copied to the SMO namespace
while IFS= read -r secret; do
echo "Copying $secret from onap namespace..."
+ check_for_secrets $secret
kubectl get secret $secret -n onap -o json | jq 'del(.metadata["namespace","creationTimestamp","resourceVersion","selfLink","uid","ownerReferences"])' | kubectl apply -n smo -f -
done < <(yq r -d0 $OVERRIDEYAML smo.secrets[*])
\ No newline at end of file