# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============LICENSE_END=================================================
-echo "commented"
-# source ./utils/utils.sh
-# docker compose up -d
-# # Wait for the Kafka container to be running
-# wait_for_container "broker" "Kafka Server started"
-# wait_for_container "kafka-producer" "Started KafkaProducerApplication"
-# wait_for_container "kafka-consumer" "Started KafkaConsumerApplication"
-# # Once Kafka container is running, start the producers and consumers
-# echo "Kafka container is up and running. Starting producer and consumer..."
-# space
-# curl -v -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"configuredLevel": "TRACE"}' http://localhost:8083/actuator/loggers/org.oransc.ics
-# echo "Sending type1 to ICS"
-# curl -X 'PUT' \
-# 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-types/type1' \
-# -H 'accept: application/json' \
-# -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-# -d '{
-# "info_job_data_schema": {
-# "$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
-# "title":"STD_Type1_1.0.0",
-# "description":"Type 1",
-# "topic": "mytopic",
-# "bootStrapServers": "broker:9092"
-# }
-# }'
-# echo "Getting types from ICS"
-# curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-types/type1'
-# space
-# echo "Sending Producer infos to ICS"
-# curl -X 'PUT' \
-# 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-producers/1' \
-# -H 'accept: application/json' \
-# -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-# -d '{
-# "info_producer_supervision_callback_url": "http://kafka-producer:8080/health-check",
-# "supported_info_types": [
-# "type1"
-# ],
-# "info_job_callback_url": "http://kafka-producer:8080/info-job"
-# }'
-# echo "Getting Producers Infos from ICS"
-# curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-producers/1'
-# space
-# echo "Sending Consumer Subscription Job infos to ICS"
-# curl -X 'PUT' \
-# 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-type-subscription/1' \
-# -H 'accept: application/json' \
-# -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-# -d '{
-# "status_result_uri": "http://kafka-consumer:9090/info-type-status",
-# "owner": "demo"
-# }'
-# echo "Getting Consumer Subscription Job infos from ICS"
-# curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-type-subscription/1' -H 'accept: application/json'
-# space
-# #start Consumer
-# echo "Sending type1 to ICS to use the callback, This will start a CONSUMER"
-# curl -X 'PUT' \
-# 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-types/type1' \
-# -H 'accept: application/json' \
-# -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-# -d '{
-# "info_job_data_schema": {
-# "$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
-# "title":"STD_Type1_1.0.0",
-# "description":"Type 1",
-# "topic": "mytopic",
-# "bootStrapServers": "broker:9092"
-# }
-# }'
-# sleep 3
-# #ICS starts a producer (healthcheck to status)
-# echo "Sending Consumer Job infos to ICS, This will start a PRODUCER"
-# curl -X 'PUT' \
-# 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-jobs/1' \
-# -H 'accept: application/json' \
-# -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-# -d '{
-# "info_type_id": "type1",
-# "job_owner": "demo",
-# "job_definition": {
-# "deliveryInfo": {
-# "topic": "mytopic",
-# "bootStrapServers": "broker:9092",
-# "numberOfMessages": 100
-# }
-# },
-# "job_result_uri": "http://kafka-producer:8080/info-job",
-# "status_notification_uri": "http://kafka-consumer:9090/info-type-status"
-# }'
-# echo "Getting Consumer Job Infos from ICS"
-# curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-jobs/1'
-# space
-# for i in {1..10}; do
-# echo
-# curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/publish/$i"
-# sleep 1
-# done
-# space
-# echo "Deleting Producer Job infos to ICS"
-# curl -X 'DELETE' \
-# 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-producers/1'
-# echo "Deleting Consumer Job infos to ICS"
-# curl -X 'DELETE' \
-# 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-jobs/1'
-# echo "Deleting type1 to ICS to use the callback and stop consuming"
-# curl -X 'DELETE' \
-# 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-types/type1'
-# echo "ICS Producer Docker logs "
-# docker logs informationcoordinatorservice | grep -E 'o.o.i.c.r1producer.ProducerCallbacks|o.o.i.repository.InfoTypeSubscriptions'
-# space
-# echo "Demo Producer Docker logs "
-# docker logs kafka-producer | grep c.d.k.controller.KafkaController
-# space
-# echo "Demo Consumer Docker logs "
-# docker logs kafka-consumer | grep c.d.kafkaconsumer.service.KafkaConsumer
-# space
-# echo "Done."
-# containers=("kafka-producer" "kafka-consumer")
-# for container in "${containers[@]}"; do
-# if docker logs "$container" | grep -q ERROR; then
-# echo "Errors found in logs of $container"
-# docker logs "$container" | grep ERROR
-# echo "FAIL"
-# exit 1
-# else
-# echo "No errors found in logs of $container"
-# fi
-# done
-# echo "SUCCESS"
-# docker compose down
-# exit 0
+source ./utils/utils.sh
+docker build -t nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/nonrtric-sample-simple-icsproducer:0.0.1 ../kafka-producer/
+docker build -t nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/nonrtric-sample-simple-icsconsumer:0.0.1 ../kafka-consumer/
+docker compose up -d
+# Wait for the Kafka container to be running
+wait_for_container "broker" "Kafka Server started"
+wait_for_container "kafka-producer" "Started KafkaProducerApplication"
+wait_for_container "kafka-consumer" "Started KafkaConsumerApplication"
+# Once Kafka container is running, start the producers and consumers
+echo "Kafka container is up and running. Starting producer and consumer..."
+curl -v -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"configuredLevel": "TRACE"}' http://localhost:8083/actuator/loggers/org.oransc.ics
+echo "Sending type1 to ICS"
+curl -X 'PUT' \
+ 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-types/type1' \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ -d '{
+ "info_job_data_schema": {
+ "$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+ "title":"STD_Type1_1.0.0",
+ "description":"Type 1",
+ "topic": "mytopic",
+ "bootStrapServers": "broker:9092"
+ }
+echo "Getting types from ICS"
+curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-types/type1'
+echo "Sending Producer infos to ICS"
+curl -X 'PUT' \
+ 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-producers/1' \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ -d '{
+ "info_producer_supervision_callback_url": "http://kafka-producer:8080/health-check",
+ "supported_info_types": [
+ "type1"
+ ],
+ "info_job_callback_url": "http://kafka-producer:8080/info-job"
+echo "Getting Producers Infos from ICS"
+curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-producers/1'
+echo "Sending Consumer Subscription Job infos to ICS"
+curl -X 'PUT' \
+ 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-type-subscription/1' \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ -d '{
+ "status_result_uri": "http://kafka-consumer:9090/info-type-status",
+ "owner": "demo"
+echo "Getting Consumer Subscription Job infos from ICS"
+curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-type-subscription/1' -H 'accept: application/json'
+#start Consumer
+echo "Sending type1 to ICS to use the callback, This will start a CONSUMER"
+curl -X 'PUT' \
+ 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-types/type1' \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ -d '{
+ "info_job_data_schema": {
+ "$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+ "title":"STD_Type1_1.0.0",
+ "description":"Type 1",
+ "topic": "mytopic",
+ "bootStrapServers": "broker:9092"
+ }
+sleep 3
+#ICS starts a producer (healthcheck to status)
+echo "Sending Consumer Job infos to ICS, This will start a PRODUCER"
+curl -X 'PUT' \
+ 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-jobs/1' \
+ -H 'accept: application/json' \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ -d '{
+ "info_type_id": "type1",
+ "job_owner": "demo",
+ "job_definition": {
+ "deliveryInfo": {
+ "topic": "mytopic",
+ "bootStrapServers": "broker:9092",
+ "numberOfMessages": 100
+ }
+ },
+ "job_result_uri": "http://kafka-producer:8080/info-job",
+ "status_notification_uri": "http://kafka-consumer:9090/info-type-status"
+echo "Getting Consumer Job Infos from ICS"
+curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-jobs/1'
+for i in {1..10}; do
+ echo
+ curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/publish/$i"
+ sleep 1
+echo "Deleting Producer Job infos to ICS"
+curl -X 'DELETE' \
+ 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-producers/1'
+echo "Deleting Consumer Job infos to ICS"
+curl -X 'DELETE' \
+ 'http://localhost:8083/data-consumer/v1/info-jobs/1'
+echo "Deleting type1 to ICS to use the callback and stop consuming"
+curl -X 'DELETE' \
+ 'http://localhost:8083/data-producer/v1/info-types/type1'
+echo "ICS Producer Docker logs "
+docker logs informationcoordinatorservice | grep -E 'o.o.i.c.r1producer.ProducerCallbacks|o.o.i.repository.InfoTypeSubscriptions'
+echo "Demo Producer Docker logs "
+docker logs kafka-producer | grep c.d.k.controller.KafkaController
+echo "Demo Consumer Docker logs "
+docker logs kafka-consumer | grep c.d.kafkaconsumer.service.KafkaConsumer
+echo "Done."
+containers=("kafka-producer" "kafka-consumer")
+for container in "${containers[@]}"; do
+ if docker logs "$container" | grep -q ERROR; then
+ echo "Errors found in logs of $container"
+ docker logs "$container" | grep ERROR
+ echo "FAIL"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "No errors found in logs of $container"
+ fi
+echo "SUCCESS"
+docker compose down
+exit 0