# Override the name using the following option
# nameOverride:
- name: ric-dash-be
- tag: 1.0.5
+ name: ric-dashboard
+ tag: 1.2.0
- e2mgr:
- mock:
- rannames: "ABCD123456, EFGH123456"
+ # application.properties
+ portalapi:
+ username: username
+ password: password
+ # key.properties
+ cipher.enc.key: AGLDdG4D04BKm2IxIWEr8o==
+ # portal.properties
+ # external URL for user browser
+ ecomp_redirect_url: https://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30225/ONAPPORTAL/login.htm
+ # internal URL for backend
+ ecomp_rest_url: http://portal-app.onap:8989/ONAPPORTAL/auxapi
+ ueb_app_key: uebkey
appVersion: "1.0"
description: Helm Chart for RIC Dashboard
name: dashboard
-version: 1.1.0
+version: 1.2.0
icon: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=portal/ric-dashboard.git;a=blob;f=webapp-frontend/src/assets/at_t.png;h=3cced1d5ce4668fbf3b33064aaaa6920bc8130b6;hb=HEAD
{{- define "dashboard.prefix.a1mediator" -}}
{{- $ingress := ( include "common.ingressurl.ricplt" . ) -}}
- {{- if .Values.dashboard.properties.a1med.url.prefix -}}
- {{- printf "%s" .Values.dashboard.properties.a1med.url.prefix -}}
+ {{- if .Values.dashboard.a1med.url.prefix -}}
+ {{- printf "%s" .Values.dashboard.a1med.url.prefix -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "http://%s/a1mediator" $ingress -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "dashboard.prefix.anrxapp" -}}
{{- $ingress := ( include "common.ingressurl.ricxapp" . ) -}}
- {{- if .Values.dashboard.properties.anrxapp.url.prefix -}}
- {{- printf "%s" .Values.dashboard.properties.anrxapp.url.prefix -}}
+ {{- if .Values.dashboard.anrxapp.url.prefix -}}
+ {{- printf "%s" .Values.dashboard.anrxapp.url.prefix -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "http://%s/anr" $ingress -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "dashboard.prefix.e2mgr" -}}
{{- $ingress := ( include "common.ingressurl.ricplt" . ) -}}
- {{- if .Values.dashboard.properties.e2mgr.url.prefix -}}
- {{- printf "%s" .Values.dashboard.properties.e2mgr.url.prefix -}}
+ {{- if .Values.dashboard.e2mgr.url.prefix -}}
+ {{- printf "%s" .Values.dashboard.e2mgr.url.prefix -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "http://%s/e2mgr" $ingress -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "dashboard.prefix.appmgr" -}}
{{- $ingress := ( include "common.ingressurl.ricplt" . ) -}}
- {{- if .Values.dashboard.properties.appmgr.url.prefix -}}
- {{- printf "%s" .Values.dashboard.properties.appmgr.url.prefix -}}
+ {{- if .Values.dashboard.appmgr.url.prefix -}}
+ {{- printf "%s" .Values.dashboard.appmgr.url.prefix -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "http://%s/appmgr" $ingress -}}
{{- end -}}
# limitations under the License. #
-# Defines a config map for mounting as file application.properties
+# Defines multiple config maps for mounting as files; e.g., application.properties
+# The keys listed below MUST be configured in each deployment;
+# this list does not include all keys recognized by the app.
+# The template directives in the URL prefix definitions use common
+# K8S ingress values, but use Dashboard values if present.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ include "common.configmapname.dashboard" . }}-appconfig
- # this key becomes the filename when mounted
+ # one key per file
application.properties: |
- # appconfig.yaml
- server.port = {{ include "common.serviceport.dashboard.container" . }}
- a1med.url.prefix = {{ include "dashboard.prefix.a1mediator" . }}
- a1med.url.suffix = {{ .Values.dashboard.properties.a1med.url.suffix }}
+ server.port = {{ include "common.serviceport.dashboard.container" . }}
+ userfile = {{ .Values.dashboard.userfile }}
+ a1med.url.prefix = {{ include "dashboard.prefix.a1mediator" . }}
+ a1med.url.suffix = {{ .Values.dashboard.a1med.url.suffix }}
anrxapp.url.prefix = {{ include "dashboard.prefix.anrxapp" . }}
- anrxapp.url.suffix = {{ .Values.dashboard.properties.anrxapp.url.suffix }}
- appmgr.url.prefix = {{ include "dashboard.prefix.appmgr" . }}
- appmgr.url.suffix = {{ .Values.dashboard.properties.appmgr.url.suffix }}
- e2mgr.url.prefix = {{ include "dashboard.prefix.e2mgr" . }}
- e2mgr.url.suffix = {{ .Values.dashboard.properties.e2mgr.url.suffix }}
+ anrxapp.url.suffix = {{ .Values.dashboard.anrxapp.url.suffix }}
+ appmgr.url.prefix = {{ include "dashboard.prefix.appmgr" . }}
+ appmgr.url.suffix = {{ .Values.dashboard.appmgr.url.suffix }}
+ e2mgr.url.prefix = {{ include "dashboard.prefix.e2mgr" . }}
+ e2mgr.url.suffix = {{ .Values.dashboard.e2mgr.url.suffix }}
+ portalapi.appname = {{ .Values.dashboard.portalapi.appname }}
+ portalapi.username = {{ .Values.dashboard.portalapi.username }}
+ portalapi.password = {{ .Values.dashboard.portalapi.password }}
+ key.properties: |
+ cipher.enc.key = {{ .Values.dashboard.cipher.enc.key }}
+ portal.properties: |
+ # fixed values
+ portal.api.impl.class = org.oransc.ric.portal.dashboard.portalapi.PortalRestCentralServiceImpl
+ role_access_centralized = remote
+ # variable values
+ ecomp_redirect_url = {{ .Values.dashboard.portalapi.ecomp_redirect_url }}
+ ecomp_rest_url = {{ .Values.dashboard.portalapi.ecomp_rest_url }}
+ ueb_app_key = {{ .Values.dashboard.portalapi.ueb_app_key }}
containerPort: {{ include "common.serviceport.dashboard.container" . }}
protocol: TCP
- - name: application-config
- mountPath: /maven/application.properties
+ - name: appconfig
+ mountPath: /config/application.properties
subPath: application.properties
readOnly: true
+ - name: appconfig
+ mountPath: /maven/key.properties
+ subPath: key.properties
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: appconfig
+ mountPath: /maven/portal.properties
+ subPath: portal.properties
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: dashboard-users
+ mountPath: /dashboard-data
- path: /
+ path: /api/admin/version
port: http
- path: /
+ path: /api/admin/health
port: http
- - name: application-config
+ - name: appconfig
name: {{ include "common.configmapname.dashboard" . }}-appconfig
+ - name: dashboard-users
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: pvc-{{ include "common.name.dashboard" . }}
--- /dev/null
+# Remove this persistent volume when cloud storage is available
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: PersistentVolume
+ name: pv-{{ include "common.name.dashboard" . }}
+ capacity:
+ storage: {{ .Values.dashboard.storagesize }}
+ accessModes:
+ - ReadWriteOnce
+ persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
+ storageClassName: storageclass-{{ include "common.name.dashboard" . }}
+ local:
+ path: {{ .Values.dashboard.datapath }}
+ nodeAffinity:
+ required:
+ nodeSelectorTerms:
+ - matchExpressions:
+ - key: dashboard-node
+ operator: In
+ values:
+ - enable
--- /dev/null
+kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
+apiVersion: v1
+ name: pvc-{{ include "common.name.dashboard" . }}
+ accessModes:
+ - ReadWriteOnce
+ storageClassName: storageclass-{{ include "common.name.dashboard" . }}
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ storage: {{ .Values.dashboard.storagesize }}
--- /dev/null
+kind: StorageClass
+apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
+ name: storageclass-{{ include "common.name.dashboard" . }}
+provisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner
+volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
# ric-common/Common-Template/helm/ric-common/templates/_ports.tpl file.
# If need to change a service port, make the code change necessary, then
# update the _ports.tpl file with the new port number.
+ # The keys listed below MUST be configured in each deployment;
+ # this list does not include all keys recognized by the app.
- # config URLs must be specified at deployment
- properties:
- # The URL prefixes use K8S/Kong service names
- a1med:
- url:
- # The default a1mediator endpoint is http://ricplt-entry/a1mediator
- # You can override the a1mediator endpoint using the following option
- # prefix:
- suffix: ''
- anrxapp:
- url:
- # The default anrxapp endpoint is http://ricxapp-entry/anr
- # You can override the anrxapp endpoint using the following option
- # prefix:
- suffix: ''
- appmgr:
- url:
- # The default appmgr endpoint is http://ricplt-entry/appmgr
- # You can override the appmgr endpoint using the following option
- # prefix:
- suffix: /ric/v1
- e2mgr:
- url:
- # The default e2mgr endpoint is http://ricplt-entry/e2mgr
- # You can override the e2mgr endpoint using the following option
- # prefix:
- suffix: /v1
+ # persist user details as JSON to a persistent volume
+ storagesize: 1Mi
+ # in the container
+ userfile: /dashboard-data/users.json
+ # on the server
+ datapath: /tmp/dashboard-data
+ # The URL prefixes use K8S/Kong service names
+ a1med:
+ url:
+ # The default a1mediator prefix is http://ricplt-entry/a1mediator
+ # You can override the value using the following option
+ # prefix:
+ suffix: ''
+ anrxapp:
+ url:
+ # The default anrxapp prefix is http://ricxapp-entry/anr
+ # You can override the value using the following option
+ # prefix:
+ suffix: ''
+ appmgr:
+ url:
+ # The default appmgr prefix is http://ricplt-entry/appmgr
+ # You can override the value using the following option
+ # prefix:
+ suffix: /ric/v1
+ e2mgr:
+ url:
+ # The default e2mgr prefix is http://ricplt-entry/e2mgr
+ # You can override the value using the following option
+ # prefix:
+ suffix: /v1
+ cipher:
+ enc:
+ key:
+ portalapi:
+ appname: RIC-Dashboard
+ username:
+ password:
+ ecomp_redirect_url: https://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30225/ONAPPORTAL/login.htm
+ ecomp_rest_url: http://portal-app.onap:8989/ONAPPORTAL/auxapi
+ ueb_app_key: uebkey