-#!/usr/bin/env python3
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-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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-# ===================================================================
-"""Closed Loop Apex usecase tests module."""
-# This usecase has limitations due to Clamp issue.
-# 1. manually change clamp-be settings before running the test:
-# - run command "kubectl -n onap edit cm onap-policy-clamp-be-configmap"
-# find variable clamp.config.controlloop.runtime.url and change http into https
-# - run command "kubectl rollout restart deployment onap-policy-clamp-be -n onap"
-# and wait until policy-clamp-be pod restarted successfully
-# 2. make sure using the policy-clamp-be version 6.2.0-snapshot-latest at this the moment
-import time
-import logging
-import logging.config
-from onapsdk.configuration import settings
-from onapsdk.exceptions import RequestError
-from waiting import wait
-from oransdk.dmaap.dmaap import OranDmaap
-from oransdk.policy.policy import OranPolicy
-from oransdk.policy.clamp import ClampToscaTemplate
-from oransdk.sdnc.sdnc import OranSdnc
-from oransdk.utils.jinja import jinja_env
-logger = logging.getLogger("test Control Loops for O-RU Fronthaul Recovery usecase - Apex policy")
-dmaap = OranDmaap()
-clamp = ClampToscaTemplate(settings.CLAMP_BASICAUTH)
-def create_topic():
- """Create the topic in Dmaap."""
- logger.info("Create new topic")
- topic = '{ "topicName": "unauthenticated.SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT", "topicDescription": "test topic", "partitionCount": 1, "replicationCnCount": 1, "transactionEnabled": "false"}'
- response = dmaap.create_topic(topic)
- logger.info("response is: %s", response)
-def verify_topic_created():
- """Verify whether needed topic created."""
- logger.info("Verify topic created")
- topiclist = dmaap.get_all_topics({})
- topic_created = False
- for topic in topiclist:
- if topic["topicName"] == "unauthenticated.SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT":
- topic_created = True
- break
- if topic_created:
- logger.info("Topic created successfully")
- else:
- logger.info("Topic creation failed")
-def upload_commission(tosca_template):
- """
- Upload the tosca to commissioning.
- Args:
- tosca_template : the tosca template to upload in json format
- Returns:
- the response from the upload action
- """
- logger.info("Upload tosca to commissioning")
- return clamp.upload_commission(tosca_template)
-def create_instance(tosca_template):
- """
- Create a instance.
- Args:
- tosca_template : the tosca template to create in json format
- Returns:
- the response from the creation action
- """
- logger.info("Create Instance")
- return clamp.create_instance(tosca_template)
-def change_instance_status(new_status) -> str:
- """
- Change the instance statue.
- Args:
- new_status : the new instance to be changed to
- Returns:
- the new status to be changed to
- """
- logger.info("Change Instance Status to %s", new_status)
- try:
- clamp.change_instance_status(new_status, "PMSH_Instance1", "1.2.3")
- except RequestError:
- logger.info("Change Instance Status request returned failed. Will query the instance status to double check whether the request is successful or not.")
- # There's a bug in Clamp code, sometimes it returned 500, but actually the status has been changed successfully
- # Thus we verify the status to determine whether it was successful or not
- time.sleep(2)
- response = clamp.get_template_instance()
- return response["controlLoopList"][0]["orderedState"]
-def verify_instance_status(new_status):
- """
- Verify whether the instance changed to the new status.
- Args:
- new_status : the new status of the instance
- Returns:
- the boolean value indicating whether status changed successfully
- """
- logger.info("Verify the Instance Status is updated to the expected status %s", new_status)
- response = clamp.get_template_instance()
- if response["controlLoopList"][0]["state"] == new_status:
- return True
- return False
-def verify_apex_policy_created():
- """
- Verify whether the Apex policy has deployed successfully.
- Returns:
- the boolean value indicating whether policy deployed successfully
- """
- logger.info("Verify Apex policy is deployed")
- policy = OranPolicy()
- policy_status_list = policy.get_policy_status(settings.POLICY_BASICAUTH)
- for status in policy_status_list:
- logger.info("the status %s,%s,%s:", status["policy"]["name"], status["policy"]["version"], status["deploy"])
- if (status["policy"]["name"] == "operational.apex.linkmonitor" and status["policy"]["version"] == "1.0.0" and status["deploy"]):
- return True
- logger.info("Failed to deploy Apex policy")
- return False
-def delete_template_instance():
- """
- Delete the template instance.
- Returns:
- the response from the deletion action
- """
- logger.info("Delete Instance")
- return clamp.delete_template_instance("PMSH_Instance1", "1.2.3")
-def decommission_tosca():
- """
- Decommission the tosca template.
- Returns:
- the response from the decommission action
- """
- logger.info("Decommission tosca")
- return clamp.decommission_template("ToscaServiceTemplateSimple", "1.0.0")
-def send_dmaap_event():
- """Send a event to Dmaap that should trigger the apex policy."""
- event = jinja_env().get_template("LinkFailureEvent.json.j2").render()
- dmaap.send_link_failure_event(event)
-def test_cl_oru_recovery():
- """The Closed Loop O-RU Fronthaul Recovery usecase Apex version."""
- create_topic()
- verify_topic_created()
- tosca_template = jinja_env().get_template("commission_apex.json.j2").render()
- response = upload_commission(tosca_template)
- assert response["errorDetails"] is None
- response = create_instance(tosca_template)
- assert response["errorDetails"] is None
- response = change_instance_status("PASSIVE")
- assert response == "PASSIVE"
- wait(lambda: verify_instance_status("PASSIVE"), sleep_seconds=5, timeout_seconds=60, waiting_for="Clamp instance switches to PASSIVE")
- response = change_instance_status("RUNNING")
- assert response == "RUNNING"
- wait(lambda: verify_instance_status("RUNNING"), sleep_seconds=5, timeout_seconds=60, waiting_for="Clamp instance switches to RUNNING")
- sdnc = OranSdnc()
- status = sdnc.get_odu_oru_status("o-du-1122", "rrm-pol-2", settings.SDNC_BASICAUTH)
- assert status["o-ran-sc-du-hello-world:radio-resource-management-policy-ratio"][0]["administrative-state"] == "locked"
- send_dmaap_event()
- assert verify_apex_policy_created()
- time.sleep(20)
- logger.info("Check O-du/O-ru status again")
- status = sdnc.get_odu_oru_status("o-du-1122", "rrm-pol-2", settings.SDNC_BASICAUTH)
- assert status["o-ran-sc-du-hello-world:radio-resource-management-policy-ratio"][0]["administrative-state"] == "unlocked"
- response = change_instance_status("PASSIVE")
- assert response == "PASSIVE"
- wait(lambda: verify_instance_status("PASSIVE"), sleep_seconds=5, timeout_seconds=60, waiting_for="Clamp instance switches to PASSIVE")
- response = change_instance_status("UNINITIALISED")
- assert response == "UNINITIALISED"
- wait(lambda: verify_instance_status("UNINITIALISED"), sleep_seconds=5, timeout_seconds=60, waiting_for="Clamp instance switches to UNINITIALISED")
- response = delete_template_instance()
- assert response["errorDetails"] is None
- response = decommission_tosca()
- assert response["errorDetails"] is None