X-Git-Url: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?a=blobdiff_plain;f=ric-platform%2F50-RIC-Platform%2Fhelm%2Fkong%2Fcharts%2Fkong%2Fcharts%2Fpostgresql%2FREADME.md;fp=ric-platform%2F50-RIC-Platform%2Fhelm%2Fkong%2Fcharts%2Fkong%2Fcharts%2Fpostgresql%2FREADME.md;h=5bb0f07f3f7efbf59de5771071cc0345c7f7ee40;hb=c3993d1b897672cba96a53605d0d5d8788518536;hp=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;hpb=581a3a371b3d0adfb6d9c831ad6877c3e07df0cd;p=it%2Fdep.git diff --git a/ric-platform/50-RIC-Platform/helm/kong/charts/kong/charts/postgresql/README.md b/ric-platform/50-RIC-Platform/helm/kong/charts/kong/charts/postgresql/README.md new file mode 100755 index 00000000..5bb0f07f --- /dev/null +++ b/ric-platform/50-RIC-Platform/helm/kong/charts/kong/charts/postgresql/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +# PostgreSQL + +[PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/) is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and on standards-compliance. + +## TL;DR; + +```console +$ helm install stable/postgresql +``` + +## Introduction + +This chart bootstraps a [PostgreSQL](https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-postgresql) deployment on a [Kubernetes](http://kubernetes.io) cluster using the [Helm](https://helm.sh) package manager. + +Bitnami charts can be used with [Kubeapps](https://kubeapps.com/) for deployment and management of Helm Charts in clusters. + +## Prerequisites + +- Kubernetes 1.10+ +- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure + +## Installing the Chart + +To install the chart with the release name `my-release`: + +```console +$ helm install --name my-release stable/postgresql +``` + +The command deploys PostgreSQL on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The [configuration](#configuration) section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation. + +> **Tip**: List all releases using `helm list` + +## Uninstalling the Chart + +To uninstall/delete the `my-release` deployment: + +```console +$ helm delete my-release +``` + +The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. + +## Configuration + +The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the PostgreSQL chart and their default values. + +| Parameter | Description | Default | +|-----------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +| `global.imageRegistry` | Global Docker Image registry | `nil` | +| `image.registry` | PostgreSQL Image registry | `docker.io` | +| `image.repository` | PostgreSQL Image name | `bitnami/postgresql` | +| `image.tag` | PostgreSQL Image tag | `{VERSION}` | +| `image.pullPolicy` | PostgreSQL Image pull policy | `Always` | +| `image.pullSecrets` | Specify Image pull secrets | `nil` (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) | +| `image.debug` | Specify if debug values should be set | `false` | +| `volumePermissions.image.registry` | Init container volume-permissions image registry | `docker.io` | +| `volumePermissions.image.repository` | Init container volume-permissions image name | `bitnami/minideb` | +| `volumePermissions.image.tag` | Init container volume-permissions image tag | `latest` | +| `volumePermissions.image.pullPolicy` | Init container volume-permissions image pull policy | `Always` | +| `volumePermissions.securityContext.runAsUser` | User ID for the init container | `0` | +| `usePasswordFile` | Have the secrets mounted as a file instead of env vars | `false` | +| `replication.enabled` | Would you like to enable replication | `false` | +| `replication.user` | Replication user | `repl_user` | +| `replication.password` | Replication user password | `repl_password` | +| `replication.slaveReplicas` | Number of slaves replicas | `1` | +| `replication.synchronousCommit` | Set synchronous commit mode. Allowed values: `on`, `remote_apply`, `remote_write`, `local` and `off` | `off` | +| `replication.numSynchronousReplicas` | Number of replicas that will have synchronous replication. Note: Cannot be greater than `replication.slaveReplicas`. | `0` | +| `replication.applicationName` | Cluster application name. Useful for advanced replication settings | `my_application` | +| `existingSecret` | Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL passwords | `nil` | +| `postgresqlUsername` | PostgreSQL admin user | `postgres` | +| `postgresqlPassword` | PostgreSQL admin password | _random 10 character alphanumeric string_ | +| `postgresqlDatabase` | PostgreSQL database | `nil` | +| `postgresqlConfiguration` | Runtime Config Parameters | `nil` | +| `postgresqlExtendedConf` | Extended Runtime Config Parameters (appended to main or default configuration) | `nil` | +| `pgHbaConfiguration` | Content of pg\_hba.conf | `nil (do not create pg_hba.conf)` | +| `configurationConfigMap` | ConfigMap with the PostgreSQL configuration files (Note: Overrides `postgresqlConfiguration` and `pgHbaConfiguration`) | `nil` | +| `extendedConfConfigMap` | ConfigMap with the extended PostgreSQL configuration files | `nil` | +| `initdbScripts` | List of initdb scripts | `nil` | +| `initdbScriptsConfigMap` | ConfigMap with the initdb scripts (Note: Overrides `initdbScripts`) | `nil` | +| `service.type` | Kubernetes Service type | `ClusterIP` | +| `service.port` | PostgreSQL port | `5432` | +| `service.nodePort` | Kubernetes Service nodePort | `nil` | +| `service.annotations` | Annotations for PostgreSQL service | {} | +| `service.loadBalancerIP` | loadBalancerIP if service type is `LoadBalancer` | `nil` | +| `persistence.enabled` | Enable persistence using PVC | `true` | +| `persistence.existingClaim` | Provide an existing `PersistentVolumeClaim` | `nil` | +| `persistence.mountPath` | Path to mount the volume at | `/bitnami/postgresql` | +| `persistence.storageClass` | PVC Storage Class for PostgreSQL volume | `nil` | +| `persistence.accessMode` | PVC Access Mode for PostgreSQL volume | `ReadWriteOnce` | +| `persistence.size` | PVC Storage Request for PostgreSQL volume | `8Gi` | +| `persistence.annotations` | Annotations for the PVC | `{}` | +| `master.nodeSelector` | Node labels for pod assignment (postgresql master) | `{}` | +| `master.affinity` | Affinity labels for pod assignment (postgresql master) | `{}` | +| `master.tolerations` | Toleration labels for pod assignment (postgresql master) | `[]` | +| `slave.nodeSelector` | Node labels for pod assignment (postgresql slave) | `{}` | +| `slave.affinity` | Affinity labels for pod assignment (postgresql slave) | `{}` | +| `slave.tolerations` | Toleration labels for pod assignment (postgresql slave) | `[]` | +| `terminationGracePeriodSeconds` | Seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully | `nil` | +| `resources` | CPU/Memory resource requests/limits | Memory: `256Mi`, CPU: `250m` | +| `securityContext.enabled` | Enable security context | `true` | +| `securityContext.fsGroup` | Group ID for the container | `1001` | +| `securityContext.runAsUser` | User ID for the container | `1001` | +| `livenessProbe.enabled` | Would you like a livessProbed to be enabled | `true` | +| `networkPolicy.enabled` | Enable NetworkPolicy | `false` | +| `networkPolicy.allowExternal` | Don't require client label for connections | `true` | +| `livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | 30 | +| `livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | 10 | +| `livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | 5 | +| `livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. | 6 | +| `livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 | +| `readinessProbe.enabled` | would you like a readinessProbe to be enabled | `true` | +| `readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | 5 | +| `readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | 10 | +| `readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | 5 | +| `readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. | 6 | +| `readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 | +| `metrics.enabled` | Start a prometheus exporter | `false` | +| `metrics.service.type` | Kubernetes Service type | `ClusterIP` | +| `service.clusterIP` | Static clusterIP or None for headless services | `nil` | +| `metrics.service.annotations` | Additional annotations for metrics exporter pod | `{}` | +| `metrics.service.loadBalancerIP` | loadBalancerIP if redis metrics service type is `LoadBalancer` | `nil` | +| `metrics.image.registry` | PostgreSQL Image registry | `docker.io` | +| `metrics.image.repository` | PostgreSQL Image name | `wrouesnel/postgres_exporter` | +| `metrics.image.tag` | PostgreSQL Image tag | `{VERSION}` | +| `metrics.image.pullPolicy` | PostgreSQL Image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` | +| `metrics.image.pullSecrets` | Specify Image pull secrets | `nil` (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) | +| `extraEnv` | Any extra environment variables you would like to pass on to the pod | `{}` | +| `updateStrategy` | Update strategy policy | `{type: "onDelete"}` | + +Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example, + +```console +$ helm install --name my-release \ + --set postgresqlPassword=secretpassword,postgresqlDatabase=my-database \ + stable/postgresql +``` + +The above command sets the PostgreSQL `postgres` account password to `secretpassword`. Additionally it creates a database named `my-database`. + +Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example, + +```console +$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml stable/postgresql +``` + +> **Tip**: You can use the default [values.yaml](values.yaml) + +### postgresql.conf / pg_hba.conf files as configMap + +This helm chart also supports to customize the whole configuration file. + +Add your custom file to "files/postgresql.conf" in your working directory. This file will be mounted as configMap to the containers and it will be used for configuring the PostgreSQL server. + +Alternatively, you can specify PostgreSQL configuration parameters using the `postgresqlConfiguration` parameter as a dict, using camelCase, e.g. {"sharedBuffers": "500MB"}. + +In addition to these options, you can also set an external ConfigMap with all the configuration files. This is done by setting the `configurationConfigMap` parameter. Note that this will override the two previous options. + +### Allow settings to be loaded from files other than the default `postgresql.conf` + +If you don't want to provide the whole PostgreSQL configuration file and only specify certain parameters, you can add your extended `.conf` files to "files/conf.d/" in your working directory. +Those files will be mounted as configMap to the containers adding/overwriting the default configuration using the `include_dir` directive that allows settings to be loaded from files other than the default `postgresql.conf`. + +Alternatively, you can also set an external ConfigMap with all the extra configuration files. This is done by setting the `extendedConfConfigMap` parameter. Note that this will override the previous option. + +## Initialize a fresh instance + +The [Bitnami PostgreSQL](https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-postgresql) image allows you to use your custom scripts to initialize a fresh instance. In order to execute the scripts, they must be located inside the chart folder `files/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d` so they can be consumed as a ConfigMap. + +Alternatively, you can specify custom scripts using the `initdbScripts` parameter as dict. + +In addition to these options, you can also set an external ConfigMap with all the initialization scripts. This is done by setting the `initdbScriptsConfigMap` parameter. Note that this will override the two previous options. + +The allowed extensions are `.sh`, `.sql` and `.sql.gz`. + +## Production and horizontal scaling + +The following repo contains the recommended production settings for PostgreSQL server in an alternative [values file](values-production.yaml). Please read carefully the comments in the values-production.yaml file to set up your environment + +To horizontally scale this chart, first download the [values-production.yaml](values-production.yaml) file to your local folder, then: + +```console +$ helm install --name my-release -f ./values-production.yaml stable/postgresql +$ kubectl scale statefulset my-postgresql-slave --replicas=3 +``` + +## Persistence + +The [Bitnami PostgreSQL](https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-postgresql) image stores the PostgreSQL data and configurations at the `/bitnami/postgresql` path of the container. + +Persistent Volume Claims are used to keep the data across deployments. This is known to work in GCE, AWS, and minikube. +See the [Configuration](#configuration) section to configure the PVC or to disable persistence. + +## Metrics + +The chart optionally can start a metrics exporter for [prometheus](https://prometheus.io). The metrics endpoint (port 9187) is not exposed and it is expected that the metrics are collected from inside the k8s cluster using something similar as the described in the [example Prometheus scrape configuration](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/blob/master/documentation/examples/prometheus-kubernetes.yml). + +The exporter allows to create custom metrics from additional SQL queries. See the Chart's `values.yaml` for an example and consult the [exporters documentation](https://github.com/wrouesnel/postgres_exporter#adding-new-metrics-via-a-config-file) for more details. + +## NetworkPolicy + +To enable network policy for PostgreSQL, install [a networking plugin that implements the Kubernetes NetworkPolicy spec](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/declare-network-policy#before-you-begin), and set `networkPolicy.enabled` to `true`. + +For Kubernetes v1.5 & v1.6, you must also turn on NetworkPolicy by setting the DefaultDeny namespace annotation. Note: this will enforce policy for _all_ pods in the namespace: + +```console +$ kubectl annotate namespace default "net.beta.kubernetes.io/network-policy={\"ingress\":{\"isolation\":\"DefaultDeny\"}}" +``` + +With NetworkPolicy enabled, traffic will be limited to just port 5432. + +For more precise policy, set `networkPolicy.allowExternal=false`. This will only allow pods with the generated client label to connect to PostgreSQL. +This label will be displayed in the output of a successful install. + +## Upgrade + +### 3.0.0 + +This releases make it possible to specify different nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations for master and slave pods. +It also fixes an issue with `postgresql.master.fullname` helper template not obeying fullnameOverride. + +#### Breaking changes + +- `affinty` has been renamed to `master.affinity` and `slave.affinity`. +- `tolerations` has been renamed to `master.tolerations` and `slave.tolerations`. +- `nodeSelector` has been renamed to `master.nodeSelector` and `slave.nodeSelector`. + +### 2.0.0 + +In order to upgrade from the `0.X.X` branch to `1.X.X`, you should follow the below steps: + + - Obtain the service name (`SERVICE_NAME`) and password (`OLD_PASSWORD`) of the existing postgresql chart. You can find the instructions to obtain the password in the NOTES.txt, the service name can be obtained by running + + ```console +$ kubectl get svc + ``` + +- Install (not upgrade) the new version + +```console +$ helm repo update +$ helm install --name my-release stable/postgresql +``` + +- Connect to the new pod (you can obtain the name by running `kubectl get pods`): + +```console +$ kubectl exec -it NAME bash +``` + +- Once logged in, create a dump file from the previous database using `pg_dump`, for that we should connect to the previous postgresql chart: + +```console +$ pg_dump -h SERVICE_NAME -U postgres DATABASE_NAME > /tmp/backup.sql +``` + +After run above command you should be prompted for a password, this password is the previous chart password (`OLD_PASSWORD`). +This operation could take some time depending on the database size. + +- Once you have the backup file, you can restore it with a command like the one below: + +```console +$ psql -U postgres DATABASE_NAME < /tmp/backup.sql +``` + +In this case, you are accessing to the local postgresql, so the password should be the new one (you can find it in NOTES.txt). + +If you want to restore the database and the database schema does not exist, it is necessary to first follow the steps described below. + +```console +$ psql -U postgres +postgres=# drop database DATABASE_NAME; +postgres=# create database DATABASE_NAME; +postgres=# create user USER_NAME; +postgres=# alter role USER_NAME with password 'BITNAMI_USER_PASSWORD'; +postgres=# grant all privileges on database DATABASE_NAME to USER_NAME; +postgres=# alter database DATABASE_NAME owner to USER_NAME; +```