/*- * ========================LICENSE_START================================= * O-RAN-SC * %% * Copyright (C) 2019 Nordix Foundation * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ========================LICENSE_END=================================== */ import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from "@angular/platform-browser/animations"; import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from "@angular/core/testing"; import { HarnessLoader } from "@angular/cdk/testing"; import { MatButtonModule } from "@angular/material/button"; import { MatButtonHarness } from "@angular/material/button/testing"; import { MatDialogModule, MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA, } from "@angular/material/dialog"; import { MatSelectModule } from "@angular/material/select"; import { MatInputModule } from "@angular/material/input"; import { AbstractControl, ReactiveFormsModule } from "@angular/forms"; import { TestbedHarnessEnvironment } from "@angular/cdk/testing/testbed"; import { ToastrModule } from "ngx-toastr"; import { PolicyService } from "../../services/policy/policy.service"; import { ErrorDialogService } from "../../services/ui/error-dialog.service"; import { UiService } from "../../services/ui/ui.service"; import { PolicyInstanceDialogComponent } from "./policy-instance-dialog.component"; import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, Input, } from "@angular/core"; import { TypedPolicyEditorComponent } from "../typed-policy-editor/typed-policy-editor.component"; import { RicSelectorComponent } from "../ric-selector/ric-selector.component"; import { NoTypePolicyEditorComponent } from "../no-type-policy-editor/no-type-policy-editor.component"; import { By } from "@angular/platform-browser"; describe("PolicyInstanceDialogComponent", () => { const untypedSchema = "{}"; const typedSchema = '{ "description": "Type 1 policy type", "title": "1", "type": "object", "properties": { "priorityLevel": "number" }}'; let component: PolicyInstanceDialogComponent; let fixture: ComponentFixture; let loader: HarnessLoader; let policyServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj; let errDialogServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj; beforeEach(async () => { policyServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj("PolicyService", ["putPolicy"]); errDialogServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj("ErrorDialogService", [ "displayError", ]); TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [ BrowserAnimationsModule, MatButtonModule, MatDialogModule, MatInputModule, MatSelectModule, ReactiveFormsModule, ToastrModule.forRoot(), ], schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA], declarations: [ PolicyInstanceDialogComponent, RicSelectorStubComponent, NoTypePolicyEditorStubComponent, TypedPolicyEditorStubComponent, ], providers: [ ChangeDetectorRef, { provide: MatDialogRef, useValue: component }, { provide: PolicyService, useValue: policyServiceSpy }, { provide: ErrorDialogService, useValue: errDialogServiceSpy }, { provide: MAT_DIALOG_DATA, useValue: true }, UiService, ], }); }); describe("content when creating policy without type", () => { beforeEach(async () => { const policyData = { createSchema: untypedSchema, }; TestBed.overrideProvider(MAT_DIALOG_DATA, { useValue: policyData }); // Should be provided with a policy ({ fixture, component, loader } = compileAndGetComponents( fixture, component, loader )); }); it("should contain oran logo and create title and no instance info", async () => { let ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("img"); expect(ele.src).toContain("assets/oran-logo.png"); ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("text"); expect(ele.textContent).toEqual( "Create new policy instance of type < No Type >" ); ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("#instanceInfo"); expect(ele).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should contain ric select with no policy type", async () => { const ricSelector: RicSelectorComponent = fixture.debugElement.query( By.directive(RicSelectorComponent) ).componentInstance; expect(ricSelector).toBeTruthy(); expect(ricSelector.policyTypeName).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should contain json editor with empty JSON", async () => { const noTypePolicyEditor: NoTypePolicyEditorComponent = fixture.debugElement.query( By.directive(NoTypePolicyEditorComponent) ).componentInstance; expect(noTypePolicyEditor).toBeTruthy(); expect(noTypePolicyEditor.policyJson).toEqual("{}"); }); it("should contain enabled Close button and Submit button", async () => { component.ngOnInit(); let closeButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness( MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#closeButton" }) ); expect(await closeButton.isDisabled()).toBeFalsy(); expect(await closeButton.getText()).toEqual("Close"); let submitButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness( MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#submitButton" }) ); expect(await submitButton.getText()).toEqual("Submit"); }); }); describe("content when creating policy with type", () => { beforeEach(async () => { const policyData = { name: "Type 1", createSchema: typedSchema, }; TestBed.overrideProvider(MAT_DIALOG_DATA, { useValue: policyData }); // Should be provided with a policy ({ fixture, component, loader } = compileAndGetComponents( fixture, component, loader )); }); it("should contain oran logo and create title and no instance info", async () => { let ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("img"); expect(ele.src).toContain("assets/oran-logo.png"); ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("text"); expect(ele.textContent).toEqual( "Create new policy instance of type Type 1" ); ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("#instanceInfo"); expect(ele).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should contain ric select with provided policy type", async () => { const ricSelector: RicSelectorComponent = fixture.debugElement.query( By.directive(RicSelectorComponent) ).componentInstance; expect(ricSelector).toBeTruthy(); expect(ricSelector.policyTypeName).toEqual("Type 1"); }); it("should contain typed json editor with empty JSON, schema and dark mode true", async () => { const typedPolicyEditor: TypedPolicyEditorComponent = fixture.debugElement.query( By.directive(TypedPolicyEditorComponent) ).componentInstance; expect(typedPolicyEditor).toBeTruthy(); expect(typedPolicyEditor.jsonObject).toBeFalsy(); expect(typedPolicyEditor.jsonSchemaObject).toEqual(typedSchema); expect(typedPolicyEditor.darkMode).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should contain enabled Close button and Submit button", async () => { component.ngOnInit(); let closeButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness( MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#closeButton" }) ); expect(await closeButton.isDisabled()).toBeFalsy(); expect(await closeButton.getText()).toEqual("Close"); let submitButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness( MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#submitButton" }) ); expect(await submitButton.getText()).toEqual("Submit"); }); }); describe("content when editing policy without type", () => { const instanceJson = '{"qosObjectives": {"priorityLevel": 3100}}'; beforeEach(async () => { const policyData = { createSchema: untypedSchema, instanceId: "instanceId", instanceJson: instanceJson, name: "Type 1", ric: "ric1", }; TestBed.overrideProvider(MAT_DIALOG_DATA, { useValue: policyData }); // Should be provided with a policy ({ fixture, component, loader } = compileAndGetComponents( fixture, component, loader )); }); it("should contain oran logo and instance info", async () => { let ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("img"); expect(ele.src).toContain("assets/oran-logo.png"); ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("text"); expect(ele.childNodes[0].childNodes[0]).toBeFalsy(); // No create title ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("#instanceInfo"); expect(ele).toBeTruthy(); expect(ele.innerText).toEqual("[ric1] Instance ID: instanceId"); }); it("should not contain ric select", async () => { const ricSelector = fixture.debugElement.query( By.directive(RicSelectorComponent) ); expect(ricSelector).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should contain json editor with json data", async () => { const noTypePolicyEditor: NoTypePolicyEditorComponent = fixture.debugElement.query( By.directive(NoTypePolicyEditorComponent) ).componentInstance; expect(noTypePolicyEditor).toBeTruthy(); expect(unescapeQuotes(noTypePolicyEditor.policyJson)).toEqual( '"' + instanceJson + '"' ); }); it("should contain enabled Close and Submit buttons when all inputs are valid", async () => { let closeButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness( MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#closeButton" }) ); expect(await closeButton.isDisabled()).toBeFalsy(); expect(await closeButton.getText()).toEqual("Close"); let submitButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness( MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#submitButton" }) ); expect(await submitButton.isDisabled()).toBeFalsy(); expect(await submitButton.getText()).toEqual("Submit"); }); }); describe("content when editing policy with type", () => { const instanceJson = '{"qosObjectives": {"priorityLevel": 3100}}'; beforeEach(async () => { const policyData = { createSchema: typedSchema, instanceId: "instanceId", instanceJson: instanceJson, name: "name", ric: "ric1", }; TestBed.overrideProvider(MAT_DIALOG_DATA, { useValue: policyData }); // Should be provided with a policy ({ fixture, component, loader } = compileAndGetComponents( fixture, component, loader )); }); it("should contain oran logo and instance info", async () => { let ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("img"); expect(ele.src).toContain("assets/oran-logo.png"); ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("text"); expect(ele.childNodes[0].childNodes[0]).toBeFalsy(); // No create title ele = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector("#instanceInfo"); expect(ele).toBeTruthy(); expect(ele.innerText).toEqual("[ric1] Instance ID: instanceId"); }); it("should not contain ric select", async () => { const ricSelector = fixture.debugElement.query( By.directive(RicSelectorComponent) ); expect(ricSelector).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should contain typed json editor with instance JSON, schema and dark mode true", async () => { const typedPolicyEditor: TypedPolicyEditorComponent = fixture.debugElement.query( By.directive(TypedPolicyEditorComponent) ).componentInstance; expect(typedPolicyEditor).toBeTruthy(); expect(unescapeQuotes(typedPolicyEditor.jsonObject)).toEqual( instanceJson ); expect(typedPolicyEditor.jsonSchemaObject).toEqual(typedSchema); expect(typedPolicyEditor.darkMode).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should contain enabled Close and Submit buttons when all inputs are valid", async () => { let closeButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness( MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#closeButton" }) ); expect(await closeButton.isDisabled()).toBeFalsy(); expect(await closeButton.getText()).toEqual("Close"); let submitButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness( MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#submitButton" }) ); expect(await submitButton.isDisabled()).toBeFalsy(); expect(await submitButton.getText()).toEqual("Submit"); }); }); }); function compileAndGetComponents( fixture: ComponentFixture, component: PolicyInstanceDialogComponent, loader: HarnessLoader ) { TestBed.compileComponents(); fixture = TestBed.createComponent(PolicyInstanceDialogComponent); component = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); loader = TestbedHarnessEnvironment.loader(fixture); return { fixture, component, loader }; } function unescapeQuotes(string: string): string { return string.replace(/\\"/g, '"'); } @Component({ selector: "nrcp-ric-selector", template: "", providers: [ { provide: RicSelectorComponent, useClass: RicSelectorStubComponent, }, ], }) class RicSelectorStubComponent { @Input() policyTypeName: string = ""; get selectedRic(): string { return "ric1"; } } @Component({ selector: "nrcp-no-type-policy-editor", template: "", providers: [ { provide: NoTypePolicyEditorComponent, useClass: NoTypePolicyEditorStubComponent, }, ], }) class NoTypePolicyEditorStubComponent { @Input() policyJson: string; get policyJsonTextArea(): AbstractControl { const textArea = { value: "{}" } as AbstractControl; return textArea; } } @Component({ selector: "nrcp-typed-policy-editor", template: "", providers: [ { provide: TypedPolicyEditorComponent, useClass: TypedPolicyEditorStubComponent, }, ], }) class TypedPolicyEditorStubComponent { @Input() jsonSchemaObject: any = {}; @Input() jsonObject: any = {}; @Input() darkMode: boolean; prettyLiveFormData = '"A": "string"'; get formIsValid(): boolean { return true; } }