/* ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== */ package xapp /* #include #include #include #include #include #include void write_bytes_array(unsigned char *dst, void *data, int len) { memcpy((void *)dst, (void *)data, len); } #cgo CFLAGS: -I../ #cgo LDFLAGS: -lrmr_nng -lnng */ import "C" import ( "github.com/spf13/viper" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unsafe" ) type RMRMbuf C.rmr_mbuf_t var RMRCounterOpts = []CounterOpts{ {Name: "Transmitted", Help: "The total number of transmited RMR messages"}, {Name: "Received", Help: "The total number of received RMR messages"}, {Name: "TransmitError", Help: "The total number of RMR transmission errors"}, {Name: "ReceiveError", Help: "The total number of RMR receive errors"}, } type RMRParams struct { Mtype int Payload []byte PayloadLen int Meid *RMRMeid Xid string SubId int Src string Mbuf *RMRMbuf } func NewRMRClient() *RMRClient { p := C.CString(viper.GetString("rmr.protPort")) m := C.int(viper.GetInt("rmr.maxSize")) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p)) ctx := C.rmr_init(p, m, C.int(0)) if ctx == nil { Logger.Error("rmrClient: Initializing RMR context failed, bailing out!") } return &RMRClient{ context: ctx, consumers: make([]MessageConsumer, 0), stat: Metric.RegisterCounterGroup(RMRCounterOpts, "RMR"), } } func (m *RMRClient) Start(c MessageConsumer) { if c != nil { m.consumers = append(m.consumers, c) } for { Logger.Info("rmrClient: Waiting for RMR to be ready ...") if m.ready = int(C.rmr_ready(m.context)); m.ready == 1 { break } time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } m.wg.Add(viper.GetInt("rmr.numWorkers")) if m.readyCb != nil { go m.readyCb(m.readyCbParams) } for w := 0; w < viper.GetInt("rmr.numWorkers"); w++ { go m.Worker("worker-"+strconv.Itoa(w), 0) } m.Wait() } func (m *RMRClient) Worker(taskName string, msgSize int) { p := viper.GetString("rmr.protPort") Logger.Info("rmrClient: '%s': receiving messages on [%s]", taskName, p) defer m.wg.Done() for { rxBuffer := (*RMRMbuf)(C.rmr_rcv_msg(m.context, nil)) if rxBuffer == nil { m.UpdateStatCounter("ReceiveError") continue } m.UpdateStatCounter("Received") go m.parseMessage(rxBuffer) } } func (m *RMRClient) parseMessage(rxBuffer *RMRMbuf) { if len(m.consumers) == 0 { Logger.Info("rmrClient: No message handlers defined, message discarded!") return } params := &RMRParams{} params.Mbuf = rxBuffer params.Mtype = int(rxBuffer.mtype) params.SubId = int(rxBuffer.sub_id) params.Meid = &RMRMeid{} meidBuf := make([]byte, int(C.RMR_MAX_MEID)) if meidCstr := C.rmr_get_meid((*C.rmr_mbuf_t)(rxBuffer), (*C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&meidBuf[0]))); meidCstr != nil { params.Meid.PlmnID = strings.TrimRight(string(meidBuf[0:16]), "\000") params.Meid.EnbID = strings.TrimRight(string(meidBuf[16:32]), "\000") } xidBuf := make([]byte, int(C.RMR_MAX_XID)) if xidCstr := C.rmr_get_xact((*C.rmr_mbuf_t)(rxBuffer), (*C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&xidBuf[0]))); xidCstr != nil { params.Xid = strings.TrimRight(string(xidBuf[0:32]), "\000") } srcBuf := make([]byte, int(C.RMR_MAX_SRC)) if srcStr := C.rmr_get_src((*C.rmr_mbuf_t)(rxBuffer), (*C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&srcBuf[0]))); srcStr != nil { params.Src = strings.TrimRight(string(srcBuf[0:64]), "\000") } for _, c := range m.consumers { cptr := unsafe.Pointer(rxBuffer.payload) params.Payload = C.GoBytes(cptr, C.int(rxBuffer.len)) params.PayloadLen = int(rxBuffer.len) err := c.Consume(params) if err != nil { Logger.Warn("rmrClient: Consumer returned error: %v", err) } } } func (m *RMRClient) Allocate() *RMRMbuf { buf := C.rmr_alloc_msg(m.context, 0) if buf == nil { Logger.Error("rmrClient: Allocating message buffer failed!") } return (*RMRMbuf)(buf) } func (m *RMRClient) SendMsg(params *RMRParams) bool { return m.Send(params, false) } func (m *RMRClient) SendRts(params *RMRParams) bool { return m.Send(params, true) } func (m *RMRClient) Send(params *RMRParams, isRts bool) bool { buf := params.Mbuf if buf == nil { buf = m.Allocate() } buf.mtype = C.int(params.Mtype) buf.sub_id = C.int(params.SubId) buf.len = C.int(len(params.Payload)) datap := C.CBytes(params.Payload) defer C.free(datap) if params != nil { if params.Meid != nil { b := make([]byte, int(C.RMR_MAX_MEID)) copy(b, []byte(params.Meid.PlmnID)) copy(b[16:], []byte(params.Meid.EnbID)) C.rmr_bytes2meid((*C.rmr_mbuf_t)(buf), (*C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), C.int(len(b))) } xidLen := len(params.Xid) if xidLen > 0 && xidLen <= C.RMR_MAX_XID { b := make([]byte, int(C.RMR_MAX_MEID)) copy(b, []byte(params.Xid)) C.rmr_bytes2xact((*C.rmr_mbuf_t)(buf), (*C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), C.int(len(b))) } } C.write_bytes_array(buf.payload, datap, buf.len) return m.SendBuf(buf, isRts) } func (m *RMRClient) SendBuf(txBuffer *RMRMbuf, isRts bool) bool { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { txBuffer.state = 0 if isRts { txBuffer = (*RMRMbuf)(C.rmr_rts_msg(m.context, (*C.rmr_mbuf_t)(txBuffer))) } else { txBuffer = (*RMRMbuf)(C.rmr_send_msg(m.context, (*C.rmr_mbuf_t)(txBuffer))) } if txBuffer == nil { break } else if txBuffer.state != C.RMR_OK { if txBuffer.state != C.RMR_ERR_RETRY { time.Sleep(100 * time.Microsecond) m.UpdateStatCounter("TransmitError") } for j := 0; j < 100 && txBuffer.state == C.RMR_ERR_RETRY; j++ { txBuffer = (*RMRMbuf)(C.rmr_send_msg(m.context, (*C.rmr_mbuf_t)(txBuffer))) } } if txBuffer.state == C.RMR_OK { m.UpdateStatCounter("Transmitted") return true } } m.UpdateStatCounter("TransmitError") return false } func (m *RMRClient) UpdateStatCounter(name string) { m.mux.Lock() m.stat[name].Inc() m.mux.Unlock() } func (m *RMRClient) RegisterMetrics() { m.stat = Metric.RegisterCounterGroup(RMRCounterOpts, "RMR") } func (m *RMRClient) Wait() { m.wg.Wait() } func (m *RMRClient) IsReady() bool { return m.ready != 0 } func (m *RMRClient) SetReadyCB(cb ReadyCB, params interface{}) { m.readyCb = cb m.readyCbParams = params } func (m *RMRClient) GetRicMessageId(name string) (int, bool) { id, ok := RICMessageTypes[name] return id, ok } func (m *RMRClient) GetRicMessageName(id int) (s string) { for k, v := range RICMessageTypes { if id == v { return k } } return } // To be removed ... func (m *RMRClient) GetStat() (r RMRStatistics) { return }