-- SE: Semantic error -- iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprise ( -- .spelio.software.asn1c.test (9363.1.5.1) -- .149 ModuleComplexWithComponents { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) spelio(9363) software(1) asn1c(5) test(1) 149 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Certificate ::= ExplicitCertificate (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., issuer (WITH COMPONENTS {sha256AndDigest}), toBeSigned (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., id (WITH COMPONENTS { name ("foo" | "bar") -- Some comment }), crlSeries(ScmsSpclComponentCrlSeries), validityPeriod (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., duration (CrlgCertExpiration) }), region (WITH COMPONENTS { identifiedRegion (SequenceOfIdentifiedRegion (SIZE(3)) (CONSTRAINED BY { IdentifiedRegion ( WITH COMPONENTS { countryOnly(Canada) }), IdentifiedRegion ( WITH COMPONENTS { countryOnly(Mexico) }), IdentifiedRegion ( WITH COMPONENTS { countryOnly(USA) }) })) }), canRequestRollover (NULL), encryptionKey ABSENT, verifyKeyIndicator (WITH COMPONENTS { verificationKey (WITH COMPONENTS { ecdsaNistP256 (WITH COMPONENTS { compressed-y-0, compressed-y-1 }) }) }) }) }) END