-- OK: Everything is fine -- iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprise ( -- .spelio.software.asn1c.test (9363.1.5.1) -- .154 ModuleREALWithComponents { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) spelio(9363) software(1) asn1c(5) test(1) 154 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN UnconstrainedREAL ::= REAL WeirdlyConstrainedREAL ::= REAL (3, ...) -- Not really constrained Indirect-IEEE-binary32 ::= UnconstrainedREAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa (-16777215..16777215), base (2), exponent (-149..104)}) -- X.696 (08/2005) #12.2 and #12.3 -- IEEE 754 encoding single precision IEEE-binary32-w ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa (-16777215..16777215), base (2), exponent (-149..104)}) IEEE-binary32-0w ::= REAL (0 | WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa (-16777215..16777215), base (2), exponent (-149..104)}) IEEE-binary32-w0 ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa (-16777215..16777215), base (2), exponent (-149..104)} | 0) -- IEEE 754 encoding double precision IEEE-binary64-w ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa (-9007199254740991..9007199254740991), base (2), exponent (-1074..971)}) IEEE-binary64-0w ::= REAL (0 | WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa (-9007199254740991..9007199254740991), base (2), exponent (-1074..971)}) IEEE-binary64-w0 ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa (-9007199254740991..9007199254740991), base (2), exponent (-1074..971)} | 0) Test ::= SEQUENCE { indirect-ieee-binary32 Indirect-IEEE-binary32, ieee-binary32-w IEEE-binary32-w, ieee-binary32-0w IEEE-binary32-0w, ieee-binary32-w0 IEEE-binary32-w0, ieee-binary64-w IEEE-binary64-w, ieee-binary64-0w IEEE-binary64-0w, ieee-binary64-w0 IEEE-binary64-w0 } END