/* ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== */ /* Author : Ashwin Sridharan Date : Feb 2019 */ #define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN #include #include #include #define MESSAGE_SIZE 512 int num_recv_pkts = 0; int num_tx_pkts = 0; int num_dropped_pkts = 0; int failed_tx = 0; int num_ping_pkts = 0; int num_pong_pkts = 0; uint32_t NumPkts=1000; unsigned char meid[32]; struct Test_message{ struct timespec ts; char payload[MESSAGE_SIZE]; }; bool rcvd_pkts(rmr_mbuf_t *rcv_msg){ memset(meid, 0, 32); rmr_get_meid(rcv_msg, meid); num_recv_pkts++; return false; } bool echo_into_space_pkts(rmr_mbuf_t *rcv_msg){ rcv_msg->mtype = 100; // some invalid type num_recv_pkts++; return true; } void dropped_pkts(rmr_mbuf_t *send_msg){ std::cout <<"Error handler triggered " << std::endl; num_dropped_pkts++; } bool pong_a1(rmr_mbuf_t *rcv_msg){ rcv_msg->mtype = A1_POLICY_RESP; num_ping_pkts++; return true; } bool pong_x(rmr_mbuf_t *rcv_msg){ rcv_msg->mtype = 102; //ping port num_ping_pkts++; return true; } bool ping_recv(rmr_mbuf_t * rcv_msg){ num_pong_pkts++; return false; } TEST_CASE("Test xapp functionality", "[xapp]"){ // Test parameters char app_name[128] = "Test App"; char port[16] = "tcp:4999"; init_logger("UNIT_TEST_XAPP", MDCLOG_INFO); SECTION("Illegal buffer size"){ REQUIRE_THROWS(XaPP(app_name, port, RMR_BUFFER_SIZE + 1)); } SECTION("All good"){ REQUIRE_NOTHROW(XaPP(app_name, port, sizeof(Test_message))); } SECTION("Simple + memory"){ XaPP check_xapp = XaPP(app_name, port, sizeof(Test_message)); REQUIRE(check_xapp.get_name() == std::string(app_name)); } SECTION("Configuration test"){ XaPP test_xapp = XaPP(app_name, port, sizeof(Test_message)); REQUIRE(test_xapp.get_status() == true); REQUIRE(test_xapp.get_rmr_context() != NULL); } SECTION("Transmission test with start"){ num_recv_pkts = 0; num_dropped_pkts = 0; failed_tx = 0; // Instantiate and configure xAPP XaPP test_xapp = XaPP(app_name, port, sizeof(Test_message)); // Start receiver for test test_xapp.StartThread(rcvd_pkts); sleep(1); // Test Send normal message Test_message my_message; uint32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < NumPkts; i++){ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &(my_message.ts)); snprintf(my_message.payload, MESSAGE_SIZE, "hello world %d", i); bool res = test_xapp.Send(102, sizeof(Test_message), (void *) (&my_message)); if (!res){ failed_tx ++; } usleep(10); } sleep(1); REQUIRE(test_xapp.get_num_active_threads() == 1); test_xapp.Stop(); REQUIRE(test_xapp.get_num_active_threads() == 0); std::cout <<"Num Packets Sent = " << NumPkts << " Received packets = " << num_recv_pkts << " Dropped packets = " << num_dropped_pkts << " Failed sends = "<< failed_tx << std::endl; REQUIRE(num_recv_pkts > 0); REQUIRE(num_dropped_pkts == 0); REQUIRE(failed_tx == 0); REQUIRE(num_recv_pkts == NumPkts); } SECTION("Transmission test error handler with start"){ num_recv_pkts = 0; num_dropped_pkts = 0; failed_tx = 0; // Instantiate and configure xAPP XaPP test_xapp = XaPP(app_name, port, sizeof(Test_message) ); // Start receiver for test test_xapp.StartThread(&echo_into_space_pkts, &dropped_pkts); sleep(1); // Test Send normal message Test_message my_message; uint32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < NumPkts; i++){ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &(my_message.ts)); snprintf(my_message.payload, MESSAGE_SIZE, "hello world %d", i); bool res = test_xapp.Send(102, sizeof(Test_message), (void *) (&my_message)); if (!res){ failed_tx ++; } usleep(10); } sleep(1); test_xapp.Stop(); std::cout <<"Num Packets Sent = " << NumPkts << " Received packets = " << num_recv_pkts << " Dropped packets = " << num_dropped_pkts << " Failed sends = "<< failed_tx << std::endl; REQUIRE(num_recv_pkts == NumPkts); REQUIRE(num_dropped_pkts == NumPkts); REQUIRE(failed_tx == 0); } SECTION("Transmission test error handler with start thread"){ num_recv_pkts = 0; num_dropped_pkts = 0; failed_tx = 0; // Instantiate and configure xAPP XaPP test_xapp = XaPP(app_name, port, sizeof(Test_message) ); // Start receiver for test test_xapp.StartThread(&echo_into_space_pkts, &dropped_pkts); sleep(1); // Test Send normal message Test_message my_message; uint32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < NumPkts; i++){ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &(my_message.ts)); snprintf(my_message.payload, MESSAGE_SIZE, "hello world %d", i); bool res = test_xapp.Send(102, sizeof(Test_message), (void *) (&my_message)); if (!res){ failed_tx ++; } usleep(10); } sleep(1); test_xapp.Stop(); std::cout <<"Num Packets Sent = " << NumPkts << " Received packets = " << num_recv_pkts << " Dropped packets = " << num_dropped_pkts << " Failed sends = "<< failed_tx << std::endl; REQUIRE(num_recv_pkts == NumPkts); REQUIRE(num_dropped_pkts == NumPkts); REQUIRE(failed_tx == 0); } SECTION("Test ping pong : two xapps send to each other. "){ char ping_name[] = "ping"; char pong_name[] = "pong"; char ping_port[] = "tcp:4999"; char pong_port[] = "tcp:4998"; // Instantiate ping xAPP XaPP ping_xapp = XaPP(ping_name, ping_port, sizeof(Test_message) ); // Instantiate pong xapp XaPP pong_xapp = XaPP(pong_name, pong_port, sizeof(Test_message) ); // Start receiver on ping ping_xapp.StartThread(ping_recv); sleep(1); // Start receiver on pong pong_xapp.StartThread(pong_x); // send messages from ping to pong Test_message my_message; uint32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < NumPkts; i++){ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &(my_message.ts)); snprintf(my_message.payload, MESSAGE_SIZE, "hello world %d", i); bool res = ping_xapp.Send(101, sizeof(Test_message), (void *) (&my_message)); if (!res){ failed_tx ++; } } sleep(1); pong_xapp.Stop(); REQUIRE(failed_tx == 0); REQUIRE(num_ping_pkts == NumPkts); REQUIRE(num_pong_pkts == NumPkts); // Re-run experiment but now with A1 message type when // ping responds pong_xapp.StartThread(pong_a1); sleep(1); failed_tx = 0; num_ping_pkts = 0; num_pong_pkts = 0; for(i = 0; i < NumPkts; i++){ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &(my_message.ts)); snprintf(my_message.payload, MESSAGE_SIZE, "hello world %d", i); bool res = ping_xapp.Send(101, sizeof(Test_message), (void *) (&my_message)); if (!res){ failed_tx ++; } } sleep(1); ping_xapp.Stop(); pong_xapp.Stop(); std::cerr <<"Pong received ping pkts = " << num_ping_pkts << " Ping received a1 packets = " << num_pong_pkts << " failures = " << failed_tx << std::endl; REQUIRE(num_ping_pkts >= NumPkts); REQUIRE(num_pong_pkts >= NumPkts); REQUIRE(failed_tx == 0); } } TEST_CASE(" Test out various transmission methods ..", "1"){ // Test parameters char app_name[128] = "Test App"; char port[16] = "tcp:4999"; init_logger("UNIT_TEST_XAPP", MDCLOG_INFO); bool res; unsigned char my_meid[32] = "ABC123"; Test_message my_message; SECTION("Test if message larger than allowed"){ num_recv_pkts = 0; num_dropped_pkts = 0; failed_tx = 0; // Instantiate and configure xAPP XaPP test_xapp = XaPP(app_name, port, sizeof(Test_message) ); // Start receiver for test test_xapp.StartThread(&rcvd_pkts); sleep(1); // Test sending a message of size larger than allowed res = test_xapp.Send(102, RMR_BUFFER_SIZE + 100, (void *)(&my_message)); REQUIRE(res == false); res = test_xapp.Send(102, RMR_BUFFER_SIZE + 100, (void *)(&my_message), "id"); REQUIRE(res == false); test_xapp.Stop(); } SECTION("Test with tlv"){ num_recv_pkts = 0; num_dropped_pkts = 0; failed_tx = 0; // Instantiate and configure xAPP XaPP test_xapp = XaPP(app_name, port, sizeof(Test_message) ); // Start receiver for test test_xapp.StartThread(&rcvd_pkts); sleep(1); // Test Send with tlv clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &(my_message.ts)); snprintf(my_message.payload, MESSAGE_SIZE, "hello world"); res = test_xapp.Send(102, sizeof(Test_message), (void *) (&my_message)); sleep(1); // Test send with tlv and meid res = test_xapp.Send(102, sizeof(Test_message), (void *) (&my_message), my_meid); sleep(1); test_xapp.Stop(); REQUIRE(num_recv_pkts == 2); REQUIRE(!strcmp((const char *)meid, (const char *)my_meid)); } }