apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: $A1PMS_APP_NAME namespace: $KUBE_NONRTRIC_NAMESPACE labels: run: $A1PMS_APP_NAME autotest: A1PMS spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: run: $A1PMS_APP_NAME template: metadata: labels: run: $A1PMS_APP_NAME autotest: A1PMS spec: securityContext: runAsUser: 0 # Need to run as root to be able to store files in dir mounted as a hostPath volume containers: - name: $A1PMS_APP_NAME image: $A1PMS_IMAGE imagePullPolicy: $KUBE_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY ports: - name: http containerPort: $A1PMS_INTERNAL_PORT - name: https containerPort: $A1PMS_INTERNAL_SECURE_PORT volumeMounts: - mountPath: $A1PMS_CONFIG_MOUNT_PATH name: a1pms-conf-name - mountPath: $A1PMS_CONTAINER_MNT_DIR name: a1pms-pv-data-name - mountPath: $A1PMS_DATA_MOUNT_PATH name: a1pms-data-name volumes: - configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: $A1PMS_CONFIG_CONFIGMAP_NAME name: a1pms-conf-name - configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: $A1PMS_DATA_CONFIGMAP_NAME name: a1pms-data-name - persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: $A1PMS_DATA_PVC_NAME name: a1pms-pv-data-name # Selector will be set when pod is started first time nodeSelector: