This directory contains a few sample programs to demonstrante a dummy message exchange of the Traffic Steering use case. These programs are simple and in most of the cases error checking is not performed to keep them simple. ad_xapp.cpp Simulates the AD xApp sending an Anomaly Message to the TS xApp. It sends one message, receives its corresponding ACK, and exits. All steps are logged in the console. Uses RMR port 4570. qp_xapp.cpp Simulates the QoE Prediction (QP) xApp. Basically, this program receives Prediction Requests from TS xApp, computes random throughput values (predictions) for neighbor cells, and sends that Throughput Prediction to the TS xApp. All steps are logged in the console. Uses RMR port 4580. Implements a echo server for testing REST calls from TS xApp. rc_xapp.cpp Simulates the RC xApp. It receives CONTROL messages from TS xApp, and outputs the string representation of the message in the console. Replies TS with an ACK message. Uses gRPC port 50051. routes.rt Contains a few RMR routing policies to allow AD, QP, and TS xApps exchange messages in this controlled environment.