SI95 is a port of a lightweight TCP|UDP/IP communications library originally called Socket Interface and was written in 1995. For use by RMR as an integrated transport layer it has been dubbed SI95, and unneeded features (UDP, multicast, child process support) have been removed. The orignal code was released into the public domain (open source) with a 2-part BSD style license; the orignal authors have allowed the Apache license covering RMR to replace the original license text in each file provided that the original file headers are left to document the origin of the source. The library is constructed as an integrated set of externally visible functions within the RMR library (librmr_si), however there is no plan to make any SI95 headers directly available in the RMR development package; in other words, it will be difficult for a user application to make use of SI95 directly. All external SI95 functions will retain their original SI prefix (e.g. SIsendt).