// : vi ts=4 sw=4 noet : /* ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nokia Copyright (c) 2018-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== */ /* Mnemonic: rtc_si_static.c Abstract: The route table collector is started as a separate pthread and is responsible for listening for route table updates from a route manager or route table generator process. This comes from the common src and may be moved back there once it is not necessary to support raw sessions (all route table gen messages are received over rmr channel). Author: E. Scott Daniels Date: 29 November 2018 (extracted to common 13 March 2019) Imported to si base 17 Jan 2020. */ #ifndef _rtc_si_staic_c #define _rtc_si_staic_c #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Loop forever (assuming we're running in a pthread reading the static table every minute or so. */ static void* rtc_file( void* vctx ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; // context user has -- where we pin the route table char* eptr; int vfd = -1; // verbose file des if we have one int vlevel = 0; // how chatty we should be 0== no nattering allowed char wbuf[256]; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "[CRI] rmr_rtc: internal mishap: context passed in was nil\n" ); return NULL; } if( (eptr = getenv( ENV_VERBOSE_FILE )) != NULL ) { vfd = open( eptr, O_RDONLY ); } while( 1 ) { if( vfd >= 0 ) { wbuf[0] = 0; lseek( vfd, 0, 0 ); read( vfd, wbuf, 10 ); vlevel = atoi( wbuf ); } read_static_rt( ctx, vlevel ); // seed the route table if one provided sleep( 60 ); } } static int refresh_vlevel( int vfd ) { int vlevel = 0; char rbuf[128]; if( vfd >= 0 ) { // if file is open, read current value rbuf[0] = 0; lseek( vfd, 0, 0 ); read( vfd, rbuf, 10 ); vlevel = atoi( rbuf ); } return vlevel; } /* Route Table Collector A side thread which opens a socket and subscribes to a routing table generator. It may do other things along the way (latency measurements?). The pointer is a pointer to the context. Listens for records from the route table generation publisher, expecting one of the following, newline terminated, ASCII records: rte|msg-type||]name:port,name:port,...;name:port,... // route table entry with one or more groups of endpoints new|start // start of new table new|end // end of new table; complete Name must be a host name which can be looked up via gethostbyname() (DNS). Multiple endpoints (name:port) may be given separated by a comma; an endpoint is selected using round robin for each message of the type that is sent. Multiple endpoint groups can be given as a comma separated list of endpoints, separated by semicolons: group1n1:port,group1n2:port,group1n3:port;group2n1:port,group2n2:port If multiple groups are given, when send() is called for the cooresponding message type, the message will be sent to one endpoint in each group. msg-type is the numeric message type (e.g. 102). If it is given as n,name then it is assumed that the entry applies only to the instance running with the hostname 'name.' Buffers received from the route table generator can contain multiple newline terminated records, but each buffer must be less than 4K in length, and the last record in a buffer may NOT be split across buffers. Other chores: In addition to the primary task of getting, vetting, and installing a new route table, or updates to the existing table, this thread will periodically cause the send counts for each endpoint known to be written to standard error. The frequency is once every 180 seconds, and more frequently if verbose mode (see ENV_VERBOSE_FILE) is > 0. */ static void* rtc( void* vctx ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; // context user has -- where we pin the route table uta_ctx_t* pvt_cx; // private context for session with rtg rmr_mbuf_t* msg = NULL; // message from rtg char* payload; // payload in the message size_t mlen; size_t clen; // length to copy and mark char* port; // a port number we listen/connect to char* fport; // pointer to the real buffer to free size_t buf_size; // nng needs var pointer not just size? char* nextr; // pointer at next record in the message char* curr; // current record int i; long blabber = 0; // time of last blabber so we don't flood if rtg goes bad int cstate = -1; // connection state to rtg int state; // processing state of some nng function char* tokens[128]; char wbuf[128]; char* pbuf = NULL; int pbuf_size = 0; // number allocated in pbuf int ntoks; int raw_interface = 0; // rtg is using raw NNG/Nano not RMr to send updates int vfd = -1; // verbose file des if we have one int vlevel = 0; // how chatty we should be 0== no nattering allowed char* eptr; int epfd = -1; // fd for epoll so we can multi-task struct epoll_event events[1]; // list of events to give to epoll; we only have one we care about struct epoll_event epe; // event definition for event to listen to int count_delay = 30; // number of seconds between writing count info; initially every 30s int bump_freq = 0; // time at which we will bump count frequency to every 5 minutes if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "[CRI] rmr_rtc: internal mishap: context passed in was nil\n" ); return NULL; } if( (eptr = getenv( ENV_VERBOSE_FILE )) != NULL ) { vfd = open( eptr, O_RDONLY ); vlevel = refresh_vlevel( vfd ); } read_static_rt( ctx, vlevel ); // seed the route table if one provided if( (port = getenv( ENV_RTG_PORT )) == NULL || ! *port ) { // port we need to open to listen for RTG connections port = strdup( DEF_RTG_PORT ); } else { port = strdup( port ); } if( (curr = getenv( ENV_RTG_RAW )) != NULL ) { raw_interface = atoi( curr ) > 0; // if > 0 we assume that rtg messages are NOT coming from an RMr based process } fport = port; // must hold to free ntoks = uta_tokenise( port, tokens, 120, ':' ); // assume tcp:port, but it could be port or old style host:port switch( ntoks ) { case 1: port = tokens[0]; // just the port break; case 2: port = tokens[1]; // tcp:port or :port break; default: port = DEF_RTG_PORT; // this shouldn't happen, but parnioia is good break; } if( (pvt_cx = init( port, MAX_RTG_MSG_SZ, FL_NOTHREAD )) == NULL ) { // open a private context (no RT listener!) fprintf( stderr, "[CRI] rmr_rtc: unable to initialise listen port for RTG (pvt_cx)\n" ); while( TRUE ) { // no listen port, just dump counts now and then sleep( count_delay ); rt_epcounts( ctx->rtable, ctx->my_name ); } free( fport ); // parinoid free and return return NULL; } if( DEBUG ) fprintf( stderr, "[DBUG] rtc thread is running and listening; listening for rtg conns on %s\n", port ); free( fport ); // future: if we need to register with the rtg, then build a message and send it through a wormhole here bump_freq = time( NULL ) + 300; // after 5 minutes we decrease the count frequency blabber = 0; while( 1 ) { // until the cows return, pigs fly, or somesuch event likely not to happen while( msg == NULL || msg->len <= 0 ) { // until we actually have something from the other side msg = rmr_torcv_msg( pvt_cx, msg, 1000 ); if( time( NULL ) > blabber ) { vlevel = refresh_vlevel( vfd ); if( vlevel >= 0 ) { // allow it to be forced off with -n in verbose file blabber = time( NULL ) + count_delay; // set next time to blabber, then do so if( blabber > bump_freq ) { count_delay = 300; } rt_epcounts( ctx->rtable, ctx->my_name ); } } } vlevel = refresh_vlevel( vfd ); // ensure it's fresh when we get a message if( msg != NULL && msg->len > 0 ) { payload = msg->payload; mlen = msg->len; // usable bytes in the payload if( vlevel > 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[DBUG] rmr_rtc: received rt message; %d bytes (%s)\n", (int) mlen, msg->payload ); } else { if( DEBUG > 1 || (vlevel > 0) ) fprintf( stderr, "[DBUG] rmr_rtc: received rt message; %d bytes\n", (int) mlen ); } if( pbuf_size <= mlen ) { if( pbuf ) { free( pbuf ); } if( mlen < 512 ) { pbuf_size = 512; } else { pbuf_size = mlen * 2; } pbuf = (char *) malloc( sizeof( char ) * pbuf_size ); } memcpy( pbuf, payload, mlen ); pbuf[mlen] = 0; // don't depend on sender making this a legit string curr = pbuf; while( curr ) { // loop over each record in the buffer nextr = strchr( curr, '\n' ); // allow multiple newline records, find end of current and mark if( nextr ) { *(nextr++) = 0; } if( vlevel > 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "[DBUG] rmr_rtc: processing (%s)\n", curr ); } parse_rt_rec( ctx, curr, vlevel ); // parse record and add to in progress table curr = nextr; } if( ctx->shutdown ) { // mostly for testing, but allows user app to close us down if rmr_*() function sets this break; } msg->len = 0; // force back into the listen loop } } return NULL; // unreachable, but some compilers don't see that and complain. } #endif