// vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet : /* ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nokia Copyright (c) 2018-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== */ /* Mnemonic: rmr_si.c Abstract: This is the compile point for the si version of the rmr library (formarly known as uta, so internal function names are likely still uta_*) With the exception of the symtab portion of the library, RMr is built with a single compile so as to "hide" the internal functions as statics. Because they interdepend on each other, and CMake has issues with generating two different wormhole objects from a single source, we just pull it all together with a centralised comple using includes. Future: the API functions at this point can be separated into a common source module. Author: E. Scott Daniels Date: 1 February 2019 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "si95/socket_if.h" #include "si95/siproto.h" #include "rmr.h" // things the users see #include "rmr_agnostic.h" // agnostic things (must be included before private) #include "rmr_si_private.h" // things that we need too #include "rmr_symtab.h" #include "rmr_logging.h" #include "ring_static.c" // message ring support #include "rt_generic_static.c" // route table things not transport specific #include "rtable_si_static.c" // route table things -- transport specific #include "rtc_si_static.c" // specific RMR only route table collector (SI only for now) #include "tools_static.c" #include "sr_si_static.c" // send/receive static functions #include "wormholes.c" // wormhole api externals and related static functions (must be LAST!) #include "mt_call_static.c" #include "mt_call_si_static.c" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Clean up a context. */ static void free_ctx( uta_ctx_t* ctx ) { if( ctx ) { if( ctx->rtg_addr ) { free( ctx->rtg_addr ); } } } // --------------- public functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Returns the size of the payload (bytes) that the msg buffer references. Len in a message is the number of bytes which were received, or should be transmitted, however, it is possible that the mbuf was allocated with a larger payload space than the payload length indicates; this function returns the absolute maximum space that the user has available in the payload. On error (bad msg buffer) -1 is returned and errno should indicate the rason. The allocated len stored in the msg is: transport header length + message header + user requested payload The msg header is a combination of the fixed RMR header and the variable trace data and d2 fields which may vary for each message. */ extern int rmr_payload_size( rmr_mbuf_t* msg ) { if( msg == NULL || msg->header == NULL ) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } errno = 0; return msg->alloc_len - RMR_HDR_LEN( msg->header ) - TP_HDR_LEN; // allocated transport size less the header and other data bits } /* Allocates a send message as a zerocopy message allowing the underlying message protocol to send the buffer without copy. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_alloc_msg( void* vctx, int size ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; rmr_mbuf_t* m; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { return NULL; } m = alloc_zcmsg( ctx, NULL, size, 0, DEF_TR_LEN ); // alloc with default trace data return m; } /* Allocates a send message as a zerocopy message allowing the underlying message protocol to send the buffer without copy. In addition, a trace data field of tr_size will be added and the supplied data coppied to the buffer before returning the message to the caller. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_tralloc_msg( void* vctx, int size, int tr_size, unsigned const char* data ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; rmr_mbuf_t* m; int state; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { return NULL; } m = alloc_zcmsg( ctx, NULL, size, 0, tr_size ); // alloc with specific tr size if( m != NULL ) { state = rmr_set_trace( m, data, tr_size ); // roll their data in if( state != tr_size ) { m->state = RMR_ERR_INITFAILED; } } return m; } /* This provides an external path to the realloc static function as it's called by an outward facing mbuf api function. Used to reallocate a message with a different trace data size. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_realloc_msg( rmr_mbuf_t* msg, int new_tr_size ) { return realloc_msg( msg, new_tr_size ); } /* Return the message to the available pool, or free it outright. */ extern void rmr_free_msg( rmr_mbuf_t* mbuf ) { //fprintf( stderr, "SKIPPING FREE: %p\n", mbuf ); //return; if( mbuf == NULL ) { return; } if( !mbuf->ring || ! uta_ring_insert( mbuf->ring, mbuf ) ) { // just queue, free if ring is full if( mbuf->tp_buf ) { free( mbuf->tp_buf ); } free( mbuf ); } } /* This is a wrapper to the real timeout send. We must wrap it now to ensure that the call flag and call-id are reset */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_mtosend_msg( void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* msg, int max_to ) { char* d1; // point at the call-id in the header if( msg != NULL ) { ((uta_mhdr_t *) msg->header)->flags &= ~HFL_CALL_MSG; // must ensure call flag is off d1 = DATA1_ADDR( msg->header ); d1[D1_CALLID_IDX] = NO_CALL_ID; // must blot out so it doesn't queue on a chute at the other end } return mtosend_msg( vctx, msg, max_to ); } /* Send with default max timeout as is set in the context. See rmr_mtosend_msg() for more details on the parameters. See rmr_stimeout() for info on setting the default timeout. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_send_msg( void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* msg ) { char* d1; // point at the call-id in the header if( msg != NULL ) { ((uta_mhdr_t *) msg->header)->flags &= ~HFL_CALL_MSG; // must ensure call flag is off d1 = DATA1_ADDR( msg->header ); d1[D1_CALLID_IDX] = NO_CALL_ID; // must blot out so it doesn't queue on a chute at the other end } return rmr_mtosend_msg( vctx, msg, -1 ); // retries < 0 uses default from ctx } /* Return to sender allows a message to be sent back to the endpoint where it originated. In the SI world the file descriptor that was the source of the message is captured in the mbuffer and thus can be used to quickly find the target for an RTS call. The source information in the message is used to select the socket on which to write the message rather than using the message type and round-robin selection. This should return a message buffer with the state of the send operation set. On success (state is RMR_OK, the caller may use the buffer for another receive operation), and on error it can be passed back to this function to retry the send if desired. On error, errno will liklely have the failure reason set by the nng send processing. The following are possible values for the state in the message buffer: Message states returned: RMR_ERR_BADARG - argument (context or msg) was nil or invalid RMR_ERR_NOHDR - message did not have a header RMR_ERR_NOENDPT- an endpoint to send the message to could not be determined RMR_ERR_SENDFAILED - send failed; errno has nano error code RMR_ERR_RETRY - the reqest failed but should be retried (EAGAIN) A nil message as the return value is rare, and generally indicates some kind of horrible failure. The value of errno might give a clue as to what is wrong. CAUTION: Like send_msg(), this is non-blocking and will return the msg if there is an errror. The caller must check for this and handle it properly. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_rts_msg( void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* msg ) { int nn_sock; // endpoint socket for send uta_ctx_t* ctx; int state; char* hold_src; // we need the original source if send fails char* hold_ip; // also must hold original ip int sock_ok = 0; // true if we found a valid endpoint socket endpoint_t* ep = NULL; // end point to track counts if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL || msg == NULL ) { // bad stuff, bail fast errno = EINVAL; // if msg is null, this is their clue if( msg != NULL ) { msg->state = RMR_ERR_BADARG; msg->tp_state = errno; } return msg; } errno = 0; // at this point any bad state is in msg returned if( msg->header == NULL ) { rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_ERR, "rmr_send_msg: message had no header\n" ); msg->state = RMR_ERR_NOHDR; msg->tp_state = errno; return msg; } ((uta_mhdr_t *) msg->header)->flags &= ~HFL_CALL_MSG; // must ensure call flag is off /* sock_ok = uta_epsock_byname( ctx->rtable, (char *) ((uta_mhdr_t *)msg->header)->src, &nn_sock, &ep, ctx->si_ctx ); // src is always used first for rts if( ! sock_ok ) { */ if( (nn_sock = msg->rts_fd) < 0 ) { if( HDR_VERSION( msg->header ) > 2 ) { // with ver2 the ip is there, try if src name not known //sock_ok = uta_epsock_byname( ctx->rtable, (char *) ((uta_mhdr_t *)msg->header)->srcip, &nn_sock, &ep, ctx->si_ctx ); sock_ok = uta_epsock_byname( ctx, (char *) ((uta_mhdr_t *)msg->header)->srcip, &nn_sock, &ep ); } if( ! sock_ok ) { msg->state = RMR_ERR_NOENDPT; return msg; // preallocated msg can be reused since not given back to nn } } msg->state = RMR_OK; // ensure it is clear before send hold_src = strdup( (char *) ((uta_mhdr_t *)msg->header)->src ); // the dest where we're returning the message to hold_ip = strdup( (char *) ((uta_mhdr_t *)msg->header)->srcip ); // both the src host and src ip strncpy( (char *) ((uta_mhdr_t *)msg->header)->src, ctx->my_name, RMR_MAX_SRC ); // must overlay the source to be ours msg = send_msg( ctx, msg, nn_sock, -1 ); if( msg ) { if( ep != NULL ) { switch( msg->state ) { case RMR_OK: ep->scounts[EPSC_GOOD]++; break; case RMR_ERR_RETRY: ep->scounts[EPSC_TRANS]++; break; default: // FIX ME uta_fd_failed( nn_sock ); // we don't have an ep so this requires a look up/search to mark it failed ep->scounts[EPSC_FAIL]++; break; } } strncpy( (char *) ((uta_mhdr_t *)msg->header)->src, hold_src, RMR_MAX_SRC ); // always return original source so rts can be called again strncpy( (char *) ((uta_mhdr_t *)msg->header)->srcip, hold_ip, RMR_MAX_SRC ); // always return original source so rts can be called again msg->flags |= MFL_ADDSRC; // if msg given to send() it must add source } free( hold_src ); free( hold_ip ); return msg; } /* If multi-threading call is turned on, this invokes that mechanism with the special call id of 1 and a max wait of 1 second. If multi threaded call is not on, then the original behavour (described below) is carried out. This is safe to use when mt is enabled, but the user app is invoking rmr_call() from only one thread, and the caller doesn't need a flexible timeout. On timeout this function will return a nil pointer. If the original message could not be sent without blocking, it will be returned with the RMR_ERR_RETRY set as the status. Original behavour: Call sends the message based on message routing using the message type, and waits for a response message to arrive with the same transaction id that was in the outgoing message. If, while wiating for the expected response, messages are received which do not have the desired transaction ID, they are queued. Calls to uta_rcv_msg() will dequeue them in the order that they were received. Normally, a message struct pointer is returned and msg->state must be checked for RMR_OK to ensure that no error was encountered. If the state is UTA_BADARG, then the message may be resent (likely the context pointer was nil). If the message is sent, but no response is received, a nil message is returned with errno set to indicate the likley issue: ETIMEDOUT -- too many messages were queued before reciving the expected response ENOBUFS -- the queued message ring is full, messages were dropped EINVAL -- A parameter was not valid EAGAIN -- the underlying message system wsa interrupted or the device was busy; user should call this function with the message again. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_call( void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* msg ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL || msg == NULL ) { // bad stuff, bail fast if( msg != NULL ) { msg->state = RMR_ERR_BADARG; } return msg; } return rmr_mt_call( vctx, msg, 1, 1000 ); // use the reserved call-id of 1 and wait up to 1 sec } /* The outward facing receive function. When invoked it will pop the oldest message from the receive ring, if any are queued, and return it. If the ring is empty then the receive function is invoked to wait for the next message to arrive (blocking). If old_msg is provided, it will be populated (avoiding lots of free/alloc cycles). If nil, a new one will be allocated. However, the caller should NOT expect to get the same struct back (if a queued message is returned the message struct will be different). */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_rcv_msg( void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* old_msg ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; rmr_mbuf_t* qm; // message that was queued on the ring if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { errno = EINVAL; if( old_msg != NULL ) { old_msg->state = RMR_ERR_BADARG; old_msg->tp_state = errno; } return old_msg; } errno = 0; return rmr_mt_rcv( ctx, old_msg, -1 ); } /* This allows a timeout based receive for applications unable to implement epoll_wait() (e.g. wrappers). */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_torcv_msg( void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* old_msg, int ms_to ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { errno = EINVAL; if( old_msg != NULL ) { old_msg->state = RMR_ERR_BADARG; old_msg->tp_state = errno; } return old_msg; } return rmr_mt_rcv( ctx, old_msg, ms_to ); } /* This blocks until the message with the 'expect' ID is received. Messages which are received before the expected message are queued onto the message ring. The function will return a nil message and set errno to ETIMEDOUT if allow2queue messages are received before the expected message is received. If the queued message ring fills a nil pointer is returned and errno is set to ENOBUFS. Generally this will be invoked only by the call() function as it waits for a response, but it is exposed to the user application as three is no reason not to. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_rcv_specific( void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* msg, char* expect, int allow2queue ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; int queued = 0; // number we pushed into the ring int exp_len = 0; // length of expected ID if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { errno = EINVAL; if( msg != NULL ) { msg->state = RMR_ERR_BADARG; msg->tp_state = errno; } return msg; } errno = 0; if( expect == NULL || ! *expect ) { // nothing expected if nil or empty string, just receive return rmr_rcv_msg( ctx, msg ); } exp_len = strlen( expect ); if( exp_len > RMR_MAX_XID ) { exp_len = RMR_MAX_XID; } if( DEBUG ) rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, " rcv_specific waiting for id=%s\n", expect ); while( queued < allow2queue ) { msg = rcv_msg( ctx, msg ); // hard wait for next if( msg->state == RMR_OK ) { if( memcmp( msg->xaction, expect, exp_len ) == 0 ) { // got it -- return it if( DEBUG ) rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, " rcv-specific matched (%s); %d messages were queued\n", msg->xaction, queued ); return msg; } if( ! uta_ring_insert( ctx->mring, msg ) ) { // just queue, error if ring is full if( DEBUG > 1 ) rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, " rcv_specific ring is full\n" ); errno = ENOBUFS; return NULL; } if( DEBUG ) rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, " rcv_specific queued message type=%d\n", msg->mtype ); queued++; msg = NULL; } } if( DEBUG ) rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, " rcv_specific timeout waiting for %s\n", expect ); errno = ETIMEDOUT; return NULL; } /* Set send timeout. The value time is assumed to be milliseconds. The timeout is the _rough_ maximum amount of time that RMR will block on a send attempt when the underlying mechnism indicates eagain or etimeedout. All other error conditions are reported without this delay. Setting a timeout of 0 causes no retries to be attempted in RMr code. Setting a timeout of 1 causes RMr to spin up to 1K retries before returning, but _without_ issuing a sleep. If timeout is > 1, then RMr will issue a sleep (1us) after every 1K send attempts until the "time" value is reached. Retries are abandoned if NNG returns anything other than EAGAIN or EINTER is returned. The default, if this function is not used, is 1; meaning that RMr will retry, but will not enter a sleep. In all cases the caller should check the status in the message returned after a send call. Returns -1 if the context was invalid; RMR_OK otherwise. */ extern int rmr_set_stimeout( void* vctx, int time ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { return -1; } if( time < 0 ) { time = 0; } ctx->send_retries = time; return RMR_OK; } /* Set receive timeout -- not supported in nng implementation CAUTION: this is not supported as they must be set differently (between create and open) in NNG. */ extern int rmr_set_rtimeout( void* vctx, int time ) { rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_WARN, "Current underlying transport mechanism (SI) does not support rcv timeout; not set\n" ); return 0; } /* This is the actual init workhorse. The user visible function meerly ensures that the calling programme does NOT set any internal flags that are supported, and then invokes this. Internal functions (the route table collector) which need additional open ports without starting additional route table collectors, will invoke this directly with the proper flag. CAUTION: The max_ibm (max inbound message) size is the supplied user max plus the lengths that we know about. The _user_ should ensure that the supplied length also includes the trace data length maximum as they are in control of that. */ static void* init( char* uproto_port, int max_msg_size, int flags ) { static int announced = 0; uta_ctx_t* ctx = NULL; char bind_info[256]; // bind info char* proto = "tcp"; // pointer into the proto/port string user supplied char* port; char* interface = NULL; // interface to bind to (from RMR_BIND_IF, if not defined) char* proto_port; char wbuf[1024]; // work buffer char* tok; // pointer at token in a buffer char* tok2; int static_rtc = 0; // if rtg env var is < 1, then we set and don't listen on a port int state; int i; int old_vlevel; old_vlevel = rmr_vlog_init(); // initialise and get the current level rmr_set_vlevel( RMR_VL_INFO ); // we WILL announce our version etc if( ! announced ) { rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_INFO, "ric message routing library on SI95/c mv=%d flg=%02x (%s %s.%s.%s built: %s)\n", RMR_MSG_VER, flags, QUOTE_DEF(GIT_ID), QUOTE_DEF(MAJOR_VER), QUOTE_DEF(MINOR_VER), QUOTE_DEF(PATCH_VER), __DATE__ ); announced = 1; } rmr_set_vlevel( old_vlevel ); // return logging to the desired state errno = 0; if( uproto_port == NULL ) { proto_port = strdup( DEF_COMM_PORT ); } else { proto_port = strdup( uproto_port ); // so we can modify it } if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) malloc( sizeof( uta_ctx_t ) )) == NULL ) { errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } memset( ctx, 0, sizeof( uta_ctx_t ) ); if( DEBUG ) rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, " rmr_init: allocating 266 rivers\n" ); ctx->nrivers = 256; // number of input flows we'll manage ctx->rivers = (river_t *) malloc( sizeof( river_t ) * ctx->nrivers ); memset( ctx->rivers, 0, sizeof( river_t ) * ctx->nrivers ); for( i = 0; i < ctx->nrivers; i++ ) { ctx->rivers[i].state = RS_NEW; // force allocation of accumulator on first received packet } ctx->send_retries = 1; // default is not to sleep at all; RMr will retry about 10K times before returning ctx->d1_len = 4; // data1 space in header -- 4 bytes for now ctx->max_ibm = max_msg_size < 1024 ? 1024 : max_msg_size; // larger than their request doesn't hurt ctx->max_ibm += sizeof( uta_mhdr_t ) + ctx->d1_len + ctx->d2_len + 64; // add in our header size and a bit of fudge ctx->mring = uta_mk_ring( 4096 ); // message ring is always on for si ctx->zcb_mring = uta_mk_ring( 128 ); // zero copy buffer mbuf ring to reduce malloc/free calls if( ! (flags & RMRFL_NOLOCK) ) { // user did not specifically ask that it be off; turn it on uta_ring_config( ctx->mring, RING_RLOCK ); // concurrent rcv calls require read lock uta_ring_config( ctx->zcb_mring, RING_WLOCK ); // concurrent free calls from userland require write lock } else { rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_INFO, "receive ring locking disabled by user application\n" ); } init_mtcall( ctx ); // set up call chutes fd2ep_init( ctx ); // initialise the fd to endpoint sym tab ctx->max_plen = RMR_MAX_RCV_BYTES; // max user payload lengh if( max_msg_size > 0 ) { ctx->max_plen = max_msg_size; } // we're using a listener to get rtg updates, so we do NOT need this. //uta_lookup_rtg( ctx ); // attempt to fill in rtg info; rtc will handle missing values/errors ctx->si_ctx = SIinitialise( SI_OPT_FG ); // FIX ME: si needs to streamline and drop fork/bg stuff if( ctx->si_ctx == NULL ) { rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_CRIT, "unable to initialise SI95 interface\n" ); free_ctx( ctx ); return NULL; } if( (port = strchr( proto_port, ':' )) != NULL ) { if( port == proto_port ) { // ":1234" supplied; leave proto to default and point port correctly port++; } else { *(port++) = 0; // term proto string and point at port string proto = proto_port; // user supplied proto so point at it rather than default } } else { port = proto_port; // assume something like "1234" was passed } if( (tok = getenv( "ENV_RTG_PORT" )) != NULL ) { // must check port here -- if < 1 then we just start static file 'listener' if( atoi( tok ) < 1 ) { static_rtc = 1; } } if( (tok = getenv( ENV_SRC_ID )) != NULL ) { // env var overrides what we dig from system tok = strdup( tok ); // something we can destroy if( *tok == '[' ) { // we allow an ipv6 address here tok2 = strchr( tok, ']' ) + 1; // we will chop the port (...]:port) if given } else { tok2 = strchr( tok, ':' ); // find :port if there so we can chop } if( tok2 && *tok2 ) { // if it's not the end of string marker *tok2 = 0; // make it so } snprintf( wbuf, RMR_MAX_SRC, "%s", tok ); free( tok ); } else { if( (gethostname( wbuf, sizeof( wbuf ) )) != 0 ) { rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_CRIT, "rmr_init: cannot determine localhost name: %s\n", strerror( errno ) ); return NULL; } if( (tok = strchr( wbuf, '.' )) != NULL ) { *tok = 0; // we don't keep domain portion } } ctx->my_name = (char *) malloc( sizeof( char ) * RMR_MAX_SRC ); if( snprintf( ctx->my_name, RMR_MAX_SRC, "%s:%s", wbuf, port ) >= RMR_MAX_SRC ) { // our registered name is host:port rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_CRIT, "rmr_init: hostname + port must be less than %d characters; %s:%s is not\n", RMR_MAX_SRC, wbuf, port ); return NULL; } if( (tok = getenv( ENV_NAME_ONLY )) != NULL ) { if( atoi( tok ) > 0 ) { flags |= RMRFL_NAME_ONLY; // don't allow IP addreess to go out in messages } } ctx->ip_list = mk_ip_list( port ); // suss out all IP addresses we can find on the box, and bang on our port for RT comparisons if( flags & RMRFL_NAME_ONLY ) { ctx->my_ip = strdup( ctx->my_name ); // user application or env var has specified that IP address is NOT sent out, use name } else { ctx->my_ip = get_default_ip( ctx->ip_list ); // and (guess) at what should be the default to put into messages as src if( ctx->my_ip == NULL ) { rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_WARN, "rmr_init: default ip address could not be sussed out, using name\n" ); strcpy( ctx->my_ip, ctx->my_name ); // if we cannot suss it out, use the name rather than a nil pointer } } if( DEBUG ) rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, " default ip address: %s\n", ctx->my_ip ); if( (tok = getenv( ENV_WARNINGS )) != NULL ) { if( *tok == '1' ) { ctx->flags |= CTXFL_WARN; // turn on some warnings (not all, just ones that shouldn't impact performance) } } if( (interface = getenv( ENV_BIND_IF )) == NULL ) { interface = ""; } snprintf( bind_info, sizeof( bind_info ), "%s:%s", interface, port ); // FIXME -- si only supports by default if( (state = SIlistener( ctx->si_ctx, TCP_DEVICE, bind_info )) < 0 ) { rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_CRIT, "rmr_init: unable to start si listener for %s: %s\n", bind_info, strerror( errno ) ); free_ctx( ctx ); return NULL; } if( !(flags & FL_NOTHREAD) ) { // skip if internal function that doesnt need a RTC if( static_rtc ) { if( pthread_create( &ctx->rtc_th, NULL, rtc_file, (void *) ctx ) ) { // kick the rt collector thread as just file reader rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_WARN, "rmr_init: unable to start static route table collector thread: %s", strerror( errno ) ); } } else { if( pthread_create( &ctx->rtc_th, NULL, rtc, (void *) ctx ) ) { // kick the real rt collector thread rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_WARN, "rmr_init: unable to start dynamic route table collector thread: %s", strerror( errno ) ); } } } ctx->flags |= CFL_MTC_ENABLED; // for SI threaded receiver is the only way if( pthread_create( &ctx->mtc_th, NULL, mt_receive, (void *) ctx ) ) { // so kick it rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_WARN, "rmr_init: unable to start multi-threaded receiver: %s", strerror( errno ) ); } free( proto_port ); return (void *) ctx; } /* Initialise the message routing environment. Flags are one of the UTAFL_ constants. Proto_port is a protocol:port string (e.g. tcp:1234). If default protocol (tcp) to be used, then :port is all that is needed. At the moment it seems that TCP really is the only viable protocol, but we'll allow flexibility. The return value is a void pointer which must be passed to most uta functions. On error, a nil pointer is returned and errno should be set. Flags: No user flags supported (needed) at the moment, but this provides for extension without drastically changing anything. The user should invoke with RMRFL_NONE to avoid any misbehavour as there are internal flags which are suported */ extern void* rmr_init( char* uproto_port, int max_msg_size, int flags ) { return init( uproto_port, max_msg_size, flags & UFL_MASK ); // ensure any internal flags are off } /* This sets the default trace length which will be added to any message buffers allocated. It can be set at any time, and if rmr_set_trace() is given a trace len that is different than the default allcoated in a message, the message will be resized. Returns 0 on failure and 1 on success. If failure, then errno will be set. */ extern int rmr_init_trace( void* vctx, int tr_len ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; errno = 0; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { errno = EINVAL; return 0; } ctx->trace_data_len = tr_len; return 1; } /* Return true if routing table is initialised etc. and app can send/receive. */ extern int rmr_ready( void* vctx ) { uta_ctx_t *ctx; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { return FALSE; } if( ctx->rtable != NULL ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* This returns the message queue ring's filedescriptor which can be used for calls to epoll. The user shouild NOT read, write, or close the fd. Returns the file descriptor or -1 on error. */ extern int rmr_get_rcvfd( void* vctx ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; int state; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { return -1; } /* if( (state = nng_getopt_int( ctx->nn_sock, NNG_OPT_RECVFD, &fd )) != 0 ) { rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_WARN, "rmr cannot get recv fd: %s\n", nng_strerror( state ) ); return -1; } */ return uta_ring_getpfd( ctx->mring ); } /* Clean up things. There isn't an si_flush() per se, but we can pause, generate a context switch, which should allow the last sent buffer to flow. There isn't exactly an nng_term/close either, so there isn't much we can do. */ extern void rmr_close( void* vctx ) { uta_ctx_t *ctx; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { return; } ctx->shutdown = 1; SItp_stats( ctx->si_ctx ); // dump some interesting stats // FIX ME -- how to we turn off si; close all sessions etc? //SIclose( ctx->nn_sock ); } // ----- multi-threaded call/receive support ------------------------------------------------- /* Blocks on the receive ring chute semaphore and then reads from the ring when it is tickled. If max_wait is -1 then the function blocks until a message is ready on the ring. Else max_wait is assumed to be the number of millaseconds to wait before returning a timeout message. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_mt_rcv( void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* mbuf, int max_wait ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; uta_mhdr_t* hdr; // header in the transport buffer chute_t* chute; struct timespec ts; // time info if we have a timeout long new_ms; // adjusted mu-sec long seconds = 0; // max wait seconds long nano_sec; // max wait xlated to nano seconds int state; rmr_mbuf_t* ombuf; // mbuf user passed; if we timeout we return state here if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) { errno = EINVAL; if( mbuf ) { mbuf->state = RMR_ERR_BADARG; mbuf->tp_state = errno; } return mbuf; } ombuf = mbuf; // if we timeout we must return original msg with status, so save it chute = &ctx->chutes[0]; // chute 0 used only for its semaphore if( max_wait == 0 ) { // one shot poll; handle wihtout sem check as that is SLOW! if( (mbuf = (rmr_mbuf_t *) uta_ring_extract( ctx->mring )) != NULL ) { // pop if queued if( ombuf ) { rmr_free_msg( ombuf ); // can't reuse, caller's must be trashed now } } else { mbuf = ombuf; // return original if it was given with timeout status if( ombuf != NULL ) { mbuf->state = RMR_ERR_TIMEOUT; // preset if for failure mbuf->len = 0; } } return mbuf; } if( ombuf ) { ombuf->state = RMR_ERR_TIMEOUT; // preset if for failure ombuf->len = 0; } if( max_wait > 0 ) { clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts ); // sem timeout based on clock, not a delta if( max_wait > 999 ) { seconds = max_wait / 1000; max_wait -= seconds * 1000; ts.tv_sec += seconds; } if( max_wait > 0 ) { nano_sec = max_wait * 1000000; ts.tv_nsec += nano_sec; if( ts.tv_nsec > 999999999 ) { ts.tv_nsec -= 999999999; ts.tv_sec++; } } seconds = 1; // use as flag later to invoked timed wait } errno = EINTR; state = -1; while( state < 0 && errno == EINTR ) { if( seconds ) { state = sem_timedwait( &chute->barrier, &ts ); // wait for msg or timeout } else { state = sem_wait( &chute->barrier ); } } if( state < 0 ) { mbuf = ombuf; // return caller's buffer if they passed one in } else { errno = 0; // interrupted call state could be left; clear if( DEBUG ) rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, " mt_rcv extracting from normal ring\n" ); if( (mbuf = (rmr_mbuf_t *) uta_ring_extract( ctx->mring )) != NULL ) { // pop if queued mbuf->state = RMR_OK; if( ombuf ) { rmr_free_msg( ombuf ); // we cannot reuse as mbufs are queued on the ring } } else { errno = ETIMEDOUT; mbuf = ombuf; // no buffer, return user's if there } } if( mbuf ) { mbuf->tp_state = errno; } return mbuf; } /* Accept a message buffer and caller ID, send the message and then wait for the receiver to tickle the semaphore letting us know that a message has been received. The call_id is a value between 2 and 255, inclusive; if it's not in this range an error will be returned. Max wait is the amount of time in millaseconds that the call should block for. If 0 is given then no timeout is set. If the mt_call feature has not been initialised, then the attempt to use this funciton will fail with RMR_ERR_NOTSUPP If no matching message is received before the max_wait period expires, a nil pointer is returned, and errno is set to ETIMEOUT. If any other error occurs after the message has been sent, then a nil pointer is returned with errno set to some other value. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_mt_call( void* vctx, rmr_mbuf_t* mbuf, int call_id, int max_wait ) { rmr_mbuf_t* ombuf; // original mbuf passed in uta_ctx_t* ctx; uta_mhdr_t* hdr; // header in the transport buffer chute_t* chute; unsigned char* d1; // d1 data in header struct timespec ts; // time info if we have a timeout long new_ms; // adjusted mu-sec long seconds = 0; // max wait seconds long nano_sec; // max wait xlated to nano seconds int state; errno = EINVAL; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL || mbuf == NULL ) { if( mbuf ) { mbuf->tp_state = errno; mbuf->state = RMR_ERR_BADARG; } return mbuf; } if( ! (ctx->flags & CFL_MTC_ENABLED) ) { mbuf->state = RMR_ERR_NOTSUPP; mbuf->tp_state = errno; return mbuf; } if( call_id > MAX_CALL_ID || call_id < 2 ) { // 0 and 1 are reserved; user app cannot supply them mbuf->state = RMR_ERR_BADARG; mbuf->tp_state = errno; return mbuf; } ombuf = mbuf; // save to return timeout status with chute = &ctx->chutes[call_id]; if( chute->mbuf != NULL ) { // probably a delayed message that wasn't dropped rmr_free_msg( chute->mbuf ); chute->mbuf = NULL; } hdr = (uta_mhdr_t *) mbuf->header; hdr->flags |= HFL_CALL_MSG; // must signal this sent with a call memcpy( chute->expect, mbuf->xaction, RMR_MAX_XID ); // xaction that we will wait for d1 = DATA1_ADDR( hdr ); d1[D1_CALLID_IDX] = (unsigned char) call_id; // set the caller ID for the response mbuf->flags |= MFL_NOALLOC; // send message without allocating a new one (expect nil from mtosend if( max_wait >= 0 ) { clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts ); if( max_wait > 999 ) { seconds = max_wait / 1000; max_wait -= seconds * 1000; ts.tv_sec += seconds; } if( max_wait > 0 ) { nano_sec = max_wait * 1000000; ts.tv_nsec += nano_sec; if( ts.tv_nsec > 999999999 ) { ts.tv_nsec -= 999999999; ts.tv_sec++; } } seconds = 1; // use as flag later to invoked timed wait } mbuf = mtosend_msg( ctx, mbuf, 0 ); // use internal function so as not to strip call-id; should be nil on success! if( mbuf ) { if( mbuf->state != RMR_OK ) { mbuf->tp_state = errno; return mbuf; // timeout or unable to connect or no endpoint are most likely issues } } state = 0; errno = 0; while( chute->mbuf == NULL && ! errno ) { if( seconds ) { state = sem_timedwait( &chute->barrier, &ts ); // wait for msg or timeout } else { state = sem_wait( &chute->barrier ); } if( state < 0 && errno == EINTR ) { // interrupted go back and wait; all other errors cause exit errno = 0; } if( chute->mbuf != NULL ) { // offload receiver thread and check xaction buffer here if( memcmp( chute->expect, chute->mbuf->xaction, RMR_MAX_XID ) != 0 ) { rmr_free_msg( chute->mbuf ); chute->mbuf = NULL; errno = 0; } } } if( state < 0 ) { return NULL; // leave errno as set by sem wait call } mbuf = chute->mbuf; mbuf->state = RMR_OK; chute->mbuf = NULL; return mbuf; } /* Given an existing message buffer, reallocate the payload portion to be at least new_len bytes. The message header will remain such that the caller may use the rmr_rts_msg() function to return a payload to the sender. The mbuf passed in may or may not be reallocated and the caller must use the returned pointer and should NOT assume that it can use the pointer passed in with the exceptions based on the clone flag. If the clone flag is set, then a duplicated message, with larger payload size, is allocated and returned. The old_msg pointer in this situation is still valid and must be explicitly freed by the application. If the clone message is not set (0), then any memory management of the old message is handled by the function. If the copy flag is set, the contents of the old message's payload is copied to the reallocated payload. If the flag is not set, then the contents of the payload is undetermined. */ extern rmr_mbuf_t* rmr_realloc_payload( rmr_mbuf_t* old_msg, int new_len, int copy, int clone ) { if( old_msg == NULL ) { return NULL; } return realloc_payload( old_msg, new_len, copy, clone ); // message allocation is transport specific, so this is a passthrough } /* Enable low latency things in the transport (when supported). */ extern void rmr_set_low_latency( void* vctx ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) != NULL ) { if( ctx->si_ctx != NULL ) { SIset_tflags( ctx->si_ctx, SI_TF_NODELAY ); } } } /* Turn on fast acks. */ extern void rmr_set_fack( void* vctx ) { uta_ctx_t* ctx; if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) vctx) != NULL ) { if( ctx->si_ctx != NULL ) { SIset_tflags( ctx->si_ctx, SI_TF_FASTACK ); } } }