// :vim setet ts=4 sw=4: /* ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nokia Copyright (c) 2018-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== */ /* Header file defining message types for various RMR messages. This file is an exception: please expand tabs. */ /* This file is scraped and documentation is produced from the comments. Block comments which have have a plus sign immediately following the asterisk (e.g. /*+) will be interpereted as a header, followed by a paragraph of text. Blank lines are preserved, and consecutive text lines are combined such that the convenient method of starting a new sentance on a new line is enabled. Line comments which have a trailing plus sign (e.g. //+) are used to document the individual constant. These _must_ begin on the same line as the constant and may "splill" to following lines if needed. Occasionally constants are deprecated and should not be used. Tagging a comment with //- will cause the constant to be included in the document and flagged as deprecated while //-- will cause the constant to be ignored when generating the document. All recognised comment symbols must have at least one trailing space, or be the last token on the line (//+boo wont be recognised). The layout of this file is "two column" to allow the eyes to easy read down though constant names and values without being interrupted by the documentation (commetns) which are placed to the right. Only major section descriptions should break the "flow." Other requests: - Please keep additions in numerical order - Please vet the file before commiting changes to ensure that it compiles and that there are no dupicates. - Please try to avoid excessivly long constant names e.g. RIC_SECONDARY_RAT_DATA_USAGE_REPORT */ /*+ Overview RMR routes messages based on a combination of message type and subscription ID both of which are integers. The message type constants are defined in the RIC_msg_types.h header file included with the RMR development package while subscription IDs are generated by the subscription manager process at run-time. This document does not include the constant values to avoid incorrectly propagating a stale value through the reference of an outdated document. */ /*+ Non-Routable Message Types These message types are not routable and a message passed to an RMR function with any of these constants set will not be sent. */ #define RIC_UNDEFINED -1 //+ Message type is unset or undefined. Newly allocated messages //+ by rmr_alloc_msg() will have the type value set to this constant. /*+ RMR Reserved Message Types These message types are reserved for RMR communications (e.g. with Route Manager). */ // All message types 0 - 99 are reserved for RMR. #define RMRRM_TABLE_DATA 20 //+ Table data from route manger. Route manager sends all route //+ table records (rte, mse, etc.) with this type. #define RMRRM_REQ_TABLE 21 //+ Request for table update. RMR will send a message with this //+ type when requesting a table update from route manger. #define RMRRM_TABLE_STATE 22 //+ This message type conveys the state of the route table to //+ route manager after the end of a table is noticed. /*+ System Support Message Types These message types are used for systems level communications such as health checks, alarms and probes. */ // Values for system constants are 100-299 #define RIC_HEALTH_CHECK_REQ 100 //+ When received the application is expected to return a response to //+ the sender indicating the current "health" of the application. #define RIC_HEALTH_CHECK_RESP 101 //+ Health responses are sent with a message of this type. #define RIC_ALARM 110 //+ Alarm messages with this type are routed to the alarm collection process. #define RIC_ALARM_QUERY 111 //+ Unknown meaning #define RIC_METRICS 120 //+ This message type causes the message to be routed to the xAPP responsible //+ for collecting and redistributing metrics. // TODO: classify these types for documentation purposes :) /*+ Unclassified Message Types The following message types have not been clasified into a specific category. */ #define RIC_SCTP_CONNECTION_FAILURE 1080 #define RIC_SCTP_CLEAR_ALL 1090 #define E2_TERM_INIT 1100 #define E2_TERM_KEEP_ALIVE_REQ 1101 #define E2_TERM_KEEP_ALIVE_RESP 1102 #define RAN_CONNECTED 1200 #define RAN_RESTARTED 1210 #define RAN_RECONFIGURED 1220 #define RIC_ENB_LOAD_INFORMATION 10020 #define RIC_ERROR_INDICATION 10030 #define RIC_SN_STATUS_TRANSFER 10040 #define RIC_UE_CONTEXT_RELEASE 10050 #define RIC_X2_SETUP_REQ 10060 #define RIC_X2_SETUP_RESP 10061 #define RIC_X2_SETUP_FAILURE 10062 #define RIC_X2_RESET 10070 #define RIC_X2_RESET_RESP 10071 #define RIC_ENB_CONF_UPDATE 10080 #define RIC_ENB_CONF_UPDATE_ACK 10081 #define RIC_ENB_CONF_UPDATE_FAILURE 10082 #define RIC_RES_STATUS_REQ 10090 #define RIC_RES_STATUS_RESP 10091 #define RIC_RES_STATUS_FAILURE 10092 #define RIC_RESOURCE_STATUS_UPDATE 10100 #define RIC_SGNB_ADDITION_REQ 10270 #define RIC_SGNB_ADDITION_ACK 10271 #define RIC_SGNB_ADDITION_REJECT 10272 #define RIC_SGNB_RECONF_COMPLETE 10280 #define RIC_SGNB_MOD_REQUEST 10290 #define RIC_SGNB_MOD_REQUEST_ACK 10291 #define RIC_SGNB_MOD_REQUEST_REJ 10292 #define RIC_SGNB_MOD_REQUIRED 10300 #define RIC_SGNB_MOD_CONFIRM 10301 #define RIC_SGNB_MOD_REFUSE 10302 #define RIC_SGNB_RELEASE_REQUEST 10310 #define RIC_SGNB_RELEASE_REQUEST_ACK 10311 #define RIC_SGNB_RELEASE_REQUIRED 10320 #define RIC_SGNB_RELEASE_CONFIRM 10321 #define RIC_RRC_TRANSFER 10350 #define RIC_ENDC_X2_SETUP_REQ 10360 #define RIC_ENDC_X2_SETUP_RESP 10361 #define RIC_ENDC_X2_SETUP_FAILURE 10362 #define RIC_ENDC_CONF_UPDATE 10370 #define RIC_ENDC_CONF_UPDATE_ACK 10371 #define RIC_ENDC_CONF_UPDATE_FAILURE 10372 #define RIC_SECONDARY_RAT_DATA_USAGE_REPORT 10380 #define RIC_GNB_STATUS_INDICATION 10450 #define RIC_E2_SETUP_REQ 12001 #define RIC_E2_SETUP_RESP 12002 #define RIC_E2_SETUP_FAILURE 12003 #define RIC_E2_RESET_REQ 12004 #define RIC_E2_RESET_RESP 12005 #define RIC_E2_RAN_ERROR_INDICATION 12006 #define RIC_E2_RIC_ERROR_INDICATION 12007 #define RAN_E2_RESET_REQ 12008 #define RAN_E2_RESET_RESP 12009 #define RIC_SUB_REQ 12010 #define RIC_SUB_RESP 12011 #define RIC_SUB_FAILURE 12012 #define RIC_SUB_DEL_REQ 12020 #define RIC_SUB_DEL_RESP 12021 #define RIC_SUB_DEL_FAILURE 12022 #define RIC_SERVICE_UPDATE 12030 #define RIC_SERVICE_UPDATE_ACK 12031 #define RIC_SERVICE_UPDATE_FAILURE 12032 #define RIC_CONTROL_REQ 12040 #define RIC_CONTROL_ACK 12041 #define RIC_CONTROL_FAILURE 12042 #define RIC_INDICATION 12050 #define RIC_SERVICE_QUERY 12060 #define DC_ADM_INT_CONTROL 20000 #define DC_ADM_INT_CONTROL_ACK 20001 #define DC_ADM_GET_POLICY 20002 #define DC_ADM_GET_POLICY_ACK 20003 #define A1_POLICY_REQ 20010 #define A1_POLICY_RESP 20011 #define A1_POLICY_QUERY 20012 // --- application specific message numbers 30000 - 39999 #define TS_UE_LIST 30000 // traffic steering #define TS_QOE_PRED_REQ 30001 #define TS_QOE_PREDICTION 30002 #define MC_REPORT 30010 // Measurement campaign xApp reports #define DCAPTERM_RTPM_RMR_MSGTYPE 33001 #define DCAPTERM_GEO_RMR_MSGTYPE 33002 // ---- these are old (release 0) definitions and should not be used ------ /* E2 Related messages should be in the range 10000 to 99999 */ #define RIC_X2_SETUP 10000 //- #define RIC_X2_RESPONSE 10001 //- #define RIC_X2_RESOURCE_STATUS_REQUEST 10002 //- #define RIC_X2_RESOURCE_STATUS_RESPONSE 10003 //- #define RIC_X2_LOAD_INFORMATION 10004 //- #define RIC_E2_TERMINATION_HC_REQUEST 10005 //- #define RIC_E2_TERMINATION_HC_RESPONSE 10006 //- #define RIC_E2_MANAGER_HC_REQUEST 10007 //- #define RIC_E2_MANAGER_HC_RESPONSE 10008 //- /* A1 Related messages should be in the range 100000 to 999999 */ #define RIC_CONTROL_XAPP_CONFIG_REQUEST 100000 //- #define RIC_CONTROL_XAPP_CONFIG_RESPONSE 100001 //-