/******************************************************************************* ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) [2017-2019] [Radisys] # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ *******************************************************************************/ /* This file handles slot indication */ #include "common_def.h" #include "phy_stub_utils.h" #ifdef INTEL_FAPI #include "nr5g_fapi_internal.h" #include "fapi_vendor_extension.h" #endif #include "phy_stub.h" #include "mac_sch_interface.h" extern uint16_t l1BuildAndSendBSR(uint8_t ueIdx, BsrType bsrType,\ LcgBufferSize lcgBsIdx[MAX_NUM_LOGICAL_CHANNEL_GROUPS]); pthread_t thread = 0; int socket_fd =0; /******************************************************************* * * @brief Generates slot indications * * @details * * Function : GenerateTicks * * Functionality: Generates slot indications * * @params[in] * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ void GenerateTicks() { #ifdef NR_TDD float milisec = 0.5; /* 0.5ms */ #else float milisec = 1; /* 1ms */ #endif struct timespec req = {0}; uint8_t ratio = 2; slotIndicationStarted = true; req.tv_sec = 0; /* Currently the code takes longer that one slot indication to execute. * Hence, multiplying slot time interval by 2 in order to give enough time * for L2 to complete one slot processing. * The ratio must be removed once code optimization is complete */ req.tv_nsec = milisec * 1000000L * ratio; DU_LOG("\nPHY_STUB : GenerateTicks : Starting to generate slot indications"); while(slotIndicationStarted) { clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, &req, NULL); /* Send Slot indication indication to lower mac */ if(l1BuildAndSendSlotIndication() != ROK) { DU_LOG("\nERROR --> PHY_STUB : GenerateTicks(): Failed to build and send Slot Indication"); return; } } DU_LOG("\nINFO --> PHY_STUB : Slot indication stopped"); /* Initialize all global variables */ sfnValue = 0; slotValue = 0; memset(&phyDb.ueDb, 0, sizeof(UeDb)); /* Send Stop indication to MAC */ sleep(1); l1BuildAndSendStopInd(); } /******************************************************************* * * @brief Create/cancel thread for generating slot indication * * @details * * Function : l1HdlSlotIndicaion * * Functionality: Create/cancel thread for generating slot indication * * @params[in] * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ void l1HdlSlotIndicaion(bool stopSlotInd) { Pst pst; Buffer *mBuf = NULLP; if(!stopSlotInd) { DU_LOG("\nPHY_STUB: Sending start slot indication event to self"); memset(&pst, 0, sizeof(Pst)); FILL_PST_PHY_TO_PHY(pst, EVT_PHY_START_SLOT_IND); ODU_GET_MSG_BUF(pst.region, pst.pool, &mBuf); ODU_POST_TASK(&pst, mBuf); } else { slotIndicationStarted = false; } } /******************************************************************* * * @brief Handles Console input * * @details * * Function : l1ConsoleHandler * * Functionality: Handles Console input * * @params[in] * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ void *l1ConsoleHandler(void *args) { char ch, ch1; uint8_t drbIdx = 0, lcgIdx = 0, ueIdx = 0; LcgBufferSize lcgBS[MAX_NUM_LOGICAL_CHANNEL_GROUPS]; /* The below variable is taken for sending specific number of UL Packets * For sendind 4500 Ul packets for three UEs the calculation of * [counter * NUM_DRB_TO_PUMP_DATA * MAX_NUM_UE * NUM_UL_PACKETS] must be equal to 4500 */ uint32_t counter=500; while(true) { /* Send UL user data to DU when user enters 'd' on console */ ch = getchar(); if(ch == 'd') { while(counter) { /* Start Pumping data from PHY stub to DU */ for(ueIdx=0; ueIdx < phyDb.ueDb.numActvUe; ueIdx++) { for(drbIdx = 0; drbIdx < NUM_DRB_TO_PUMP_DATA; drbIdx++) //Number of DRB times the loop will run { DU_LOG("\nDEBUG --> PHY STUB: Sending UL User Data[DrbId:%d] for UEIdx %d\n",drbIdx,ueIdx); l1SendUlUserData(drbIdx,ueIdx); /* TODO :- sleep(1) will be removed once we will be able to * send continuous data packet */ sleep(1); } } counter--; } } else if(ch =='c') { /* Send Control PDU from PHY stub to DU */ DU_LOG("\nDEBUG --> PHY STUB: Sending Status PDU"); l1SendStatusPdu(); } else if(ch == 'b') { memset(lcgBS, 0, (MAX_NUM_LOGICAL_CHANNEL_GROUPS * sizeof(LcgBufferSize))); /* Send Control PDU from PHY stub to DU */ ch1 = getchar(); for(ueIdx = 0; ueIdx < MAX_NUM_UE; ueIdx++) { if(ch1 == 'l') { for(lcgIdx = 0; lcgIdx < NUM_DRB_TO_PUMP_DATA; lcgIdx++) { lcgBS[lcgIdx].lcgId = MIN_DRB_LCID + lcgIdx; lcgBS[lcgIdx].bsIdx = lcgIdx + 1; } l1BuildAndSendBSR(ueIdx, LONG_BSR, lcgBS); } else if(ch1 == 's') { lcgIdx = 0; lcgBS[lcgIdx].lcgId = MIN_DRB_LCID + lcgIdx; lcgBS[lcgIdx].bsIdx = lcgIdx + 1; l1BuildAndSendBSR(ueIdx, SHORT_BSR, lcgBS); } } } else if(ch == 'r') { /* Trigger RACH Indication towards DU */ if(phyDb.ueDb.ueCb[phyDb.ueDb.numActvUe].rachIndSent == false) { phyDb.ueDb.ueCb[phyDb.ueDb.numActvUe].rachIndSent = true; phyDb.ueDb.ueCb[phyDb.ueDb.numActvUe].isCFRA = true; l1BuildAndSendRachInd(slotValue, sfnValue, CF_RA_PREAMBLE_IDX); phyDb.ueDb.numActvUe++; } } DU_LOG("\n"); continue; } } /******************************************************************* * * @brief Creates thread for handling console input * * @details * * Function : l1StartConsoleHandler * * Functionality: Creates thread for handling console input * * @params[in] * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ void l1StartConsoleHandler() { uint8_t retVal, threadIdx; pthread_t conThrdId[NUM_THREADS]; pthread_attr_t attr; /* Start thread to receive console input */ pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, (size_t)NULLD); pthread_attr_setscope(&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); for(threadIdx =0 ; threadIdx PHY STUB : Thread creation failed. Cause %d", retVal); } } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); } /******************************************************************* * * @brief function reads the recevied information send by peer PHY * * @details * * Function : receiveMsgFromPeerL1 * * Functionality: This function reads the recevied information * and prints at console * * @params[in] * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ void receiveMsgFromPeerL1() { while(true) { char buffer[1024] = {0}; if(read(socket_fd, buffer, 1024)>0) { DU_LOG("\n"); DU_LOG("%s\n",buffer); if (strncmp("HANDOVER_IN_PROGRESS", buffer, 19) == 0) { DU_LOG("\nINFO --> PHY_STUB : Communication completed in between the source and destination PHY\n"); //TODO: Trigger for other handover process in target PHY } } } } /******************************************************************* * * @brief function build the message which need to send to target PHY * * @details * * Function : sendMsg * * Functionality: function build the message which need to send * * @params[in] * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ void sendMsg() { char *msgToDestinationPhy = "HANDOVER_IN_PROGRESS"; send(socket_fd, msgToDestinationPhy , strlen(msgToDestinationPhy) , 0 ); } /******************************************************************* * * @brief This function handles the server functionalities like * binding socket, listen and accept * * @details * * Function : startL1AsServer * * Functionality: This function handles the server functionalities like * binding socket, listen and accept * * @params[in] struct sockaddr_in serverPhy, struct sockaddr_in * clientPhy * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ int8_t startL1AsServer(struct sockaddr_in serverPhy, struct sockaddr_in clientPhy) { int addrlen= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if (bind(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&serverPhy, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))<0) { DU_LOG("\nERROR --> PHY_STUB : bind failed"); return RFAILED; } if (listen(socket_fd, 3) < 0) { DU_LOG("\nERROR --> PHY_STUB : listen failed"); return RFAILED; } while(true) { if ((socket_fd = accept(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&clientPhy, (socklen_t*)&addrlen))<0) { DU_LOG("\nINFO --> PHY_STUB : Server is waiting"); } else { DU_LOG("\nINFO --> PHY_STUB : Server Connected"); break; } } return ROK; } /******************************************************************* * * @brief this function includes all the functionalities of client side * like binding the client side socket and connecting to the server * * @details * * Function : startL1AsClient * * Functionality: this function includes all the functionalities of client * side like binding the client side socket and connecting to the server * * @params[in] * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ int8_t startL1AsClient(struct sockaddr_in serverPhy, struct sockaddr_in destinationPhy) { if (bind(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&serverPhy, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in ))<0) { DU_LOG("\nERROR --> PHY_STUB : bind failed"); return RFAILED; } while(true) { if (connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&destinationPhy, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) { DU_LOG("\nERROR --> PHY_STUB : Connection Failed"); } else { DU_LOG("\nINFO --> PHY_STUB : Client connected to sever"); break; } } return ROK; } /******************************************************************* * * @brief this function creates the socket for commincation between source and * target phy * * @details * * Function : establishConnectionWithPeerL1 * * Functionality: creates the socket for commincation between source and * target PHY, allocated the ip addresses and sends the request for connection * establisshement and sends the information to each other * * @params[in] * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ void *establishConnectionWithPeerL1(void *args) { void *ret = NULLP; struct sockaddr_in sourcePhy, destinationPhy; if ((socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == 0) { DU_LOG("\nERROR --> PHY_STUB : socket failed"); return ret; } sourcePhy.sin_family = AF_INET; sourcePhy.sin_port = htons(phyDb.ipCfgInfo.portNumber); sourcePhy.sin_addr.s_addr = phyDb.ipCfgInfo.sourceDu; destinationPhy.sin_family = AF_INET; destinationPhy.sin_port = htons(phyDb.ipCfgInfo.portNumber); destinationPhy.sin_addr.s_addr = phyDb.ipCfgInfo.destinationDu; if(phyDb.isServer) { if(startL1AsServer(sourcePhy, destinationPhy) != ROK) { DU_LOG("\nERROR --> PHY_STUB : Failed to start server"); return ret; } } else { if(startL1AsClient(sourcePhy, destinationPhy) != ROK) { DU_LOG("\nERROR --> PHY_STUB : Failed to start client"); return ret; } } DU_LOG("\nINFO --> PHY_STUB : Connection established"); receiveMsgFromPeerL1(); return ROK; } /********************************************************************** End of file **********************************************************************/