/******************************************************************************* ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) [2017-2019] [Radisys] # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ *******************************************************************************/ /* Steps to Add a new Ring Buffer 1. Add Buffer Id to enum in ss_rbuf.h 2. Update Static SsRngCfgTbl below for ring and element size. Add a macro in ss_rbuf.h 3. typedef a structure for element type if not available in ss_rbuf.h 4. Call SCreateSRngBuf for new Buffer id from bcInitRingBuffers() in bc_cpu_init.c 5. Call SAttachSRngBuf from producer and consumer ActvInit 6. Call SEnqSRngBuf and SDeqSRngBuf from producer and consumer respectively */ #include "envopt.h" /* environment options */ #include "envdep.h" /* environment dependent */ #include "envind.h" /* environment independent */ #include "gen.h" /* general */ #include "ssi.h" /* system services */ #include "cm_err.h" #include #include "gen.x" /* general layer */ #include "ssi.x" /* system services */ #include "ss_rbuf.h" #include "ss_rbuf.x" U32 ssRngBufStatus = 0; /* Global Ring Loop Up Table */ SsRngBufTbl SsRngInfoTbl[SS_RNG_BUF_MAX]; PUBLIC Void SsRngBufEnable(Void) { ssRngBufStatus = TRUE; } PUBLIC Void SsRngBufDisable(Void) { ssRngBufStatus = FALSE; } /* Func: SCreateSRngBuf Desc: Creates Ring Buffer for the given Id. Ring Structure is allocated from given Region and Pool */ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 SCreateSRngBuf ( U32 id, Region region, Pool pool, U32 elmSize, U32 rngSize ) #else PUBLIC S16 SCreateSRngBuf (id, region, pool, elmSize, rngSize) U32 id; Region region; Pool pool; U32 elmSize; U32 rngSize; #endif { SsRngBuf* ring; /* Validate Id */ if(id >= SS_RNG_BUF_MAX) { #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) SSLOGERROR(ERRCLS_DEBUG, ESSXXX, id, "Invalid RBUF ID"); #endif RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if(SsRngInfoTbl[id].r_addr != 0) { #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) SSLOGERROR(ERRCLS_DEBUG, ESSXXX, id, "Failed to Create Ring Buffer Id Ring already exist"); #endif RETVALUE(RFAILED); } /* Get Element Size */ /* Get Ring Size */ /* Allocate memory for Ring structure */ ring = (SsRngBuf* )malloc(sizeof(SsRngBuf)); if(ring == NULLP) { #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) SSLOGERROR(ERRCLS_INT_PAR, ESSXXX, ERRZERO, "Allocating Ring Failed!!!") #endif RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) SSLOGERROR(ERRCLS_DEBUG, ESSXXX, ring, "Failed to Create Ring Buffer Id Ring already exist"); #endif ring->size = rngSize; /* No empty elem */ ring->read = 0; ring->write = 0; ring->type = elmSize; /* Allocate elements memory */ ring->elem = calloc(ring->size, ring->type); if(ring->elem == NULLP) { #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) SSLOGERROR(ERRCLS_INT_PAR, ESSXXX, ERRZERO, "Allocating Ring Failed!!!") #endif free(ring); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } /* Update Buffer Id Table */ SsRngInfoTbl[id].r_addr = ring; SsRngInfoTbl[id].rngState = SS_RNG_CREATED; SsRngInfoTbl[id].n_write = 0; SsRngInfoTbl[id].n_read = 0; #ifndef ALIGN_64BIT printf("Ring Buffer Created with id =%ld rSize:%ld eSize:%ld %lx\n",id,ring->size,ring->type,(PTR)ring); #else printf("Ring Buffer Created with id =%d rSize:%d eSize:%d %lx\n",id,ring->size,ring->type,(PTR)ring); #endif RETVALUE(ROK); } /* Func: SAttachSRngBuf Desc: Attach the calling Entity to a ring buffer as consumer(Rx) or producer (Tx) */ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 SAttachSRngBuf ( U32 id, U32 ent, U32 txRx ) #else PUBLIC S16 SAttachSRngBuf (id, ent, txRx) U32 id; U32 ent; U32 txRx; #endif { /* Retrive Buffer from Global Info Table */ if( id >= SS_RNG_BUF_MAX) { #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) SSLOGERROR(ERRCLS_DEBUG, ESSXXX, id, "Invalid RBUF ID"); #endif RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if(SsRngInfoTbl[id].rngState < SS_RNG_CREATED) { #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) SSLOGERROR(ERRCLS_DEBUG, ESSXXX, id, "Attach Request in Invalid Ring ID"); #endif #ifndef ALIGN_64BIT printf("Attach Request in Invalid Ring State %ld id%ld \n", SsRngInfoTbl[id].rngState,id); #else printf("Attach Request in Invalid Ring State %d id%d \n", SsRngInfoTbl[id].rngState,id); #endif RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if(txRx == SS_RNG_TX) { SsRngInfoTbl[id].txEnt = ent; SsRngInfoTbl[id].rngState = SS_RNG_TX_ATTACHED; } else if(txRx == SS_RNG_RX) { SsRngInfoTbl[id].rxEnt = ent; SsRngInfoTbl[id].rngState = SS_RNG_RX_ATTACHED; } RETVALUE(ROK); } /* Func: SConnectSRngBuf Desc: Establish a pipe between producer and consumer */ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 SConnectSRngBuf ( U32 id, U32 rxEnt ) #else PUBLIC S16 SConnectSRngBuf (id, rxEnt) U32 id; U32 rxEnt; #endif { /* Send to Reciever ENT*/ RETVALUE(ROK); } /* Func: IsFull Desc: Checks if Ring is full */ inline static S16 IsFull(SsRngBuf* rBuf) { #if 0 /* write+1 == read implies ring is full */ return ((((rBuf->write + 1)> rBuf->size)?0:(rBuf->write+1))==rBuf->read); #endif #if 1 if((rBuf->write+1) == rBuf->read) { return 1; } if((rBuf->write+1) == (rBuf->read + rBuf->size)) { return 1; } if((rBuf->write + 1) > rBuf->size ) { return 1; } return 0; #endif } /* Func: IsEmpty Desc: Checks if ring is empty */ inline static S16 IsEmpty(SsRngBuf* rBuf) { /* write == read implies Buffer is empty*/ return (rBuf->write == rBuf->read); } PUBLIC S16 isRngEmpty(U32 id) { return (IsEmpty(SsRngInfoTbl[id].r_addr)); } /* Func: SEnqSRngBuf Desc: Perform Queue operation on Ring bufer */ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 SEnqSRngBuf ( U32 id, Void* elem ) #else PUBLIC S16 SEnqSRngBuf(id,elem) U32 id; Void* elem; #endif { U8* w_ptr; U8 i=0; U8 *element = (U8 *)elem; U32 wrIndex; /* TBD To replace id with ring addr when SAttachSRngBuf is used*/ /* Retrive Buffer from Id */ SsRngBuf* ring = SsRngInfoTbl[id].r_addr; if (IsFull(ring)) { SsRngInfoTbl[id].nWriteFail++; RETVALUE(RFAILED); } /* TBD Avoid multiplication for optimisation */ w_ptr = (U8*)ring->elem + (ring->write * ring->type); /* TBD Avoid for loop - use memcpy */ for( i=0; i < ring->type; i++) { *(U8*)w_ptr = *(U8*)element; w_ptr++; (U8*)element++; } /* Increment write index */ wrIndex = ring->write + 1 ; ring->write = (wrIndex == ring->size)?0: wrIndex; /* Update Statistics */ SsRngInfoTbl[id].n_write++; RETVALUE(ROK); } #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 SGetNumElemInRng ( U32 id ) #else PUBLIC S16 SGetNumElemInRng (id) U32 id; #endif { S16 freeDist = (SsRngInfoTbl[id].n_write- SsRngInfoTbl[id].n_read); RETVALUE(freeDist); } /* Func: SDeqSRngBuf Desc: Perform DeQueue operation on Ring bufer */ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 SDeqSRngBuf ( U32 id, Void *elem ) #else PUBLIC S16 SDeqSRngBuf (id,elem) U8 id; Void *elem; #endif { U8* r_ptr; U8 i=0; U8 *element = (U8 *)elem; U32 rdIndex; /* Retrive Buffer from Id*/ SsRngBuf* ring = SsRngInfoTbl[id].r_addr; if(IsEmpty(ring)) { SsRngInfoTbl[id].nReadFail++; RETVALUE(RFAILED); } r_ptr = (U8*)ring->elem + (ring->read * ring->type); for(i=0; itype; i++) { *(U8*)element = *r_ptr; (U8*)element++; r_ptr++; } // Avoiding % operation for wrap around rdIndex= ring->read + 1; ring->read = (rdIndex == ring->size)?0:rdIndex; SsRngInfoTbl[id].n_read++; RETVALUE(ROK); } #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 SDestroySRngBuf ( U32 id, Region region, Pool pool ) #else PUBLIC S16 SDestroySRngBuf(id, region, pool) U32 id; Region region; Pool pool; #endif { /* Retrive Buffer from Id */ SsRngBuf* ring = SsRngInfoTbl[id].r_addr; if(ring) { //SPutSBuf(region, pool, (Data *)ring->elem, (ring->size * ring->type)); //SPutSBuf(region, pool, (Data *)ring, sizeof(SsRngBuf)); free(ring->elem); /* OK if null */ free(ring); /* OK if null */ /* Update Global Info table */ SsRngInfoTbl[id].rngState = SS_RNG_DESTROYED; SsRngInfoTbl[id].r_addr = 0; } RETVALUE(ROK); } #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 SPrintSRngStats ( Void ) #else PUBLIC S16 SPrintSRngStats () Void; #endif { U32 i; Txt prntBuf[100]; #ifdef RGL_SPECIFIC_CHANGES RETVALUE(ROK); #endif for(i=0; i< SS_RNG_BUF_MAX;i++) { if(SsRngInfoTbl[i].r_addr != 0 ) { #ifndef ALIGN_64BIT sprintf(prntBuf,"\n=======Ring %ld Stats========\n",i); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"r_addr = %lx\n", (PTR)SsRngInfoTbl[i].r_addr); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"txEnt = %lx\n", (PTR)SsRngInfoTbl[i].txEnt); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"rxEnt = %lx\n", (PTR)SsRngInfoTbl[i].rxEnt); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"n_write = %lu\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].n_write); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"n_read = %lu\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].n_read); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"nWriteFail = %lu\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].nWriteFail); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"nReadFail = %lu\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].nReadFail); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"pktDrop = %lu\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].pktDrop); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"State = %lu\n\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].rngState); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"nPktProc = %lu\n\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].nPktProc); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); #else sprintf(prntBuf,"\n=======Ring %d Stats========\n",i); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"r_addr = %lx\n", (PTR)SsRngInfoTbl[i].r_addr); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"txEnt = %lx\n", (PTR)SsRngInfoTbl[i].txEnt); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"rxEnt = %lx\n", (PTR)SsRngInfoTbl[i].rxEnt); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"n_write = %u\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].n_write); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"n_read = %u\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].n_read); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"nWriteFail = %u\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].nWriteFail); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"nReadFail = %u\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].nReadFail); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"pktDrop = %u\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].pktDrop); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"State = %u\n\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].rngState); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); sprintf(prntBuf,"nPktProc = %u\n\n", SsRngInfoTbl[i].nPktProc); SDisplay(0, prntBuf); #endif } } RETVALUE(ROK); } #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC Void* SRngGetWIndx ( U32 rngId ) #else PUBLIC Void* SRngGetWIndx (rngId) U32 rngId; #endif { /* Retrive Buffer from Id*/ SsRngBuf* ring = SsRngInfoTbl[rngId].r_addr; if (IsFull(ring)) { SsRngInfoTbl[rngId].nWriteFail++; RETVALUE(NULLP); } else { RETVALUE(((U8 *)ring->elem) + (ring->type * ring->write)); } } #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC Void* SRngGetRIndx ( U32 rngId ) #else PUBLIC Void* SRngGetRIndx (rngId) U32 rngId; #endif { /* Retrive Buffer from Id*/ SsRngBuf* ring = SsRngInfoTbl[rngId].r_addr; if(IsEmpty(ring)) { SsRngInfoTbl[rngId].nReadFail++; RETVALUE(NULLP); } else { RETVALUE(((U8 *)ring->elem) + (ring->type * ring->read)); } } #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC Void SRngIncrWIndx ( U32 rngId ) #else PUBLIC Void SRngIncrWIndx (rngId) U32 rngId; #endif { U32 wrIndex; /* Retrive Buffer from Id*/ SsRngBuf* ring = SsRngInfoTbl[rngId].r_addr; wrIndex = ring->write + 1; ring->write = (wrIndex == ring->size)?0:wrIndex; /* Update Statistics */ SsRngInfoTbl[rngId].n_write++; } #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC Void SRngIncrRIndx ( U32 rngId ) #else PUBLIC Void SRngIncrRIndx (rngId) U32 rngId; #endif { U32 rdIndex; /* Retrive Buffer from Id*/ SsRngBuf* ring = SsRngInfoTbl[rngId].r_addr; rdIndex = ring->read + 1; ring->read = (rdIndex == ring->size)?0:rdIndex; /* Update Statistics */ SsRngInfoTbl[rngId].n_read++; } #ifdef XEON_SPECIFIC_CHANGES #if (defined (MAC_FREE_RING_BUF) || defined (RLC_FREE_RING_BUF)) S16 mtAddBufToRing(SsRngBufId ringId,void *bufPtr,U8 freeType) { S16 ret1 = ROK; Void *elem = NULLP; RgKwFreeInfo *bufFreeInfo = NULLP; elem = SRngGetWIndx(ringId); if (NULLP != elem) { bufFreeInfo = (RgKwFreeInfo *) elem; bufFreeInfo->bufToFree = bufPtr; bufFreeInfo->freeType = freeType; SRngIncrWIndx(ringId); SsRngInfoTbl[ringId].pktRate++; } else { printf("Free Ring FULL id %d!!! \n",ringId); SsRngInfoTbl[ringId].pktDrop++; ret1 = RFAILED; } RETVALUE(ret1); } #endif #endif #if 0 int main(int argc, char **argv) { SCreateSRngBuf(1,sizeof(SsRngBuf), 10); rngElem* buf; /* Fill buffer with test elements 3 times */ buf = (SsRngBuf*)malloc(sizeof(rngBuf)); buf->ptr = 1; SEnqSRngBuf(1, buf); buf = (SsRngBuf*)malloc(sizeof(rngBuf)); buf->ptr = 2; SEnqSRngBuf(1, buf); buf = (SsRngBuf*)malloc(sizeof(rngBuf)); buf->ptr = 3; SEnqSRngBuf(1, buf); SDeqSRngBuf(1,buf); printf("buf 1 = %d",buf->ptr); SDeqSRngBuf(1,buf); printf("buf 2 = %d",buf->ptr); SDeqSRngBuf(1,buf); printf("buf 3 = %d",buf->ptr); return 0; } #endif /********************************************************************** End of file **********************************************************************/