// Distributed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2010, Ivan Vashchaev #include #include "json.h" // true if character represent a digit #define IS_DIGIT(c) (c >= '0' && c <= '9') // convert string to integer static char *atoi(char *first, char *last, int *out) { int sign = 1; if (first != last) { if (*first == '-') { sign = -1; ++first; } else if (*first == '+') { ++first; } } int result = 0; for (; first != last && IS_DIGIT(*first); ++first) { result = 10 * result + (*first - '0'); } *out = result * sign; return first; } // convert hexadecimal string to unsigned integer static char *hatoui(char *first, char *last, unsigned int *out) { unsigned int result = 0; for (; first != last; ++first) { int digit; if (IS_DIGIT(*first)) { digit = *first - '0'; } else if (*first >= 'a' && *first <= 'f') { digit = *first - 'a' + 10; } else if (*first >= 'A' && *first <= 'F') { digit = *first - 'A' + 10; } else { break; } result = 16 * result + (unsigned int)digit; } *out = result; return first; } // convert string to floating point static char *atof(char *first, char *last, float *out) { // sign float sign = 1; if (first != last) { if (*first == '-') { sign = -1; ++first; } else if (*first == '+') { ++first; } } // integer part float result = 0; for (; first != last && IS_DIGIT(*first); ++first) { result = 10 * result + (float)(*first - '0'); } // fraction part if (first != last && *first == '.') { ++first; float inv_base = 0.1f; for (; first != last && IS_DIGIT(*first); ++first) { result += (float)(*first - '0') * inv_base; inv_base *= 0.1f; } } // result w\o exponent result *= sign; // exponent bool exponent_negative = false; int exponent = 0; if (first != last && (*first == 'e' || *first == 'E')) { ++first; if (*first == '-') { exponent_negative = true; ++first; } else if (*first == '+') { ++first; } for (; first != last && IS_DIGIT(*first); ++first) { exponent = 10 * exponent + (*first - '0'); } } if (exponent) { float power_of_ten = 10; for (; exponent > 1; exponent--) { power_of_ten *= 10; } if (exponent_negative) { result /= power_of_ten; } else { result *= power_of_ten; } } *out = result; return first; } static inline json_value *json_alloc(block_allocator *allocator) { json_value *value = (json_value *)allocator->malloc(sizeof(json_value)); memset(value, 0, sizeof(json_value)); return value; } static inline void json_append(json_value *lhs, json_value *rhs) { rhs->parent = lhs; if (lhs->last_child) { lhs->last_child = lhs->last_child->next_sibling = rhs; } else { lhs->first_child = lhs->last_child = rhs; } } #define ERROR(it, desc)\ *error_pos = it;\ *error_desc = desc;\ *error_line = 1 - escaped_newlines;\ for (char *c = it; c != source; --c)\ if (*c == '\n') ++*error_line;\ return 0 #define CHECK_TOP() if (!top) {ERROR(it, "Unexpected character");} json_value *json_parse(char *source, char **error_pos, const char **error_desc, int *error_line, block_allocator *allocator) { json_value *root = 0; json_value *top = 0; char *name = 0; char *it = source; int escaped_newlines = 0; while (*it) { // skip white space while (*it == '\x20' || *it == '\x9' || *it == '\xD' || *it == '\xA') { ++it; } switch (*it) { case '\0': break; case '{': case '[': { // create new value json_value *object = json_alloc(allocator); // name object->name = name; name = 0; // type object->type = (*it == '{') ? JSON_OBJECT : JSON_ARRAY; // skip open character ++it; // set top and root if (top) { json_append(top, object); } else if (!root) { root = object; } else { ERROR(it, "Second root. Only one root allowed"); } top = object; } break; case '}': case ']': { if (!top || top->type != ((*it == '}') ? JSON_OBJECT : JSON_ARRAY)) { ERROR(it, "Mismatch closing brace/bracket"); } // skip close character ++it; // set top top = top->parent; } break; case ':': if (!top || top->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ERROR(it, "Unexpected character"); } ++it; break; case ',': CHECK_TOP(); ++it; break; case '"': { CHECK_TOP(); // skip '"' character ++it; char *first = it; char *last = it; while (*it) { if ((unsigned char)*it < '\x20') { ERROR(first, "Control characters not allowed in strings"); } else if (*it == '\\') { switch (it[1]) { case '"': *last = '"'; break; case '\\': *last = '\\'; break; case '/': *last = '/'; break; case 'b': *last = '\b'; break; case 'f': *last = '\f'; break; case 'n': *last = '\n'; ++escaped_newlines; break; case 'r': *last = '\r'; break; case 't': *last = '\t'; break; case 'u': { unsigned int codepoint; if (hatoui(it + 2, it + 6, &codepoint) != it + 6) { ERROR(it, "Bad unicode codepoint"); } if (codepoint <= 0x7F) { *last = (char)codepoint; } else if (codepoint <= 0x7FF) { *last++ = (char)(0xC0 | (codepoint >> 6)); *last = (char)(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F)); } else if (codepoint <= 0xFFFF) { *last++ = (char)(0xE0 | (codepoint >> 12)); *last++ = (char)(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F)); *last = (char)(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F)); } } it += 4; break; default: ERROR(first, "Unrecognized escape sequence"); } ++last; it += 2; } else if (*it == '"') { *last = 0; ++it; break; } else { *last++ = *it++; } } if (!name && top->type == JSON_OBJECT) { // field name in object name = first; } else { // new string value json_value *object = json_alloc(allocator); object->name = name; name = 0; object->type = JSON_STRING; object->string_value = first; json_append(top, object); } } break; case 'n': case 't': case 'f': { CHECK_TOP(); // new null/bool value json_value *object = json_alloc(allocator); object->name = name; name = 0; // null if (it[0] == 'n' && it[1] == 'u' && it[2] == 'l' && it[3] == 'l') { object->type = JSON_NULL; it += 4; } // true else if (it[0] == 't' && it[1] == 'r' && it[2] == 'u' && it[3] == 'e') { object->type = JSON_BOOL; object->int_value = 1; it += 4; } // false else if (it[0] == 'f' && it[1] == 'a' && it[2] == 'l' && it[3] == 's' && it[4] == 'e') { object->type = JSON_BOOL; object->int_value = 0; it += 5; } else { ERROR(it, "Unknown identifier"); } json_append(top, object); } break; case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { CHECK_TOP(); // new number value json_value *object = json_alloc(allocator); object->name = name; name = 0; object->type = JSON_INT; char *first = it; while (*it != '\x20' && *it != '\x9' && *it != '\xD' && *it != '\xA' && *it != ',' && *it != ']' && *it != '}') { if (*it == '.' || *it == 'e' || *it == 'E') { object->type = JSON_FLOAT; } ++it; } if (object->type == JSON_INT && atoi(first, it, &object->int_value) != it) { ERROR(first, "Bad integer number"); } if (object->type == JSON_FLOAT && atof(first, it, &object->float_value) != it) { ERROR(first, "Bad float number"); } json_append(top, object); } break; default: ERROR(it, "Unexpected character"); } } if (top) { ERROR(it, "Not all objects/arrays have been properly closed"); } return root; }