# ================================================================================== # # Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ================================================================================== from os import getenv from ricxappframe.xapp_frame import RMRXapp, rmr from .utils.constants import Constants from .manager import * from .handler import * from mdclogpy import Logger class HWXapp: def __init__(self): fake_sdl = getenv("USE_FAKE_SDL", False) self._rmr_xapp = RMRXapp(self._default_handler, config_handler=self._handle_config_change, rmr_port=4560, post_init=self._post_init, use_fake_sdl=bool(fake_sdl)) def _post_init(self, rmr_xapp): """ Function that runs when xapp initialization is complete """ rmr_xapp.logger.info("HWXapp.post_init :: post_init called") # self.sdl_alarm_mgr = SdlAlarmManager() sdl_mgr = SdlManager(rmr_xapp) sdl_mgr.sdlGetGnbList() a1_mgr = A1PolicyManager(rmr_xapp) a1_mgr.startup() def _handle_config_change(self, rmr_xapp, config): """ Function that runs at start and on every configuration file change. """ rmr_xapp.logger.info("HWXapp.handle_config_change:: config: {}".format(config)) rmr_xapp.config = config # No mutex required due to GIL def _default_handler(self, rmr_xapp, summary, sbuf): """ Function that processes messages for which no handler is defined """ rmr_xapp.logger.info("HWXapp.default_handler called for msg type = " + str(summary[rmr.RMR_MS_MSG_TYPE])) rmr_xapp.rmr_free(sbuf) def createHandlers(self): """ Function that creates all the handlers for RMR Messages """ HealthCheckHandler(self._rmr_xapp, Constants.RIC_HEALTH_CHECK_REQ) A1PolicyHandler(self._rmr_xapp, Constants.A1_POLICY_REQ) def start(self, thread=False): """ This is a convenience function that allows this xapp to run in Docker for "real" (no thread, real SDL), but also easily modified for unit testing (e.g., use_fake_sdl). The defaults for this function are for the Dockerized xapp. """ self.createHandlers() self._rmr_xapp.run(thread) def stop(self): """ can only be called if thread=True when started TODO: could we register a signal handler for Docker SIGTERM that calls this? """ self._rmr_xapp.stop()