/* ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== */ package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "github.com/spf13/viper" "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" "io/ioutil" "path" ) var execCommand = exec.Command func Exec(args string) (out []byte, err error) { cmd := execCommand("/bin/sh", "-c", strings.Join([]string{"helm", args}, " ")) // In testing environment, don't print command traces ... if !strings.HasSuffix(os.Args[0], ".test") { log.Printf("Running command: %v", cmd) } out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("Command failed", args, err.Error())) return out, err } if !strings.HasSuffix(os.Args[0], ".test") { mdclog(Mdclog_debug, formatLog("command success", string(out), "")) } return out, err } func (h *Helm) Run(args string) (out []byte, err error) { if h.initDone == false { if _, err := h.Init(); err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("helm init failed", args, err.Error())) return out, err } mdclog(Mdclog_debug, formatLog("Helm init done successfully!", args, "")) // Add helm repo if _, err := h.AddRepo(); err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("Helm repo addition failed", args, err.Error())) return out, err } mdclog(Mdclog_debug, formatLog("Helm repo added successfully", string(out), "")) h.initDone = true } return Exec(args) } // API functions func (h *Helm) Init() (out []byte, err error) { // Add Tiller address as environment variable if err := addTillerEnv(); err != nil { return out, err } return Exec(strings.Join([]string{"init -c"}, "")) } func (h *Helm) AddRepo() (out []byte, err error) { // Get helm repo user name and password from files mounted by secret object credFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(viper.GetString("helm.helm-username-file")) if err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("helm_repo_username ReadFile failed", "", err.Error())) return } username := " --username " + string(credFile) credFile, err = ioutil.ReadFile(viper.GetString("helm.helm-password-file")) if err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("helm_repo_password ReadFile failed", "", err.Error())) return } pwd := " --password " + string(credFile) // Get internal helm repo name rname := viper.GetString("helm.repo-name") // Get helm repo address from values.yaml repo := viper.GetString("helm.repo") return Exec(strings.Join([]string{"repo add ", rname, " ", repo, username, pwd}, "")) } func (h *Helm) Install(name string) (xapp Xapp, err error) { out, err := h.Run(strings.Join([]string{"repo update "}, "")) if err != nil { return } rname := viper.GetString("helm.repo-name") ns := getNamespaceArgs() out, err = h.Run(strings.Join([]string{"install ", rname, "/", name, " --name ", name, ns}, "")) if err != nil { return } return h.ParseStatus(name, string(out)) } func (h *Helm) Status(name string) (xapp Xapp, err error) { out, err := h.Run(strings.Join([]string{"status ", name}, "")) if err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("Getting xapps status", "", err.Error())) return } return h.ParseStatus(name, string(out)) } func (h *Helm) StatusAll() (xapps []Xapp, err error) { xappNameList, err := h.List() if err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("Helm list failed", "", err.Error())) return } return h.parseAllStatus(xappNameList) } func (h *Helm) List() (names []string, err error) { ns := getNamespaceArgs() out, err := h.Run(strings.Join([]string{"list --all --output yaml ", ns}, "")) if err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("Listing deployed xapps failed", "", err.Error())) return } return h.GetNames(string(out)) } func (h *Helm) Delete(name string) (xapp Xapp, err error) { xapp, err = h.Status(name) if err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("Fetching xapp status failed", "", err.Error())) return } _, err = h.Run(strings.Join([]string{"del --purge ", name}, "")) return xapp, err } func (h *Helm) Fetch(name , tarDir string) (error) { if strings.HasSuffix(os.Args[0], ".test") { return nil } rname := viper.GetString("helm.repo-name") + "/" _, err := h.Run(strings.Join([]string{"fetch --untar --untardir ", tarDir, " ", rname, name}, "")) return err } // Helper functions func (h *Helm) GetMessages(name string) (msgs MessageTypes, err error) { tarDir := viper.GetString("xapp.tarDir") if tarDir == "" { tarDir = "/tmp" } if h.Fetch(name, tarDir); err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("Fetch chart failed", "", err.Error())) return } return h.ParseMessages(name, tarDir, "msg_type.yaml") } func (h *Helm) ParseMessages(name string, chartDir, msgFile string) (msgs MessageTypes, err error) { yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(chartDir, name, msgFile)) if err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("ReadFile failed", "", err.Error())) return } err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &msgs) if err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("Unmarshal failed", "", err.Error())) return } if err = os.RemoveAll(path.Join(chartDir, name)); err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("RemoveAll failed", "", err.Error())) } return } func (h *Helm) GetVersion(name string) (version string) { ns := getNamespaceArgs() out, err := h.Run(strings.Join([]string{"list --output yaml ", name, ns}, "")) if err != nil { return } var re = regexp.MustCompile(`AppVersion: .*`) ver := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(out)) if ver != nil { version = strings.Split(ver[0], ": ")[1] version, _ = strconv.Unquote(version) } return } func (h *Helm) GetState(out string) (status string) { re := regexp.MustCompile(`STATUS: .*`) result := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(out)) if result != nil { status = strings.ToLower(strings.Split(result[0], ": ")[1]) } return } func (h *Helm) GetAddress(out string) (ip, port string) { var tmp string re := regexp.MustCompile(`ClusterIP.*`) addr := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(out)) if addr != nil { fmt.Sscanf(addr[0], "%s %s %s %s", &tmp, &ip, &tmp, &port) } return } func (h *Helm) GetNames(out string) (names []string, err error) { re := regexp.MustCompile(`Name: .*`) result := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(out, -1) if result == nil { return } for _, v := range result { xappName := strings.Split(v[0], ": ")[1] if strings.Contains(xappName, "appmgr") == false { names = append(names, xappName) } } return names, nil } func (h *Helm) FillInstanceData(name string, out string, xapp *Xapp, msgs MessageTypes) { ip, port := h.GetAddress(out) var tmp string r := regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\/Pod.*?\/Service`) result := r.FindStringSubmatch(string(out)) if result == nil { return } re := regexp.MustCompile(name + "-(\\d+).*") resources := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(result[0]), -1) if resources != nil { for _, v := range resources { var x XappInstance fmt.Sscanf(v[0], "%s %s %s", &x.Name, &tmp, &x.Status) x.Status = strings.ToLower(x.Status) x.Ip = ip x.Port, _ = strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(port, "/")[0]) x.TxMessages = msgs.TxMessages x.RxMessages = msgs.RxMessages xapp.Instances = append(xapp.Instances, x) } } } func (h *Helm) ParseStatus(name string, out string) (xapp Xapp, err error) { types, err := h.GetMessages(name) if (err != nil) { return } xapp.Name = name xapp.Version = h.GetVersion(name) xapp.Status = h.GetState(out) h.FillInstanceData(name, out, &xapp, types) return } func (h *Helm) parseAllStatus(names []string) (xapps []Xapp, err error) { xapps = []Xapp{} for _, name := range names { x, err := h.Status(name) if err == nil { xapps = append(xapps, x) } } return } func addTillerEnv() (err error) { service := viper.GetString("helm.tiller-service") namespace := viper.GetString("helm.tiller-namespace") port := viper.GetString("helm.tiller-port") if err = os.Setenv("HELM_HOST", service + "." + namespace + ":" + port); err != nil { mdclog(Mdclog_err, formatLog("Tiller Env Setting Failed", "", err.Error())) } return err } func getNamespaceArgs() (string) { ns := viper.GetString("xapp.namespace") if ns == "" { ns = "ricxapp" } return " --namespace=" + ns } func formatLog(text string, args string, err string) (string) { return fmt.Sprintf("Helm: %s: args=%s err=%s\n", text, args, err) }