/* ------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2014 AT&T Intellectual Property Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include //#include #include #include "parse_fta.h" #include "parse_schema.h" #include "analyze_fta.h" #include "generate_utils.h" #include "query_plan.h" #include "generate_lfta_code.h" #include "generate_nic_code.h" using namespace std; extern int DEFAULT_LFTA_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; // default value for correlation between the interface card and // the system clock #define DEFAULT_TIME_CORR 16 // For fast hashing //#define NRANDS 100 extern string hash_nums[NRANDS]; /* = { "12916008961267169387ull", "13447227858232756685ull", "15651770379918602919ull", "1154671861688431608ull", "6777078091984849858ull", "14217205709582564356ull", "4955408621820609982ull", "15813680319165523695ull", "9897969721407807129ull", "5799700135519793083ull", "3446529189623437397ull", "2766403683465910630ull", "3759321430908793328ull", "6569396511892890354ull", "11124853911180290924ull", "17425412145238035549ull", "6879931585355039943ull", "16598635011539670441ull", "9615975578494811651ull", "4378135509538422740ull", "741282195344332574ull", "17368612862906255584ull", "17294299200556814618ull", "518343398779663051ull", "3861893449302272757ull", "8951107288843549591ull", "15785139392894559409ull", "5917810836789601602ull", "16169988133001117004ull", "9792861259254509262ull", "5089058010244872136ull", "2130075224835397689ull", "844136788226150435ull", "1303298091153875333ull", "3579898206894361183ull", "7529542662845336496ull", "13151949992653382522ull", "2145333536541545660ull", "11258221828939586934ull", "3741808146124570279ull", "16272841626371307089ull", "12174572036188391283ull", "9749343496254107661ull", "9141275584134508830ull", "10134192232065698216ull", "12944268412561423018ull", "17499725811865666340ull", "5281482378159088661ull", "13254803486023572607ull", "4526762838498717025ull", "15990846379668494011ull", "10680949816169027468ull", "7116154096012931030ull", "5296740689865236632ull", "5222427027515795922ull", "6893215299448261251ull", "10164707755932877485ull", "15325979189512082255ull", "3713267224148573289ull", "12292682741753167354ull", "4098115959960163588ull", "16095675565885113990ull", "11391590846210510720ull", "8432889531466002673ull", "7146668520368482523ull", "7678169991822407997ull", "9882712513525031447ull", "13904414563513869160ull", "1080076724395768626ull", "8448147843172150388ull", "17633093729608185134ull", "10044622457050142303ull", "4128911859292425737ull", "30642269109444395ull", "16124215396922640581ull", "15444089895060081110ull", "16437006538696302944ull", "800338649777443426ull", "5355794945275091932ull", "11656354278827687117ull", "1110873718944691255ull", "10829576045617693977ull", "3846916616884579955ull", "17055821716837625668ull", "13418968402643535758ull", "11671612594828802128ull", "11597298928184328586ull", "13196028510862205499ull", "16539578557089782373ull", "3182048322921507591ull", "10016080431267550241ull", "148751875162592690ull", "10400930266590768572ull", "4023803397139127870ull", "17766462746879108920ull", "14807761432134600873ull", "13521540421053792403ull", "13980983198941385205ull", "16257584414193564367ull", "1760484796451765024ull" }; */ // ---------------------------------------------- // Data extracted from the query plan node // for use by code generation. static cplx_lit_table *complex_literals; //Table of literals with constructors. static vector param_handle_table; static param_table *param_tbl; // Table of all referenced parameters. static vector sl_list; static vector where; static gb_table *gb_tbl; // Table of all group-by attributes. static aggregate_table *aggr_tbl; // Table of all referenced aggregates. static bool packed_return; // unpack using structyure, not fcns static nic_property *nicprop; // nic properties for this interface. static int global_id; // The partial_fcns vector can now refer to // partial functions, or expensive functions // which can be cached (if there are multiple refs). A couple // of int vectors distinguish the cases. static vector partial_fcns; static vector fcn_ref_cnt; static vector is_partial_fcn; int sl_fcns_start = 0, sl_fcns_end = 0; int wh_fcns_start = 0, wh_fcns_end = 0; int gb_fcns_start = 0, gb_fcns_end = 0; int ag_fcns_start = 0, ag_fcns_end = 0; // These vectors are for combinable predicates. static vector pred_class; // identifies the group static vector pred_pos; // position in the group. static char tmpstr[1000]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Various utilities string generate_fta_name(string node_name){ string ret = normalize_name(node_name); if(ret == ""){ ret = "default"; } ret += "_fta"; return(ret); } string generate_aggr_struct_name(string node_name){ string ret = normalize_name(node_name); if(ret == ""){ ret = "default"; } ret += "_aggr_struct"; return(ret); } string generate_fj_struct_name(string node_name){ string ret = normalize_name(node_name); if(ret == ""){ ret = "default"; } ret += "_fj_struct"; return(ret); } string generate_watchlist_element_name(string node_name){ string ret = normalize_name(node_name); if(ret == ""){ ret = "default"; } ret += "__wl_elem"; return(ret); } string generate_watchlist_struct_name(string node_name){ string ret = normalize_name(node_name); if(ret == ""){ ret = "default"; } ret += "__wl_struct"; return(ret); } string generate_watchlist_name(string node_name){ string ret = normalize_name(node_name); if(ret == ""){ ret = "default"; } ret += "__wl"; return(ret); } string generate_unpack_code(int tblref, int schref, string field, table_list *schema, string node_name, string end_goto = string("end")){ string ret; if(! packed_return){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tretval = %s(p, &unpack_var_%s_%d);\n", schema->get_fcn(schref,field).c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; if(!schema->get_modifier_list(schref,field)->contains_key("required")) ret += "\tif(retval) goto "+end_goto+";\n"; }else{ // TODO: ntoh xforms (aug 2010 : removing ntoh, hton) data_type dt(schema->get_type_name(schref,field), schema->get_modifier_list(schref,field)); if(dt.is_buffer_type()){ if(dt.get_type() != v_str_t){ ret += "\tif(sizeof(struct "+node_name+"_input_struct)+"+node_name+"_input_struct_var->unpack_var_"+field+".length+int("+node_name+"_input_struct_var->unpack_var_"+field+".data) > sz)\n"; ret += "\t\tgoto "+end_goto+";\n"; ret+= "\t\t"+node_name+"_input_struct_var->unpack_var_"+field+".data += "+node_name+"_input_struct_var->unpack_var_"+field+".length;\n"; ret += "\tunpack_var_"+field+"_"+int_to_string(tblref)+ " = "+node_name+"_input_struct_var->unpack_var_"+field+";+\n"; }else{ fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR buffer type not string type in generate_lfta_code.cc:generate_unpack_code\n"); exit(1); } }else{ ret += "\tunpack_var_"+field+"_"+int_to_string(tblref)+ " = "+node_name+"_input_struct_var->unpack_var_"+field+";\n"; } } return ret; } string generate_aggr_struct(string node_name, gb_table *gb_tbl, aggregate_table *aggr_tbl){ string ret = "struct " + generate_aggr_struct_name(node_name) + "{\n"; int g; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ sprintf(tmpstr,"gb_var%d",g); ret += "\t"+gb_tbl->get_data_type(g)->make_cvar(tmpstr)+";\n"; } int a; for(a=0;asize();a++){ ret += "\t"; sprintf(tmpstr,"aggr_var%d",a); if(aggr_tbl->is_builtin(a)) ret+="\t"+aggr_tbl->get_data_type(a)->make_cvar(tmpstr)+";\n"; else ret+="\t"+aggr_tbl->get_storage_type(a)->make_cvar(tmpstr)+";\n"; } /* ret += "\tstruct "+generate_aggr_struct_name(node_name)+" *next;\n"; */ ret += "};\n\n"; return(ret); } string generate_fj_struct(filter_join_qpn *fs, string node_name ){ string ret; if(fs->use_bloom == false){ // uses hash table instead ret = "struct " + generate_fj_struct_name(node_name) + "{\n"; int k; for(k=0;khash_eq.size();++k){ sprintf(tmpstr,"key_var%d",k); ret += "\t"+fs->hash_eq[k]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type()->make_cvar(tmpstr)+";\n"; } ret += "\tlong long int ts;\n"; ret += "};\n\n"; } return(ret); } string generate_watchlist_structs(string node_name, table_def *tbl, std::string filename, int refresh_interval){ string ret; ret += "struct "+generate_watchlist_element_name(node_name)+"{\n"; vector fields = tbl->get_fields(); for(int f=0;fget_type()); ret += "\t"+dt.make_cvar(fields[f]->get_name())+";\n"; } ret += "\tgs_uint64_t hashval;\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_watchlist_element_name(node_name)+" *next;\n"; ret += "};\n\n"; ret += "char *"+generate_watchlist_name(node_name)+"__fstr = \""+filename+"\";\n"; ret += "struct "+generate_watchlist_struct_name(node_name)+"{\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+ generate_watchlist_element_name(node_name)+" **ht;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t ht_size;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t n_elem;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t refresh_interval;\n"; ret += "\ttime_t next_refresh;\n"; ret += "\ttime_t last_mtime;\n"; ret += "\tchar *filename;\n"; ret += "} "+generate_watchlist_name(node_name)+" = { NULL, 0, 0, "+std::to_string(refresh_interval)+", 0, 0, NULL};\n\n"; return ret; } string generate_watchlist_load(string node_name, table_def *tbl, vector keys){ string ret; string tgt = generate_watchlist_name(node_name); vector fields = tbl->get_fields(); ret += "void reload_watchlist__"+node_name+"(){\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t i;\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_watchlist_element_name(node_name)+" *ptr = NULL;\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_watchlist_element_name(node_name)+" *next = NULL;\n"; ret += "\tFILE *fl;\n"; ret += "\tchar buf[10000];\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t buflen = 10000;\n"; ret += "\tchar *flds["+std::to_string(fields.size())+"];\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t pos, f, linelen, malformed;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t n_malformed, short_lines, toolong_lines, ok;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint64_t hash, bucket;\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_watchlist_element_name(node_name)+" *rec;\n\n"; ret += "// make sure watchlist file has changed since the last time we loaded it\n"; ret += "\tstruct stat file_stat;\n"; ret += "\tint err = stat(" + tgt + ".filename, &file_stat);\n"; ret += "\tif (err) {\n"; ret += "\t\tgslog(LOG_INFO,\"Warning, unable to stat() watchlist file %s to reload " + node_name + ", continue using old version\\n\", " + tgt + ".filename);\n"; ret += "\t\treturn;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; ret += "\tif (file_stat.st_mtime <= " + tgt + ".last_mtime && file_stat.st_ctime <= " + tgt + ".last_mtime) // watchlist file hasn't changed since last time\n"; ret += "\t\treturn;\n"; ret += "\t" + tgt + ".last_mtime = (file_stat.st_mtime>file_stat.st_ctime)?file_stat.st_mtime:file_stat.st_ctime;\n\n"; ret += "// Delete old entries.\n"; ret += "\tfor(i=0;i<"+tgt+".ht_size;++i){\n"; ret += "\t\tptr="+tgt+".ht[i];\n"; ret += "\t\twhile(ptr!=NULL){\n"; for(int f=0;fget_type()); if(dt.is_buffer_type()){ ret += "\t\t\t"+dt.get_buffer_destroy()+"(&(ptr->"+fields[f]->get_name()+"));\n"; } } ret += "\t\t\tnext = ptr->next;\n"; ret += "\t\t\tfree(ptr);\n"; ret += "\t\t\tptr = next;\n"; ret += "\t\t}\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; ret += "\n// prepare new table. \n"; ret += "\tif("+tgt+".n_elem > "+tgt+".ht_size || "+tgt+".ht_size==0){\n"; ret += "\t\tif("+tgt+".ht)\n"; ret += "\t\t\tfree("+tgt+".ht);\n"; ret += "\t\tif("+tgt+".ht_size == 0)\n"; ret += "\t\t\t"+tgt+".ht_size = 100000;\n"; ret += "\t\telse\n"; ret += "\t\t\t"+tgt+".ht_size = "+tgt+".n_elem;\n"; ret += "\t\t"+tgt+".ht = (struct "+generate_watchlist_element_name(node_name)+" **)malloc("+tgt+".ht_size * sizeof(struct "+generate_watchlist_element_name(node_name)+" *));\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; ret += "\tfor(i=0;i<"+tgt+".ht_size;++i){\n"; ret += "\t\t"+tgt+".ht[i] = NULL;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; ret += "\n// load new table\n"; ret += "\t"+tgt+".n_elem = 0;\n"; ret += "\tfl = fopen("+tgt+".filename, \"r\");\n"; ret += "\tif(fl==NULL){\n"; ret += "\t\tgslog(LOG_INFO,\"Warning, can't open file %s for watchlist "+node_name+"\\n\","+tgt+".filename);\n"; ret += "\t\treturn;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; ret += "\tmalformed = 0;\n"; ret += "\tshort_lines = 0;\n"; ret += "\ttoolong_lines = 0;\n"; ret += "\twhile(fgets(buf, buflen, fl) != NULL){\n"; ret += "\t\tlinelen = strlen(buf);\n"; ret += "\t\tbuf[linelen-1]='\\0'; // strip off trailing newline\n"; ret += "\t\tlinelen--;\n"; ret += "\t\tpos=0;\n"; ret += "\t\tmalformed=0;\n"; ret += "\t\tok=1;\n"; ret += "\t\tflds[0] = buf;\n"; ret += "\t\tfor(f=1;pos < linelen && f<"+std::to_string(fields.size())+";++f){\n"; ret += "\t\t\tfor(;pos < linelen && buf[pos]!=',' && buf[pos]!='\\n';++pos);\n"; ret += "\t\t\tif(pos >= linelen){\n"; ret += "\t\t\t\tmalformed = 1;\n"; ret += "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n"; ret += "\t\t\t}\n"; ret += "\t\t\tbuf[pos]='\\0';\n"; ret += "\t\t\tpos++;\n"; ret += "\t\t\tflds[f]=buf+pos;\n"; ret += "\t\t}\n"; ret += "\t\tif(malformed){\n"; ret += "\t\t\tok=0;\n"; ret += "\t\t\tn_malformed++;\n"; ret += "\t\t}\n"; ret += "\t\tif(f<"+std::to_string(fields.size())+"){\n"; ret += "\t\t\tok=0;\n"; ret += "\t\t\tshort_lines++;\n"; ret += "\t\t}\n"; ret += "\t\tif(pos && (posget_type()); ret += "\t\t\t"+dt.get_wl_extract_fcn()+"(flds["+std::to_string(f)+"], &(rec->"+fields[f]->get_name()+"));\n"; } // Compute the hash value ret += "\t\t\thash=0;\n"; for(int k=0;kget_name() == key_fld) break; } data_type dt(fields[f]->get_type()); ret += "\t\t\thash ^= (("+hash_nums[f%NRANDS]+" * lfta_"+ dt.get_type_str()+"_to_hash(rec->"+fields[f]->get_name()+")));\n"; } ret += "\t\t\tbucket = (hash>>32) \% "+tgt+".ht_size;\n"; ret += "\t\t\trec->hashval = hash;\n"; ret += "\t\t\trec->next = "+tgt+".ht[bucket];\n"; ret += "\t\t\t"+tgt+".ht[bucket] = rec;\n"; ret += "\t\t\t"+tgt+".n_elem++;\n"; ret += "\t\t}\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; ret += "\tif(n_malformed+toolong_lines > 0){\n"; ret += "\t\tgslog(LOG_INFO,\"Errors reading data for watchlist "+node_name+" from file %s: malformed=%d, too short=%d, too long=%d\\n\","+tgt+".filename, malformed, short_lines, toolong_lines);\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; ret += "}\n\n"; return ret; } string generate_fta_struct(string node_name, gb_table *gb_tbl, aggregate_table *aggr_tbl, param_table *param_tbl, cplx_lit_table *complex_literals, vector ¶m_handle_table, bool is_aggr_query, bool is_fj, bool is_wj, bool uses_bloom, table_list *schema){ string ret = "struct " + generate_fta_name(node_name) + "{\n"; ret += "\tstruct FTA f;\n"; //------------------------------------------------------------- // Aggregate-specific fields if(is_aggr_query){ /* ret += "\tstruct "+generate_aggr_struct_name(node_name)+" *aggr_head, *flush_head;\n"; */ ret+="\tstruct "+generate_aggr_struct_name(node_name)+" *aggr_table; // the groups\n"; ret+="\tgs_uint32_t *aggr_table_hashmap; // hash val, plus control info.\n"; // ret+="\tint bitmap_size;\n"; ret += "\tint n_aggrs; // # of non-empty slots in aggr_table\n"; ret += "\tint max_aggrs; // size of aggr_table and its hashmap.\n"; ret += "\tint max_windows; // max number of open windows.\n"; ret += "\tunsigned int generation; // initially zero, increment on\n"; ret += "\t // every hash table flush - whether regular or induced.\n"; ret += "\t // Old groups are identified by a generation mismatch.\n"; ret += "\tunsigned int flush_pos; // next aggr_table entry to examine\n"; ret += "\tunsigned int flush_ctr; // control slow flushing\n"; int g; bool uses_temporal_flush = false; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *dt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(dt->is_temporal()){ /* fprintf(stderr,"group by attribute %s is temporal, ", gb_tbl->get_name(g).c_str()); if(dt->is_increasing()){ fprintf(stderr,"increasing.\n"); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"decreasing.\n"); } */ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ fprintf(stderr, "\t but temporal BUFFER types are not supported, skipping.\n"); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s last_gb_%d;\n",gdt->get_cvar_type().c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s flush_start_gb_%d;\n",gdt->get_cvar_type().c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s last_flushed_gb_%d;\n",gdt->get_cvar_type().c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; uses_temporal_flush = true; } } } if(! uses_temporal_flush){ fprintf(stderr,"Warning: no temporal flush.\n"); } } // --------------------------------------------------------- // Filter-join specific fields if(is_fj){ if(uses_bloom){ ret += "\tunsigned char * bf_table; //array of bloom filters with layout \n" "\t\t// bit 0 bf 0| bit 0 bf 1| bit 0 bf 2| bit 1 bf 0| bit 1 bf 1|.....\n" "\tint first_exec;\n" "\tlong long int last_bin;\n" "\tint last_bloom_pos;\n" "\n" ; }else{ // limited hash table ret += " struct "+generate_fj_struct_name(node_name)+" *join_table;\n" "\n" ; } } // -------------------------------------------- // watchlist-join specific if(is_wj){ ret += "\ttime_t ux_time;\n"; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // Common fields // Create places to hold the parameters. int p; vector param_vec = param_tbl->get_param_names(); for(p=0;pget_data_type(param_vec[p]); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s param_%s;\n",dt->get_cvar_type().c_str(), param_vec[p].c_str()); ret += tmpstr; if(param_tbl->handle_access(param_vec[p])){ ret += "\tstruct search_handle *param_handle_"+param_vec[p]+";\n"; } } // Create places to hold complex literals. int cl; for(cl=0;clsize();cl++){ literal_t *l = complex_literals->get_literal(cl); data_type *dtl = new data_type( l->get_type() ); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s complex_literal_%d;\n",dtl->get_cvar_type().c_str(),cl); ret += tmpstr; } // Create places to hold the pass-by-handle parameters. for(p=0;pget_data_type(); if (sdt->is_temporal()) { gather_se_col_ids(sl_list[s],temp_cids, gb_tbl); } } for(csi=temp_cids.begin(); csi != temp_cids.end();++csi){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; data_type dt(schema->get_type_name(schref,field), schema->get_modifier_list(schref,field)); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s last_%s_%d;\n", dt.get_cvar_type().c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; } ret += "\tgs_uint64_t trace_id;\n\n"; // Fields to store the runtime stats ret += "\tgs_uint32_t in_tuple_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t out_tuple_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t out_tuple_sz;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t accepted_tuple_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint64_t cycle_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t collision_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tgs_uint32_t eviction_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tgs_float_t sampling_rate;\n"; ret += "};\n\n"; return(ret); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Set colref tblvars to 0.. // (special processing for join-like operators in an lfta). void reset_se_col_ids_tblvars(scalarexp_t *se, gb_table *gtbl){ vector operands; int o; if(! se) return; switch(se->get_operator_type()){ case SE_LITERAL: case SE_PARAM: case SE_IFACE_PARAM: return; case SE_UNARY_OP: reset_se_col_ids_tblvars(se->get_left_se(),gtbl); return; case SE_BINARY_OP: reset_se_col_ids_tblvars(se->get_left_se(),gtbl); reset_se_col_ids_tblvars(se->get_right_se(),gtbl); return; case SE_COLREF: if(! se->is_gb() ){ se->get_colref()->set_tablevar_ref(0); }else{ if(gtbl==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR: gbvar ref in gather_se_col_ids, but gtbl is NULL.\n"); exit(1); } reset_se_col_ids_tblvars(gtbl->get_def(se->get_gb_ref()),gtbl); } return; case SE_AGGR_STAR: return; case SE_AGGR_SE: reset_se_col_ids_tblvars(se->get_left_se(),gtbl); return; case SE_FUNC: operands = se->get_operands(); for(o=0;oget_lineno(), se->get_charno(),se->get_operator_type()); exit(1); } } // reset column tblvars accessed in this pr. void reset_pr_col_ids_tblvars(predicate_t *pr, gb_table *gtbl){ vector op_list; int o; switch(pr->get_operator_type()){ case PRED_IN: reset_se_col_ids_tblvars(pr->get_left_se(), gtbl); return; case PRED_COMPARE: reset_se_col_ids_tblvars(pr->get_left_se(),gtbl) ; reset_se_col_ids_tblvars(pr->get_right_se(),gtbl) ; return; case PRED_UNARY_OP: reset_pr_col_ids_tblvars(pr->get_left_pr(),gtbl) ; return; case PRED_BINARY_OP: reset_pr_col_ids_tblvars(pr->get_left_pr(),gtbl) ; reset_pr_col_ids_tblvars(pr->get_right_pr(),gtbl) ; return; case PRED_FUNC: op_list = pr->get_op_list(); for(o=0;oget_lineno(), pr->get_charno(), pr->get_operator_type() ); } } // Generate code that makes reference // to the tuple, and not to any aggregates. static string generate_se_code(scalarexp_t *se,table_list *schema){ string ret; data_type *ldt, *rdt; int o; vector operands; switch(se->get_operator_type()){ case SE_LITERAL: if(se->is_handle_ref()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"t->handle_param_%d",se->get_handle_ref() ); ret = tmpstr; return(ret); } if(se->get_literal()->is_cpx_lit()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"t->complex_literal_%d",se->get_literal()->get_cpx_lit_ref() ); ret = tmpstr; return(ret); } return(se->get_literal()->to_C_code("")); // not complex, no constructor case SE_PARAM: if(se->is_handle_ref()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"t->handle_param_%d",se->get_handle_ref() ); ret = tmpstr; return(ret); } ret += "t->param_"; ret += se->get_param_name(); return(ret); case SE_UNARY_OP: ldt = se->get_left_se()->get_data_type(); if(ldt->complex_operator(se->get_op()) ){ ret += ldt->get_complex_operator(se->get_op()); ret += "("; ret += generate_se_code(se->get_left_se(),schema); ret += ")"; }else{ ret += "("; ret += se->get_op(); ret += generate_se_code(se->get_left_se(),schema); ret += ")"; } return(ret); case SE_BINARY_OP: ldt = se->get_left_se()->get_data_type(); rdt = se->get_right_se()->get_data_type(); if(ldt->complex_operator(rdt, se->get_op()) ){ ret += ldt->get_complex_operator(rdt, se->get_op()); ret += "("; ret += generate_se_code(se->get_left_se(),schema); ret += ", "; ret += generate_se_code(se->get_right_se(),schema); ret += ")"; }else{ ret += "("; ret += generate_se_code(se->get_left_se(),schema); ret += se->get_op(); ret += generate_se_code(se->get_right_se(),schema); ret += ")"; } return(ret); case SE_COLREF: if(se->is_gb()){ // OK to ref gb attrs, but they're not yet unpacked ... // so return the defining code. ret = generate_se_code(gb_tbl->get_def(se->get_gb_ref()), schema ); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"unpack_var_%s_%d", se->get_colref()->get_field().c_str(), se->get_colref()->get_tablevar_ref() ); ret = tmpstr; } return(ret); case SE_FUNC: // Should not be ref'ing any aggr here. if(se->get_aggr_ref() >= 0){ fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR, UDAF reference in generate_se_code.\n"); return("ERROR in generate_se_code"); } if(se->is_partial()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"partial_fcn_result_%d",se->get_partial_ref()); ret = tmpstr; }else{ ret += se->op + "("; operands = se->get_operands(); for(o=0;o0) ret += ", "; if(operands[o]->get_data_type()->is_buffer_type() && (! (operands[o]->is_handle_ref()) ) ) ret += "&"; ret += generate_se_code(operands[o], schema); } ret += ")"; } return(ret); default: fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR in generate_se_code (lfta), line %d, character %d: unknown operator type %d\n", se->get_lineno(), se->get_charno(),se->get_operator_type()); return("ERROR in generate_se_code"); } } // generate code that refers only to aggregate data and constants. static string generate_se_code_fm_aggr(scalarexp_t *se, string var, table_list *schema){ string ret; data_type *ldt, *rdt; int o; vector operands; switch(se->get_operator_type()){ case SE_LITERAL: if(se->is_handle_ref()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"t->handle_param_%d",se->get_handle_ref() ); ret = tmpstr; return(ret); } if(se->get_literal()->is_cpx_lit()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"t->complex_literal_%d",se->get_literal()->get_cpx_lit_ref() ); ret = tmpstr; return(ret); } return(se->get_literal()->to_C_code("")); // not complex no constructor case SE_PARAM: if(se->is_handle_ref()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"t->handle_param_%d",se->get_handle_ref() ); ret = tmpstr; return(ret); } ret += "t->param_"; ret += se->get_param_name(); return(ret); case SE_UNARY_OP: ldt = se->get_left_se()->get_data_type(); if(ldt->complex_operator(se->get_op()) ){ ret += ldt->get_complex_operator(se->get_op()); ret += "("; ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(se->get_left_se(),var,schema); ret += ")"; }else{ ret += "("; ret += se->get_op(); ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(se->get_left_se(),var,schema); ret += ")"; } return(ret); case SE_BINARY_OP: ldt = se->get_left_se()->get_data_type(); rdt = se->get_right_se()->get_data_type(); if(ldt->complex_operator(rdt, se->get_op()) ){ ret += ldt->get_complex_operator(rdt, se->get_op()); ret += "("; ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(se->get_left_se(),var,schema); ret += ", "; ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(se->get_right_se(),var,schema); ret += ")"; }else{ ret += "("; ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(se->get_left_se(),var,schema); ret += se->get_op(); ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(se->get_right_se(),var,schema); ret += ")"; } return(ret); case SE_COLREF: if(se->is_gb()){ // OK to ref gb attrs, but they're not yet // unpacked ... so return the defining code. sprintf(tmpstr,"%sgb_var%d",var.c_str(),se->get_gb_ref()); ret = tmpstr; }else{ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR reference to non-GB column ref not permitted here," "error in generate_se_code_fm_aggr, line %d, character %d.\n", se->get_lineno(), se->get_charno()); ret = tmpstr; } return(ret); case SE_AGGR_STAR: case SE_AGGR_SE: sprintf(tmpstr,"%saggr_var%d",var.c_str(),se->get_aggr_ref()); ret = tmpstr; return(ret); case SE_FUNC: // Is it a UDAF? if(se->get_aggr_ref() >= 0){ sprintf(tmpstr,"udaf_ret%d",se->get_aggr_ref()); ret = tmpstr; return(ret); } if(se->is_partial()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"partial_fcn_result_%d",se->get_partial_ref()); ret = tmpstr; }else{ ret += se->op + "("; operands = se->get_operands(); for(o=0;o0) ret += ", "; if(operands[o]->get_data_type()->is_buffer_type() && (! (operands[o]->is_handle_ref()) ) ) ret += "&"; ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(operands[o], var, schema); } ret += ")"; } return(ret); default: fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR in generate_lfta_code.cc::generate_se_code_fm_aggr, line %d, character %d: unknown operator type %d\n", se->get_lineno(), se->get_charno(),se->get_operator_type()); return("ERROR in generate_se_code"); } } static string unpack_partial_fcn_fm_aggr(scalarexp_t *se, int pfn_id, string var, table_list *schema){ string ret; int o; vector operands; if(se->get_operator_type() != SE_FUNC || se->get_aggr_ref() >= 0){ fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR, non-function SE passed to unpack_partial_fcn_fm_aggr. line %d, character %d\n", se->get_lineno(), se->get_charno()); return("ERROR in generate_se_code"); } ret = "\tretval = " + se->get_op() + "( "; sprintf(tmpstr, "&partial_fcn_result_%d",pfn_id); ret += tmpstr; operands = se->get_operands(); for(o=0;oget_data_type()->is_buffer_type() && (! (operands[o]->is_handle_ref()) ) ) ret += "&"; ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(operands[o], var, schema); } ret += ");\n"; return(ret); } static string generate_cached_fcn(scalarexp_t *se, table_list *schema){ string ret; int o; vector operands; if(se->get_operator_type() != SE_FUNC || se->get_aggr_ref() >= 0){ fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR, non-function SE passed to generate_cached_fcn. line %d, character %d\n", se->get_lineno(), se->get_charno()); return("ERROR in generate_se_code"); } ret = se->get_op() + "( "; operands = se->get_operands(); for(o=0;oget_data_type()->is_buffer_type() && (! (operands[o]->is_handle_ref()) ) ) ret += "&"; ret += generate_se_code(operands[o], schema); } ret += ");\n"; return(ret); } static string unpack_partial_fcn(scalarexp_t *se, int pfn_id, table_list *schema){ string ret; int o; vector operands; if(se->get_operator_type() != SE_FUNC || se->get_aggr_ref() >= 0){ fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR, non-function SE passed to unpack_partial_fcn. line %d, character %d\n", se->get_lineno(), se->get_charno()); return("ERROR in generate_se_code"); } ret = "\tretval = " + se->get_op() + "( ", sprintf(tmpstr, "&partial_fcn_result_%d",pfn_id); ret += tmpstr; operands = se->get_operands(); for(o=0;oget_data_type()->is_buffer_type() && (! (operands[o]->is_handle_ref()) ) ) ret += "&"; ret += generate_se_code(operands[o], schema); } ret += ");\n"; return(ret); } static string generate_C_comparison_op(string op){ if(op == "=") return("=="); if(op == "<>") return("!="); return(op); } static string generate_C_boolean_op(string op){ if( (op == "AND") || (op == "And") || (op == "and") ){ return("&&"); } if( (op == "OR") || (op == "Or") || (op == "or") ){ return("||"); } if( (op == "NOT") || (op == "Not") || (op == "not") ){ return("!"); } fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR: unknown boolean operator %s\n",op.c_str()); return("ERROR UNKNOWN BOOLEAN OPERATOR :"+op); } static string generate_predicate_code(predicate_t *pr,table_list *schema){ string ret; vector litv; int i; data_type *ldt, *rdt; vector op_list; int o,cref,ppos; unsigned int bitmask; switch(pr->get_operator_type()){ case PRED_IN: ldt = pr->get_left_se()->get_data_type(); ret += "( "; litv = pr->get_lit_vec(); for(i=0;i0) ret += " || "; ret += "( "; if(ldt->complex_comparison(ldt) ){ ret += ldt->get_equals_fcn(ldt) ; ret += "( "; if(ldt->is_buffer_type() ) ret += "&"; ret += generate_se_code(pr->get_left_se(), schema); ret += ", "; if(ldt->is_buffer_type() ) ret += "&"; if(litv[i]->is_cpx_lit()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"t->complex_literal_%d",litv[i]->get_cpx_lit_ref() ); ret += tmpstr; }else{ ret += litv[i]->to_C_code(""); } ret += ") == 0"; }else{ ret += generate_se_code(pr->get_left_se(), schema); ret += " == "; ret += litv[i]->to_C_code(""); } ret += " )"; } ret += " )"; return(ret); case PRED_COMPARE: ldt = pr->get_left_se()->get_data_type(); rdt = pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type(); ret += "( "; if(ldt->complex_comparison(rdt) ){ // TODO can use get_equals_fcn if op is "=" ? ret += ldt->get_comparison_fcn(rdt); ret += "("; if(ldt->is_buffer_type() ) ret += "&"; ret += generate_se_code(pr->get_left_se(),schema); ret += ", "; if(rdt->is_buffer_type() ) ret += "&"; ret += generate_se_code(pr->get_right_se(),schema); ret += ") "; ret += generate_C_comparison_op(pr->get_op()); ret += "0"; }else{ ret += generate_se_code(pr->get_left_se(),schema); ret += generate_C_comparison_op(pr->get_op()); ret += generate_se_code(pr->get_right_se(),schema); } ret += " )"; return(ret); case PRED_UNARY_OP: ret += "( "; ret += generate_C_boolean_op(pr->get_op()); ret += generate_predicate_code(pr->get_left_pr(),schema); ret += " )"; return(ret); case PRED_BINARY_OP: ret += "( "; ret += generate_predicate_code(pr->get_left_pr(),schema); ret += generate_C_boolean_op(pr->get_op()); ret += generate_predicate_code(pr->get_right_pr(),schema); ret += " )"; return(ret); case PRED_FUNC: op_list = pr->get_op_list(); cref = pr->get_combinable_ref(); if(cref >= 0){ // predicate is a combinable pred reference // Trust, but verify if(pred_class.size() >= cref && pred_class[cref] >= 0){ ppos = pred_pos[cref]; bitmask = 1 << ppos % 32; sprintf(tmpstr,"(pref_common_pred_val_%d_%d & %u)",pred_class[cref],ppos/32,bitmask); ret = tmpstr; return ret; } } ret = pr->get_op() + "("; if (pr->is_sampling_fcn) { ret += "t->sampling_rate"; if (!op_list.empty()) ret += ", "; } for(o=0;o0) ret += ", "; if(op_list[o]->get_data_type()->is_buffer_type() && (! (op_list[o]->is_handle_ref()) ) ) ret += "&"; ret += generate_se_code(op_list[o],schema); } ret += " )"; return(ret); default: fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR in generate_predicate_code, line %d, character %d, unknown predicate operator type %d\n", pr->get_lineno(), pr->get_charno(), pr->get_operator_type() ); return("ERROR in generate_predicate_code"); } } static string generate_equality_test(string &lhs_op, string &rhs_op, data_type *dt){ string ret; if(dt->complex_comparison(dt) ){ ret += dt->get_equals_fcn(dt); ret += "("; if(dt->is_buffer_type() ) ret += "&"; ret += lhs_op; ret += ", "; if(dt->is_buffer_type() ) ret += "&"; ret += rhs_op; ret += ") == 0"; }else{ ret += lhs_op; ret += " == "; ret += rhs_op; } return(ret); } //static string generate_comparison(string &lhs_op, string &rhs_op, data_type *dt){ // string ret; // // if(dt->complex_comparison(dt) ){ // ret += dt->get_equals_fcn(dt); // ret += "("; // if(dt->is_buffer_type() ) ret += "&"; // ret += lhs_op; // ret += ", "; // if(dt->is_buffer_type() ) ret += "&"; // ret += rhs_op; // ret += ") == 0"; // }else{ // ret += lhs_op; // ret += " == "; // ret += rhs_op; // } // // return(ret); //} // Here I assume that only MIN and MAX aggregates can be computed // over BUFFER data types. static string generate_aggr_update(string var, aggregate_table *atbl,int aidx, table_list *schema){ string retval = "\t\t"; string op = atbl->get_op(aidx); // Is it a UDAF if(! atbl->is_builtin(aidx)) { int o; retval += op+"_LFTA_AGGR_UPDATE_("; if(atbl->get_storage_type(aidx)->get_type() != fstring_t) retval+="&"; retval+="("+var+")"; vector opl = atbl->get_operand_list(aidx); for(o=0;oget_data_type()->is_buffer_type() && (! (opl[o]->is_handle_ref()) ) ) retval.append("&"); retval += generate_se_code(opl[o], schema); } retval += ");\n"; return retval; } // Built-in aggregate processing. data_type *dt = atbl->get_data_type(aidx); if(op == "COUNT"){ retval.append(var); retval.append("++;\n"); return(retval); } if(op == "SUM"){ retval.append(var); retval.append(" += "); retval.append(generate_se_code(atbl->get_aggr_se(aidx), schema) ); retval.append(";\n"); return(retval); } if(op == "MIN"){ sprintf(tmpstr,"aggr_tmp_%d = %s;\n",aidx,generate_se_code(atbl->get_aggr_se(aidx), schema ).c_str() ); retval.append(tmpstr); if(dt->complex_comparison(dt)){ if(dt->is_buffer_type()) sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tif(%s(&aggr_tmp_%d,&(%s)) < 0)\n",dt->get_comparison_fcn(dt).c_str(), aidx, var.c_str()); else sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tif(%s(aggr_tmp_%d,%s) < 0)\n",dt->get_comparison_fcn(dt).c_str(), aidx, var.c_str()); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tif(aggr_tmp_%d < %s)\n",aidx,var.c_str()); } retval.append(tmpstr); if(dt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t%s(f,&(%s),&aggr_tmp_%d);\n",dt->get_buffer_replace().c_str(),var.c_str(),aidx); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t%s = aggr_tmp_%d;\n",var.c_str(),aidx); } retval.append(tmpstr); return(retval); } if(op == "MAX"){ sprintf(tmpstr,"aggr_tmp_%d = %s;\n",aidx,generate_se_code(atbl->get_aggr_se(aidx), schema ).c_str() ); retval.append(tmpstr); if(dt->complex_comparison(dt)){ if(dt->is_buffer_type()) sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tif(%s(&aggr_tmp_%d,&(%s)) > 0)\n",dt->get_comparison_fcn(dt).c_str(), aidx, var.c_str()); else sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tif(%s(aggr_tmp_%d,%s) > 0)\n",dt->get_comparison_fcn(dt).c_str(), aidx, var.c_str()); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tif(aggr_tmp_%d > %s)\n",aidx,var.c_str()); } retval.append(tmpstr); if(dt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t%s(f,&(%s),&aggr_tmp_%d);\n",dt->get_buffer_replace().c_str(),var.c_str(),aidx); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t%s = aggr_tmp_%d;\n",var.c_str(),aidx); } retval.append(tmpstr); return(retval); } if(op == "AND_AGGR"){ retval.append(var); retval.append(" &= "); retval.append(generate_se_code(atbl->get_aggr_se(aidx), schema) ); retval.append(";\n"); return(retval); } if(op == "OR_AGGR"){ retval.append(var); retval.append(" |= "); retval.append(generate_se_code(atbl->get_aggr_se(aidx), schema) ); retval.append(";\n"); return(retval); } if(op == "XOR_AGGR"){ retval.append(var); retval.append(" ^= "); retval.append(generate_se_code(atbl->get_aggr_se(aidx), schema) ); retval.append(";\n"); return(retval); } fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR : aggregate %s not recognized in generate_aggr_update.\n",op.c_str()); return("ERROR: aggregate not recognized: "+op); } static string generate_aggr_init(string var, aggregate_table *atbl,int aidx, table_list *schema){ string retval; string op = atbl->get_op(aidx); // Is it a UDAF if(! atbl->is_builtin(aidx)) { int o; retval += "\t\t"+op+"_LFTA_AGGR_INIT_("; if(atbl->get_storage_type(aidx)->get_type() != fstring_t) retval+="&"; retval+="("+var+"));\n"; // Add 1st tupl retval += "\t"+atbl->get_op(aidx)+"_LFTA_AGGR_UPDATE_("; if(atbl->get_storage_type(aidx)->get_type() != fstring_t) retval+="&"; retval+="("+var+")"; vector opl = atbl->get_operand_list(aidx); for(o=0;oget_data_type()->is_buffer_type() && (! (opl[o]->is_handle_ref()) ) ) retval.append("&"); retval += generate_se_code(opl[o],schema); } retval += ");\n"; return(retval); } // Built-in aggregate processing. data_type *dt = atbl->get_data_type(aidx); if(op == "COUNT"){ retval = "\t\t"+var; retval.append(" = 1;\n"); return(retval); } if(op == "SUM" || op == "MIN" || op == "MAX" || op == "AND_AGGR" || op == "OR_AGGR" || op == "XOR_AGGR"){ if(dt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\taggr_tmp_%d = %s;\n",aidx,generate_se_code(atbl->get_aggr_se(aidx), schema ).c_str() ); retval.append(tmpstr); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t%s(f,&(%s),&aggr_tmp_%d);\n",dt->get_buffer_assign_copy().c_str(),var.c_str(),aidx); retval.append(tmpstr); }else{ retval = "\t\t"+var; retval += " = "; retval.append(generate_se_code(atbl->get_aggr_se(aidx), schema)); retval.append(";\n"); } return(retval); } fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR : aggregate %s not recognized in generate_aggr_init.\n",op.c_str()); return("ERROR: aggregate not recognized: "+op); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string generate_preamble(table_list *schema, //map &int_fcn_defs, std::string &node_name, std::string &schema_embed_str){ // Include these only once, not once per lfta // string ret = "#include \"rts.h\"\n"; // ret += "#include \"fta.h\"\n\n"); string ret = "#ifndef LFTA_IN_NIC\n"; ret += "char *"+generate_schema_string_name(node_name)+" = " +schema_embed_str+";\n"; ret += "#include\n"; ret += "#include \n"; ret += "#include \n"; ret += "#include \n"; ret += "#include \"rdtsc.h\"\n"; ret += "#endif\n"; return(ret); } string generate_tuple_from_aggr(string node_name, table_list *schema, string idx){ int a,p,s; // need to create and output the tuple. string ret = "/*\t\tCreate an output tuple for the aggregate being kicked out \t*/\n"; // Check for any UDAFs with LFTA_BAILOUT ret += "\tlfta_bailout = 0;\n"; for(a=0;asize();a++){ if(aggr_tbl->has_bailout(a)){ ret += "\tlfta_bailout+="+aggr_tbl->get_op(a)+"_LFTA_AGGR_BAILOUT_("; if(aggr_tbl->get_storage_type(a)->get_type() != fstring_t) ret+="&"; ret+="(t->aggr_table["+idx+"].aggr_var"+int_to_string(a)+"));\n"; } } ret += "\tif(! lfta_bailout){\n"; // First, compute the size of the tuple. // Unpack UDAF return values for(a=0;asize();a++){ if(! aggr_tbl->is_builtin(a)){ ret += "\t"+aggr_tbl->get_op(a)+"_LFTA_AGGR_OUTPUT_(&(udaf_ret"+int_to_string(a)+"),"; if(aggr_tbl->get_storage_type(a)->get_type() != fstring_t) ret+="&"; ret+="(t->aggr_table["+idx+"].aggr_var"+int_to_string(a)+"));\n"; } } // Unpack partial fcns ref'd by the select clause. if(sl_fcns_start != sl_fcns_end){ ret += "\t\tunpack_failed = 0;\n"; for(p=sl_fcns_start;paggr_table["+idx+"].",schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) unpack_failed = 1;\n"; } } // BEGIN don't allocate tuple if ret += "\t\tif( unpack_failed == 0 ){\n"; // unpack failed. } // Unpack any BUFFER type selections into temporaries // so that I can compute their size and not have // to recompute their value during tuple packing. // I can use regular assignment here because // these temporaries are non-persistent. for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\tselvar_%d = ",s); ret += tmpstr; ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(sl_list[s],"t->aggr_table["+idx+"].",schema); ret += ";\n"; } } // The size of the tuple is the size of the tuple struct plus the // size of the buffers to be copied in. ret += "\t\t\ttuple_size = sizeof( struct "; ret += generate_tuple_name(node_name); ret += ")"; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr," + %s(&selvar_%d)", sdt->get_buffer_size().c_str(),s); ret += tmpstr; } } ret += ";\n"; ret += "\t\t\ttuple = allocate_tuple(f, tuple_size );\n"; ret += "\t\t\tif( tuple != NULL){\n"; // Test passed, make assignments to the tuple. ret += "\t\t\t\ttuple_pos = sizeof( struct "; ret += generate_tuple_name(node_name) ; ret += ");\n"; // Mark tuple as REGULAR_TUPLE ret += "\n\t\t\t\ttuple->tuple_type = REGULAR_TUPLE;\n"; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t\t%s(&(tuple->tuple_var%d), &selvar_%d, (char *)tuple, ((char *)tuple)+tuple_pos);\n", sdt->get_buffer_tuple_copy().c_str(),s, s); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t\ttuple_pos += %s(&selvar_%d);\n", sdt->get_buffer_size().c_str(), s); ret += tmpstr; }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t\ttuple->tuple_var%d = ",s); ret += tmpstr; // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += sdt->hton_translation() +"( "; ret += generate_se_code_fm_aggr(sl_list[s],"t->aggr_table["+idx+"].",schema); // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += ") "; ret += ";\n"; } } // Generate output. ret += "\t\t\t\tpost_tuple(tuple);\n"; ret += "\t\t\t\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n"; ret+="\t\t\t\tt->out_tuple_cnt++;\n"; ret+="\t\t\t\tt->out_tuple_sz+=tuple_size;\n"; ret += "\t\t\t\t#endif\n\n"; ret += "\t\t\t}\n"; if(sl_fcns_start != sl_fcns_end) // END don't allocate tuple if ret += "\t\t}\n"; // unpack failed. ret += "\t}\n"; // Need to release memory held by BUFFER types. int g; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t%s(&(t->aggr_table[%s].gb_var%d));\n",gdt->get_buffer_destroy().c_str(),idx.c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; } } for(a=0;asize();a++){ if(aggr_tbl->is_builtin(a)){ data_type *adt = aggr_tbl->get_data_type(a); if(adt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t%s(&(t->aggr_table[%s].aggr_var%d));\n",adt->get_buffer_destroy().c_str(),idx.c_str(),a); ret += tmpstr; } }else{ ret += "\t\t"+aggr_tbl->get_op(a)+"_LFTA_AGGR_DESTROY_("; if(aggr_tbl->get_storage_type(a)->get_type() != fstring_t) ret+="&"; ret+="(t->aggr_table["+idx+"].aggr_var"+int_to_string(a)+"));\n"; } } ret += "\t\tt->n_aggrs--;\n"; return(ret); } string generate_gb_match_test(string idx){ int g; string ret="\tif (IS_FILLED(t->aggr_table_bitmap, "+idx+") && IS_NEW(t->aggr_table_bitmap,"+idx+")"; if(gb_tbl->size()>0){ ret+="\n\t/* \t\tcheck if the grouping variables are equal */\n"; ret+="\t\t"; // Next, scan list for a match on the group-by attributes. string rhs_op, lhs_op; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ ret += " && "; ret += "("; sprintf(tmpstr,"gb_attr_%d",g); lhs_op = tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"t->aggr_table[%s].gb_var%d",idx.c_str(),g); rhs_op = tmpstr; ret += generate_equality_test(lhs_op, rhs_op, gb_tbl->get_data_type(g) ); ret += ")"; } } ret += "){\n"; return ret; } string generate_gb_update(string node_name, table_list *schema, string idx, bool has_udaf){ int g; string ret; ret += "/*\t\tMatch found : update in place.\t*/\n"; int a; has_udaf = false; for(a=0;asize();a++){ sprintf(tmpstr,"t->aggr_table[%s].aggr_var%d",idx.c_str(),a); ret += generate_aggr_update(tmpstr,aggr_tbl,a, schema); if(! aggr_tbl->is_builtin(a)) has_udaf = true; } // garbage collect copied buffer type gb attrs. for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\t%s(&(gb_attr_%d));\n",gdt->get_buffer_destroy().c_str(),g); ret+=tmpstr; } } bool first_udaf = true; if(has_udaf){ ret += "\t\tif("; for(a=0;asize();a++){ if(! aggr_tbl->is_builtin(a)){ if(! first_udaf)ret += " || "; else first_udaf = false; ret += aggr_tbl->get_op(a)+"_LFTA_AGGR_FLUSHME_("; if(aggr_tbl->get_storage_type(a)->get_type() != fstring_t) ret+="&"; ret+="(t->aggr_table["+idx+"].aggr_var"+int_to_string(a)+"))"; } } ret+="){\n"; ret+=" fta_aggr_flush_old_"+node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; ret += generate_tuple_from_aggr(node_name,schema,idx); ret += "\t\tt->aggr_table_hashmap["+idx+"] &= ~SLOT_FILLED;\n"; ret+="\t\t}\n"; } return ret; } string generate_init_group( table_list *schema, string idx){ int g,a; string ret="\t\t\tt->aggr_table_hashmap["+idx+"] = hash2 | SLOT_FILLED | gen_val;\n"; // Fill up the aggregate block. for(g=0;gsize();g++){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t\tt->aggr_table[%s].gb_var%d = gb_attr_%d;\n",idx.c_str(),g,g); ret += tmpstr; } for(a=0;asize();a++){ sprintf(tmpstr,"t->aggr_table[%s].aggr_var%d",idx.c_str(),a); ret += generate_aggr_init(tmpstr, aggr_tbl,a, schema); } ret+="\t\tt->n_aggrs++;\n"; return ret; } string generate_fta_flush(string node_name, table_list *schema, ext_fcn_list *Ext_fcns){ string ret; string select_var_defs ; int s, p; // Flush from previous epoch ret+="static void fta_aggr_flush_old_"+node_name+"(struct FTA *f, unsigned int nflush){\n"; ret += "\tgs_int32_t tuple_size, tuple_pos;\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+" *tuple;\n"; ret += "\tint i, lfta_bailout;\n"; ret += "\tunsigned int gen_val;\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_fta_name(node_name)+" * t = (struct "; ret += generate_fta_name(node_name)+" *) f;\n"; ret += "\n"; // Variables needed to store selected attributes of BUFFER type // temporarily, in order to compute their size for storage // in an output tuple. select_var_defs = ""; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s selvar_%d;\n",sdt->get_cvar_type().c_str(),s); select_var_defs.append(tmpstr); } } if(select_var_defs != ""){ ret += "/*\t\tTemporaries for computing buffer sizes.\t*/\n"; ret += select_var_defs; } // Variables to store results of partial functions. if(sl_fcns_start != sl_fcns_end){ ret += "/*\t\tVariables to store the results of partial functions.\t*/\n"; for(p=sl_fcns_start;pget_data_type()->get_cvar_type().c_str(), p); ret += tmpstr; } ret += "\tgs_retval_t retval = 0;\n\tint unpack_failed = 0;\n;"; } // Variables for udaf output temporaries bool no_udaf = true; int a; for(a=0;asize();a++){ if(! aggr_tbl->is_builtin(a)){ if(no_udaf){ ret+="/*\t\tUDAF output vars.\t*/\n"; no_udaf = false; } int afcn_id = aggr_tbl->get_fcn_id(a); data_type *adt = Ext_fcns->get_fcn_dt(afcn_id); sprintf(tmpstr,"udaf_ret%d", a); ret+="\t"+adt->make_cvar(tmpstr)+";\n"; } } // ret+="\tt->flush_finished=1; /* flush will be completed */\n"; ret+="\n"; ret+="\tgen_val = t->generation & SLOT_GEN_BITS;\n"; ret+="\tfor (i=t->flush_pos; (i < t->max_aggrs) && t->n_aggrs && nflush>0; ++i){\n"; ret+="\t\tif ( (t->aggr_table_hashmap[i] & SLOT_FILLED) && (((t->aggr_table_hashmap[i] & SLOT_GEN_BITS) != gen_val ) || ("; bool first_g=true; int g; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_temporal()){ if(first_g) first_g=false; else ret+=" || "; ret += "t->last_gb_"+int_to_string(g)+" > t->aggr_table[i].gb_var"+int_to_string(g)+" "; } } ret += "))) {\n"; ret+="\t\t\tt->aggr_table_hashmap[i] = 0;\n"; ret+= "#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n" "\t\t\tt->eviction_cnt++;\n" "#endif\n" ; ret+=generate_tuple_from_aggr(node_name,schema,"i"); // ret+="\t\t\tt->n_aggrs--;\n"; // done in generate_tuple_from_aggr ret+="\t\t\tnflush--;\n"; ret+="\t\t}\n"; ret+="\t}\n"; ret+="\tt->flush_pos=i;\n"; ret+="\tif(t->n_aggrs == 0) {\n"; ret+="\t\tt->flush_pos = t->max_aggrs;\n"; ret += "\t}\n\n"; ret+="\tif(t->flush_pos == t->max_aggrs) {\n"; for(int g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *dt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(dt->is_temporal()){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(!gdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tt->last_flushed_gb_%d = t->flush_start_gb_%d;\n",g,g); ret += tmpstr; } } } ret += "\t}\n}\n\n"; return(ret); } // TODO Remove sprintf to perform string catenation string generate_fta_load_params(string node_name){ int p; vector param_names = param_tbl->get_param_names(); string ret = "static int load_params_"+node_name+"(struct "+generate_fta_name(node_name); ret += " *t, int sz, void *value, int initial_call){\n"; ret += "\tint pos=0;\n"; ret += "\tint data_pos;\n"; for(p=0;pget_data_type(param_names[p]); if(dt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s tmp_var_%s;\n",dt->get_cvar_type().c_str(), param_names[p].c_str() ); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s access_var_%s;\n",dt->get_tuple_cvar_type().c_str(), param_names[p].c_str() ); ret += tmpstr; } } ret += "\n\tdata_pos = "; for(p=0;p0) ret += " + "; data_type *dt = param_tbl->get_data_type(param_names[p]); ret += "sizeof( "; ret += dt->get_tuple_cvar_type(); ret += " )"; } ret += ";\n"; ret += "\tif(data_pos > sz) return 1;\n\n"; for(p=0;pget_data_type(param_names[p]); if(dt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\taccess_var_%s = *( (%s *)((char *)value+pos) );\n",param_names[p].c_str(), dt->get_tuple_cvar_type().c_str() ); ret += tmpstr; switch( dt->get_type() ){ case v_str_t: // ret += "\ttmp_var_"+param_names[p]+".data = ntohl( tmp_var_"+param_names[p]+".data );\n"; // ntoh conversion // ret += "\ttmp_var_"+param_names[p]+".length = ntohl( tmp_var_"+param_names[p]+".length );\n"; // ntoh conversion sprintf(tmpstr,"\tif( (access_var_%s.offset) + access_var_%s.length > sz) return 1;\n",param_names[p].c_str(), param_names[p].c_str() ); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\ttmp_var_%s.data = (gs_sp_t)(value) + access_var_%s.offset ;\n",param_names[p].c_str(), param_names[p].c_str() ); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\ttmp_var_%s.length = access_var_%s.length ;\n",param_names[p].c_str(), param_names[p].c_str() ); ret += tmpstr; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: parameter %s is of type %s, a buffered type, but I don't know how to unpack it as a parameter.\n",param_names[p].c_str(), dt->get_type_str().c_str() ); exit(1); break; } // First, destroy the old ret += "\tif(! initial_call)\n"; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t%s(&(t->param_%s));\n",dt->get_buffer_destroy().c_str(),param_names[p].c_str()); ret += tmpstr; // Next, create the new. sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s((struct FTA *)t, &(t->param_%s), &tmp_var_%s);\n", dt->get_buffer_assign_copy().c_str(), param_names[p].c_str(), param_names[p].c_str() ); ret += tmpstr; }else{ // if(dt->needs_hn_translation()){ // sprintf(tmpstr,"\tt->param_%s = %s( *( (%s *)( (char *)value+pos) ) );\n", // param_names[p].c_str(), dt->ntoh_translation().c_str(), dt->get_cvar_type().c_str() ); // }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tt->param_%s = *( (%s *)( (char *)value+pos) );\n", param_names[p].c_str(), dt->get_cvar_type().c_str() ); // } ret += tmpstr; } sprintf(tmpstr,"\tpos += sizeof( %s );\n",dt->get_cvar_type().c_str() ); ret += tmpstr; } // Register the pass-by-handle parameters ret += "/* register and de-register the pass-by-handle parameters */\n"; int ph; for(ph=0;phtype_name); switch(param_handle_table[ph]->val_type){ case cplx_lit_e: break; case litval_e: break; case param_e: ret += "\tif(! initial_call)\n"; sprintf(tmpstr, "\t\t%s(t->handle_param_%d);\n", param_handle_table[ph]->lfta_deregistration_fcn().c_str(),ph); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\tt->handle_param_%d = %s((struct FTA *)t,",ph,param_handle_table[ph]->lfta_registration_fcn().c_str()); ret += tmpstr; if(pdt.is_buffer_type()) ret += "&("; ret += "t->param_"+param_handle_table[ph]->param_name; if(pdt.is_buffer_type()) ret += ")"; ret += ");\n"; break; default: sprintf(tmpstr, "INTERNAL ERROR unknown case (%d) found when processing pass-by-handle parameter table.",param_handle_table[ph]->val_type); fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",tmpstr); ret+=tmpstr; } } ret+="\treturn 0;\n"; ret += "}\n\n"; return(ret); } string generate_fta_free(string node_name, bool is_aggr_query){ string ret="static gs_retval_t free_fta_"+node_name+"(struct FTA *f, gs_uint32_t recursive){\n"; ret+= "\tstruct "+generate_fta_name(node_name)+ " * t = (struct "+generate_fta_name(node_name)+" *) f;\n"; ret += "\tint i;\n"; if(is_aggr_query){ ret+="\tfta_aggr_flush_old_" + node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; ret+="\t/* \t\tmark all groups as old */\n"; ret+="\tt->generation++;\n"; ret+="\tt->flush_pos = 0;\n"; ret+="\tfta_aggr_flush_old_" + node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; } // Deregister the pass-by-handle parameters ret += "/* de-register the pass-by-handle parameters */\n"; int ph; for(ph=0;phhandle_param_%d);\n", param_handle_table[ph]->lfta_deregistration_fcn().c_str(),ph); ret += tmpstr; } ret += "\treturn 0;\n}\n\n"; return(ret); } string generate_fta_control(string node_name, table_list *schema, bool is_aggr_query){ string ret="static gs_retval_t control_fta_"+node_name+"(struct FTA *f, gs_int32_t command, gs_int32_t sz, void *value){\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_fta_name(node_name)+" * t = (struct "; ret += generate_fta_name(node_name)+" *) f;\n\n"; ret+="\tint i;\n"; ret += "\t/* temp status tuple */\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+" *tuple;\n"; ret += "\tgs_int32_t tuple_size;\n"; if(is_aggr_query){ ret+="\tif(command == FTA_COMMAND_FLUSH){\n"; ret+="\t\tif (!t->n_aggrs) {\n"; ret+="\t\t\ttuple = allocate_tuple(f, 0);\n"; ret+="\t\t\tif( tuple != NULL)\n"; ret+="\t\t\t\tpost_tuple(tuple);\n"; ret+="\t\t}else{\n"; ret+="\t\t\tfta_aggr_flush_old_" + node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; ret+="\t\t\t/* \t\tmark all groups as old */\n"; ret +="\t\tt->generation++;\n"; ret += "//\tmarking groups old should happen implicitly by advancing the generation.\n"; ret+="//\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < t->bitmap_size; ++i)\n"; ret+="//\t\t\t\tt->aggr_table_bitmap[i] &= 0xAAAAAAAA;\n"; ret+="\t\t\tt->flush_pos = 0;\n"; ret+="\t\t\tfta_aggr_flush_old_" + node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; ret+="\t\t}\n"; ret+="\t}\n"; } if(param_tbl->size() > 0){ ret+= "\tif(command == FTA_COMMAND_LOAD_PARAMS){\n" "\t\tif(load_params_"+node_name+"(t, sz, value, 0))\n" "#ifndef LFTA_IN_NIC\n" "\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,\"WARNING: parameter passed to lfta "+node_name+" is too small, ignored.\\n\");\n" "#else\n" "\t\t{}\n" "#endif\n" "\t}\n"; } ret+= "\tif(command == FTA_COMMAND_SET_SAMPLING_RATE){\n" "\t\tmemcpy(&t->sampling_rate, value, sizeof(gs_float_t));\n" "\t}\n\n"; ret += "\tif(command == FTA_COMMAND_FILE_DONE ){\n"; if(is_aggr_query){ ret+="\t\tif (t->n_aggrs) {\n"; ret+="\t\t\tfta_aggr_flush_old_" + node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; ret+="\t\t\t/* \t\tmark all groups as old */\n"; ret +="\t\tt->generation++;\n"; ret += "//\tmarking groups old should happen implicitly by advancing the generation.\n"; ret+="//\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < t->bitmap_size; ++i)\n"; ret+="//\t\t\t\tt->aggr_table_bitmap[i] &= 0xAAAAAAAA;\n"; ret+="\t\t\tt->flush_pos = 0;\n"; ret+="\t\t\tfta_aggr_flush_old_" + node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; ret+="\t\t}\n"; } ret += "\t\ttuple_size = sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+");\n"; ret += "\t\ttuple = allocate_tuple(f, tuple_size );\n"; ret += "\t\tif( tuple == NULL)\n\t\treturn 1;\n"; /* mark tuple as EOF_TUPLE */ ret += "\n\t\t/* Mark tuple as eof_tuple */\n"; ret += "\t\ttuple->tuple_type = EOF_TUPLE;\n"; ret += "\t\tpost_tuple(tuple);\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; ret += "\treturn 0;\n}\n\n"; return(ret); } string generate_fta_clock(string node_name, table_list *schema, unsigned time_corr, bool is_aggr_query, bool advance_uxtime){ string ret="static gs_retval_t clock_fta_"+node_name+"(struct FTA *f){\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_fta_name(node_name)+" * t = (struct "; ret += generate_fta_name(node_name)+" *) f;\n\n"; ret += "\t/* Create a temp status tuple */\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+" *tuple;\n"; ret += "\tgs_int32_t tuple_size;\n"; ret += "\tunsigned int i;\n"; ret += "\ttime_t cur_time;\n"; ret += "\tint time_advanced;\n"; ret += "\tstruct fta_stat stats;\n"; /* copy the last seen values of temporal attributes */ col_id_set temp_cids; // col ids of temp attributes in select clause /* HACK: in order to reuse the SE generation code, we need to copy * the last values of the temp attributes into new variables * which have names unpack_var_XXX_XXX */ int s, g; col_id_set::iterator csi; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if (sdt->is_temporal()) { gather_se_col_ids(sl_list[s],temp_cids, gb_tbl); } } for(csi=temp_cids.begin(); csi != temp_cids.end();++csi){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; data_type dt(schema->get_type_name(schref,field), schema->get_modifier_list(schref,field)); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s unpack_var_%s_%d;\n", dt.get_cvar_type().c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; } if (is_aggr_query) { for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_temporal()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s gb_attr_%d;\n",gb_tbl->get_data_type(g)->get_cvar_type().c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s gb_attr_tmp%d;\n",gb_tbl->get_data_type(g)->get_cvar_type().c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; } } } } ret += "\n"; ret += "\ttime_advanced = 0;\n"; for(csi=temp_cids.begin(); csi != temp_cids.end();++csi){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; data_type dt(schema->get_type_name(schref,field), schema->get_modifier_list(schref,field)); // update last seen value with the value seen ret += "\t#ifdef PREFILTER_DEFINED\n"; sprintf(tmpstr,"\tif (prefilter_temp_vars.unpack_var_%s_%d > t->last_%s_%d) {\n\t\tt->last_%s_%d = prefilter_temp_vars.unpack_var_%s_%d;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; ret += "\t\ttime_advanced = 1;\n\t}\n"; ret += "\t#endif\n"; // we need to pay special attention to time fields if (field == "time" || field == "timestamp" || field == "timestamp_ms"){ ret += "\tcur_time = time(&cur_time);\n"; if (field == "time") { sprintf(tmpstr,"\tif (!gscp_blocking_mode() && (t->last_time_%d < (cur_time - %d))) {\n", tblref, time_corr); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tunpack_var_%s_%d = t->last_%s_%d = cur_time - %d;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref, time_corr); } else if (field == "timestamp_ms") { sprintf(tmpstr,"\tif (!gscp_blocking_mode() && ((t->last_timestamp_ms_%d/1000) < (cur_time - %d))) {\n", tblref, time_corr); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tunpack_var_%s_%d = t->last_%s_%d = (cur_time - %d) * 1000;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref, time_corr); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tif (!gscp_blocking_mode() && ((gs_uint32_t)(t->last_%s_%d>>32) < (cur_time - %d))) {\n", field.c_str(), tblref, time_corr); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tunpack_var_%s_%d = t->last_%s_%d = ((gs_uint64_t)(cur_time - %d))<<32;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref, time_corr); } ret += tmpstr; ret += "\t\ttime_advanced = 1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; sprintf(tmpstr,"\telse\n\t\tunpack_var_%s_%d = t->last_%s_%d;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; } else { sprintf(tmpstr,"\tunpack_var_%s_%d = t->last_%s_%d;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; } } if(advance_uxtime){ ret += "\tt->ux_time = time(&(t->ux_time));\n"; } // for aggregation lftas we need to check if the time was advanced beyond the current epoch if (is_aggr_query) { string change_test; bool first_one = true; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_temporal()){ // To perform the test, first need to compute the value // of the temporal gb attrs. if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ // NOTE : if the SE defining the gb is anything // other than a ref to a variable, this will generate // illegal code. To be resolved with Spatch. sprintf(tmpstr,"\tgb_attr_tmp%d = %s;\n", g, generate_se_code(gb_tbl->get_def(g),schema).c_str() ); ret+=tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s(f, &gb_attr_%d, &gb_attr_tmp%d);\n", gdt->get_buffer_assign_copy().c_str(), g, g); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tgb_attr_%d = %s;\n",g,generate_se_code(gb_tbl->get_def(g),schema).c_str()); } ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"t->last_gb_%d",g); string lhs_op = tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"gb_attr_%d",g); string rhs_op = tmpstr; if(first_one){first_one = false;} else {change_test.append(") && (");} change_test.append(generate_equality_test(lhs_op, rhs_op, gdt)); } } ret += "\n\tif( time_advanced && !( ("; ret += change_test; ret += ") ) ){\n"; ret += "\n/*\t\tFlush the aggregates if the temporal gb attrs have changed.\t*/\n"; ret += "\t\tif(t->flush_posmax_aggrs) \n"; ret += "\t\t\tfta_aggr_flush_old_"+node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; ret += "\t\t/* \t\tmark all groups as old */\n"; ret +="\t\tt->generation++;\n"; ret += "//\tmarking groups old should happen implicitly by advancing the generation.\n"; ret += "//\t\tfor (i = 0; i < t->bitmap_size; ++i)\n"; ret += "//\t\t\tt->aggr_table_bitmap[i] &= 0xAAAAAAAA;\n"; ret += "\t\tt->flush_pos = 0;\n"; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_temporal()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tt->flush_start_gb_%d = gb_attr_%d;\n",g,g); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tt->last_gb_%d = gb_attr_%d;\n",g,g); ret += tmpstr; } } ret += "\t}\n\n"; } ret += "\ttuple_size = sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+") + sizeof(gs_uint64_t) + sizeof(struct fta_stat);\n"; ret += "\ttuple = allocate_tuple(f, tuple_size );\n"; ret += "\tif( tuple == NULL)\n\t\treturn 1;\n"; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_temporal()){ if (sl_list[s]->is_gb()) { sprintf(tmpstr,"\tt->last_flushed_gb_%d = (t->n_aggrs) ? t->last_flushed_gb_%d : %s;\n",sl_list[s]->get_gb_ref(), sl_list[s]->get_gb_ref(), generate_se_code(sl_list[s],schema).c_str()); ret += tmpstr; } sprintf(tmpstr,"\ttuple->tuple_var%d = ",s); ret += tmpstr; // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += sdt->hton_translation() +"( "; if (sl_list[s]->is_gb()) { sprintf(tmpstr, "t->last_flushed_gb_%d",sl_list[s]->get_gb_ref()); ret += tmpstr; } else{ ret += generate_se_code(sl_list[s],schema); } // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += " )"; ret += ";\n"; } } /* mark tuple as temporal */ ret += "\n\t/* Mark tuple as temporal */\n"; ret += "\ttuple->tuple_type = TEMPORAL_TUPLE;\n"; ret += "\n\t/* Copy trace id */\n"; ret += "\tmemcpy((gs_sp_t)tuple+sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+"), &t->trace_id, sizeof(gs_uint64_t));\n\n"; ret += "\n\t/* Populate runtime stats */\n"; ret += "\tstats.ftaid = f->ftaid;\n"; ret += "\tstats.in_tuple_cnt = t->in_tuple_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tstats.out_tuple_cnt = t->out_tuple_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tstats.out_tuple_sz = t->out_tuple_sz;\n"; ret += "\tstats.accepted_tuple_cnt = t->accepted_tuple_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tstats.cycle_cnt = t->cycle_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tstats.collision_cnt = t->collision_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tstats.eviction_cnt = t->eviction_cnt;\n"; ret += "\tstats.sampling_rate = t->sampling_rate;\n"; ret += "\n#ifdef LFTA_PROFILE\n"; ret += "\n\t/* Print stats */\n"; ret += "\tfprintf(stderr, \"STATS " + node_name + " \");\n"; ret += "\tfprintf(stderr, \"in_tuple_cnt= %u \", t->in_tuple_cnt);\n"; ret += "\tfprintf(stderr, \"out_tuple_cnt= %u \", t->out_tuple_cnt);\n"; ret += "\tfprintf(stderr, \"out_tuple_sz= %u \", t->out_tuple_sz);\n"; ret += "\tfprintf(stderr, \"accepted_tuple_cnt= %u \", t->accepted_tuple_cnt);\n"; ret += "\tfprintf(stderr, \"cycle_cnt= %llu \", t->cycle_cnt);\n"; ret += "\tfprintf(stderr, \"cycle_per_in_tuple= %lf \", ((double)t->cycle_cnt)/((double)t->in_tuple_cnt));\n"; ret += "\tfprintf(stderr, \"collision_cnt= %d\\n\", t->collision_cnt);\n\n"; ret += "\tfprintf(stderr, \"eviction_cnt= %d\\n\", t->eviction_cnt);\n\n"; ret += "\n#endif\n"; ret += "\n\t/* Copy stats */\n"; ret += "\tmemcpy((gs_sp_t)tuple+sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+") + sizeof(gs_uint64_t), &stats, sizeof(fta_stat));\n\n"; ret+="\tpost_tuple(tuple);\n"; ret += "\n\t/* Send a heartbeat message to clearinghouse */\n"; ret += "\tfta_heartbeat(f->ftaid, t->trace_id++, 1, &stats);\n"; ret += "\n\t/* Reset runtime stats */\n"; ret += "\tt->in_tuple_cnt = 0;\n"; ret += "\tt->out_tuple_cnt = 0;\n"; ret += "\tt->out_tuple_sz = 0;\n"; ret += "\tt->accepted_tuple_cnt = 0;\n"; ret += "\tt->cycle_cnt = 0;\n"; ret += "\tt->collision_cnt = 0;\n"; ret += "\tt->eviction_cnt = 0;\n"; ret += "\treturn 0;\n}\n\n"; return(ret); } // accept processing before the where clause, // do flush processwing. string generate_aggr_accept_prelim(qp_node *fs, string node_name, table_list *schema, col_id_set &unpacked_cids, string &temporal_flush){ int s; // Slow flush string ret="\n/*\tslow flush\t*/\n"; string slow_flush_str = fs->get_val_of_def("slow_flush"); int n_slow_flush = atoi(slow_flush_str.c_str()); if(n_slow_flush <= 0) n_slow_flush = 2; if(n_slow_flush > 1){ ret += "\tt->flush_ctr++;\n"; ret += "\tif(t->flush_ctr >= "+int_to_string(n_slow_flush)+"){\n"; ret += "\t\tt->flush_ctr = 0;\n"; ret+="\t\tif(t->flush_posmax_aggrs) fta_aggr_flush_old_"+node_name+"(f,1);\n"; ret += "\t}\n\n"; }else{ ret+="\tif(t->flush_posmax_aggrs) fta_aggr_flush_old_"+node_name+"(f,1);\n\n"; } string change_test; bool first_one = true; int g; col_id_set flush_cids; // col ids accessed when computing flush variables. // unpack them at temporal flush test time. temporal_flush = ""; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_temporal()){ gather_se_col_ids(gb_tbl->get_def(g), flush_cids, gb_tbl); // To perform the test, first need to compute the value // of the temporal gb attrs. if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ // NOTE : if the SE defining the gb is anything // other than a ref to a variable, this will generate // illegal code. To be resolved with Spatch. sprintf(tmpstr,"\tgb_attr_tmp%d = %s;\n", g, generate_se_code(gb_tbl->get_def(g),schema).c_str() ); temporal_flush += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s(f, &gb_attr_%d, &gb_attr_tmp%d);\n", gdt->get_buffer_assign_copy().c_str(), g, g); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tgb_attr_%d = %s;\n",g,generate_se_code(gb_tbl->get_def(g),schema).c_str()); } temporal_flush += tmpstr; // END computing the value of the temporal GB attr. sprintf(tmpstr,"t->last_gb_%d",g); string lhs_op = tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"gb_attr_%d",g); string rhs_op = tmpstr; if(first_one){first_one = false;} else {change_test.append(") && (");} change_test += generate_equality_test(lhs_op, rhs_op, gdt); } } if(!first_one){ // will be false iff. there is a temporal GB attribute temporal_flush += "\n/*\t\tFlush the aggregates if the temporal gb attrs have changed.\t*/\n"; temporal_flush += "\tif( !( ("; temporal_flush += change_test; temporal_flush += ") ) ){\n"; // temporal_flush+="\t\tif(t->flush_posmax_aggrs) fta_aggr_flush_old_"+node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; temporal_flush+="\t\tif(t->flush_posmax_aggrs){ \n"; temporal_flush+="\t\t\tfta_aggr_flush_old_"+node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n"; temporal_flush+="\t\t}\n"; temporal_flush+="\t\t/* \t\tmark all groups as old */\n"; temporal_flush+="\t\tt->generation++;\n"; temporal_flush+="\t\tt->flush_pos = 0;\n"; // Now set the saved temporal value of the gb to the // current value of the gb. Only for simple types, // not for buffer types -- but the strings are not // temporal in any case. for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_temporal()){ if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : can't handle temporal buffer types, ignoring in buffer flush control.\n"); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tt->flush_start_gb_%d = gb_attr_%d;\n",g,g); temporal_flush += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\tt->last_gb_%d = gb_attr_%d;\n",g,g); temporal_flush += tmpstr; } } } temporal_flush += "\t}\n\n"; } // Unpack all the temporal attributes referenced in select clause // and update the last value of the attribute col_id_set temp_cids; // col ids of temp attributes in select clause col_id_set::iterator csi; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if (sdt->is_temporal()) { gather_se_col_ids(sl_list[s],temp_cids, gb_tbl); } } for(csi=temp_cids.begin(); csi != temp_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count((*csi)) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); /* data_type dt(schema->get_type_name(schref,field), schema->get_modifier_list(schref,field)); sprintf(tmpstr,"\tretval = %s(p, &unpack_var_%s_%d);\n", schema->get_fcn(schref,field).c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; ret += "\tif(retval) return 1;\n"; */ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tt->last_%s_%d = unpack_var_%s_%d;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } // Do the flush here if this is a real_time query string rt_level = fs->get_val_of_def("real_time"); if(rt_level != "" && temporal_flush != ""){ for(csi=flush_cids.begin(); csi != flush_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count((*csi)) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); /* sprintf(tmpstr,"\tretval = %s(p, &unpack_var_%s_%d);\n", schema->get_fcn(schref,field).c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; ret += "\tif(retval) return 1;\n"; */ unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } ret += temporal_flush; } return ret; } string generate_sel_accept_body(qp_node *fs, string node_name, table_list *schema){ int p,s; string ret; /////////////// Processing for filter-only query // test passed : create the tuple, then assign to it. ret += "/*\t\tCreate and post the tuple\t*/\n"; // Unpack partial fcns ref'd by the select clause. // Its a kind of a WHERE clause ... for(p=sl_fcns_start;p 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string(p)+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[p]){ ret += unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[p], p, schema); ret += "\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[p] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[p]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string(p)+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[p],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string(p)+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } // increment the counter of accepted tuples ret += "\n\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n"; ret += "\n\tt->accepted_tuple_cnt++;\n\n"; ret += "\t#endif\n\n"; // First, compute the size of the tuple. // Unpack any BUFFER type selections into temporaries // so that I can compute their size and not have // to recompute their value during tuple packing. // I can use regular assignment here because // these temporaries are non-persistent. for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tselvar_%d = ",s); ret += tmpstr; ret += generate_se_code(sl_list[s],schema); ret += ";\n"; } } // The size of the tuple is the size of the tuple struct plus the // size of the buffers to be copied in. ret+="\ttuple_size = sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+")"; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr," + %s(&selvar_%d)", sdt->get_buffer_size().c_str(),s); ret += tmpstr; } } ret += ";\n"; ret += "\ttuple = allocate_tuple(f, tuple_size );\n"; ret += "\tif( tuple == NULL)\n\t\tgoto end;\n"; // Test passed, make assignments to the tuple. ret += "\ttuple_pos = sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+");\n"; // Mark tuple as REGULAR_TUPLE ret += "\ttuple->tuple_type = REGULAR_TUPLE;\n"; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s(&(tuple->tuple_var%d), &selvar_%d, (char *)tuple, ((char *)tuple)+tuple_pos);\n", sdt->get_buffer_tuple_copy().c_str(),s, s); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\ttuple_pos += %s(&selvar_%d);\n", sdt->get_buffer_size().c_str(), s); ret += tmpstr; }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\ttuple->tuple_var%d = ",s); ret += tmpstr; // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += sdt->hton_translation() +"( "; ret += generate_se_code(sl_list[s],schema); // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += ") "; ret += ";\n"; } } // Generate output. ret += "\tpost_tuple(tuple);\n"; // Increment the counter of posted tuples ret += "\n\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n"; ret += "\tt->out_tuple_cnt++;\n"; ret+="\tt->out_tuple_sz+=tuple_size;\n"; ret += "\t#endif\n\n"; return ret; } // TODO Ensure that postfilter predicates are being generated string generate_fj_accept_body(filter_join_qpn *fs, string node_name,col_id_set &unpacked_cids,ext_fcn_list *Ext_fcns, table_list *schema){ int p,s,w; string ret; // Get parameters unsigned int window_len = fs->temporal_range; unsigned int n_bloom = 11; string n_bloom_str = fs->get_val_of_def("num_bloom"); int tmp_n_bloom = atoi(n_bloom_str.c_str()); if(tmp_n_bloom>0) n_bloom = tmp_n_bloom+1; float bloom_width = (window_len+1.0)/(1.0*n_bloom-1); sprintf(tmpstr,"%f",bloom_width); string bloom_width_str = tmpstr; if(window_len < n_bloom){ n_bloom = window_len+1; bloom_width_str = "1"; } // Grab the current window time scalarexp_t winvar(fs->temporal_var); ret += "\tcurr_fj_ts = "+generate_se_code(&winvar,schema)+";\n"; int bf_exp_size = 12; // base-2 log of number of bits string bloom_len_str = fs->get_val_of_def("bloom_size"); int tmp_bf_exp_size = atoi(bloom_len_str.c_str()); if(tmp_bf_exp_size > 3 && tmp_bf_exp_size < 32){ bf_exp_size = tmp_bf_exp_size; } int bf_bit_size = 1 << bf_exp_size; int bf_byte_size = bf_bit_size / (8*sizeof(char)); unsigned int ht_size = 4096; string ht_size_s = fs->get_val_of_def("aggregate_slots"); int tmp_ht_size = atoi(ht_size_s.c_str()); if(tmp_ht_size > 1024){ unsigned int hs = 1; // make it power of 2 while(tmp_ht_size){ hs =hs << 1; tmp_ht_size = tmp_ht_size >> 1; } ht_size = hs; } int i, bf_mask = 0; if(fs->use_bloom){ for(i=0;i1;i=i>>1) bf_mask = (bf_mask << 1) | 1; } /* printf("n_bloom=%d, window_len=%d, bloom_width=%s, bf_exp_size=%d, bf_bit_size=%d, bf_byte_size=%d, ht_size=%d, ht_size_s=%s, bf_mask=%d\n", n_bloom, window_len, bloom_width_str.c_str(), bf_exp_size, bf_bit_size, bf_byte_size, ht_size, ht_size_s.c_str(), bf_mask); */ // If this is a bloom-filter fj, first test if the // bloom filter needs to be advanced. // SET_BF_EMPTY(table,number of bloom filters,bloom filter index,bit index) // t->bf_size : number of bits in bloom filter // TODO: vectorize? // TODO: Don't iterate more than n_bloom times! // As written, its possible to wrap around many times. if(fs->use_bloom){ ret += "// Clean out old bloom filters if needed.\n" "// TODO vectorize this ? \n" " if(t->first_exec){\n" " t->first_exec = 0;\n" " t->last_bin = (long long int)(curr_fj_ts/"+bloom_width_str+");\n" " t->last_bloom_pos = t->last_bin % "+int_to_string(n_bloom)+";\n" " }else{\n" " curr_bin = (long long int)(curr_fj_ts/"+bloom_width_str+");\n" " if(curr_bin != t->last_bin){\n" " for(the_bin=t->last_bin+1;the_bin<=curr_bin;the_bin++){\n" " t->last_bloom_pos++;\n" " if(t->last_bloom_pos >= "+int_to_string(n_bloom)+")\n" " t->last_bloom_pos = 0;\n" " tmp_i = t->last_bloom_pos;\n" " for(j=0;j<"+int_to_string(bf_bit_size)+";j++){\n" " SET_BF_EMPTY(t->bf_table, "+int_to_string(n_bloom)+", tmp_i,j);\n" " }\n" " }\n" " }\n" " t->last_bin = curr_bin;\n" " }\n" ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // First, determine whether to do S (filter stream) processing. ret += "// S (filtering stream) predicate, should it be processed?\n" "\n" ; // Sort S preds based on cost. vector s_filt = fs->pred_t1; col_id_set::iterator csi; if(s_filt.size() > 0){ // Unpack fields ref'd in the S pred for(w=0;wpr, this_pred_cids, gb_tbl); for(csi=this_pred_cids.begin();csi!=this_pred_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count( (*csi) ) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name,"end_s"); unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } // Sort by evaluation cost. // First, estimate evaluation costs // Eliminate predicates covered by the prefilter (those in s_pids). // I need to do it before the sort becuase the indices refer // to the position in the unsorted list. vector tmp_wh; for(w=0;wcost); ret += tmpstr; // Find partial fcns ref'd in this cnf element set pfcn_refs; collect_partial_fcns_pr(s_filt[w]->pr, pfcn_refs); // Since set<..> is a "Sorted Associative Container", // we can walk through it in sorted order by walking from // begin() to end(). (and the partial fcns must be // evaluated in this order). set::iterator si; string pf_preds; for(si=pfcn_refs.begin();si!=pfcn_refs.end();++si){ if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t"+unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)], (*si), schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) goto end_s;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string((*si))+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)],schema)+";\n"; // Testing for S is a side branch. // I don't want a cacheable partial function to be // marked as evaluated. Therefore I mark the function // as evalauted ONLY IF it is not partial. ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"=1;\n"; } ret += "\t}\n"; } } ret += "\tif( !("+generate_predicate_code(s_filt[w]->pr,schema)+ ") ) goto end_s;\n"; } }else{ ret += "\n\n/*\t\t (no predicate to test)\t*/\n\n"; } for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p) ret += "\t\ts_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p)+" = "+generate_se_code(fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_right_se(),schema)+";\n"; if(fs->use_bloom){ // First, generate the S scalar expressions in the hash_eq // Iterate over the bloom filters for(i=0;i<3;i++){ ret += "\t\tbucket=0;\n"; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p){ ret += " bucket ^= (("+hash_nums[(i*fs->hash_eq.size()+p)%NRANDS]+" * lfta_"+ fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type()->get_type_str()+ +"_to_hash(s_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p)+"))>>32);\n"; } // SET_BF_BIT(table,number of bloom filters,bloom filter index,bit index) ret += " bucket &= "+int_to_string(bf_mask)+";\n" " SET_BF_BIT(t->bf_table,"+int_to_string(n_bloom)+",t->last_bloom_pos,bucket);\n" "\n" ; } }else{ ret += "// Add the S record to the hash table, choose a position\n"; ret += "\t\tbucket=0;\n"; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p){ ret += " bucket ^= (("+hash_nums[(i*fs->hash_eq.size()+p)%NRANDS]+" * lfta_"+ fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type()->get_type_str()+ +"_to_hash(s_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p)+"))>>32);\n"; } ret += " bucket &= "+int_to_string(bf_mask)+";\n" " bucket1 = (bucket + 1) & "+int_to_string(bf_mask)+";\n" ; // Try the first bucket ret += "\t\tif("; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p){ if(p>0) ret += " && "; // ret += "t->join_table[bucket].key_var"+int_to_string(p)+ // " == s_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p); data_type *hdt = fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type(); string lhs_op = "t->join_table[bucket].key_var"+int_to_string(p); string rhs_op = "s_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p); ret += generate_equality_test(lhs_op,rhs_op,hdt); } ret += "){\n\t\t\tthe_bucket = bucket;\n"; ret += "\t\t}else{\n\t\t\tif("; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p){ if(p>0) ret += " && "; // ret += "t->join_table[bucket1].key_var"+int_to_string(p)+ // " == s_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p); data_type *hdt = fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type(); string lhs_op = "t->join_table[bucket1].key_var"+int_to_string(p); string rhs_op = "s_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p); ret += generate_equality_test(lhs_op,rhs_op,hdt); } ret += "){\n\t\t\t\tthe_bucket = bucket1;\n"; ret += "\t\t\t}else{ \n\t\t\t\tif(t->join_table[bucket].ts <= t->join_table[bucket1].ts)\n"; ret+="\t\t\t\t\tthe_bucket = bucket;\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tthe_bucket=bucket1;\n"; ret += "\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n"; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p){ data_type *hdt = fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type(); if(hdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t\t%s(f, &(t->join_table[the_bucket].key_var%d), &s_equijoin_%d);\n", hdt->get_buffer_assign_copy().c_str(), p, p); ret += tmpstr; }else{ ret += "\t\tt->join_table[the_bucket].key_var"+int_to_string(p)+ " = s_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p)+";\n"; } } ret+="\t\tt->join_table[the_bucket].ts = curr_fj_ts;\n"; } ret += "\tend_s:\n"; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Next, determine if the R record should be processed. ret += "// R (main stream) cheap predicate\n" "\n" ; // Unpack r_filt fields vector r_filt = fs->pred_t0; for(w=0;wpr, this_pred_cids, gb_tbl); for(csi=this_pred_cids.begin();csi!=this_pred_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count( (*csi) ) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } // Sort R preds based on cost. vector tmp_wh; for(w=0;wcost <= 20;cheap_rpos++); // Test the cheap filters on R. if(cheap_rpos >0){ // Now generate the predicates. for(w=0;wcost); ret += tmpstr; // Find partial fcns ref'd in this cnf element set pfcn_refs; collect_partial_fcns_pr(r_filt[w]->pr, pfcn_refs); // Since set<..> is a "Sorted Associative Container", // we can walk through it in sorted order by walking from // begin() to end(). (and the partial fcns must be // evaluated in this order). set::iterator si; for(si=pfcn_refs.begin();si!=pfcn_refs.end();++si){ if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t"+unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)], (*si), schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string((*si))+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } ret += "\tif( !("+generate_predicate_code(r_filt[w]->pr,schema)+ ") ) goto end;\n"; } }else{ ret += "\n\n/*\t\t (no predicate to test)\t*/\n\n"; } ret += "\n// Do the join\n\n"; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p) ret += "\tr_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p)+" = "+generate_se_code(fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_left_se(),schema)+";\n"; // Passed the cheap pred, now test the join with S. if(fs->use_bloom){ for(i=0;i<3;i++){ ret += "\t\tbucket"+int_to_string(i)+"=0;\n"; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p){ ret += " bucket"+int_to_string(i)+ " ^= (("+hash_nums[(i*fs->hash_eq.size()+p)%NRANDS]+" * lfta_"+ fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_left_se()->get_data_type()->get_type_str()+ +"_to_hash(r_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p)+"))>>32);\n"; } ret += " bucket"+int_to_string(i)+" &= "+int_to_string(bf_mask)+";\n"; } ret += "\tfound = 0;\n"; ret += "\tfor(b=0;b<"+int_to_string(n_bloom)+" && !found; b++){\n"; ret += "\t\tif(IS_BF_SET(t->bf_table,"+int_to_string(n_bloom)+",t->last_bloom_pos,bucket0) && " "IS_BF_SET(t->bf_table,"+int_to_string(n_bloom)+",t->last_bloom_pos,bucket1) && " "IS_BF_SET(t->bf_table,"+int_to_string(n_bloom)+",t->last_bloom_pos,bucket2))\n " "\t\t\tfound=1;\n" "\t}\n" ; ret += " if(!found)\n" " goto end;\n" ; }else{ ret += "\tfound = 0;\n"; ret += "\t\tbucket=0;\n"; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p){ ret += " bucket ^= (("+hash_nums[(i*fs->hash_eq.size()+p)%NRANDS]+" * lfta_"+ fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_left_se()->get_data_type()->get_type_str()+ +"_to_hash(r_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p)+"))>>32);\n"; } ret += " bucket &= "+int_to_string(bf_mask)+";\n" " bucket1 = (bucket + 1) & "+int_to_string(bf_mask)+";\n" ; // Try the first bucket ret += "\t\tif("; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p){ if(p>0) ret += " && "; // ret += "t->join_table[bucket].key_var"+int_to_string(p)+ // " == r_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p); data_type *hdt = fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type(); string lhs_op = "t->join_table[bucket].key_var"+int_to_string(p); string rhs_op = "s_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p); ret += generate_equality_test(lhs_op,rhs_op,hdt); } if(p>0) ret += " && "; ret += "t->join_table[bucket].ts+"+int_to_string(fs->temporal_range)+" <= curr_fj_ts"; ret += "){\n\t\t\tfound = 1;\n"; ret += "\t\t}else {if("; for(p=0;phash_eq.size();++p){ if(p>0) ret += " && "; // ret += "t->join_table[bucket1].key_var"+int_to_string(p)+ // " == r_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p); data_type *hdt = fs->hash_eq[p]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type(); string lhs_op = "t->join_table[bucket1].key_var"+int_to_string(p); string rhs_op = "s_equijoin_"+int_to_string(p); ret += generate_equality_test(lhs_op,rhs_op,hdt); } if(p>0) ret += " && "; ret += "t->join_table[bucket1].ts+"+int_to_string(fs->temporal_range)+" <= curr_fj_ts"; ret += ")\n\t\t\tfound=1;\n"; ret+="\t\t}\n"; ret += " if(!found)\n" " goto end;\n" ; } // Test the expensive filters on R. if(cheap_rpos < r_filt.size()){ // Now generate the predicates. for(w=cheap_rpos;wcost); ret += tmpstr; // Find partial fcns ref'd in this cnf element set pfcn_refs; collect_partial_fcns_pr(r_filt[w]->pr, pfcn_refs); // Since set<..> is a "Sorted Associative Container", // we can walk through it in sorted order by walking from // begin() to end(). (and the partial fcns must be // evaluated in this order). set::iterator si; for(si=pfcn_refs.begin();si!=pfcn_refs.end();++si){ if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t"+unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)], (*si), schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string((*si))+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } ret += "\tif( !("+generate_predicate_code(r_filt[w]->pr,schema)+ ") ) goto end;\n"; } }else{ ret += "\n\n/*\t\t (no predicate to test)\t*/\n\n"; } /////////////// post the tuple // test passed : create the tuple, then assign to it. ret += "/*\t\tCreate and post the tuple\t*/\n"; // Unpack r_filt fields for(s=0;s 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string(p)+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[p]){ ret += unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[p], p, schema); ret += "\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[p] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[p]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string(p)+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[p],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string(p)+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } // increment the counter of accepted tuples ret += "\n\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n"; ret += "\n\tt->accepted_tuple_cnt++;\n\n"; ret += "\t#endif\n\n"; // First, compute the size of the tuple. // Unpack any BUFFER type selections into temporaries // so that I can compute their size and not have // to recompute their value during tuple packing. // I can use regular assignment here because // these temporaries are non-persistent. for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tselvar_%d = ",s); ret += tmpstr; ret += generate_se_code(sl_list[s],schema); ret += ";\n"; } } // The size of the tuple is the size of the tuple struct plus the // size of the buffers to be copied in. ret+="\ttuple_size = sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+")"; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr," + %s(&selvar_%d)", sdt->get_buffer_size().c_str(),s); ret += tmpstr; } } ret += ";\n"; ret += "\ttuple = allocate_tuple(f, tuple_size );\n"; ret += "\tif( tuple == NULL)\n\t\tgoto end;\n"; // Test passed, make assignments to the tuple. ret += "\ttuple_pos = sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+");\n"; // Mark tuple as REGULAR_TUPLE ret += "\ttuple->tuple_type = REGULAR_TUPLE;\n"; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s(&(tuple->tuple_var%d), &selvar_%d, (char *)tuple, ((char *)tuple)+tuple_pos);\n", sdt->get_buffer_tuple_copy().c_str(),s, s); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\ttuple_pos += %s(&selvar_%d);\n", sdt->get_buffer_size().c_str(), s); ret += tmpstr; }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\ttuple->tuple_var%d = ",s); ret += tmpstr; // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += sdt->hton_translation() +"( "; ret += generate_se_code(sl_list[s],schema); // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += ") "; ret += ";\n"; } } // Generate output. ret += "\tpost_tuple(tuple);\n"; // Increment the counter of posted tuples ret += "\n\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n"; ret += "\n\tt->out_tuple_cnt++;\n\n"; ret+="\t\t\t\tt->out_tuple_sz+=tuple_size;\n"; ret += "\t#endif\n\n"; return ret; } string generate_wj_accept_body(watch_join_qpn *fs, string node_name,col_id_set &unpacked_cids,ext_fcn_list *Ext_fcns, table_list *schema){ int p,s,w; string ret; string wl_schema = fs->from[1]->get_schema_name(); string wl_elem_str = generate_watchlist_element_name(wl_schema); string wl_node_str = generate_watchlist_struct_name(wl_schema); string tgt = generate_watchlist_name(wl_schema); ret += "//\n//\t\tGenerate test to update watchtable here\n//\n\n"; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Determine if the R record should be processed. ret += "// R (main stream) cheap predicate\n" "\n" ; // Unpack r_filt fields vector r_filt = fs->pred_t0; for(w=0;wpr, this_pred_cids, gb_tbl); for(auto csi=this_pred_cids.begin();csi!=this_pred_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count( (*csi) ) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } // Sort R preds based on cost. vector tmp_wh; for(w=0;wcost <= 20;cheap_rpos++); // Test the cheap filters on R. if(cheap_rpos >0){ // Now generate the predicates. for(w=0;wcost); ret += tmpstr; // Find partial fcns ref'd in this cnf element set pfcn_refs; collect_partial_fcns_pr(r_filt[w]->pr, pfcn_refs); // Since set<..> is a "Sorted Associative Container", // we can walk through it in sorted order by walking from // begin() to end(). (and the partial fcns must be // evaluated in this order). set::iterator si; for(si=pfcn_refs.begin();si!=pfcn_refs.end();++si){ if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t"+unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)], (*si), schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string((*si))+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } ret += "\tif( !("+generate_predicate_code(r_filt[w]->pr,schema)+ ") ) goto end;\n"; } }else{ ret += "\n\n/*\t\t (no cheap R predicate to test)\t*/\n\n"; } ret += "\n/*\tPassed the WHERE clause, unpack the hash fields. */\n"; map h_eq = ((watch_join_qpn *)fs)-> hash_eq; vector kflds = ((watch_join_qpn *)fs)->key_flds; for(w=0;wpr, this_pred_cids, gb_tbl); for(auto csi=this_pred_cids.begin();csi!=this_pred_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count( (*csi) ) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; if(tblref==0) // LHS from packet, don't unpack the RHS ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } ret += "\n// Do the join\n\n"; ret += "\n// (ensure that the watchtable is fresh)\n"; ret += "\tif(t->ux_time >= "+tgt+".next_refresh){\n"; ret += "\t\treload_watchlist__"+wl_schema+"();\n"; ret += "\t\t"+tgt+".next_refresh = t->ux_time+"+tgt+".refresh_interval;\n"; ret += "\t}\n\n"; for(p=0;pkey_flds.size();++p){ string kfld = fs->key_flds[p]; ret += "\tr_equijoin_"+kfld+" = "+generate_se_code(fs->hash_eq[kfld]->pr->get_left_se(),schema)+";\n"; } // Passed the cheap pred, now test the join with S. ret += "\tbucket=0;\n"; ret += "\thash=0;\n"; for(p=0;pkey_flds.size();++p){ string kfld = fs->key_flds[p]; ret += " hash ^= (("+hash_nums[p%NRANDS]+" * lfta_"+ fs->hash_eq[kfld]->pr->get_left_se()->get_data_type()->get_type_str()+ +"_to_hash(r_equijoin_"+kfld+")));\n"; } ret += "\t\tbucket = (hash>>32) \% "+tgt+".ht_size;\n"; ret += "\t\trec = "+tgt+".ht[bucket];\n"; ret += "\t\twhile(rec!=NULL){\n"; ret += "\t\t\tif(hash==rec->hashval){\n"; ret += "\t\t\t\tif("; for(p=0;pkey_flds.size();++p){ string kfld = fs->key_flds[p]; if(p>0) ret += " && "; data_type *hdt = fs->hash_eq[kfld]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type(); string lhs_op = "r_equijoin_"+kfld; string rhs_op = "rec->"+kfld; ret += generate_equality_test(lhs_op,rhs_op,hdt); } ret += ")\n"; ret += "\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n"; ret += "\t\t\t}\n"; ret += "\t\t\trec=rec->next;\n"; ret += "\t\t}\n"; ret += "\t\tif(rec==NULL)\n"; ret += "\t\t\tgoto end;\n"; ret += "\n/*\tPassed the hash lookup clause, unpack the other predicate fields. */\n"; for(w=0;wpr, this_pred_cids, gb_tbl); for(auto csi=this_pred_cids.begin();csi!=this_pred_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count( (*csi) ) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; if(tblref==0) // LHS from packet ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); else // RHS from hash bucket ret += "\tunpack_var_"+field+"_1 = rec->"+field+";\n"; unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } // Test the expensive filters on R. // TODO Should merge this with other predicates and eval in order // of cost - see the fj code. // TODO join and postfilter predicates haven't been costed yet. if(cheap_rpos < r_filt.size()){ // Now generate the predicates. for(w=cheap_rpos;wcost); ret += tmpstr; // Find partial fcns ref'd in this cnf element set pfcn_refs; collect_partial_fcns_pr(r_filt[w]->pr, pfcn_refs); // Since set<..> is a "Sorted Associative Container", // we can walk through it in sorted order by walking from // begin() to end(). (and the partial fcns must be // evaluated in this order). set::iterator si; for(si=pfcn_refs.begin();si!=pfcn_refs.end();++si){ if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t"+unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)], (*si), schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string((*si))+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } ret += "\tif( !("+generate_predicate_code(r_filt[w]->pr,schema)+ ") ) goto end;\n"; } }else{ ret += "\n\n/*\t\t (no expensive R predicate to test)\t*/\n\n"; } // TODO sort the additional predicates by cost // S-only for(w=0;wpred_t1.size();++w){ sprintf(tmpstr,"//\t\tS Predicate clause %d.(cost %d)\n",w,fs->pred_t1[w]->cost); ret += tmpstr; // Find partial fcns ref'd in this cnf element set pfcn_refs; collect_partial_fcns_pr(fs->pred_t1[w]->pr, pfcn_refs); // Since set<..> is a "Sorted Associative Container", // we can walk through it in sorted order by walking from // begin() to end(). (and the partial fcns must be // evaluated in this order). set::iterator si; for(si=pfcn_refs.begin();si!=pfcn_refs.end();++si){ if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t"+unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)], (*si), schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string((*si))+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } ret += "\tif( !("+generate_predicate_code(fs->pred_t1[w]->pr,schema)+ ") ) goto end;\n"; } // non hash-eq join for(w=0;wjoin_filter.size();++w){ sprintf(tmpstr,"//\t\tJoin Predicate clause %d.(cost %d)\n",w,fs->join_filter[w]->cost); ret += tmpstr; // Find partial fcns ref'd in this cnf element set pfcn_refs; collect_partial_fcns_pr(fs->join_filter[w]->pr, pfcn_refs); // Since set<..> is a "Sorted Associative Container", // we can walk through it in sorted order by walking from // begin() to end(). (and the partial fcns must be // evaluated in this order). set::iterator si; for(si=pfcn_refs.begin();si!=pfcn_refs.end();++si){ if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t"+unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)], (*si), schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string((*si))+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } ret += "\tif( !("+generate_predicate_code(fs->join_filter[w]->pr,schema)+ ") ) goto end;\n"; } // postfilter for(w=0;wpostfilter.size();++w){ sprintf(tmpstr,"//\t\tpostfilter Predicate clause %d.(cost %d)\n",w,fs->postfilter[w]->cost); ret += tmpstr; // Find partial fcns ref'd in this cnf element set pfcn_refs; collect_partial_fcns_pr(fs->postfilter[w]->pr, pfcn_refs); // Since set<..> is a "Sorted Associative Container", // we can walk through it in sorted order by walking from // begin() to end(). (and the partial fcns must be // evaluated in this order). set::iterator si; for(si=pfcn_refs.begin();si!=pfcn_refs.end();++si){ if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t"+unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)], (*si), schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string((*si))+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } ret += "\tif( !("+generate_predicate_code(fs->postfilter[w]->pr,schema)+ ") ) goto end;\n"; } /////////////// post the tuple // test passed : create the tuple, then assign to it. ret += "/*\t\tCreate and post the tuple\t*/\n"; // Unpack R fields for(s=0;s"+field+";\n"; unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } // Unpack partial fcns ref'd by the select clause. // Its a kind of a WHERE clause ... for(p=sl_fcns_start;p 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string(p)+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[p]){ ret += unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[p], p, schema); ret += "\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[p] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[p]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string(p)+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[p],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string(p)+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } // increment the counter of accepted tuples ret += "\n\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n"; ret += "\n\tt->accepted_tuple_cnt++;\n\n"; ret += "\t#endif\n\n"; // First, compute the size of the tuple. // Unpack any BUFFER type selections into temporaries // so that I can compute their size and not have // to recompute their value during tuple packing. // I can use regular assignment here because // these temporaries are non-persistent. for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tselvar_%d = ",s); ret += tmpstr; ret += generate_se_code(sl_list[s],schema); ret += ";\n"; } } // The size of the tuple is the size of the tuple struct plus the // size of the buffers to be copied in. ret+="\ttuple_size = sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+")"; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr," + %s(&selvar_%d)", sdt->get_buffer_size().c_str(),s); ret += tmpstr; } } ret += ";\n"; ret += "\ttuple = allocate_tuple(f, tuple_size );\n"; ret += "\tif( tuple == NULL)\n\t\tgoto end;\n"; // Test passed, make assignments to the tuple. ret += "\ttuple_pos = sizeof( struct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+");\n"; // Mark tuple as REGULAR_TUPLE ret += "\ttuple->tuple_type = REGULAR_TUPLE;\n"; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s(&(tuple->tuple_var%d), &selvar_%d, (char *)tuple, ((char *)tuple)+tuple_pos);\n", sdt->get_buffer_tuple_copy().c_str(),s, s); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\ttuple_pos += %s(&selvar_%d);\n", sdt->get_buffer_size().c_str(), s); ret += tmpstr; }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\ttuple->tuple_var%d = ",s); ret += tmpstr; // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += sdt->hton_translation() +"( "; ret += generate_se_code(sl_list[s],schema); // if(sdt->needs_hn_translation()) // ret += ") "; ret += ";\n"; } } // Generate output. ret += "\tpost_tuple(tuple);\n"; // Increment the counter of posted tuples ret += "\n\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n"; ret += "\n\tt->out_tuple_cnt++;\n\n"; ret+="\t\t\t\tt->out_tuple_sz+=tuple_size;\n"; ret += "\t#endif\n\n"; return ret; } string generate_aggr_accept_body(qp_node *fs,string node_name,table_list *schema, string &temporal_flush){ string ret; int a,p,g; ////////////// Processing for aggregtion query // First, search for a match. Start by unpacking the group-by attributes. // One complication : if a real-time aggregate flush occurs, // the GB attr has already been calculated. So don't compute // it again if 1) its temporal and 2) it will be computed in the // agggregate flush code. // Unpack the partial fcns ref'd by the gb's and the aggr defs. for(p=gb_fcns_start;psize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if((! gdt->is_temporal()) || temporal_flush == ""){ if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ // NOTE : if the SE defining the gb is anything // other than a ref to a variable, this will generate // illegal code. To be resolved with Spatch. sprintf(tmpstr,"\tgb_attr_tmp%d = %s;\n", g, generate_se_code(gb_tbl->get_def(g),schema).c_str() ); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s(f, &gb_attr_%d, &gb_attr_tmp%d);\n", gdt->get_buffer_assign_copy().c_str(), g, g); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tgb_attr_%d = %s;\n",g,generate_se_code(gb_tbl->get_def(g),schema).c_str()); } ret += tmpstr; } } ret += "\n"; // A quick aside : if any of the GB attrs are temporal, // test for change and flush if any change occurred. // We've already computed the flush code, // Put it here if this is not a real time query. // We've already unpacked all column refs, so no need to // do it again here. string rt_level = fs->get_val_of_def("real_time"); if(rt_level == "" && temporal_flush != ""){ ret += temporal_flush; } // Compute the hash bucket if(gb_tbl->size() > 0){ ret += "\thashval = ";\ for(g=0;gsize();g++){ if(g>0) ret += " ^ "; data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"((%s * lfta_%s_to_hash(gb_attr_%d)))",hash_nums[g%NRANDS].c_str(), gdt->get_type_str().c_str(), g); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"((%s * lfta_%s_to_hash(gb_attr_%d)))",hash_nums[g%NRANDS].c_str(), gdt->get_type_str().c_str(), g); } ret += tmpstr; } ret += ";\n"; ret += "\thash2 = ((hashval * "+hash_nums[g%NRANDS]+") >> 32) & SLOT_HASH_BITS;\n"; ret+="\tprobe = (hashval >> 32) & (t->max_aggrs-1);\n"; }else{ ret+="\tprobe = 0;\n"; ret+="\thash2 = 0;\n\n"; } // Does the lfta reference a udaf? bool has_udaf = false; for(a=0;asize();a++){ if(! aggr_tbl->is_builtin(a)) has_udaf = true; } // Scan for a match, or alternatively the best slot. // Currently, hardcode 5 tests. ret += " gen_val = t->generation & SLOT_GEN_BITS;\n" " match_found = 0;\n" " best_slot = probe;\n" " for(i=0;i<5 && match_found == 0;i++){\n" " if((t->aggr_table_hashmap[probe] & SLOT_FILLED) && (t->aggr_table_hashmap[probe] & SLOT_GEN_BITS) == gen_val && (t->aggr_table_hashmap[probe] & SLOT_HASH_BITS) == hash2 ){\n" ; if(gb_tbl->size()>0){ ret+="\n\t/* \t\tcheck if the grouping variables are equal */\n"; ret+="\t\tif("; string rhs_op, lhs_op; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ if(g>0) ret += " && "; ret += "("; sprintf(tmpstr,"gb_attr_%d",g); lhs_op = tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"t->aggr_table[probe].gb_var%d",g); rhs_op = tmpstr; ret += generate_equality_test(lhs_op,rhs_op,gb_tbl->get_data_type(g)); ret += ")"; } } ret += "){\n" " match_found = 1;\n" " best_slot = probe;\n" " }\n" " }\n" "// Rate slots in case no match found: prefer empty, then full but old slots\n" " if(t->aggr_table_hashmap[best_slot] & SLOT_FILLED){\n" " if((t->aggr_table_hashmap[probe] & SLOT_FILLED)==0)\n" " best_slot = probe;\n" " }else{\n" " if((t->aggr_table_hashmap[best_slot] & SLOT_GEN_BITS) == gen_val && (t->aggr_table_hashmap[probe] & SLOT_GEN_BITS) != gen_val){\n" " best_slot = probe;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " probe++;\n" " if(probe >= t->max_aggrs)\n" " probe=0;\n" " }\n" " if(match_found){\n" ; ret += generate_gb_update(node_name, schema, "best_slot",has_udaf); ret += " }else{\n" " if(t->aggr_table_hashmap[best_slot] & SLOT_FILLED){\n" ; printf("sgah_qpn name is %s, disorder is %d\n",fs->node_name.c_str(),((sgah_qpn *)fs)->lfta_disorder); if(((sgah_qpn *)fs)->lfta_disorder <= 1){ ret += " if((t->aggr_table_hashmap[best_slot] & SLOT_GEN_BITS)==gen_val){\n" " if(("; bool first_g = true; for(int g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_temporal()){ if(first_g) first_g = false; else ret+=" + "; ret += "(gb_attr_"+int_to_string(g)+" - t->aggr_table[best_slot].gb_var"+int_to_string(g)+")"; } } ret += ") == 0 ){\n"; ret += " fta_aggr_flush_old_"+ node_name+"(f,t->max_aggrs);\n" " }\n" " }\n" ; } ret += generate_tuple_from_aggr(node_name,schema,"best_slot"); ret += "\t\t\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n" "\t\t\tif((t->aggr_table_hashmap[best_slot] & SLOT_GEN_BITS) == gen_val)\n" "\t\t\t\tt->collision_cnt++;\n\n" "\t\t\t#endif\n\n" "\t\t}\n" ; ret += generate_init_group(schema,"best_slot"); ret += "\t}\n"; return ret; } string generate_fta_accept(qp_node *fs, string node_name, table_list *schema, ext_fcn_list *Ext_fcns, bool is_aggr_query, bool is_fj, bool is_wj, set &s_pids){ string ret="static gs_retval_t accept_packet_"+node_name+ "(struct FTA *f, FTAID * ftaid, void *pkt, gs_int32_t sz){\n"; ret += "\tstruct packet *p = (struct packet *)pkt;\n"; int a; // Define all of the variables needed by this // procedure. // Gather all column references, need to define unpacking variables. int w,s; col_id_set cid_set; col_id_set::iterator csi; // If its a filter join, rebind all colrefs // to the first range var, to avoid double unpacking. if(is_fj){ for(w=0;wpr, gb_tbl); for(s=0;spr,cid_set, gb_tbl); } for(s=0;ssize();g++) gather_se_col_ids(gb_tbl->get_def(g),cid_set, gb_tbl); } // Variables for unpacking attributes. ret += "/*\t\tVariables for unpacking attributes\t*/\n"; for(csi=cid_set.begin(); csi!=cid_set.end();++csi){ int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; string field = (*csi).field; data_type dt(schema->get_type_name(schref,field)); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s unpack_var_%s_%d;\n",dt.get_cvar_type().c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; } ret += "\n\n"; // Variables that are always needed ret += "/*\t\tVariables which are always needed\t*/\n"; ret += "\tgs_retval_t retval;\n"; ret += "\tgs_int32_t tuple_size, tuple_pos, lfta_bailout;\n"; ret += "\tstruct "+generate_tuple_name(node_name)+" *tuple;\n"; ret+="\tstruct "+generate_fta_name(node_name)+" *t = (struct "+generate_fta_name(node_name)+"*) f;\n\n"; // Variables needed for aggregation queries. if(is_aggr_query){ ret += "\n/*\t\tVariables for aggregation\t*/\n"; ret+="\tunsigned int i, probe;\n"; ret+="\tunsigned int gen_val, match_found, best_slot;\n"; ret+="\tgs_uint64_t hashval, hash2;\n"; // Variables for storing group-by attribute values. if(gb_tbl->size() > 0) ret += "/*\t\tGroup-by attributes\t*/\n"; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s gb_attr_%d;\n",gb_tbl->get_data_type(g)->get_cvar_type().c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(gdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s gb_attr_tmp%d;\n",gb_tbl->get_data_type(g)->get_cvar_type().c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; } } ret += "\n"; // Temporaries for min/max string aggr_tmp_str = ""; for(a=0;asize();a++){ string aggr_op = aggr_tbl->get_op(a); if(aggr_op == "MIN" || aggr_op == "MAX"){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s aggr_tmp_%d;\n",aggr_tbl->get_data_type(a)->get_cvar_type().c_str(),a); aggr_tmp_str.append(tmpstr); } } if(aggr_tmp_str != ""){ ret += "/*\t\tTemp vars for BUFFER aggregates\t*/\n"; ret += aggr_tmp_str; ret += "\n"; } // Variables for udaf output temporaries bool no_udaf = true; for(a=0;asize();a++){ if(! aggr_tbl->is_builtin(a)){ if(no_udaf){ ret+="/*\t\tUDAF output vars.\t*/\n"; no_udaf = false; } int afcn_id = aggr_tbl->get_fcn_id(a); data_type *adt = Ext_fcns->get_fcn_dt(afcn_id); sprintf(tmpstr,"udaf_ret%d", a); ret+="\t"+adt->make_cvar(tmpstr)+";\n"; } } } // Variables needed for a filter join query if(fs->node_type() == "filter_join"){ filter_join_qpn *fjq = (filter_join_qpn *)fs; bool uses_bloom = fjq->use_bloom; ret += "/*\t\tJoin fields\t*/\n"; for(g=0;ghash_eq.size();g++){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s s_equijoin_%d;\n",fjq->hash_eq[g]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type()->get_cvar_type().c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s r_equijoin_%d;\n",fjq->hash_eq[g]->pr->get_left_se()->get_data_type()->get_cvar_type().c_str(),g); ret += tmpstr; } if(uses_bloom){ ret += " /* Variables for fj bloom filter */ \n" "\tunsigned int i=0,j=0,k=0, b, bf_clean = 0, tmp_i, found; \n" "\tunsigned int bucket, bucket0, bucket1, bucket2;\n" "\tlong long int curr_fj_ts;\n" "\tlong long int curr_bin, the_bin;\n" "\n" ; }else{ ret += " /* Variables for fj join table */ \n" "\tunsigned int i, bucket, found; \n" "\tunsigned int bucket1, the_bucket;\n" " long long int curr_fj_ts;\n" "\n" ; } } if(fs->node_type() == "watch_join"){ watch_join_qpn *wlq = (watch_join_qpn *)fs; ret += "/*\t\tJoin fields\t*/\n"; for(int k=0;kkey_flds.size(); ++k){ string kfld = wlq->key_flds[k]; ret += "\t"+wlq->hash_eq[kfld]->pr->get_right_se()->get_data_type()->get_cvar_type()+" s_equijoin_"+kfld+";\n"; ret += "\t"+wlq->hash_eq[kfld]->pr->get_left_se()->get_data_type()->get_cvar_type()+" r_equijoin_"+kfld+";\n"; } ret += " /* Variables for wl join table */ \n" "\tunsigned int i, bucket;\n" "\tunsigned long long int hash; \n"; string wl_schema = wlq->from[1]->get_schema_name(); string wl_elem_str = generate_watchlist_element_name(wl_schema); ret += "\tstruct "+wl_elem_str+" *rec = NULL;\n"; "\n" ; } // Variables needed to store selected attributes of BUFFER type // temporarily, in order to compute their size for storage // in an output tuple. string select_var_defs = ""; for(int s=0;sget_data_type(); if(sdt->is_buffer_type()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s selvar_%d;\n",sdt->get_cvar_type().c_str(),s); select_var_defs.append(tmpstr); } } if(select_var_defs != ""){ ret += "/*\t\tTemporaries for computing buffer sizes.\t*/\n"; ret += select_var_defs; } // Variables to store results of partial functions. int p; if(partial_fcns.size()>0){ ret += "/*\t\tVariables for storing results of partial functions. \t*/\n"; for(p=0;p1)){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s partial_fcn_result_%d;\n", partial_fcns[p]->get_data_type()->get_cvar_type().c_str(), p); ret += tmpstr; if(!is_aggr_query && fcn_ref_cnt[p] >1){ ret += "\tint fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string(p)+" = 0;\n"; } } } if(is_aggr_query) ret += "\tint unpack_failed = 0;\n"; ret += "\n"; } // variable to hold packet struct // if(packed_return){ ret += "\t struct "+node_name+"_input_struct *"+node_name+"_input_struct_var;\n"; } ret += "\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n"; // variable to store counter of cpu cycles spend in accept_tuple ret += "\tgs_uint64_t start_cycle = rdtsc();\n"; // increment counter of received tuples ret += "\tt->in_tuple_cnt++;\n"; ret += "\t#endif\n"; // ------------------------------------------------- // If the packet is "packet", test if its for this lfta, // and if so load it into its struct if(packed_return){ ret+="\n/* packed tuple : test and load. \t*/\n"; ret+="\t"+node_name+"_input_struct_var = (struct "+node_name+"_input_struct *) pkt;\n"; ret+="\tif("+node_name+"_input_struct_var->__lfta_id_fm_nic__ != "+int_to_string(global_id) + ")\n"; ret+="\t\tgoto end;\n\n"; } col_id_set unpacked_cids; // Keep track of the cols that have been unpacked. string temporal_flush; if(is_aggr_query) ret += generate_aggr_accept_prelim(fs, node_name, schema, unpacked_cids, temporal_flush); else { // non-aggregation operators // Unpack all the temporal attributes referenced in select clause // and update the last value of the attribute col_id_set temp_cids; // col ids of temp attributes in select clause for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if (sdt->is_temporal()) { gather_se_col_ids(sl_list[s],temp_cids, gb_tbl); } } // If this is a filter join, // ensure that the temporal range field is unpacked. if(is_fj){ col_id window_var_cid(((filter_join_qpn *)fs)->temporal_var); if(temp_cids.count(window_var_cid)==0) temp_cids.insert(window_var_cid); } for(csi=temp_cids.begin(); csi != temp_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count((*csi)) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); sprintf(tmpstr,"\tt->last_%s_%d = unpack_var_%s_%d;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } vector filter = fs->get_filter_clause(); // Test the filter predicate (some query types have additional preds). if(filter.size() > 0 && !is_wj){ // watchlist join does specialized processing // Sort by evaluation cost. // First, estimate evaluation costs // Eliminate predicates covered by the prefilter (those in s_pids). // I need to do it before the sort becuase the indices refer // to the position in the unsorted list./ vector tmp_wh; for(w=0;wcost); ret += tmpstr; // Find the set of variables accessed in this CNF elem, // but in no previous element. col_id_set this_pred_cids; gather_pr_col_ids(filter[w]->pr, this_pred_cids, gb_tbl); for(csi=this_pred_cids.begin();csi!=this_pred_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count( (*csi) ) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } // Find partial fcns ref'd in this cnf element set pfcn_refs; collect_partial_fcns_pr(filter[w]->pr, pfcn_refs); // Since set<..> is a "Sorted Associative Container", // we can walk through it in sorted order by walking from // begin() to end(). (and the partial fcns must be // evaluated in this order). set::iterator si; for(si=pfcn_refs.begin();si!=pfcn_refs.end();++si){ if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ ret += "\tif(fcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"==0){\n"; } if(is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t"+unpack_partial_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)], (*si), schema); ret += "\t\tif(retval) goto end;\n"; } if(fcn_ref_cnt[(*si)] > 1){ if(!is_partial_fcn[(*si)]){ ret += "\t\tpartial_fcn_result_"+int_to_string((*si))+"="+generate_cached_fcn(partial_fcns[(*si)],schema)+";\n"; } ret += "\t\tfcn_ref_cnt_"+int_to_string((*si))+"=1;\n"; ret += "\t}\n"; } } ret += "\tif( !("+generate_predicate_code(filter[w]->pr,schema)+ ") ) goto end;\n"; } }else{ ret += "\n\n/*\t\t (no predicate to test)\t*/\n\n"; } // We've passed the WHERE clause, // unpack the remainder of the accessed fields. if(is_fj){ ret += "\n/*\tPassed the WHERE clause, unpack the hash fields. */\n"; vector h_eq = ((filter_join_qpn *)fs)-> hash_eq; for(w=0;wpr, this_pred_cids, gb_tbl); for(csi=this_pred_cids.begin();csi!=this_pred_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count( (*csi) ) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } }else if(is_wj){ // STOPPED HERE move this to wj main body /* ret += "\n//\tPassed the WHERE clause, unpack the hash fields. \n"; map h_eq = ((watch_join_qpn *)fs)-> hash_eq; vector kflds = ((watch_join_qpn *)fs)->key_flds; for(w=0;wpr, this_pred_cids, gb_tbl); for(csi=this_pred_cids.begin();csi!=this_pred_cids.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count( (*csi) ) == 0){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } */ }else{ ret += "\n/*\tPassed the WHERE clause, unpack the rest of the accessed fields. */\n"; for(csi=cid_set.begin();csi!=cid_set.end();++csi){ if(unpacked_cids.count( (*csi) ) == 0){ int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; string field = (*csi).field; ret += generate_unpack_code(tblref,schref,field,schema,node_name); unpacked_cids.insert( (*csi) ); } } } ////////////////// ////////////////// After this, the query types ////////////////// are processed differently. if(!is_aggr_query && !is_fj & !is_wj) ret += generate_sel_accept_body(fs, node_name, schema); else if(is_aggr_query) ret += generate_aggr_accept_body(fs, node_name, schema, temporal_flush); else{ if(is_fj) ret += generate_fj_accept_body((filter_join_qpn *)fs, node_name, unpacked_cids, Ext_fcns, schema); else ret += generate_wj_accept_body((watch_join_qpn *)fs, node_name, unpacked_cids, Ext_fcns, schema); } // Finish up. ret += "\n\tend:\n"; ret += "\t#ifdef LFTA_STATS\n"; ret+= "\tt->cycle_cnt += rdtsc() - start_cycle;\n"; ret += "\t#endif\n"; ret += "\n\treturn 1;\n}\n\n"; return(ret); } string generate_fta_alloc(qp_node *fs, string node_name, table_list *schema, bool is_aggr_query, bool is_fj, bool uses_bloom){ int g, cl; string ret = "struct FTA * "+generate_alloc_name(node_name) + "(struct FTAID ftaid, gs_uint32_t reusable, gs_int32_t command, gs_int32_t sz, void *value){\n"; ret+="\tstruct "+generate_fta_name(node_name)+"* f;\n"; ret+="\tint i;\n"; ret += "\n"; ret+="\tif((f=fta_alloc(0,sizeof(struct "+generate_fta_name(node_name)+")))==0){\n\t\treturn(0);\n\t}\n"; // assign a streamid to fta instance ret+="\t/* assign a streamid */\n"; ret+="\tf->f.ftaid = ftaid;\n"; ret+="\tf->f.ftaid.streamid = (gs_p_t)f;\n"; ret+="\tgslog(LOG_INFO,\"Lfta "+node_name+" has FTAID {ip=%u,port=%u,index=%u,streamid=%u}\\n\",f->f.ftaid.ip,f->f.ftaid.port,f->f.ftaid.index,f->f.ftaid.streamid);\n"; if(is_aggr_query){ ret += "\tf->n_aggrs = 0;\n"; ret += "\tf->max_aggrs = "; // Computing the number of aggregate blocks is a little // tricky. If there are no GB attrs, or if all GB attrs // are temporal, then use a single aggregate block, else // use a default value (10). A user specification overrides // this logic. bool single_group = true; for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *gdt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(! gdt->is_temporal() ){ single_group = false; } } string max_aggr_str = fs->get_val_of_def("aggregate_slots"); int max_aggr_i = atoi(max_aggr_str.c_str()); if(max_aggr_i <= 0){ if(single_group) ret += "2"; else ret += int_to_string(DEFAULT_LFTA_HASH_TABLE_SIZE); }else{ unsigned int naggrs = 1; // make it power of 2 unsigned int nones = 0; while(max_aggr_i){ if(max_aggr_i&1) nones++; naggrs = naggrs << 1; max_aggr_i = max_aggr_i >> 1; } if(nones==1) // in case it was already a power of 2. naggrs/=2; ret += int_to_string(naggrs); } ret += ";\n"; ret+="\tif ((f->aggr_table = sp_fta_alloc((struct FTA *)f,sizeof(struct "+generate_aggr_struct_name(node_name)+") * f->max_aggrs))==0) {\n"; ret+="\t\treturn(0);\n"; ret+="\t}\n\n"; // ret+="/* compute how many integers we need to store the hashmap */\n"; // ret+="\tf->bitmap_size = (f->max_aggrs % (sizeof(gs_uint32_t) * 4)) ? (f->max_aggrs / (sizeof(gs_uint32_t) * 4) + 1) : (f->max_aggrs / (sizeof(gs_uint32_t) * 4));\n\n"; ret+="\tif ((f->aggr_table_hashmap = sp_fta_alloc((struct FTA *)f,sizeof(gs_uint32_t) * f->max_aggrs))==0) {\n"; ret+="\t\treturn(0);\n"; ret+="\t}\n"; ret+="/*\t\tfill bitmap with zero \t*/\n"; ret+="\tfor (i = 0; i < f->max_aggrs; ++i)\n"; ret+="\t\tf->aggr_table_hashmap[i] = 0;\n"; ret+="\tf->generation=0;\n"; ret+="\tf->flush_pos = f->max_aggrs;\n"; ret += "\tf->flush_ctr = 0;\n"; } if(is_fj){ if(uses_bloom){ ret+="\tf->first_exec = 1;\n"; unsigned int n_bloom = 11; string n_bloom_str = fs->get_val_of_def("num_bloom"); int tmp_n_bloom = atoi(n_bloom_str.c_str()); if(tmp_n_bloom>0) n_bloom = tmp_n_bloom+1; unsigned int window_len = ((filter_join_qpn *)fs)->temporal_range; if(window_len < n_bloom){ n_bloom = window_len+1; } int bf_exp_size = 12; // base-2 log of number of bits string bloom_len_str = fs->get_val_of_def("bloom_size"); int tmp_bf_exp_size = atoi(bloom_len_str.c_str()); if(tmp_bf_exp_size > 3 && tmp_bf_exp_size < 32){ bf_exp_size = tmp_bf_exp_size; } int bf_bit_size = 1 << 12; int bf_byte_size = bf_bit_size / (8*sizeof(char)); int bf_tot = n_bloom*bf_byte_size; ret+="\tif ((f->bf_table = sp_fta_alloc((struct FTA *)f,"+int_to_string(bf_tot)+"))==0) {\n"; ret+="\t\treturn(0);\n"; ret+="\t}\n"; ret += " for(i=0;i<"+int_to_string(bf_tot)+";i++)\n" " f->bf_table[i] = 0;\n" ; }else{ unsigned int ht_size = 4096; string ht_size_s = fs->get_val_of_def("aggregate_slots"); int tmp_ht_size = atoi(ht_size_s.c_str()); if(tmp_ht_size > 1024){ unsigned int hs = 1; // make it power of 2 while(tmp_ht_size){ hs =hs << 1; tmp_ht_size = tmp_ht_size >> 1; } ht_size = hs; } ret+="\tif ((f->join_table = sp_fta_alloc((struct FTA *)f,sizeof(struct "+generate_fj_struct_name(node_name)+") * "+int_to_string(ht_size)+"))==0) {\n"; ret+="\t\treturn(0);\n"; ret+="\t}\n\n"; ret += " for(i=0;i<"+int_to_string(ht_size)+";i++)\n" " f->join_table[i].ts = 0;\n" ; } } // Initialize the complex literals (which might be handles). for(cl=0;clsize();cl++){ literal_t *l = complex_literals->get_literal(cl); // sprintf(tmpstr,"\tf->complex_literal_%d = ",cl); // ret += tmpstr + l->to_C_code() + ";\n"; sprintf(tmpstr,"&(f->complex_literal_%d)",cl); ret += "\t" + l->to_C_code(tmpstr) + ";\n"; } ret += "\n"; // Initialize the last seen values of temporal attributes to min(max) value of // their respective type // Create places to hold the last values of temporal attributes referenced in select clause col_id_set temp_cids; // col ids of temp attributes in select clause int s; col_id_set::iterator csi; for(s=0;sget_data_type(); if (sdt->is_temporal()) { gather_se_col_ids(sl_list[s],temp_cids, gb_tbl); } } for(csi=temp_cids.begin(); csi != temp_cids.end();++csi){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; data_type dt(schema->get_type_name(schref,field), schema->get_modifier_list(schref,field)); if (dt.is_increasing()) { sprintf(tmpstr,"\tf->last_%s_%d = %s;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, dt.get_min_literal().c_str()); ret += tmpstr; } else if (dt.is_decreasing()) { sprintf(tmpstr,"\tf->last_%s_%d = %s;\n", field.c_str(), tblref, dt.get_max_literal().c_str()); ret += tmpstr; } } // initialize last seen values of temporal groubpy variables if(is_aggr_query){ for(g=0;gsize();g++){ data_type *dt = gb_tbl->get_data_type(g); if(dt->is_temporal()){ /* fprintf(stderr,"group by attribute %s is temporal, ", gb_tbl->get_name(g).c_str()); */ if(dt->is_increasing()){ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tf->last_gb_%d = f->last_flushed_gb_%d = %s;\n",g, g, dt->get_min_literal().c_str()); }else{ sprintf(tmpstr,"\tf->last_gb_%d = f->last_flushed_gb_%d = %s;\n",g, g, dt->get_max_literal().c_str()); } ret += tmpstr; } } } ret += "\tf->f.alloc_fta="+generate_alloc_name(node_name)+";\n"; ret+="\tf->f.free_fta=free_fta_"+node_name+";\n"; ret+="\tf->f.control_fta=control_fta_"+node_name+";\n"; ret+="\tf->f.accept_packet=accept_packet_"+node_name+";\n"; ret+="\tf->f.clock_fta=clock_fta_"+node_name+";\n\n"; // Initialize runtime stats ret+="\tf->in_tuple_cnt = 0;\n"; ret+="\tf->out_tuple_cnt = 0;\n"; ret+="\tf->out_tuple_sz = 0;\n"; ret+="\tf->accepted_tuple_cnt = 0;\n"; ret+="\tf->cycle_cnt = 0;\n"; ret+="\tf->collision_cnt = 0;\n"; ret+="\tf->eviction_cnt = 0;\n"; ret+="\tf->sampling_rate = 1.0;\n"; ret+="\tf->trace_id = 0;\n\n"; if(param_tbl->size() > 0){ ret+= "\tif(load_params_"+node_name+"(f, sz, value, 1)){\n" "#ifndef LFTA_IN_NIC\n" "\t\t\tfprintf(stderr,\"WARNING: parameter passed to lfta "+node_name+" is too small (%d). This query does not have valid parameters, bailing out.\\n\",sz);\n" "#else\n" "\t\t}\n" "#endif\n" "\t\t\treturn 0;\n" "\t\t}\n"; } // Register the pass-by-handle parameters int ph; for(ph=0;phtype_name); sprintf(tmpstr,"\tf->handle_param_%d = %s((struct FTA *)f,",ph,param_handle_table[ph]->lfta_registration_fcn().c_str()); switch(param_handle_table[ph]->val_type){ case cplx_lit_e: ret += tmpstr; if(pdt.is_buffer_type()) ret += "&("; sprintf(tmpstr,"f->complex_literal_%d",param_handle_table[ph]->complex_literal_idx); ret += tmpstr ; if(pdt.is_buffer_type()) ret += ")"; ret += ");\n"; break; case litval_e: // not complex, no constructor ret += tmpstr; ret += param_handle_table[ph]->litval->to_C_code("") + ");\n"; break; case param_e: // query parameter handles are regstered/deregistered in the // load_params function. // ret += "t->param_"+param_handle_table[ph]->param_name; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL ERROR unknown case found when processing pass-by-handle parameter table.\n"); exit(1); } } ret += "\treturn (struct FTA *) f;\n"; ret += "}\n\n"; return(ret); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string generate_lfta_block(qp_node *fs, table_list *schema, int gid, // map &int_fcn_defs, ext_fcn_list *Ext_fcns, string &schema_embed_str, ifq_t *ifdb, nic_property *nicp, set &s_pids){ bool is_aggr_query; int s,p,g; string retval; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Do operator-generic processing, such as /// gathering the set of referenced columns, /// generating structures, etc. // Initialize globals to empty. gb_tbl = NULL; aggr_tbl = NULL; global_id = -1; nicprop = NULL; param_tbl = fs->get_param_tbl(); sl_list.clear(); where.clear(); partial_fcns.clear(); fcn_ref_cnt.clear(); is_partial_fcn.clear(); pred_class.clear(); pred_pos.clear(); sl_fcns_start=sl_fcns_end=wh_fcns_start=wh_fcns_end=0; gb_fcns_start=gb_fcns_end=ag_fcns_start=ag_fcns_end=0; // Does the lfta read packed results from the NIC? nicprop = nicp; // load into global global_id = gid; packed_return = false; if(nicp && nicp->option_exists("Return")){ if(nicp->option_value("Return") == "Packed"){ packed_return = true; }else{ fprintf(stderr,"Warning, nic option value of Return=%s is not recognized, ignoring\n",nicp->option_value("Return").c_str()); } } // Extract data which defines the query. // complex literals gathered now. complex_literals = fs->get_cplx_lit_tbl(Ext_fcns); param_handle_table = fs->get_handle_param_tbl(Ext_fcns); string node_name = fs->get_node_name(); bool is_fj = false, uses_bloom = false; bool is_wj = false; bool is_watch_tbl = false; if(fs->node_type() == "spx_qpn"){ is_aggr_query = false; spx_qpn *spx_node = (spx_qpn *)fs; sl_list = spx_node->get_select_se_list(); where = spx_node->get_where_clause(); gb_tbl = NULL; aggr_tbl = NULL; } else if(fs->node_type() == "sgah_qpn"){ is_aggr_query = true; sgah_qpn *sgah_node = (sgah_qpn *)fs; sl_list = sgah_node->get_select_se_list(); where = sgah_node->get_where_clause(); gb_tbl = sgah_node->get_gb_tbl(); aggr_tbl = sgah_node->get_aggr_tbl(); if((sgah_node->get_having_clause()).size() > 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Warning in LFTA %s: HAVING clause will be ignored.\n", fs->get_node_name().c_str()); } } else if(fs->node_type() == "filter_join"){ is_aggr_query = false; is_fj = true; filter_join_qpn *fj_node = (filter_join_qpn *)fs; sl_list = fj_node->get_select_se_list(); where = fj_node->get_where_clause(); uses_bloom = fj_node->use_bloom; gb_tbl = NULL; aggr_tbl = NULL; }else if(fs->node_type() == "watch_join"){ is_aggr_query = false; is_wj = true; watch_join_qpn *wl_node = (watch_join_qpn *)fs; sl_list = wl_node->get_select_se_list(); where = wl_node->get_where_clause(); gb_tbl = NULL; aggr_tbl = NULL; }else if(fs->node_type() == "watch_tbl_qpn"){ is_aggr_query = false; is_watch_tbl = true; vector empty_sl_list; vector empty_where; sl_list = empty_sl_list; where = empty_where; gb_tbl = NULL; aggr_tbl = NULL; } else { fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR, unrecognized node type %s in generate_lfta_block\n", fs->node_type().c_str()); exit(1); } // Build list of "partial functions", by clause. // NOTE : partial fcns are not handles well. // The act of searching for them associates the fcn call // in the SE with an index to an array. Refs to the // fcn value are replaced with refs to the variable they are // unpacked into. A more general tagging mechanism would be better. int i; vector *pfunc_ptr = NULL; vector *ref_cnt_ptr = NULL; if(!is_aggr_query){ // don't collect cacheable fcns on aggr query. ref_cnt_ptr = &fcn_ref_cnt; pfunc_ptr = &is_partial_fcn; } sl_fcns_start = 0; for(i=0;ipr, &partial_fcns, ref_cnt_ptr, pfunc_ptr, Ext_fcns); } gb_fcns_start = wh_fcns_end = partial_fcns.size(); if(gb_tbl != NULL){ for(i=0;isize();i++){ find_partial_fcns(gb_tbl->get_def(i), &partial_fcns, NULL, NULL, Ext_fcns); } } ag_fcns_start = gb_fcns_end = partial_fcns.size(); if(aggr_tbl != NULL){ for(i=0;isize();i++){ find_partial_fcns(aggr_tbl->get_aggr_se(i), NULL, NULL, &is_partial_fcn, Ext_fcns); } } ag_fcns_end = partial_fcns.size(); // Fill up the is_partial_fcn and fcn_ref_cnt arrays. if(is_aggr_query){ for(i=0; iset_partial_ref(-1); } } node_name = normalize_name(node_name); retval += generate_preamble(schema, /*int_fcn_defs,*/ node_name, schema_embed_str); if(packed_return){ // generate unpack struct vector input_tbls = fs->get_input_tbls(); int schref = input_tbls[0]->get_schema_ref(); vector refd_cols; for(s=0;spr,refd_cols, nicp, gb_tbl); } if(gb_tbl){ for(g=0;gsize();++g){ gather_nicsafe_cols(gb_tbl->get_def(g),refd_cols, nicp, gb_tbl); } } sort(refd_cols.begin(), refd_cols.end()); retval += "struct "+node_name+"_input_struct{\n"; retval += "\tint __lfta_id_fm_nic__;\n"; int vsi; for(vsi=0;vsiget_type_name(schref,refd_cols[vsi])); retval+="\t"+dt.get_cvar_type()+" unpack_var_"+refd_cols[vsi]+";\n"; } retval+="};\n\n"; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common stuff unpacked, do some generation if(is_aggr_query) retval += generate_aggr_struct(node_name, gb_tbl, aggr_tbl); if(is_fj) retval += generate_fj_struct((filter_join_qpn *)fs, node_name); if(is_watch_tbl){ retval += "\n\n// watchtable code here \n\n"; watch_tbl_qpn *wl_node = (watch_tbl_qpn *)fs; retval += generate_watchlist_structs(node_name, wl_node->table_layout, wl_node->filename, wl_node->refresh_interval); retval += generate_watchlist_load(node_name, wl_node->table_layout, wl_node->key_flds); } if(! is_watch_tbl){ retval += generate_fta_struct(node_name, gb_tbl, aggr_tbl, param_tbl, complex_literals, param_handle_table, is_aggr_query, is_fj, is_wj, uses_bloom, schema); retval += generate_tuple_struct(node_name, sl_list) ; if(is_aggr_query) retval += generate_fta_flush(node_name, schema, Ext_fcns) ; if(param_tbl->size() > 0) retval += generate_fta_load_params(node_name) ; retval += generate_fta_free(node_name, is_aggr_query) ; retval += generate_fta_control(node_name, schema, is_aggr_query) ; retval += generate_fta_accept(fs, node_name, schema, Ext_fcns, is_aggr_query, is_fj, is_wj, s_pids) ; /* extract the value of Time_Correlation from interface definition */ int e,v; string es; unsigned time_corr; vector tvec = fs->get_input_tbls(); vector time_corr_vec = ifdb->get_iface_vals(tvec[0]->get_machine(), tvec[0]->get_interface(),"Time_Correlation",e,es); if (time_corr_vec.empty()) time_corr = DEFAULT_TIME_CORR; else time_corr = atoi(time_corr_vec[0].c_str()); retval.append( generate_fta_clock(node_name, schema, time_corr, is_aggr_query, is_wj) ); retval.append( generate_fta_alloc(fs, node_name, schema, is_aggr_query, is_fj, uses_bloom) ); } return(retval); } int compute_snap_len(qp_node *fs, table_list *schema, string snap_type){ // Initialize global vars gb_tbl = NULL; sl_list.clear(); where.clear(); if(fs->node_type() == "watch_tbl_qpn"){ return -1; } if(fs->node_type() == "spx_qpn"){ spx_qpn *spx_node = (spx_qpn *)fs; sl_list = spx_node->get_select_se_list(); where = spx_node->get_where_clause(); } else if(fs->node_type() == "sgah_qpn"){ sgah_qpn *sgah_node = (sgah_qpn *)fs; sl_list = sgah_node->get_select_se_list(); where = sgah_node->get_where_clause(); gb_tbl = sgah_node->get_gb_tbl(); } else if(fs->node_type() == "filter_join"){ filter_join_qpn *fj_node = (filter_join_qpn *)fs; sl_list = fj_node->get_select_se_list(); where = fj_node->get_where_clause(); } else if(fs->node_type() == "watch_join"){ watch_join_qpn *fj_node = (watch_join_qpn *)fs; sl_list = fj_node->get_select_se_list(); where = fj_node->get_where_clause(); } else{ fprintf(stderr,"INTERNAL ERROR, node type %s not recognized in compute_snap_len\n",fs->node_type().c_str()); exit(1); } // Gather all column references, need to define unpacking variables. int w,s; col_id_set cid_set; col_id_set::iterator csi; for(w=0;wpr,cid_set, gb_tbl); for(s=0;ssize();g++) gather_se_col_ids(gb_tbl->get_def(g),cid_set, gb_tbl); } // compute snap length int snap_len = -1; int n_snap=0; for(csi=cid_set.begin(); csi!=cid_set.end();++csi){ int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; string field = (*csi).field; if(snap_type == "index"){ int pos = schema->get_field_idx(schref, field); if(pos>snap_len) snap_len = pos; n_snap++; }else{ param_list *field_params = schema->get_modifier_list(schref, field); if(field_params->contains_key("snap_len")){ string fld_snap_str = field_params->val_of("snap_len"); int fld_snap; if(sscanf(fld_snap_str.c_str(),"%d",&fld_snap)>0){ if(fld_snap > snap_len) snap_len = fld_snap; n_snap++; }else{ fprintf(stderr,"CONFIGURATION ERROR: field %s has a non-numeric snap length (%s), ignoring\n",field.c_str(), fld_snap_str.c_str() ); } } } } if(n_snap == cid_set.size()){ return (snap_len); }else{ return -1; } } // Function which computes an optimal // set of unpacking functions. void find_optimal_unpack_fcns(col_id_set &upref_cids, table_list *Schema, map &ucol_fcn_map){ map pfcn_count; map::iterator msii; col_id_set::iterator cisi; set::iterator ssi; string best_fcn; while(ucol_fcn_map.size() < upref_cids.size()){ // Gather unpack functions referenced by unaccounted-for // columns, and increment their reference count. pfcn_count.clear(); for(cisi=upref_cids.begin();cisi!=upref_cids.end();++cisi){ if(ucol_fcn_map.count((*cisi)) == 0){ set ufcns = Schema->get_field((*cisi).schema_ref, (*cisi).field)->get_unpack_fcns(); for(ssi=ufcns.begin();ssi!=ufcns.end();++ssi) pfcn_count[(*ssi)]++; } } // Get the lowest cost per field function. float min_cost = 0.0; string best_fcn = ""; for(msii=pfcn_count.begin();msii!=pfcn_count.end();++msii){ int fcost = Schema->get_ufcn_cost((*msii).first); if(fcost < 0){ fprintf(stderr,"CONFIGURATION ERROR, unpack function %s either has negative cost or is not defined.\n",(*msii).first.c_str()); exit(1); } float this_cost = (1.0*fcost)/(*msii).second; if(msii == pfcn_count.begin() || this_cost < min_cost){ min_cost = this_cost; best_fcn = (*msii).first; } } if(best_fcn == ""){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, could not find a best field unpqacking function.\n"); exit(1); } // Assign this function to the unassigned fcns which use it. for(cisi=upref_cids.begin();cisi!=upref_cids.end();++cisi){ if(ucol_fcn_map.count((*cisi)) == 0){ set ufcns = Schema->get_field((*cisi).schema_ref, (*cisi).field)->get_unpack_fcns(); if(ufcns.count(best_fcn)>0) ucol_fcn_map[(*cisi)] = best_fcn; } } } } // Generate an initial test test for the lfta // Assume that the predicate references no external functions, // and especially no partial functions, // aggregates, internal functions. string generate_lfta_prefilter(vector &pred_list, col_id_set &temp_cids, table_list *Schema, ext_fcn_list *Ext_fcns, vector &lfta_cols, vector &lfta_sigs, vector &lfta_snap_lens, string iface){ col_id_set tmp_cid_set, cid_set,upref_cids,upall_cids; col_id_set::iterator csi; int o,p,q; string ret; // Gather complex literals in the prefilter. cplx_lit_table *complex_literals = new cplx_lit_table(); for(p=0;ppr,Ext_fcns, complex_literals); } // Find the combinable predicates vector pr_list; for(p=0;ppr,&pr_list, Schema, Ext_fcns); } // Analyze the combinable predicates to find the predicate classes. pred_class.clear(); // idx to equiv pred in equiv_list pred_pos.clear(); // idx to returned bitmask. vector equiv_list; vector num_equiv; for(p=0;psize() == 0) ret += "\tint no_variable;\n"; int cl; for(cl=0;clsize();cl++){ literal_t *l = complex_literals->get_literal(cl); data_type *dtl = new data_type( l->get_type() ); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s complex_literal_%d;\n",dtl->get_cvar_type().c_str(),cl); ret += tmpstr; } ret += "} prefilter_complex_lits_"+iface+";\n\n"; // Generate the prefilter initialziation code ret += "void init_lfta_prefilter_"+iface+"(){\n"; // First initialize complex literals, if any. ret += "\tstruct prefilter_complex_lit_struct_"+iface+" *t = &prefilter_complex_lits_"+iface+";\n"; for(cl=0;clsize();cl++){ literal_t *l = complex_literals->get_literal(cl); sprintf(tmpstr,"&(t->complex_literal_%d)",cl); ret += "\t" + l->to_C_code(tmpstr) + ";\n"; } set epred_seen; for(p=0;p0){ ret += "\tregister_commonpred_handles_"+equiv_list[q]->get_op()+"("; vector cl_op = Ext_fcns->get_class_indicators(equiv_list[q]->get_fcn_id()); vector op_list = pr_list[p]->get_op_list(); for(o=0;oget_op()+"("; vector cl_op = Ext_fcns->get_class_indicators(equiv_list[q]->get_fcn_id()); vector op_list = pr_list[p]->get_op_list(); for(o=0;opr,tmp_cid_set, gb_tbl); } // make the col_ids refer to the base tables, and // grab the col_ids with at least one unpacking function. for(csi=tmp_cid_set.begin();csi!=tmp_cid_set.end();++csi){ string c_tbl = Schema->get_basetbl_name((*csi).schema_ref,(*csi).field); col_id tmp_col_id; tmp_col_id.field = (*csi).field; tmp_col_id.tblvar_ref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; tmp_col_id.schema_ref = Schema->get_table_ref(c_tbl); cid_set.insert(tmp_col_id); field_entry *fe = Schema->get_field(tmp_col_id.schema_ref, tmp_col_id.field); if(fe->get_unpack_fcns().size()>0) upref_cids.insert(tmp_col_id); } // Find the set of unpacking programs needed for the // prefilter fields. map ucol_fcn_map; find_optimal_unpack_fcns(upref_cids, Schema, ucol_fcn_map); set pref_ufcns; map::iterator mcis; for(mcis=ucol_fcn_map.begin(); mcis!=ucol_fcn_map.end(); mcis++){ pref_ufcns.insert((*mcis).second); } // Variables for unpacking attributes. body += "/*\t\tVariables for unpacking attributes\t*/\n"; for(csi=cid_set.begin(); csi!=cid_set.end();++csi){ int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; string field = (*csi).field; data_type dt(Schema->get_type_name(schref,field)); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s unpack_var_%s_%d;\n",dt.get_cvar_type().c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); body += tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr,"\tgs_retval_t ret_%s_%d;\n", field.c_str(),tblref); body += tmpstr; } // Variables for unpacking temporal attributes. body += "/*\t\tVariables for unpacking temporal attributes\t*/\n"; for(csi=temp_cids.begin(); csi!=temp_cids.end();++csi){ if (cid_set.count(*csi) == 0) { int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; string field = (*csi).field; data_type dt(Schema->get_type_name(schref,field)); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s unpack_var_%s_%d;\n",dt.get_cvar_type().c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); body += tmpstr; } } body += "\n\n"; // Variables for combinable predicate evaluation body += "/*\t\tVariables for common prdicate evaluation\t*/\n"; for(q=0;q 0) body += "\n/*\t\tcall field unpacking functions\t*/\n"; set::iterator ssi; for(ssi=pref_ufcns.begin(); ssi!=pref_ufcns.end(); ++ssi){ body += "\t"+Schema->get_ufcn_fcn((*ssi))+"(p);\n"; } // Unpack the accessed attributes body += "\n/*\t\tUnpack the accessed attributes.\t*/\n"; for(csi=cid_set.begin();csi!=cid_set.end();++csi){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; sprintf(tmpstr,"\tret_%s_%d = (%s(p, &unpack_var_%s_%d) == 0);\n", field.c_str(),tblref,Schema->get_fcn(schref,field).c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); body += tmpstr; } // next unpack the temporal attributes and ignore the errors // We are assuming here that failed unpack of temporal attributes // is not going to overwrite the last stored value // Failed upacks are ignored for(csi=temp_cids.begin();csi!=temp_cids.end();++csi){ int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; string field = (*csi).field; sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s(p, &prefilter_temp_vars.unpack_var_%s_%d);\n", Schema->get_fcn(schref,field).c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); body += tmpstr; } // Evaluate the combinable predicates if(equiv_list.size()>0) body += "/*\t\tEvaluate the combinable predicates.\t*/\n"; for(q=0;q0){ body += "\tif("; for(cpi=pred_cids.begin();cpi!=pred_cids.end();++cpi){ if(cpi != pred_cids.begin()) body += " && "; string field = (*cpi).field; int tblref = (*cpi).tblvar_ref; body += "ret_"+field+"_"+int_to_string(tblref); } body+=")\n"; } body += "\t\tpref_common_pred_val_"+int_to_string(q)+"_"+int_to_string(p)+" = eval_commonpred_"+equiv_list[q]->get_op()+"(pref_common_pred_hdl_"+int_to_string(q)+"_"+int_to_string(p)+"_"+iface; vector op_list = equiv_list[q]->get_op_list(); vector cl_op = Ext_fcns->get_class_indicators(equiv_list[q]->get_fcn_id()); for(o=0;opr,pred_cids, gb_tbl); if(pred_cids.size()>0){ body += "\tif("; for(cpi=pred_cids.begin();cpi!=pred_cids.end();++cpi){ if(cpi != pred_cids.begin()) body += " && "; string field = (*cpi).field; int tblref = (*cpi).tblvar_ref; body += "ret_"+field+"_"+int_to_string(tblref); } body+=")\n"; } body += "\t\tif("+generate_predicate_code(pred_list[p]->pr,Schema)+")\n\t\t\tretval |= bitpos;\n"; body+="\tbitpos = bitpos << 1;\n"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Finished with the body of the prefilter // -------------------------------------------------------------- ret += body; // Collect fields referenced by an lfta but not // already unpacked for the prefilter. //printf("upref_cids is:\n"); //for(csi=upref_cids.begin();csi!=upref_cids.end();csi++) //printf("\t%s %d\n",(*csi).field.c_str(), (*csi).schema_ref); //printf("pref_ufcns is:\n"); //for(ssi=pref_ufcns.begin();ssi!=pref_ufcns.end();++ssi) //printf("\t%s\n",(*ssi).c_str()); int l; for(l=0;lget_basetbl_name((*csi).schema_ref,(*csi).field); col_id tmp_col_id; tmp_col_id.field = (*csi).field; tmp_col_id.tblvar_ref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; tmp_col_id.schema_ref = Schema->get_table_ref(c_tbl); field_entry *fe = Schema->get_field(tmp_col_id.schema_ref, tmp_col_id.field); set fld_ufcns = fe->get_unpack_fcns(); //printf("tmpcol is (%s, %d), ufcns size is %d, upref_cids cnt is %d\n",tmp_col_id.field.c_str(),tmp_col_id.schema_ref,fld_ufcns.size(), upref_cids.count(tmp_col_id)); if(fld_ufcns.size()>0 && upref_cids.count(tmp_col_id) == 0){ // Ensure that this field not already unpacked. bool found = false; for(ssi=fld_ufcns.begin();ssi!=fld_ufcns.end();++ssi){ //printf("\tField has unpacking fcn %s\n",(*ssi).c_str()); if(pref_ufcns.count((*ssi))){ //printf("Field already unpacked.\n"); found = true;; } } if(! found){ //printf("\tadding to unpack list\n"); upall_cids.insert(tmp_col_id); } } } } //printf("upall_cids is:\n"); //for(csi=upall_cids.begin();csi!=upall_cids.end();csi++) //printf("\t%s %d\n",(*csi).field.c_str(), (*csi).schema_ref); // Get the set of unpacking programs for these. map uall_fcn_map; find_optimal_unpack_fcns(upall_cids, Schema, uall_fcn_map); set pall_ufcns; for(mcis=uall_fcn_map.begin(); mcis!=uall_fcn_map.end(); mcis++){ //printf("uall_fcn_map[%s %d] = %s\n",(*mcis).first.field.c_str(),(*mcis).first.schema_ref,(*mcis).second.c_str()); pall_ufcns.insert((*mcis).second); } // Iterate through the remaining set of unpacking function if(pall_ufcns.size() > 0) ret += "//\t\tcall all remaining field unpacking functions.\n"; for(ssi=pall_ufcns.begin(); ssi!=pall_ufcns.end(); ++ssi){ // gather the set of columns unpacked by this ufcn col_id_set fcol_set; for(csi=upall_cids.begin();csi!=upall_cids.end();++csi){ if(uall_fcn_map[(*csi)] == (*ssi)) fcol_set.insert((*csi)); } // gather the set of lftas which access a field unpacked by the fcn set clfta; for(l=0;l 0) break; } if(csi != fcol_set.end()) clfta.insert(lfta_sigs[l]); } // generate the unpacking code ret += "\tif("; set::iterator sii; for(sii=clfta.begin();sii!=clfta.end();++sii){ if(sii!=clfta.begin()) ret += " || "; sprintf(tmpstr,"((retval & %lluull) == %lluull)",(*sii),(*sii)); ret += tmpstr; } ret += ")\n\t\t"+Schema->get_ufcn_fcn((*ssi))+"(p);\n"; } ret += "\treturn(retval);\n\n"; ret += "}\n\n"; // -------------------------------------------------------- // reuse prefilter body for snaplen calculator // // This is dummy code, so I'm commenting it out. /* ret+="gs_uint32_t lfta_pkt_snaplen(void *pkt){\n"; ret += body; int i; vector s_snaps = lfta_snap_lens; sort(s_snaps.begin(), s_snaps.end()); if(s_snaps[0] == -1){ set sigset; for(i=0;i::iterator sulli; for(sulli=sigset.begin();sulli!=sigset.end();++sulli){ if(sulli!=sigset.begin()) ret += " || "; sprintf(tmpstr,"((retval & %lluull) == %lluull)",(*sulli),(*sulli)); ret += tmpstr; } ret += ") return -1;\n"; } int nextpos = lfta_snap_lens.size()-1; int nextval = lfta_snap_lens[nextpos]; while(nextval >= 0){ set sigset; for(i=0;i::iterator sulli; for(sulli=sigset.begin();sulli!=sigset.end();++sulli){ if(sulli!=sigset.begin()) ret += " || "; sprintf(tmpstr,"((retval & %lluull) == %lluull)",(*sulli),(*sulli)); ret += tmpstr; } ret += ") return "+int_to_string(nextval)+";\n"; for(nextpos--;nextpos>0 && lfta_snap_lens[nextpos] == nextval;nextpos--); if(nextpos>0) nextval = lfta_snap_lens[nextpos]; else nextval = -1; } ret += "\treturn 0;\n"; ret += "}\n\n"; */ return(ret); } // Generate the struct which will store the the values of // temporal attributesunpacked by prefilter string generate_lfta_prefilter_struct(col_id_set &cid_set, table_list *Schema) { col_id_set::iterator csi; // printf("generate_lfta_prefilter_struct : %d vars\n",cid_set.size()); string ret="struct prefilter_unpacked_temp_vars {\n"; ret += "\t/*\tVariables for unpacking temporal attributes\t*/\n"; string init_code; for(csi=cid_set.begin(); csi!=cid_set.end();++csi){ int schref = (*csi).schema_ref; int tblref = (*csi).tblvar_ref; string field = (*csi).field; data_type dt(Schema->get_type_name(schref,field), Schema->get_modifier_list(schref,field)); sprintf(tmpstr,"\t%s unpack_var_%s_%d;\n",dt.get_cvar_type().c_str(), field.c_str(), tblref); ret += tmpstr; if (init_code != "") init_code += ", "; if (dt.is_increasing()) init_code += dt.get_min_literal(); else init_code += dt.get_max_literal(); } ret += "};\n\n"; ret += "struct prefilter_unpacked_temp_vars prefilter_temp_vars = {" + init_code + "};\n\n"; return(ret); }