# ================================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. # Copyright (c) 2020 HCL Technologies Limited. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ================================================================================== from influxdb import DataFrameClient from configparser import ConfigParser from mdclogpy import Logger from src.exceptions import NoDataError from influxdb.exceptions import InfluxDBClientError, InfluxDBServerError from requests.exceptions import RequestException import pandas as pd import time logger = Logger(name=__name__) class DATABASE(object): def __init__(self, dbname='Timeseries', user='root', password='root', host="r4-influxdb.ricplt", port='8086', path='', ssl=False): self.host = host self.port = port self.user = user self.password = password self.path = path self.ssl = ssl self.dbname = dbname self.data = None self.client = None self.config() def connect(self): if self.client is not None: self.client.close() try: self.client = DataFrameClient(self.host, port=self.port, username=self.user, password=self.password, path=self.path, ssl=self.ssl, database=self.dbname, verify_ssl=self.ssl) version = self.client.request('ping', expected_response_code=204).headers['X-Influxdb-Version'] logger.info("Conected to Influx Database, InfluxDB version : {}".format(version)) return True except (RequestException, InfluxDBClientError, InfluxDBServerError, ConnectionError): logger.error("Failed to establish a new connection with InflulxDB, Please check your url/hostname") time.sleep(120) def read_data(self, meas='ueMeasReport', limit=10000, cellid=False, ueid=False): if cellid: meas = self.cellmeas param = self.cid Id = cellid if ueid: meas = self.uemeas param = self.ue limit = 1 Id = ueid query = """select * from {}""".format(meas) query += """ where "{}" = \'{}\'""".format(param, Id) query += " ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {}".format(limit) self.query(query, meas, Id) def query(self, query, meas, Id=False): try: result = self.client.query(query) if len(result) == 0: raise NoDataError else: self.data = result[meas] except (RequestException, InfluxDBClientError, InfluxDBServerError): logger.error("Failed to connect to influxdb") except NoDataError: self.data = None if Id: logger.error("Data not found for " + Id + " in measurement: "+meas) else: logger.error("Data not found for " + meas) def cells(self, meas='CellReports', limit=100): meas = self.cellmeas query = """select * from {}""".format(meas) query += " ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {}".format(limit) self.query(query, meas) if self.data is not None: return self.data[self.cid].unique() def write_prediction(self, df, meas_name='QP'): try: self.client.write_points(df, meas_name) except (RequestException, InfluxDBClientError, InfluxDBServerError): logger.error("Failed to send metrics to influxdb") def config(self): cfg = ConfigParser() cfg.read('src/qp_config.ini') for section in cfg.sections(): if section == 'influxdb': self.host = cfg.get(section, "host") self.port = cfg.get(section, "port") self.user = cfg.get(section, "user") self.password = cfg.get(section, "password") self.path = cfg.get(section, "path") self.ssl = cfg.get(section, "ssl") self.dbname = cfg.get(section, "database") self.cellmeas = cfg.get(section, "cellmeas") self.uemeas = cfg.get(section, "uemeas") if section == 'features': self.thptparam = [cfg.get(section, "thptUL"), cfg.get(section, "thptDL")] self.nbcells = cfg.get(section, "nbcells") self.servcell = cfg.get(section, "servcell") self.ue = cfg.get(section, "ue") self.cid = cfg.get(section, "cid") class DUMMY(DATABASE): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.ue_data = pd.DataFrame([[1002, "c2/B13", 8, 69, 65, 113, 0.1, 0.1, "Car-1", -882, -959, pd.to_datetime("2021-05-12T07:43:51.652")]], columns=["du-id", "RF.serving.Id", "prb_usage", "rsrp", "rsrq", "rssinr", "throughput", "targetTput", "ue-id", "x", "y", "measTimeStampRf"]) self.cell = pd.read_csv('src/cells.csv') def read_data(self, meas='ueMeasReport', limit=100000, cellid=False, ueid=False): if ueid: self.data = self.ue_data.head(limit) if cellid: self.data = self.cell.head(limit) def cells(self): return self.cell[self.cid].unique() def write_prediction(self, df, meas_name='QP'): pass def query(self, query=None): return {'UEReports': self.ue_data.head(1)}