// : vi ts=4 sw=4 noet : /* ================================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================== */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mnemonic: symtab.c Abstract: Symbol table -- slightly streamlined from it's original 2000 version (a part of the {X}fm opensource code), though we must retain the original copyright. Things changed for the Ric Msg implemention (Nov 2018): - no concept of copy/free of the user data (functions removed) - add ability to support an integer key (class 0) - externally visible names given a rmr_ extension as it's being incorporated into the RIC msg routing library and will be available to user applications. Date: 11 Feb 2000 Author: E. Scott Daniels Mod: 2016 23 Feb - converted Symtab refs so that caller need only a void pointer to use and struct does not need to be exposed. 2018 30 Nov - Augmented from original form (see above). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "rmr_symtab.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct Sym_ele { struct Sym_ele *next; /* pointer at next element in list */ struct Sym_ele *prev; /* larger table, easier deletes */ const char *name; /* symbol name */ unsigned int nkey; // the numeric key void *val; /* user data associated with name */ unsigned long mcount; /* modificaitons to value */ unsigned long rcount; /* references to symbol */ //unsigned int flags; unsigned int class; /* helps divide things up and allows for duplicate names */ } Sym_ele; typedef struct Sym_tab { Sym_ele **symlist; /* pointer to list of element pointerss */ long inhabitants; /* number of active residents */ long deaths; /* number of deletes */ long size; } Sym_tab; // -------------------- internal ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int sym_hash( const char *n, long size ) { const char *p; long t = 0; unsigned long tt = 0; unsigned long x = 79; for( p = n; *p; p++ ) /* a bit of magic */ t = (t * 79 ) + *p; if( t < 0 ) t = ~t; return (int ) (t % size); } /* delete element pointed to by eptr at hash loc hv */ static void del_ele( Sym_tab *table, int hv, Sym_ele *eptr ) { Sym_ele **sym_tab; sym_tab = table->symlist; if( eptr ) /* unchain it */ { if( eptr->prev ) eptr->prev->next = eptr->next; else sym_tab[hv] = eptr->next; if( eptr->next ) eptr->next->prev = eptr->prev; if( eptr->class && eptr->name ) { // class 0 entries are numeric, so name is NOT a pointer free( (void *) eptr->name ); // and if free fails, what? panic? } free( eptr ); table->deaths++; table->inhabitants--; } } /* Determine if these are the same. */ static inline int same( unsigned int c1, unsigned int c2, const char *s1, const char* s2 ) { if( c1 != c2 ) return 0; /* different class - not the same */ if( *s1 == *s2 && strcmp( s1, s2 ) == 0 ) return 1; return 0; } /* Generic routine to put something into the table called by sym_map or sym_put since the logic for each is pretty much the same. */ static int putin( Sym_tab *table, const char *name, unsigned int class, void *val ) { Sym_ele *eptr; /* pointer into hash table */ Sym_ele **sym_tab; /* pointer into hash table */ int hv; /* hash value */ int rc = 0; /* assume it existed */ unsigned int nkey = 0; // numeric key if class == 0 sym_tab = table->symlist; if( class ) { // string key hv = sym_hash( name, table->size ); // hash it for( eptr=sym_tab[hv]; eptr && ! same( class, eptr->class, eptr->name, name); eptr=eptr->next ); } else { nkey = *((int *) name); hv = nkey % table->size; // just hash the number for( eptr=sym_tab[hv]; eptr && eptr->nkey != nkey; eptr=eptr->next ); } if( ! eptr ) { // not found above, so add rc++; table->inhabitants++; eptr = (Sym_ele *) malloc( sizeof( Sym_ele) ); if( ! eptr ) { fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] symtab/putin: out of memory\n" ); return -1; } eptr->prev = NULL; eptr->class = class; eptr->mcount = eptr->rcount = 0; /* init counters */ eptr->val = NULL; eptr->nkey = nkey; if( class ) { eptr->name = strdup( name ); } else { eptr->name = NULL; // for a numeric key, just save the value } eptr->next = sym_tab[hv]; // add to head of list sym_tab[hv] = eptr; if( eptr->next ) eptr->next->prev = eptr; /* chain back to new one */ } eptr->mcount++; eptr->val = val; return rc; } // -------------------- visible ------------------------------------------------------------------ /* delete all elements in the table */ extern void rmr_sym_clear( void *vtable ) { Sym_tab *table; Sym_ele **sym_tab; int i; table = (Sym_tab *) vtable; sym_tab = table->symlist; for( i = 0; i < table->size; i++ ) while( sym_tab[i] ) del_ele( table, i, sym_tab[i] ); } /* Clear and then free the whole thing. */ extern void rmr_sym_free( void *vtable ) { Sym_tab *table; table = (Sym_tab *) vtable; if( table == NULL ) return; rmr_sym_clear( vtable ); free( table->symlist ); free( table ); } extern void rmr_sym_dump( void *vtable ) { Sym_tab *table; int i; Sym_ele *eptr; Sym_ele **sym_tab; table = (Sym_tab *) vtable; sym_tab = table->symlist; for( i = 0; i < table->size; i++ ) { if( sym_tab[i] ) for( eptr = sym_tab[i]; eptr; eptr = eptr->next ) { if( eptr->val && eptr->class ) { fprintf( stderr, "key=%s val@=%p\n", eptr->name, eptr->val ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "nkey=%d val@=%p\n", eptr->nkey, eptr->val ); } } } } /* Allocate a table the size requested - best if size is prime. Returns a pointer to the management block (handle) or NULL on failure. */ extern void *rmr_sym_alloc( int size ) { int i; Sym_tab *table; if( size < 11 ) /* provide a bit of sanity */ size = 11; if( (table = (Sym_tab *) malloc( sizeof( Sym_tab ))) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "rmr_sym_alloc: unable to get memory for symtable (%d elements)", size ); return NULL; } memset( table, 0, sizeof( *table ) ); if((table->symlist = (Sym_ele **) malloc( sizeof( Sym_ele *) * size ))) { memset( table->symlist, 0, sizeof( Sym_ele *) * size ); table->size = size; } else { fprintf( stderr, "sym_alloc: unable to get memory for %d elements", size ); return NULL; } return (void *) table; /* user might want to know what the size is */ } /* Delete an element given name/class or numeric key (class 0). */ extern void rmr_sym_del( void *vtable, const char *name, unsigned int class ) { Sym_tab *table; Sym_ele **sym_tab; Sym_ele *eptr; /* pointer into hash table */ int hv; /* hash value */ unsigned int nkey; // class 0, name points to integer not string table = (Sym_tab *) vtable; sym_tab = table->symlist; if( class ) { hv = sym_hash( name, table->size ); for(eptr=sym_tab[hv]; eptr && ! same(class, eptr->class, eptr->name, name); eptr=eptr->next ); } else { nkey = *((int *) name); hv = nkey % table->size; // just hash the number for( eptr=sym_tab[hv]; eptr && eptr->nkey != nkey; eptr=eptr->next ); } del_ele( table, hv, eptr ); /* ignors null ptr, so safe to always call */ } /* Delete element by numberic key. */ extern void *rmr_sym_ndel( void *vtable, int key ) { rmr_sym_del( vtable, (const char *) &key, 0 ); } extern void *rmr_sym_get( void *vtable, const char *name, unsigned int class ) { Sym_tab *table; Sym_ele **sym_tab; Sym_ele *eptr; // element from table int hv; // hash value of key unsigned int nkey; // numeric key if class 0 table = (Sym_tab *) vtable; sym_tab = table->symlist; if( class ) { hv = sym_hash( name, table->size ); for(eptr=sym_tab[hv]; eptr && ! same(class, eptr->class, eptr->name, name); eptr=eptr->next ); } else { nkey = *((int *) name); hv = nkey % table->size; // just hash the number for( eptr=sym_tab[hv]; eptr && eptr->nkey != nkey; eptr=eptr->next ); } if( eptr ) { eptr->rcount++; return eptr->val; } return NULL; } /* Retrieve the data referenced by a numerical key. */ extern void *rmr_sym_pull( void *vtable, int key ) { return rmr_sym_get( vtable, (const char *) &key, 0 ); } /* Put an element with a string key into the table. Replaces the element if it was already there. Class must be >0 and if not 1 will be forced. (class 0 keys are numeric). Returns 1 if new, 0 if existed. */ extern int rmr_sym_put( void *vtable, const char *name, unsigned int class, void *val ) { Sym_tab *table; if( class == 0 ) { class = 1; } table = (Sym_tab *) vtable; return putin( table, name, class, val ); } /* Add a new entry assuming that the key is an unsigned integer. Returns 1 if new, 0 if existed */ extern int rmr_sym_map( void *vtable, unsigned int key, void *val ) { Sym_tab *table; table = (Sym_tab *) vtable; return putin( table, (const char *) &key, 0, val ); } /* Dump some statistics to stderr dev. Higher level is the more info dumpped */ extern void rmr_sym_stats( void *vtable, int level ) { Sym_tab *table; Sym_ele *eptr; /* pointer into the elements */ Sym_ele **sym_tab; int i; int empty = 0; long ch_count; long max_chain = 0; int maxi = 0; int twoper = 0; table = (Sym_tab *) vtable; sym_tab = table->symlist; for( i = 0; i < table->size; i++ ) { ch_count = 0; if( sym_tab[i] ) { for( eptr = sym_tab[i]; eptr; eptr = eptr->next ) { ch_count++; if( level > 3 ) { if( eptr->class ) { // a string key fprintf( stderr, "sym: (%d) key=%s val@=%p ref=%ld mod=%lu\n", i, eptr->name, eptr->val, eptr->rcount, eptr->mcount ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "sym: (%d) key=%d val@=%p ref=%ld mod=%lu\n", i, eptr->nkey, eptr->val, eptr->rcount, eptr->mcount ); } } } } else empty++; if( ch_count > max_chain ) { max_chain = ch_count; maxi = i; } if( ch_count > 1 ) twoper++; if( level > 2 ) fprintf( stderr, "sym: (%d) chained=%ld\n", i, ch_count ); } if( level > 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "sym: longest chain: idx=%d has %ld elsements):\n", maxi, max_chain ); for( eptr = sym_tab[maxi]; eptr; eptr = eptr->next ) { if( eptr->class ) { fprintf( stderr, "\t%s\n", eptr->name ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "\t%d (numeric key)\n", eptr->nkey ); } } } fprintf( stderr, "sym:%ld(size) %ld(inhab) %ld(occupied) %ld(dead) %ld(maxch) %d(>2per)\n", table->size, table->inhabitants, table->size - empty, table->deaths, max_chain, twoper ); } /* Drive a user callback function for each entry in a class. It is safe for the user to delete the element as we capture a next pointer before calling their function. */ extern void rmr_sym_foreach_class( void *vst, unsigned int class, void (* user_fun)( void*, void*, const char*, void*, void* ), void *user_data ) { Sym_tab *st; Sym_ele **list; Sym_ele *se; Sym_ele *next; /* allows user to delete the node(s) we return */ int i; st = (Sym_tab *) vst; if( st && (list = st->symlist) != NULL && user_fun != NULL ) for( i = 0; i < st->size; i++ ) for( se = list[i]; se; se = next ) /* using next allows user to delet via this */ { next = se->next; if( class == se->class ) { user_fun( st, se, se->name, se->val, user_data ); } } }