/******************************************************************************* ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) [2017-2019] [Radisys] # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ *******************************************************************************/ /* events */ #define EVENT_SCH_CELL_CFG 1 #define EVENT_SCH_CELL_CFG_CFM 2 #define EVENT_DL_ALLOC 3 #define EVENT_UL_SCH_INFO 4 #define EVENT_RACH_IND_TO_SCH 5 #define EVENT_CRC_IND_TO_SCH 6 #define EVENT_DL_RLC_BO_INFO_TO_SCH 7 /*macros*/ #define NO_SSB 0 #define SSB_TRANSMISSION 1 #define SSB_REPEAT 2 #define MAX_SSB_IDX 1 /* forcing it as 1 for now. Right value is 64 */ #define NO_SIB1 0 #define SIB1_TRANSMISSION 1 #define SIB1_REPITITION 2 #define MAX_NUM_PRG 1 /* max value should be later 275 */ #define MAX_DIG_BF_INTERFACES 0 /* max value should be later 255 */ #define MAX_CODEWORDS 1 /* max should be 2 */ #define SCH_HARQ_PROC_ID 1 /* harq proc id */ #define SCH_ALLOC_TYPE_1 1 /*sch res alloc type */ /* Datatype in UL SCH Info */ #define SCH_DATATYPE_PUSCH 1 #define SCH_DATATYPE_PUSCH_UCI 2 #define SCH_DATATYPE_UCI 4 #define SCH_DATATYPE_SRS 8 #define SCH_DATATYPE_PRACH 16 #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_CRC_IND_BITS 1 #define MAX_NUM_LOGICAL_CHANNELS 11 /* can we have a common numslot numscs between mac sch */ #define MAX_SLOTS 10 #define MAX_SFN 1024 #define CCCH_LCID 0 #define ADD_DELTA_TO_TIME(crntTime, toFill, incr) \ if ((crntTime.slot + incr) > (MAX_SLOTS - 1)) \ toFill.sfn = (crntTime.sfn + 1); \ else \ toFill.sfn = crntTime.sfn; \ toFill.slot = (crntTime.slot + incr) % MAX_SLOTS; \ if (toFill.sfn >= MAX_SFN) \ { \ toFill.sfn%=MAX_SFN; \ } \ /*structures*/ typedef enum { RSP_OK, RSP_NOK }schMacRsp; typedef struct timeDomainAlloc { uint16_t startSymb; uint16_t numSymb; }TimeDomainAlloc; typedef struct freqDomainAlloc { uint16_t startPrb; uint16_t numPrb; }FreqDomainAlloc; typedef struct { uint32_t ssbPbchPwr; /* SSB block power */ uint8_t scsCommon; /* subcarrier spacing for common [0-3]*/ uint8_t ssbOffsetPointA; /* SSB sub carrier offset from point A */ SSBPeriod ssbPeriod; /* SSB Periodicity in msec */ uint8_t ssbSubcOffset; /* Subcarrier Offset(Kssb) */ uint32_t nSSBMask[SSB_MASK_SIZE]; /* Bitmap for actually transmitted SSB. */ }SchSsbCfg; typedef struct bwpCfg { uint8_t subcarrierSpacing; uint8_t cyclicPrefix; FreqDomainAlloc freqAlloc; }BwpCfg; typedef struct prg { uint16_t pmIdx; uint16_t beamIdx[MAX_DIG_BF_INTERFACES]; } Prg; typedef struct beamformingInfo { uint16_t numPrgs; uint16_t prgSize; uint8_t digBfInterfaces; Prg prg[MAX_NUM_PRG]; } BeamformingInfo; /* SIB1 PDSCH structures */ typedef struct codewordinfo { uint16_t targetCodeRate; uint8_t qamModOrder; uint8_t mcsIndex; uint8_t mcsTable; uint8_t rvIndex; uint32_t tbSize; } CodewordInfo; typedef struct dmrsInfo { uint16_t dlDmrsSymbPos; uint8_t dmrsConfigType; uint16_t dlDmrsScramblingId; uint8_t scid; uint8_t numDmrsCdmGrpsNoData; uint16_t dmrsPorts; } DmrsInfo; typedef struct pdschFreqAlloc { uint8_t resourceAllocType; /* since we are using type-1, hence rbBitmap excluded */ FreqDomainAlloc freqAlloc; uint8_t vrbPrbMapping; } PdschFreqAlloc; typedef struct pdschTimeAlloc { uint8_t rowIndex; TimeDomainAlloc timeAlloc; } PdschTimeAlloc; typedef struct txPowerPdschInfo { uint8_t powerControlOffset; uint8_t powerControlOffsetSS; } TxPowerPdschInfo; typedef struct pdschCfg { uint16_t pduBitmap; uint16_t rnti; uint16_t pduIndex; uint8_t numCodewords; CodewordInfo codeword[MAX_CODEWORDS]; uint16_t dataScramblingId; uint8_t numLayers; uint8_t transmissionScheme; uint8_t refPoint; DmrsInfo dmrs; PdschFreqAlloc pdschFreqAlloc; PdschTimeAlloc pdschTimeAlloc; BeamformingInfo beamPdschInfo; TxPowerPdschInfo txPdschPower; } PdschCfg; /* SIB1 PDSCH structures end */ /* SIB1 interface structure */ typedef struct coresetCfg { uint8_t coreSet0Size; uint8_t startSymbolIndex; uint8_t durationSymbols; uint8_t freqDomainResource[6]; uint8_t cceRegMappingType; uint8_t regBundleSize; uint8_t interleaverSize; uint8_t coreSetType; uint16_t shiftIndex; uint8_t precoderGranularity; uint8_t cceIndex; uint8_t aggregationLevel; } CoresetCfg; typedef struct txPowerPdcchInfo { uint8_t powerValue; uint8_t powerControlOffsetSS; } TxPowerPdcchInfo; typedef struct dlDCI { uint16_t rnti; uint16_t scramblingId; uint16_t scramblingRnti; uint8_t cceIndex; uint8_t aggregLevel; BeamformingInfo beamPdcchInfo; TxPowerPdcchInfo txPdcchPower; PdschCfg *pdschCfg; } DlDCI; typedef struct pdcchCfg { /* coreset-0 configuration */ CoresetCfg coreset0Cfg; uint16_t numDlDci; DlDCI dci; /* as of now its only one DCI, later it will be numDlCi */ } PdcchCfg; /* end of SIB1 PDCCH structures */ typedef struct { /* parameters recieved from DU-APP */ uint16_t sib1PduLen; uint16_t sib1NewTxPeriod; uint16_t sib1RepetitionPeriod; uint8_t coresetZeroIndex; /* derived from 4 LSB of pdcchSib1 present in MIB */ uint8_t searchSpaceZeroIndex; /* derived from 4 MSB of pdcchSib1 present in MIB */ uint16_t sib1Mcs; /* parameters derived in scheduler */ uint8_t n0; BwpCfg bwp; PdcchCfg sib1PdcchCfg; PdschCfg sib1PdschCfg; }SchSib1Cfg; typedef struct schRachCfg { uint8_t prachCfgIdx; /* PRACH config idx */ uint8_t prachSubcSpacing; /* Subcarrier spacing of RACH */ uint16_t msg1FreqStart; /* Msg1-FrequencyStart */ uint8_t msg1Fdm; /* PRACH FDM (1,2,4,8) */ uint8_t rootSeqLen; /* root sequence length */ uint16_t rootSeqIdx; /* Root sequence index */ uint8_t numRootSeq; /* Number of root sequences required for FD */ uint16_t k1; /* Frequency Offset for each FD */ uint8_t ssbPerRach; /* SSB per RACH occassion */ uint8_t prachMultCarrBand; /* Presence of Multiple carriers in Band */ uint8_t raContResTmr; /* RA Contention Resoultion Timer */ uint8_t rsrpThreshSsb; /* RSRP Threshold SSB */ uint8_t raRspWindow; /* RA Response Window */ }SchRachCfg; typedef struct schBwpParams { FreqDomainAlloc freqAlloc; uint8_t scs; uint8_t cyclicPrefix; }SchBwpParams; typedef struct schCandidatesInfo { uint8_t aggLevel1; uint8_t aggLevel2; uint8_t aggLevel4; uint8_t aggLevel8; uint8_t aggLevel16; }SchCandidatesInfo; typedef struct schSearchSpaceCfg { uint8_t searchSpaceId; uint8_t coresetId; uint16_t monitoringSlot; uint16_t duration; uint16_t monitoringSymbol; SchCandidatesInfo candidate; }SchSearchSpaceCfg; typedef struct schPdcchCfgCmn { SchSearchSpaceCfg commonSearchSpace; uint8_t raSearchSpaceId; }SchPdcchCfgCmn; typedef struct schPdschCfgCmn { uint8_t k0; uint8_t mappingType; uint8_t startSymbol; uint8_t lengthSymbol; }SchPdschCfgCmn; typedef struct schPucchCfgCmn { uint8_t pucchResourceCommon; uint8_t pucchGroupHopping; }SchPucchCfgCmn; typedef struct schPuschCfgCmn { uint8_t k2; uint8_t mappingType; uint8_t startSymbol; uint8_t lengthSymbol; }SchPuschCfgCmn; typedef struct schBwpDlCfg { SchBwpParams bwp; SchPdcchCfgCmn pdcchCommon; SchPdschCfgCmn pdschCommon; }SchBwpDlCfg; typedef struct schBwpUlCfg { SchBwpParams bwp; SchPucchCfgCmn pucchCommon; SchPuschCfgCmn puschCommon; }SchBwpUlCfg; typedef struct schCellCfg { uint16_t cellId; /* Cell Id */ uint16_t phyCellId; /* Physical cell id */ uint8_t bandwidth; /* Supported B/W */ DuplexMode dupMode; /* Duplex type: TDD/FDD */ SchSsbCfg ssbSchCfg; /* SSB config */ SchSib1Cfg sib1SchCfg; /* SIB1 config */ SchRachCfg schRachCfg; /* PRACH config */ SchBwpDlCfg schInitialDlBwp; /* Initial DL BWP */ SchBwpUlCfg schInitialUlBwp; /* Initial UL BWP */ uint8_t puschMu; /* PUSCH MU */ }SchCellCfg; typedef struct schCellCfgCfm { U16 cellId; /* Cell Id */ schMacRsp rsp; }SchCellCfgCfm; typedef struct ssbInfo { uint8_t ssbIdx; /* SSB Index */ TimeDomainAlloc tdAlloc; /* Time domain allocation */ FreqDomainAlloc fdAlloc; /* Freq domain allocation */ }SsbInfo; typedef struct sib1AllocInfo { BwpCfg bwp; PdcchCfg sib1PdcchCfg; PdschCfg sib1PdschCfg; } Sib1AllocInfo; typedef struct prachSchInfo { uint8_t numPrachOcas; /* Num Prach Ocassions */ uint8_t prachFormat; /* PRACH Format */ uint8_t numRa; /* Freq domain ocassion */ uint8_t prachStartSymb; /* Freq domain ocassion */ }PrachSchInfo; /* Interface structure signifying DL broadcast allocation for SSB, SIB1 */ typedef struct dlBrdcstAlloc { /* Ssb transmission is determined as follows: * 0 : No tranamission * 1 : SSB Transmission * 2 : SSB Repetition */ uint8_t ssbTrans; uint8_t ssbIdxSupported; SsbInfo ssbInfo[MAX_SSB_IDX]; /* Sib1 transmission is determined as follows: * 0 : No tranamission * 1 : SIB1 Transmission * 2 : SIB1 Repetition */ U8 sib1Trans; Sib1AllocInfo sib1Alloc; }DlBrdcstAlloc; typedef struct rarInfo { uint16_t raRnti; uint8_t RAPID; uint16_t ta; FreqDomainAlloc msg3FreqAlloc; uint16_t tcrnti; uint8_t rarPdu[8]; uint8_t rarPduLen; }RarInfo; typedef struct rarAlloc { RarInfo rarInfo; BwpCfg bwp; PdcchCfg rarPdcchCfg; PdschCfg rarPdschCfg; }RarAlloc; typedef struct msg4Info { uint16_t crnti; uint8_t ndi; uint8_t harqProcNum; uint8_t dlAssignIdx; uint8_t pucchTpc; uint8_t pucchResInd; uint8_t harqFeedbackInd; uint8_t dciFormatId; uint8_t *msg4Pdu; uint16_t msg4PduLen; }Msg4Info; typedef struct msg4Alloc { Msg4Info msg4Info; BwpCfg bwp; PdcchCfg msg4PdcchCfg; PdschCfg msg4PdschCfg; }Msg4Alloc; typedef struct schSlotValue { SlotIndInfo currentTime; SlotIndInfo broadcastTime; SlotIndInfo rarTime; SlotIndInfo msg4Time; SlotIndInfo dlMsgTime; }SchSlotValue; typedef struct dlSchedInfo { uint16_t cellId; /* Cell Id */ SchSlotValue schSlotValue; /* Allocation for broadcast messages */ bool isBroadcastPres; DlBrdcstAlloc brdcstAlloc; /* Allocation for RAR message */ //uint8_t isRarPres; RarAlloc *rarAlloc; /* Allocation from MSG4 */ Msg4Alloc *msg4Alloc; }DlSchedInfo; typedef struct tbInfo { uint8_t mcs; /* MCS */ uint8_t ndi; /* NDI */ uint8_t rv; /* Redundancy Version */ uint16_t tbSize; /* TB Size */ }TbInfo; typedef struct schPuschInfo { uint8_t harqProcId; /* HARQ Process ID */ uint8_t resAllocType; /* Resource allocation type */ FreqDomainAlloc fdAlloc; /* Freq domain allocation */ TimeDomainAlloc tdAlloc; /* Time domain allocation */ TbInfo tbInfo; /* TB info */ }SchPuschInfo; typedef struct schPucchInfo { uint16_t rnti; uint8_t pucchFormat; FreqDomainAlloc fdAlloc; /* Freq domain allocation */ TimeDomainAlloc tdAlloc; /* Time domain allocation */ uint8_t srFlag; uint8_t harqFlag; uint8_t numHarqBits; uint8_t uciFlag; uint8_t numUciBits; }SchPucchInfo; typedef struct ulSchedInfo { uint16_t cellId; /* Cell Id */ uint16_t crnti; /* CRNI */ SlotIndInfo slotIndInfo; /* Slot Info: sfn, slot number */ uint8_t dataType; /* Type of info being scheduled */ PrachSchInfo prachSchInfo; /* Prach scheduling info */ SchPuschInfo schPuschInfo; /* Pusch scheduling info */ SchPucchInfo schPucchInfo; /* Pusch scheduling info */ }UlSchedInfo; typedef struct rachIndInfo { uint16_t cellId; uint16_t crnti; SlotIndInfo timingInfo; uint8_t slotIdx; uint8_t symbolIdx; uint8_t freqIdx; uint8_t preambleIdx; uint16_t timingAdv; }RachIndInfo; typedef struct crcIndInfo { uint16_t cellId; uint16_t crnti; SlotIndInfo timingInfo; uint16_t numCrcInd; uint8_t crcInd[MAX_NUMBER_OF_CRC_IND_BITS]; }CrcIndInfo; typedef struct boInfo { uint8_t lcId; uint32_t dataVolume; }BOInfo; typedef struct dlRlcBOInfo { uint16_t cellId; uint16_t crnti; uint16_t numLc; BOInfo boInfo[MAX_NUM_LOGICAL_CHANNELS]; }DlRlcBOInfo; /* function pointers */ typedef int (*SchCellCfgCfmFunc) ARGS(( Pst *pst, /* Post Structure */ SchCellCfgCfm *schCellCfgCfm /* Cell Cfg Cfm */ )); typedef int (*SchCellCfgFunc) ARGS(( Pst *pst, /* Post Structure */ SchCellCfg *schCellCfg /* Cell Cfg */ )); typedef int (*SchMacDlAllocFunc) ARGS(( Pst *pst, /* Post Structure */ DlSchedInfo *dlSchedInfo /* dl allocation Info */ )); typedef int (*SchMacUlSchInfoFunc) ARGS(( Pst *pst, /* Post Structure */ UlSchedInfo *ulSchedInfo /* UL Alloc Sch Info */ )); /* function declarations */ int packMacSchSlotInd(Pst *pst, SlotIndInfo *slotInd); int packSchMacDlAlloc(Pst *pst, DlSchedInfo *dlSchedInfo); int packSchMacUlSchInfo(Pst *pst, UlSchedInfo *ulSchedInfo); EXTERN int packSchCellCfg(Pst *pst, SchCellCfg *schCellCfg); EXTERN int packSchCellCfgCfm(Pst *pst, SchCellCfgCfm *schCellCfgCfm); EXTERN int MacProcDlAlloc(Pst *pst, DlSchedInfo *dlSchedInfo); EXTERN int MacProcSchCellCfg(Pst *pst, SchCellCfg *schCellCfg); EXTERN int MacProcSchCellCfgCfm(Pst *pst, SchCellCfgCfm *schCellCfgCfm); EXTERN int SchHdlCellCfgReq(Pst *pst, SchCellCfg *schCellCfg); EXTERN int schActvInit(Ent entity, Inst instId, Region region, Reason reason); EXTERN S16 SchSendCfgCfm(Pst *pst, RgMngmt *cfm); EXTERN int MacProcUlSchInfo(Pst *pst, UlSchedInfo *ulSchedInfo); typedef int (*MacSchRachIndFunc)(Pst *pst, RachIndInfo *rachInd); int packMacSchRachInd(Pst *pst, RachIndInfo *rachInd); int macSchRachInd(Pst *pst, RachIndInfo *rachInd); typedef int (*MacSchCrcIndFunc)(Pst *pst, CrcIndInfo *crcInd); int packMacSchCrcInd(Pst *pst, CrcIndInfo *crcInd); int macSchCrcInd(Pst *pst, CrcIndInfo *crcInd); typedef uint8_t (*MacSchDlRlcBoInfoFunc)(Pst *pst, DlRlcBOInfo *dlBoInfo); uint8_t packMacSchDlRlcBoInfo(Pst *pst, DlRlcBOInfo *dlBoInfo); uint8_t macSchDlRlcBoInfo(Pst *pst, DlRlcBOInfo *dlBoInfo); /********************************************************************** End of file **********************************************************************/