/******************************************************************************* ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) [2017-2019] [Radisys] # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ *******************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************ Name: sch.c Type: C source file Desc: C source code for scheduler fucntions File: sch.c **********************************************************************/ /** @file sch.c @brief This file implements the schedulers main access to MAC layer code. */ #include "stdbool.h" #include "envopt.h" /* environment options */ #include "envdep.h" /* environment dependent */ #include "envind.h" /* environment independent */ #include "gen.h" /* general layer */ #include "ssi.h" /* system service interface */ #include "cm_tkns.h" /* Common Token Defines */ #include "cm_llist.h" /* Common Link List Defines */ #include "cm_hash.h" /* Common Hash List Defines */ #include "cm_mblk.h" /* common memory link list library */ #include "cm_lte.h" /* Common LTE Defines */ #include "lrg.h" #include "rgr.h" #include "tfu.h" #include "rg_sch_inf.h" #include "rg_sch.h" #include "gen.x" /* general layer typedefs */ #include "ssi.x" /* system services typedefs */ #include "cm5.x" /* system services */ #include "cm_tkns.x" /* Common Token Definitions */ #include "cm_llist.x" /* Common Link List Definitions */ #include "cm_lib.x" /* Common Library Definitions */ #include "cm_hash.x" /* Common Hash List Definitions */ #include "cm_mblk.x" /* common memory link list library */ #include "cm_lte.x" /* Common LTE Defines */ #include "tfu.x" /* TFU types */ #include "lrg.x" /* layer management typedefs for MAC */ #include "rgr.x" /* layer management typedefs for MAC */ #include "rg_sch_inf.x" /* typedefs for Scheduler */ #include "du_app_mac_inf.h" #include "mac_sch_interface.h" #include "sch.h" #include "sch_utils.h" #include "du_log.h" extern SchCb schCb[SCH_MAX_INST]; extern int8_t coresetIdxTable[MAX_CORESET_INDEX][4]; extern int8_t searchSpaceIdxTable[MAX_SEARCH_SPACE_INDEX][4]; /* local defines */ SchCellCfgCfmFunc SchCellCfgCfmOpts[] = { packSchCellCfgCfm, /* LC */ MacProcSchCellCfgCfm, /* TC */ packSchCellCfgCfm /* LWLC */ }; /** * @brief Task Initiation function. * * @details * * Function : schActvInit * * This function is supplied as one of parameters during MAC's * task registration. MAC will invoke this function once, after * it creates and attaches this TAPA Task to a system task. * * @param[in] Ent Entity, the entity ID of this task. * @param[in] Inst Inst, the instance ID of this task. * @param[in] Region Region, the region ID registered for memory * usage of this task. * @param[in] Reason Reason. * @return int * -# ROK **/ int schActvInit ( Ent entity, /* entity */ Inst instId, /* instance */ Region region, /* region */ Reason reason /* reason */ ) { Inst inst = (instId - SCH_INST_START); /* Initialize the MAC TskInit structure to zero */ cmMemset ((uint8_t *)&schCb[inst], 0, sizeof(schCb)); /* Initialize the MAC TskInit with received values */ schCb[inst].schInit.ent = entity; schCb[inst].schInit.inst = inst; schCb[inst].schInit.region = region; schCb[inst].schInit.pool = 0; schCb[inst].schInit.reason = reason; schCb[inst].schInit.cfgDone = FALSE; schCb[inst].schInit.acnt = FALSE; schCb[inst].schInit.usta = FALSE; schCb[inst].schInit.trc = FALSE; schCb[inst].schInit.procId = SFndProcId(); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* schActvInit */ /** * @brief Scheduler instance Configuration Handler. * * @details * * Function : SchInstCfg * * This function in called by HandleSchGenCfgReq(). It handles the * general configurations of the scheduler instance. Returns * reason for success/failure of this function. * * @param[in] RgCfg *cfg, the Configuaration information * @return U16 * -# LCM_REASON_NOT_APPL * -# LCM_REASON_INVALID_MSGTYPE * -# LCM_REASON_MEM_NOAVAIL **/ PUBLIC U16 SchInstCfg ( RgCfg *cfg, /* Configuaration information */ Inst dInst ) { uint16_t ret = LCM_REASON_NOT_APPL; Inst inst = (dInst - SCH_INST_START); printf("\nEntered SchInstCfg()"); /* Check if Instance Configuration is done already */ if (schCb[inst].schInit.cfgDone == TRUE) { RETVALUE(LCM_REASON_INVALID_MSGTYPE); } /* Update the Pst structure for LM interface */ cmMemcpy((U8 *)&schCb[inst].schInit.lmPst, (U8 *)&cfg->s.schInstCfg.genCfg.lmPst, sizeof(Pst)); schCb[inst].schInit.inst = inst; schCb[inst].schInit.lmPst.srcProcId = schCb[inst].schInit.procId; schCb[inst].schInit.lmPst.srcEnt = schCb[inst].schInit.ent; schCb[inst].schInit.lmPst.srcInst = schCb[inst].schInit.inst + SCH_INST_START; schCb[inst].schInit.lmPst.event = EVTNONE; schCb[inst].schInit.region = cfg->s.schInstCfg.genCfg.mem.region; schCb[inst].schInit.pool = cfg->s.schInstCfg.genCfg.mem.pool; schCb[inst].genCfg.tmrRes = cfg->s.schInstCfg.genCfg.tmrRes; #ifdef LTE_ADV schCb[inst].genCfg.forceCntrlSrbBoOnPCel = cfg->s.schInstCfg.genCfg.forceCntrlSrbBoOnPCel; schCb[inst].genCfg.isSCellActDeactAlgoEnable = cfg->s.schInstCfg.genCfg.isSCellActDeactAlgoEnable; #endif schCb[inst].genCfg.startCellId = cfg->s.schInstCfg.genCfg.startCellId; #if 0 /* Initialzie the timer queue */ cmMemset((U8 *)&schCb[inst].tmrTq, 0, sizeof(CmTqType)*RGSCH_TQ_SIZE); /* Initialize the timer control point */ cmMemset((U8 *)&schCb[inst].tmrTqCp, 0, sizeof(CmTqCp)); schCb[inst].tmrTqCp.tmrLen = RGSCH_TQ_SIZE; /* SS_MT_TMR needs to be enabled as schActvTmr needs instance information */ /* Timer Registration request to SSI */ if (SRegTmrMt(schCb[inst].schInit.ent, dInst, (S16)schCb[inst].genCfg.tmrRes, schActvTmr) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_INSTID,inst, "SchInstCfg(): Failed to " "register timer."); RETVALUE(LCM_REASON_MEM_NOAVAIL); } #endif /* Set Config done in TskInit */ schCb[inst].schInit.cfgDone = TRUE; printf("\nScheduler gen config done"); RETVALUE(ret); } /** * @brief Layer Manager Configuration request handler. * * @details * * Function : HandleSchGenCfgReq * * This function handles the configuration * request received at scheduler instance from the Layer Manager. * -# Based on the cfg->hdr.elmId.elmnt value it invokes one of the * functions rgHdlGenCfg() or rgHdlSapCfg(). * -# Invokes RgMiLrgSchCfgCfm() to send back the confirmation to the LM. * * @param[in] Pst *pst, the post structure * @param[in] RgMngmt *cfg, the configuration parameter's structure * @return S16 * -# ROK **/ int HandleSchGenCfgReq ( Pst *pst, /* post structure */ RgMngmt *cfg /* config structure */ ) { uint16_t ret = LCM_PRIM_OK; uint16_t reason = LCM_REASON_NOT_APPL; RgMngmt cfm; Pst cfmPst; if(pst->dstInst < SCH_INST_START) { DU_LOG("\nInvalid inst ID"); DU_LOG("\nHandleSchGenCfgReq(): " "pst->dstInst=%d SCH_INST_START=%d", pst->dstInst,SCH_INST_START); RETVALUE(ROK); } printf("\nReceived scheduler gen config"); /* Fill the post structure for sending the confirmation */ memset(&cfmPst, 0 , sizeof(Pst)); SchFillCfmPst(pst, &cfmPst, cfg); cmMemset((U8 *)&cfm, 0, sizeof(RgMngmt)); #ifdef LMINT3 cfm.hdr.transId = cfg->hdr.transId; #endif cfm.hdr.elmId.elmnt = cfg->hdr.elmId.elmnt; switch(cfg->hdr.elmId.elmnt) { case STSCHINST: reason = SchInstCfg(&cfg->t.cfg,pst->dstInst ); break; default: ret = LCM_PRIM_NOK; reason = LCM_REASON_INVALID_ELMNT; DU_LOG("\nInvalid Elmnt=%d", cfg->hdr.elmId.elmnt); break; } if (reason != LCM_REASON_NOT_APPL) { ret = LCM_PRIM_NOK; } cfm.cfm.status = ret; cfm.cfm.reason = reason; SchSendCfgCfm(&cfmPst, &cfm); /* SPutSBuf(pst->region, pst->pool, (Data *)cfg, sizeof(RgMngmt)); */ RETVALUE(ROK); }/*-- HandleSchGenCfgReq --*/ /** * @brief slot indication from MAC to SCH. * * @details * * Function : macSchSlotInd * * This API is invoked by PHY to indicate slot indication to Scheduler for * a cell. * * @param[in] Pst *pst * @param[in] SlotIndInfo *slotInd * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ int macSchSlotInd ( Pst *pst, SlotIndInfo *slotInd ) { Inst inst = pst->dstInst-SCH_INST_START; /* Now call the TOM (Tfu ownership module) primitive to process further */ schProcessSlotInd(slotInd, inst); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* macSchSlotInd */ /** * @brief inti cellCb based on cellCfg * * @details * * Function : InitSchCellCb * * This API is invoked after receiving schCellCfg * * @param[in] schCellCb *cell * @param[in] SchCellCfg *schCellCfg * @return int * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ int InitSchCellCb(Inst inst, SchCellCfg *schCellCfg) { SchCellCb *cell; SCH_ALLOC(cell, sizeof(SchCellCb)); if(!cell) { DU_LOG("\nMemory allocation failed in InitSchCellCb"); return RFAILED; } cell->cellId = schCellCfg->cellId; cell->instIdx = inst; switch(schCellCfg->ssbSchCfg.scsCommon) { case SCH_SCS_15KHZ: { cell->numSlots = SCH_NUM_SLOTS; } break; default: DU_LOG("\nSCS %d not supported", schCellCfg->ssbSchCfg.scsCommon); } for(uint8_t idx=0; idxtotalPrb = MAX_NUM_RB; for(uint8_t itr=0; itrassignedPrb[itr] = 0; } for(uint8_t itr=0; itrssbInfo[itr], 0, sizeof(SsbInfo)); } cell->dlAlloc[idx] = schDlAlloc; } schCb[inst].cells[inst] = cell; //Sphoorthi TODO: check if this works DU_LOG("\nCell init completed for cellId:%d", cell->cellId); return ROK; } void fillSib1SchCfg( Inst schInst, Sib1SchCfg *sib1SchCfg, uint8_t pci, uint8_t offsetPointA ) { uint8_t coreset0Idx = 0; uint8_t searchSpace0Idx = 0; uint8_t ssbMuxPattern = 0; uint8_t numRbs = 0; uint8_t numSymbols = 0; uint8_t offset = 0; uint8_t oValue = 0; uint8_t numSearchSpacePerSlot = 0; uint8_t mValue = 0; uint8_t firstSymbol = 0; /* need to calculate using formula mentioned in 38.213 */ uint8_t slotIndex = 0; uint8_t FreqDomainResource[6] = {0}; Sib1PdcchCfg *pdcch = &(sib1SchCfg->sib1PdcchCfg); Sib1PdschCfg *pdsch = &(sib1SchCfg->sib1PdschCfg); coreset0Idx = sib1SchCfg->coresetZeroIndex; searchSpace0Idx = sib1SchCfg->searchSpaceZeroIndex; /* derive the sib1 coreset0 params from table 13-1 spec 38.213 */ ssbMuxPattern = coresetIdxTable[coreset0Idx][0]; numRbs = coresetIdxTable[coreset0Idx][1]; numSymbols = coresetIdxTable[coreset0Idx][2]; offset = coresetIdxTable[coreset0Idx][3]; /* derive the search space params from table 13-11 spec 38.213 */ oValue = searchSpaceIdxTable[searchSpace0Idx][0]; numSearchSpacePerSlot = searchSpaceIdxTable[searchSpace0Idx][1]; mValue = searchSpaceIdxTable[searchSpace0Idx][2]; firstSymbol = searchSpaceIdxTable[searchSpace0Idx][3]; /* calculate the n0, need to add the formulae, as of now the value is 0 * Need to add the even and odd values of i during configuration * [(O . 2^u + i . M ) ] mod numSlotsPerSubframe * assuming u = 0, i = 0, numSlotsPerSubframe = 10 * Also, from this configuration, coreset0 is only on even subframe */ slotIndex = ((oValue * 1) + (0 * mValue)) % 10; sib1SchCfg->n0 = slotIndex; /* calculate the PRBs */ freqDomResourceAlloc( ((offsetPointA-offset)/6), (numRbs/6), FreqDomainResource); /* fill the PDCCH PDU */ pdcch->sib1PdcchBwpCfg.BWPSize = MAX_NUM_RB; /* whole of BW */ pdcch->sib1PdcchBwpCfg.BWPStart = 0; pdcch->sib1PdcchBwpCfg.subcarrierSpacing = 0; /* 15Khz */ pdcch->sib1PdcchBwpCfg.cyclicPrefix = 0; /* normal */ pdcch->sib1Coreset0Cfg.startSymbolIndex = firstSymbol; pdcch->sib1Coreset0Cfg.durationSymbols = numSymbols; memcpy(pdcch->sib1Coreset0Cfg.freqDomainResource,FreqDomainResource,6); pdcch->sib1Coreset0Cfg.cceRegMappingType = 1; /* coreset0 is always interleaved */ pdcch->sib1Coreset0Cfg.regBundleSize = 6; /* spec-38.211 sec */ pdcch->sib1Coreset0Cfg.interleaverSize = 2; /* spec-38.211 sec */ pdcch->sib1Coreset0Cfg.coreSetType = 0; pdcch->sib1Coreset0Cfg.shiftIndex = pci; pdcch->sib1Coreset0Cfg.precoderGranularity = 0; /* sameAsRegBundle */ pdcch->numDlDci = 1; pdcch->sib1DlDci.rnti = 0xFFFF; /* SI-RNTI */ pdcch->sib1DlDci.scramblingId = pci; pdcch->sib1DlDci.scramblingRnti = 0; pdcch->sib1DlDci.cceIndex = 0; pdcch->sib1DlDci.aggregLevel = 4; pdcch->sib1DlDci.beamPdcchInfo.numPrgs = 1; pdcch->sib1DlDci.beamPdcchInfo.prgSize = 1; pdcch->sib1DlDci.beamPdcchInfo.digBfInterfaces = 0; pdcch->sib1DlDci.beamPdcchInfo.prg[0].pmIdx = 0; pdcch->sib1DlDci.beamPdcchInfo.prg[0].beamIdx[0] = 0; pdcch->sib1DlDci.txPdcchPower.powerValue = 0; pdcch->sib1DlDci.txPdcchPower.powerControlOffsetSS = 0; /* fill the PDSCH PDU */ uint8_t cwCount = 0; pdsch->pduBitmap = 0; /* PTRS and CBG params are excluded */ pdsch->rnti = 0xFFFF; /* SI-RNTI */ pdsch->pduIndex = 0; pdsch->sib1PdschBwpCfg.BWPSize = MAX_NUM_RB; /* whole of BW */ pdsch->sib1PdschBwpCfg.BWPStart = 0; pdsch->numCodewords = 1; for(cwCount = 0; cwCount < pdsch->numCodewords; cwCount++) { pdsch->codeword[cwCount].targetCodeRate = 308; pdsch->codeword[cwCount].qamModOrder = 2; pdsch->codeword[cwCount].mcsIndex = sib1SchCfg->sib1Mcs; pdsch->codeword[cwCount].mcsTable = 0; /* notqam256 */ pdsch->codeword[cwCount].rvIndex = 0; pdsch->codeword[cwCount].tbSize = 768; } pdsch->dataScramblingId = pci; pdsch->numLayers = 1; pdsch->transmissionScheme = 0; pdsch->refPoint = 0; pdsch->dmrs.dlDmrsSymbPos = 2; pdsch->dmrs.dmrsConfigType = 0; /* type-1 */ pdsch->dmrs.dlDmrsScramblingId = pci; pdsch->dmrs.scid = 0; pdsch->dmrs.numDmrsCdmGrpsNoData = 1; pdsch->dmrs.dmrsPorts = 0; pdsch->sib1FreqAlloc.resourceAlloc = 1; /* RAT type-1 RIV format */ pdsch->sib1FreqAlloc.rbStart = offset + SCH_SSB_PRB_DURATION; /* the RB numbering starts from coreset0, and PDSCH is always above SSB */ /* formula used for calculation of rbSize, 38.213 section * * Ninfo = Nre . R . Qm . v * * Nre' = Nsc . NsymPdsch - NdmrsSymb - Noh * * Nre = min(156,Nre') . nPrb */ pdsch->sib1FreqAlloc.rbSize = 10; /* This value is calculated from above formulae */ pdsch->sib1FreqAlloc.vrbPrbMapping = 0; /* non-interleaved */ pdsch->sib1TimeAlloc.startSymbolIndex = 2; /* spec-38.214, Table */ pdsch->sib1TimeAlloc.numSymbols = 12; pdsch->beamPdschInfo.numPrgs = 1; pdsch->beamPdschInfo.prgSize = 1; pdsch->beamPdschInfo.digBfInterfaces = 0; pdsch->beamPdschInfo.prg[0].pmIdx = 0; pdsch->beamPdschInfo.prg[0].beamIdx[0] = 0; pdsch->txPdschPower.powerControlOffset = 0; pdsch->txPdschPower.powerControlOffsetSS = 0; } /** * @brief cell config from MAC to SCH. * * @details * * Function : macSchCellCfgReq * * This API is invoked by MAC to send cell config to SCH * * @param[in] Pst *pst * @param[in] SchCellCfg *schCellCfg * @return int * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ int SchHdlCellCfgReq ( Pst *pst, SchCellCfg *schCellCfg ) { int ret = ROK; SchCellCb *cellCb; SchCellCfgCfm schCellCfgCfm; Pst rspPst; Inst inst = pst->dstInst-1; InitSchCellCb(inst, schCellCfg); cellCb = schCb[inst].cells[inst]; //cells is of MAX_CELLS, why inst cellCb->macInst = pst->srcInst; memcpy(&cellCb->cellCfg, schCellCfg, sizeof(SchCellCfg)); /* derive the SIB1 config parameters */ fillSib1SchCfg( inst, &(schCellCfg->sib1SchCfg), schCellCfg->phyCellId, schCellCfg->ssbSchCfg.ssbOffsetPointA); memset(&rspPst, 0, sizeof(Pst)); SCH_FILL_RSP_PST(rspPst, inst); rspPst.event = EVENT_SCH_CELL_CFG_CFM; schCellCfgCfm.rsp = RSP_OK; ret = (*SchCellCfgCfmOpts[rspPst.selector])(&rspPst, &schCellCfgCfm); return ret; } /********************************************************************** End of file **********************************************************************/