/******************************************************************************* ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) [2017-2019] [Radisys] # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ *******************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************20** Name: RLC - AM DL module file Type: C source file Desc: Source code for Acknowledged Mode Module functions such as, Transmission of data/control PDUs Retransmission (Feedback in terms of status) Polling Assemble SDUs Reception - reordering Duplicate detection for byte segments Reassemble SDUs File: kw_amm_dl.c *********************************************************************21*/ static const char* RLOG_MODULE_NAME="AMM"; static int RLOG_MODULE_ID=2048; static int RLOG_FILE_ID=189; /* header include files (.h) */ #include "common_def.h" #include "lkw.h" /* LKW defines */ #include "ckw.h" /* CKW defines */ #include "kwu.h" /* KWU defines */ #include "rgu.h" /* RGU defines */ #include "kw_err.h" /* Err defines */ #include "kw_env.h" /* RLC environment options */ #include "kw.h" /* RLC defines */ #include "kw_udx.h" #include "kw_dl.h" /* extern (.x) include files */ #include "lkw.x" /* LKW */ #include "ckw.x" /* CKW */ #include "kwu.x" /* KWU */ #include "rgu.x" /* RGU */ #include "kw.x" #include "kw_udx.x" #include "kw_dl.x" //UDAY #ifdef L2_OPTMZ extern U32 rlcAmmStaPduList[512]; U32 rlcAmmStaPduListCnt = 0; #endif /** @file gp_amm_dl.c @brief RLC Acknowledged Mode Downlink Module **/ #define RLC_MODULE (RLC_DBGMASK_AM | RLC_DBGMASK_DL) U32 rlcStatusPduCnt, rlcStatusAckCnt, rlcStatusNcnt, rlcSduSndCnt; /* local defines */ /* local externs */ /* forward references */ EXTERN Void rlcAmmDlHndlStatusPdu ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcUdxStaPdu *pStaPdu)); /* public variable declarations */ /* This structure holds all the global structs we need. */ /* private variable declarations */ #define RLC_AM_RMV_HDR(_gCb, _rbCb, _retx) do { \ if ((_retx)->yetToConst == FALSE) \ {\ Buffer *_pduInfo; \ SSegMsg((_retx)->seg, (_retx)->hdrSz, &_pduInfo); \ RLC_FREE_BUF((_retx)->seg); \ (_retx)->seg = _pduInfo; \ }\ (_rbCb)->m.amDl.estHdrSz -= retx->hdrSz;\ } while(0) /* private function declarations */ PRIVATE Void rlcResegRetxPdus ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcDatReq *rlcDatReq)); PRIVATE Void rlcRemRetxPdu ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcRetx *retx)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmCreateStatusPdu ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcDatReq *rlcDatReq)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlMarkPduForReTx ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcRetx *retx)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulTxPdu ARGS((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSn sn, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlSetTxNextAck ARGS((RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcSn sn)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlCheckAndStopPollTmr ARGS((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSn mAckSn)); PRIVATE Void rlcAssembleSdus ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcDatReq *rlcDatReq)); bool rlcAmmDlCheckAndSetPoll ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, bool newPdu, MsgLen bufSz)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmCreatePdu ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcAmHdr *amHdr, RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo, Buffer *pdu)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmSndStaInd ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb,RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcRetx *retx)); PRIVATE Void rlcGetNxtRetx ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcRetx **retx)); PRIVATE Void rlcConstructAmHdr ARGS ((RlcAmHdr *amHdr, U8 *hdr, U8 snLen, U16 *idx)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForAckSn ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSn mAckSn, CmLList *retx, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlMoveFrmTxtoRetxBuffer ARGS ((RlcCb *gCb, RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcRetx **retx, RlcSn sn)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlCheckIsSDUDelivered ARGS((RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSduMap *sduMap, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmAddPduToRetxLst ARGS((RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcRetx *retx)); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlMoveSduByteSegFrmTxtoRetxBuffer ARGS( ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcRetx **retx, RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo )); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlHndlStatus4SduByteSegInTxBuf ARGS( ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo, RlcRetx **retx, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm )); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForNackSn ARGS( ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo, CmLList **retxNode, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm )); PRIVATE Void RlcDlAmmGetNackSnInfoFrmNackRangeIdx ARGS( ( RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcNackInfo *nackInfo, CmLList *retxNode, RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo, U8 idx )); PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlUpdTxAndReTxBufForLessThanNackSn ARGS( ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSn sn, RlcSn mNackSn, CmLList **retxNode, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm )); /***************************************************************************** AM Module contains the following funcitons: - rlcAmmQSdu - rlcAmmProcessSdus - rlcAmmDlAssembleCntrlInfo - rlcResegRetxPdus - rlcAssembleSdus - rlcAmmDlCheckAndSetPoll - rlcAmmProcessPdus - rlcDlmHndlStaRsp - kwTriggerStatus - kwReassembleSdus *******************************************************************************/ /** @addtogroup ammode */ /*@{*/ /** * @brief Function to send a Status Response to MAC for a dedicated logical * channel * * @details * Function calculates the current bo and send a Status response for the * dedicated logical channel if the bo is non zero * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Radio Bearer control block * @param[in] amDl AM downlink control block * * @return Void */ void rlcAmmSendDedLcBoStatus(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcAmDl *amDl) { int32_t bo = rlcAmmCalculateBo(amDl); if(bo) { rlcUtlSendDedLcBoStatus(gCb, rbCb, bo, amDl->estHdrSz, \ amDl->cntrlBo ?TRUE:FALSE,amDl->cntrlBo); } return; } /** * @brief Function to check if the pollSn is acked and stop the poll timer * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Radio Bearer control block * @param[in] mAckSn The last received ACKSN. The base modulus value should * be passed * * @return Void */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlCheckAndStopPollTmr ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSn mAckSn ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlCheckAndStopPollTmr(gCb, rbCb, mAckSn) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcSn mAckSn; #endif { RlcSn mPollSn; MODAMT(rbCb->m.amDl.pollSn, mPollSn, rbCb->m.amDl.txNextAck,rbCb->m.amDl.snModMask); if (mPollSn <= mAckSn) { if (rlcChkTmr(gCb, (PTR)rbCb, RLC_EVT_AMDL_POLL_RETX_TMR)) { rlcStopTmr(gCb, (PTR)rbCb, RLC_EVT_AMDL_POLL_RETX_TMR); } } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Function to set VT(A) and VT(MS). Calculates the VT(MS) from VT(A) * * @param[in,out] amDl AM downlink control block * @param[in]sn Sequence number to be set as VT(A) * * @return Void */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlSetTxNextAck ( RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcSn sn ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlSetTxNextAck(amDl, sn) RlcAmDl *amDl; RlcSn sn #endif { amDl->txNextAck = sn; RETVOID; } /** * @brief Function to process a successfully re-transmitted PDU/segment * * @details * Checks if the SDU has been completely delivered or not. Removes the PDU * from the re-transmission buffer * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Downlink Radio Bearer control block * @param[in] retx The PDU/segment which was successfully re-transmitted * * @return Void */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulReTx ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcRetx *retx, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulReTx(gCb, rbCb, retx, datCfm) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcRetx *retx; KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm; #endif { rlcAmmDlCheckIsSDUDelivered(gCb, rbCb, &(retx->sduMap), datCfm); rlcRemRetxPdu(gCb, rbCb, retx); RETVOID; } /** * @brief Handler to Move the PDU from txBuf to re-transmission buffer * * @details * This function is used to move the PDU from the txBuf to re-transmit buffer * * @param[in]RlcCb *gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in]RlcAmDl *amDl AM Downlink Control Block * @param[in]RlcRetx **retx node in the reTx buffer to be moved to, allocated by * this function * @param[in]RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo TX PDU which needs to be moved * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlMoveSduByteSegFrmTxtoRetxBuffer ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcRetx **retx, RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlMoveSduByteSegFrmTxtoRetxBuffer(gCb, amDl, retx, pduInfo) RlcCb *gCb; RlcAmDl *amDl; RlcRetx **retx; RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo; #endif { TRC2(rlcAmmDlMoveSduByteSegFrmTxtoRetxBuffer); RLC_ALLOC_WC(gCb,*retx, sizeof(RlcRetx)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (*retx == NULLP) { RLOG0(L_FATAL, "Memory allocation failed"); RETVOID; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ (*retx)->seg = pduInfo->pdu; (*retx)->segSz = pduInfo->pduSz; /* MS_FIX for DL stall */ (*retx)->soEnd = (pduInfo->amHdr.so + pduInfo->pduSz - 1); (*retx)->hdrSz = pduInfo->hdrSz; (*retx)->retxCnt = 1; (*retx)->yetToConst = 0; (*retx)->pendingReTrans = TRUE; /* initialize the list pointer to 0 instead of memset */ (*retx)->lstEnt.next = 0; (*retx)->lstEnt.prev = 0; /* copy the sdu maps */ RLC_MEM_CPY(&((*retx)->sduMap), &pduInfo->sduMap, sizeof(RlcSduMap)); RLC_MEM_CPY(&((*retx)->amHdr), &pduInfo->amHdr, sizeof(RlcAmHdr)); rlcAmmAddPduToRetxLst(amDl, (*retx)); /* Update the BO appropriately */ amDl->retxBo += (*retx)->segSz; amDl->estHdrSz += (*retx)->hdrSz; gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLRetransPdus++; RETVOID; } /*rlcAmmDlMoveSduByteSegFrmTxtoRetxBuffer */ /** * @brief Function to handle Status of Sdu byte segment for a nackSn * * @details * This function is used to move the PDU from the txBuf to re-transmit buffer * * @param[in]RlcCb *gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in]RlcDlRbCb *rbCb AM Downlink Control Block * @param[in]RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo Nack Information of a NACK_SN * @param[in]RlcRetx **retx node in the reTx buffer to be moved to, allocated by * this function * @param[in]KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm Ptr to datCfm * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlHndlStatus4SduByteSegInTxBuf ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo, RlcRetx **retx, KwuDatCfmInfo ** datCfm ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlHndlStatus4SduByteSegInTxBuf(gCb, rbCb, nackSnInfo, retx, datCfm) ( RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo; RlcRetx **retx; KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm; ) #endif { RlcTx *txBuf=NULLP; CmLList *lnk; CmLList *nextLnk; TRC2(rlcAmmDlHndlStatus4SduByteSegInTxBuf) txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(AMDL.txBufLst, nackSnInfo->sn); if (txBuf == NULLP) { RETVOID; } lnk = txBuf->pduLst.first; while(lnk) { RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo = (RlcDlPduInfo *)(lnk->node); RlcSn pduSoEnd = (pduInfo->amHdr.so + pduInfo->sduMap.sduSz - 1); /* If So of Sdu byte segment(pduInfo/seg) is < status pdu soStart that means it's ACKED*/ if(pduSoEnd < nackSnInfo->soStart) { rlcAmmDlCheckIsSDUDelivered(gCb, rbCb, &(pduInfo->sduMap), datCfm); } else if (pduSoEnd <= nackSnInfo->soEnd) { /* Move Sdu byte segment from TX buf to retx buf*/ rlcAmmDlMoveSduByteSegFrmTxtoRetxBuffer(gCb, &rbCb->m.amDl, retx, pduInfo); } else { lnk = lnk->next; continue; } nextLnk = lnk->next; /* Delete node from the txBuf Pdu lst */ cmLListDelFrm(&txBuf->pduLst, lnk); RLC_FREE_WC(gCb, pduInfo, sizeof(RlcDlPduInfo)); lnk = nextLnk; } if(!txBuf->pduLst.count) { /*No more Sdu byte segment are left. Hence delete txBuf*/ rlcUtlDelTxBuf(AMDL.txBufLst, txBuf,gCb); } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Function to handle Status of Sdu byte segment for a nackSn * * @details * This function is used to move the PDU from the txBuf to re-transmit buffer * * @param[in]RlcCb *gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in]RlcDlRbCb *rbCb AM Downlink Control Block * @param[in]RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo Nack Information of a NACK_SN * @param[in]RlcRetx **retx node in the reTx buffer to be moved to, allocated by * this function * @param[in]KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm Ptr to datCfm * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForNackSn ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo, CmLList **retxNode, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForNackSn(gCb, rbCb, nackSnInfo, retxNode, datCfm) ( RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo; CmLList **retxNode; KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm; ) #endif { RlcTx *txBuf; RlcRetx *retx; TRC2(rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForNackSn) /* Now process the NACK_SN received. Now the NACK_SN is */ /* either the first element of RETX or is in TX array */ /* To remove the remaining acks from the pdu byte segments */ /* if the NACK_SN is in the transmit buffer, move it to the re- transmit buffer */ txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(AMDL.txBufLst, nackSnInfo->sn); if (txBuf != NULLP) { if(nackSnInfo->isSegment) { /* Go through all the AMD PDUs of a particular SN and check if segment is ACKED if yes then mark succesfully sent, if segment is NACKed then move it to to retx lst */ rlcAmmDlHndlStatus4SduByteSegInTxBuf(gCb, rbCb, nackSnInfo, &retx, datCfm); } else { /*e2= 0 and e3= 0: Move complete PDU from TX buf to retx buf*/ rlcAmmDlMoveFrmTxtoRetxBuffer(gCb, &rbCb->m.amDl, &retx, nackSnInfo->sn); } #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if(retx) #endif { (*retxNode) = retx->lstEnt.next; } RETVOID; } /* process the pdus/segments in the re-transmit buffer with this NACK_SN */ while (*retxNode) { retx = (RlcRetx *)((*retxNode)->node); if (retx->amHdr.sn != nackSnInfo->sn) { break; } if ((nackSnInfo->isSegment) && ((retx->soEnd < nackSnInfo->soStart) /*|| (retx->amHdr.so > soEnd)*/)) { RLOG_ARG3(L_DEBUG, DBG_RBID, rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "rlcHndlStaRsp: Handle ACK for byte segment, Its " "sn = %d UEID:%d CELLID:%d", nackSnInfo->sn, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); RLOG_ARG4(L_DEBUG, DBG_RBID, rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "soStart and soEnd = %d, %d, UEID:%d CELLID:%d", retx->amHdr.so, retx->soEnd, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); (*retxNode) = (*retxNode)->next; rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulReTx(gCb,rbCb, retx, datCfm); } else if((!nackSnInfo->isSegment) || (retx->soEnd <= nackSnInfo->soEnd)) { /* This case covers the NACKED segments and also the case */ /* when there are segments and the entire SN is nacked. */ /* This case also covers the case of nonsegmented retx PDU*/ (*retxNode) = (*retxNode)->next; /* Mark the retx PDU we found for further retransmission */ rlcAmmDlMarkPduForReTx(gCb, rbCb, retx); } else { /* If we are here that means this segment and segments after this are ACKed*/ break; } } /* end of retxNode while loop*/ RETVOID; } /** * @brief Function to get nack Sn information from nackRange index * * @details * This function is used to get nack Sn information from nackRange index * * @param[in]RlcAmDl *amDl, * @param[in]RlcUdxStaPdu *StaPdu, * @param[in]RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo, * @param[in]RlcRetx *retx; * @param[in]RlcSn sn, * @param[in]U8 idx * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void RlcDlAmmGetNackSnInfoFrmNackRangeIdx ( RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcNackInfo *nackInfo, CmLList *retxNode, RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo, U8 idx ) #else PRIVATE Void RlcDlAmmGetNackSnInfoFrmNackRangeIdx(amDl, nackInfo, retxNode, nackSnInfo, idx) ( RlcAmDl *amDl; RlcNackInfo *nackInfo; CmLList *retxNode; RlcNackInfo *nackSnInfo; U8 idx; ) #endif { RlcTx *txBuf; RlcRetx *retx; CmLList *node; TRC2(RlcDlAmmGetNackSnInfoFrmNackRangeIdx) nackSnInfo->isSegment = FALSE; if((!nackInfo->isSegment) || (!idx && nackSnInfo->nackRange && (!nackInfo->soStart))) { nackSnInfo->soStart = 0; nackSnInfo->soEnd = 0; RETVOID; } txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(amDl->txBufLst, nackSnInfo->sn); if(txBuf != NULLP) { node = txBuf->pduLst.first; while(node) { RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo = (RlcDlPduInfo *)(node->node); U16 pduSoEnd = pduInfo->amHdr.so + pduInfo->sduMap.sduSz - 1; if((!idx) && (pduInfo->amHdr.so == nackInfo->soStart)) { nackSnInfo->isSegment = TRUE; nackSnInfo->soStart = pduInfo->amHdr.so; nackSnInfo->soEnd = pduSoEnd; break; } else if((idx == nackSnInfo->nackRange - 1) && \ (pduSoEnd == nackInfo->soEnd)) { nackSnInfo->isSegment = TRUE; nackSnInfo->soStart = pduInfo->amHdr.so; nackSnInfo->soEnd = pduSoEnd; break; } node = node->next; } } if(!nackSnInfo->isSegment) { while (retxNode) { retx = (RlcRetx *)(retxNode->node); if(retx->amHdr.sn != nackSnInfo->sn) { break; } if((!idx) && (retx->amHdr.so == nackInfo->soStart)) { nackSnInfo->isSegment = TRUE; nackSnInfo->soStart = retx->amHdr.so; nackSnInfo->soEnd = retx->soEnd; break; } else if((idx == nackSnInfo->nackRange - 1) && \ (retx->soEnd == nackInfo->soEnd)) { nackSnInfo->isSegment = TRUE; nackSnInfo->soStart = retx->amHdr.so; nackSnInfo->soEnd = retx->soEnd; break; } retxNode = retxNode->next; } } } /** * @brief Function to update transmission buffers and send confimations to * PDCP on the reception of Status PDU * * @details * First processes the NACKs received * -# Removes the pdus which are acked by each of the NACK SN from the * transmission and re-transmission buffer * -# If NACKed SN in in the transmisson buffer, moves it to re-transmission * buffer * -# Removes PDU segments of the NACKed SN which have been successfully * received by the other end. For the un-successful ones, marks them for * re-transmission * -# When PDUs/segments are removed from the buffer, indicates to upper * layer if the SDU is completely delivered * -# Removes the PDUs/segments which are acked by the ACK_SN but not by the * NACK_SNs * * @param[in] gCb RLC Instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Downlink Radio Bearer control block * @param[in] pStaPdu The decoded Status Pdu * * @return Void */ #ifdef ANSI Void rlcAmmDlHndlStatusPdu ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcUdxStaPdu *pStaPdu ) #else Void rlcAmmDlHndlStatusPdu(gCb, rbCb, pStaPdu) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcUdxStaPdu *pStaPdu; #endif { RlcSn mAckSn; S32 oldRetxBo; CmLList *retxNode; KwuDatCfmInfo* datCfm; RlcKwuSapCb *rlckwuSap; RlcSn mTxNext; TRC2(rlcAmmDlHndlStatusPdu) rlcStatusPduCnt++; rlckwuSap = gCb->u.dlCb->rlcKwuDlSap + RLC_UI_PDCP; /* store the re-transmission bo, to check if it changes due to the processing of the status pdu */ oldRetxBo = AMDL.retxBo; /* Allocate memory for datCfm Info */ RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_ALLOC(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, datCfm, sizeof(KwuDatCfmInfo)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (datCfm == NULLP) { RLOG_ARG2(L_FATAL,DBG_RBID,rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "Memory allocation failed UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_FREE(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, datCfm, sizeof(KwuDatCfmInfo)); RETVOID; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ datCfm->numSduIds = 0; datCfm->rlcId = rbCb->rlcId; MODAMT(pStaPdu->ackSn, mAckSn, AMDL.txNextAck,AMDL.snModMask); MODAMT(AMDL.txNext,mTxNext, AMDL.txNextAck,AMDL.snModMask); if(mAckSn > mTxNext) { RLOG_ARG4(L_WARNING,DBG_RBID, rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "Invalid ACK SN = %d received. Current Vta =%d" "UEID:%d CELLID:%d", pStaPdu->ackSn, AMDL.txNextAck, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); /* RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_ALLOC(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, datCfm, sizeof(KwuDatCfmInfo)); */ RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_FREE(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, datCfm, sizeof(KwuDatCfmInfo)); RETVOID; } /* Venki - stopping the poll retx timer */ /*Stop PollRetx Tmr */ rlcAmmDlCheckAndStopPollTmr(gCb, rbCb, mAckSn); /* Set the first node in retx list to retxNode */ retxNode = AMDL.retxLst.first; /* If NACK exists in control PDU */ if (pStaPdu->nackCnt) { RlcSn sn; RlcNackInfo nackSnInfo; RlcSn mNackSn; RlcSn txNextAck; RlcSn transWinStartSn = AMDL.txNextAck; /*used to track the SN from which to start processing the transmission buffer */ U32 idx = 0; /* if any NACKs then txNextAck should be equal to the first NACK_SN*/ txNextAck = pStaPdu->nackInfo[0].sn; rlcStatusNcnt += pStaPdu->nackCnt; /* For NACKs */ while (idx < pStaPdu->nackCnt) { nackSnInfo.isSegment = pStaPdu->nackInfo[idx].isSegment; nackSnInfo.nackRange = pStaPdu->nackInfo[idx].nackRange; nackSnInfo.sn = pStaPdu->nackInfo[idx].sn; RLOG_ARG3(L_DEBUG,DBG_RBID, rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "rlcHndlStaRsp: NACK SN = %d UEID:%d CELLID:%d", nackSnInfo.sn, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); nackSnInfo.soStart = pStaPdu->nackInfo[idx].soStart; nackSnInfo.soEnd = pStaPdu->nackInfo[idx].soEnd; /* e2 is used as a boolean indicating presence of SOStart or SOEnd */ sn = transWinStartSn; /* move transWinStartSn to nackSnInfo.sn + 1, as the pdu's before that will be removed from the buffer */ transWinStartSn = (nackSnInfo.sn + (nackSnInfo.nackRange ?\ (nackSnInfo.nackRange - 1) : 0) + 1) & AMDL.snModMask; /* Clear the acked SNs from the retx list */ MODAMT(nackSnInfo.sn, mNackSn, AMDL.txNextAck,AMDL.snModMask); if ((mNackSn > mAckSn) || (mNackSn >= mTxNext)) { /* Erroneous NACK_SN, we should raise an error towards L3 */ RLOG_ARG2(L_ERROR,DBG_RBID, rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "Status Pdu is not correct UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_FREE(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, datCfm, sizeof(KwuDatCfmInfo)); RETVOID; } /* clear all the SNs < NACK_SN from re-transmission list */ rlcAmmDlUpdTxAndReTxBufForLessThanNackSn(gCb, rbCb, sn, mNackSn, &retxNode, &datCfm); if(!nackSnInfo.nackRange) { rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForNackSn(gCb, rbCb, &nackSnInfo, &retxNode, &datCfm); gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numRlcAmCellNackRx++; } else { U8 idx1 = 0; /* Update issegment, soStart, soEnd ,sn in nackSnInfo and handle * nack sn*/ do { RlcDlAmmGetNackSnInfoFrmNackRangeIdx(&AMDL, &pStaPdu->nackInfo[idx], retxNode, &nackSnInfo, idx1); rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForNackSn(gCb, rbCb, &nackSnInfo, &retxNode, &datCfm); nackSnInfo.sn = ((nackSnInfo.sn + 1) & (AMDL.snModMask)); gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numRlcAmCellNackRx++; }while((++idx1) < (nackSnInfo.nackRange)); } idx++; } /* End of nackCnt while loop */ /* Remove the PDUs with are further acked by the ACK_SN after taking care of all the NACK_SN related acknowledgments*/ rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForAckSn(gCb,rbCb, mAckSn, retxNode, &datCfm); /* Update txNextAck */ rlcAmmDlSetTxNextAck(&AMDL,txNextAck); } else { rlcStatusAckCnt++; /* For All ACKs */ RLOG_ARG2(L_UNUSED,DBG_RBID, rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "rlcHndlStaRsp: Received All ACKS UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); /* For the remaining ACKs after last nackSn */ rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForAckSn(gCb,rbCb, mAckSn, retxNode, &datCfm); /* update txNextAck */ rlcAmmDlSetTxNextAck(&AMDL, pStaPdu->ackSn); } if(datCfm->numSduIds != 0) { if(datCfm->numSduIds > 1024) { RLOG_ARG4(L_DEBUG,DBG_RBID,datCfm->rlcId.rbId, "Sending [%lu] SDU Cfms to PDCP & [%lu] lost for" "UEID:%d CELLID:%d", datCfm->numSduIds, datCfm->numSduIds-1024, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); datCfm->numSduIds = 1024; } rlcSduSndCnt += datCfm->numSduIds; /* Sap control block */ RlcUiKwuDatCfm(&rlckwuSap->pst, rlckwuSap->suId, datCfm); } else { RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_FREE(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, datCfm, sizeof(KwuDatCfmInfo)); } /* Fix for memory corruption */ RLC_LLIST_FIRST_RETX(AMDL.retxLst, AMDL.nxtRetx); /* BO update, if retransmission BO has changed. AMDL.retxBo would have canged inside the above called functions */ if (oldRetxBo != AMDL.retxBo) { rlcAmmSendDedLcBoStatus(gCb, rbCb, &AMDL); } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Function to calculate the current buffer occupancy * * @details * Function to calculate the current bo depending on the control, * re-transmit, transmit bo's and the state of the transmit window. * If the transmit window is stalled, then the transmit bo is not * taken into account * * @param[in] amDl AM mode donwlink control block * * @return S16 * Calculated bo */ #ifdef ANSI S32 rlcAmmCalculateBo ( RlcAmDl *amDl ) #else S32 rlcAmmCalculateBo(amDl) RlcAmDl *amDl; #endif { S32 bo; /* Make sure non of the bo's are negative */ if (amDl->bo < 0) { amDl->bo = 0; } if (amDl->cntrlBo < 0) { amDl->cntrlBo = 0; } if (amDl->retxBo < 0) { amDl->retxBo = 0; } bo = amDl->cntrlBo + amDl->retxBo; /* if window is not stalled then add the transmit bo also */ if (! RLC_AM_IS_TRANS_WIN_STALLED(amDl)) { bo += amDl->bo; } return bo; } U32 kwRxSdu; /** * @brief Handler to queue the SDUs received from PDCP * * @details * This function is invoked by UIM to queue the SDU received from PDCP in the * SDU queue of the corresponding RbCb. It also updates the BO and report the * same to MAC. * - Allocate memory for and assign received buffer to the SDU * - Add SDU in the sduQ of RlcAmDl * - Calculate bo with the buffer received * - Accumulate bo with retransmission bo and control pdu's bo if available * - Estimate the header size for the bo; Fill in StaRspInfo and send it * to MAC * * @param[in] gCb RLC Instance control block * @param[in] rbCb RB control block * @param[in] mBuf Sdu to be queued * @param[in] datReq Ptr to the datReq sent from PDCP * * @return Void * -# RETVOID */ void rlcAmmQSdu(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, Buffer *mBuf, KwuDatReqInfo *datReq) { RlcSdu *sdu; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS #ifndef L2_L3_SPLIT #ifdef TENB_STATS uint32_t rlcWinSz; #endif #endif #endif /* Allocate sdu */ RLC_ALLOC_WC(gCb,sdu, sizeof(RlcSdu)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (sdu == NULLP) { DU_LOG("\n RLC : rlcAmmQSdu : Memory allocation failed UEID:%d CELLID:%d",\ rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); return; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ RLC_UPD_L2_DL_TOT_SDU_STS(gCb,rbCb); /* Discard new changes starts */ rlcUtlGetCurrTime(&sdu->arrTime); /* Discard new changes ends */ /* Assign values to sdu */ ODU_GET_MSG_LEN(mBuf, &sdu->sduSz); sdu->mBuf = mBuf; sdu->actSz = sdu->sduSz; sdu->mode.am.sduId = datReq->sduId; /* initialize values for AM mode to 0 */ sdu->mode.am.rcvdSz = 0; sdu->mode.am.isSegmented = 0; #ifndef RGL_SPECIFIC_CHANGES #ifdef MSPD { extern uint32_t dlrate_kwu; dlrate_kwu += sdu->sduSz; } #endif #endif /* Update nxtTx to point to the added sdu if this is the first SDU in the * queue */ if (AMDL.nxtTx == NULLP) { DU_LOG("\nRLC : rlcAmmQSdu: Received SDU will be transmitted next \ UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); AMDL.nxtTx = sdu; } /* Add sdu to the sdu list */ cmLListAdd2Tail(&AMDL.sduQ, &sdu->lstEnt); sdu->lstEnt.node = (PTR)sdu; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS #ifndef L2_L3_SPLIT #ifdef TENB_STATS if (rbCb->ueCb->tenbStats) { if (AMDL.sduQ.count > rbCb->ueCb->tenbStats->stats.nonPersistent.rlc.dlMaxPktsInSduQ) { rbCb->ueCb->tenbStats->stats.nonPersistent.rlc.dlMaxPktsInSduQ = AMDL.sduQ.count; } rlcWinSz = RLC_AM_TRANS_WIN_SIZE(&AMDL); if (rlcWinSz > rbCb->ueCb->tenbStats->stats.nonPersistent.rlc.dlMaxWindowSz) { rbCb->ueCb->tenbStats->stats.nonPersistent.rlc.dlMaxWindowSz = rlcWinSz; } } #endif #endif #endif /* Update BO and estimate header size for the current BO */ AMDL.bo = AMDL.bo + sdu->sduSz; if(AMDL.snLen == RLC_AM_CFG_12BIT_SN_LEN) { AMDL.estHdrSz += 2; } else { AMDL.estHdrSz += 3; } #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS_RLC /* Update numActUe if it is not active */ if((rbCb->rbL2Cb.measOn & LKW_L2MEAS_ACT_UE) && (rbCb->ueCb->numActRb[rbCb->qci] == 0)) { rbCb->ueCb->numActRb[rbCb->qci]++; gCb.rlcL2Cb.numActUe[rbCb->qci]++; } #endif if(!rlcDlUtlIsReestInProgress(rbCb)) { rlcAmmSendDedLcBoStatus(gCb, rbCb, &AMDL); } return; } /** * * @brief Private handler to construct control PDU * * @details * This function sets the pduSz correctly after eliminating the fixed * header sizes and the MAC header size. It copies the already prepared * STATUS PDU to the data to be sent to MAC. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Downlink RB control block * @param[in] kwdatReq DatReq to be sent to MAC * * @return Void * */ void rlcAmmDlAssembleCntrlInfo(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcDatReq *rlcDatReq) { RlcUdxDlSapCb *sapCb; MsgLen macHdrEstmt; macHdrEstmt = (rbCb->m.amDl.cntrlBo < 256) ? RLC_MAC_HDR_SZ2 : RLC_MAC_HDR_SZ3; /* Eliminate fixed hdr size (14bits including ACK_SN) */ if (rlcDatReq->pduSz >= (RLC_CNTRL_PDU_FIXED_HDRSZ + macHdrEstmt)) { /* Check the TB size whether it is sufficcient enough to fit the status Pdu into it otherwise make arrangement such that it can fit into in a way of possible NACks*/ /* ccpu00135743 : fix for MAC Hdr size calc */ rlcDatReq->pduSz -= macHdrEstmt; /* Create the status Pdu with the required NACKs */ rlcAmmCreateStatusPdu(gCb,rbCb,rlcDatReq); sapCb = RLC_GET_DL_SAPCB(gCb, rbCb); rlcDlUdxStaProhTmrStart(&(gCb->u.dlCb->udxDlSap->pst), sapCb->suId, &(rbCb->rlcId)); /* Update number of pdus in pduInfo */ rlcDatReq->pduInfo.mBuf[rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu] = AMDL.mBuf; rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu++; gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLStaPduSent++; RLC_FREE_SHRABL_BUF(gCb->u.dlCb->udxDlSap->pst.region, gCb->u.dlCb->udxDlSap->pst.pool, AMDL.pStaPdu, sizeof(RlcUdxDlStaPdu)); AMDL.pStaPdu = NULLP; AMDL.mBuf = NULLP; gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLStaPduSent++; } return; } /** * @brief Handler to form the PDUs with the size indicated by MAC * * @details * This function is invoked by UTL with the PDU size indicated by * MAC (after eliminating MAC header size). It assembles control * Info / data (New SDUs / Retx PDUs), check if polling needs to be * set for the data PDU and returns PDU(s) and updated BO with * estimated header size to be sent to MAC. * * - Check if the control BO is available and call rlcAssembleCntrlInfo * to assemble control Information * - Check if the pdu size is available to form PDUs from retransmission * buffer and call rlcResegRetxPdus * - Check if the pdu size is available and assemble SDUs from sduQ * if exist, using rlcAssembleSdus * - PDU Info and bo are filled in and then sent to MAC from the * utility function * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb RB control block * @param[in] kwdatReq DatReq to be sent to MAC * @param[in] fillCtrlPdu Indicates whether cntrl PDU to be filled or not * * @return Void * */ void rlcAmmProcessSdus(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcDatReq *rlcDatReq, bool fillCtrlPdu) { /* Assemble control information. fillCtrlPdu parameter check is added for CA * It is used to force cntrl Pdu scheduling on PCell. for Non CA case this * flag will always be TRUE. In CA case, for PCELL it is TRUE and for SCEll * it is FALSE */ if ((AMDL.cntrlBo != 0) #ifdef LTE_ADV && (fillCtrlPdu) #endif ) { rlcDatReq->boRep.staPduPrsnt = TRUE; rlcDatReq->boRep.staPduBo = AMDL.cntrlBo; if (AMDL.pStaPdu != NULLP) { rlcAmmDlAssembleCntrlInfo (gCb, rbCb, rlcDatReq); } else { DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAmmProcessSdus: Miscomputation of control Bo. \ UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); } AMDL.cntrlBo = 0; } /* Retransmit PDUs /portions of PDUs available in retxLst */ if ((rlcDatReq->pduSz > 0) && (AMDL.nxtRetx != NULLP)) { rlcResegRetxPdus (gCb,rbCb, rlcDatReq); } /* Assemble SDUs to form new PDUs */ if ((rlcDatReq->pduSz > 0) && (AMDL.nxtTx != 0)) { rlcAssembleSdus(gCb,rbCb, rlcDatReq); } if (AMDL.nxtRetx != NULLP) { rlcDatReq->boRep.oldestSduArrTime = AMDL.nxtRetx->sduMap.sdu->arrTime; } else if (AMDL.nxtTx != NULLP) { rlcDatReq->boRep.oldestSduArrTime = AMDL.nxtTx->arrTime; } /* Accumulate bo */ rlcDatReq->boRep.bo = rlcAmmCalculateBo(&AMDL); rlcDatReq->boRep.staPduBo = AMDL.cntrlBo; /* Hdr estimation is moved to kwAmmCreatePDu */ rlcDatReq->boRep.estHdrSz = AMDL.estHdrSz; if(rlcDatReq->pduSz > 0) { gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLBytesUnused += rlcDatReq->pduSz; } return; } /** * @brief Private handler split a PDU/segment into two * * @details * Its a private function called by kwResegRetxPdu to split a segment * or a retransmit PDU into two segments splitting at the passed size. * This function is called only for those PDUs that dont have any LIs. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb RB control block * @param[in,out] crnt The PDU to be split, first part of split pdu remians * in this * @param[out] next The second part of the split pdu * @param[in] size The size witin crnt, at which to split * * @return Void * */ void rlcSplitPdu(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcRetx *crnt, RlcRetx *next, uint16_t size) { uint8_t si; RlcAmDl *amDl = &AMDL; /* Set the SN for the new segment */ next->amHdr.sn = crnt->amHdr.sn; /* Set the protocol specific fields appropriately */ si = crnt->amHdr.si; crnt->amHdr.si = si | RLC_SI_FIRST_SEG; next->amHdr.si = si | RLC_SI_LAST_SEG; crnt->amHdr.p = 0; /* Update seg size */ next->segSz = crnt->segSz - size; crnt->segSz = size; /* Set the SO fields appropriately */ /* MS_FIX for DL stall */ next->soEnd = crnt->soEnd; /* Set the SO fields appropriately */ /* SO of next will be after the end of current */ next->amHdr.so = crnt->amHdr.so + crnt->segSz; /* SO End of current will be one less than the start of next */ crnt->soEnd = next->amHdr.so - 1; /* intialize the other fields in the amHdr of next to 0 */ next->amHdr.p = 0; next->amHdr.dc = 0; /* This macro is called for No LI case - one SDU */ /* Update the size of SDU in each node's sduMap */ next->sduMap.sdu = crnt->sduMap.sdu; crnt->sduMap.sduSz = crnt->segSz; next->sduMap.sduSz = next->segSz; /* Segment the payload into two parts based on the size passed */ ODU_SEGMENT_MSG(crnt->seg, size, &next->seg); next->retxCnt = crnt->retxCnt; next->yetToConst = TRUE; next->pendingReTrans = crnt->pendingReTrans; /* Compute the header size and update the BO appropriately */ if(amDl->snLen == RLC_AM_CFG_12BIT_SN_LEN) { next->hdrSz = RLC_AM_SEG_12BIT_SN_WITH_SO_HDRSZ; if(crnt->amHdr.si == RLC_SI_FIRST_SEG) { crnt->hdrSz = RLC_AM_SEG_12BIT_SN_WITHOUT_SO_HDRSZ; } else { crnt->hdrSz = RLC_AM_SEG_12BIT_SN_WITH_SO_HDRSZ; } } else { next->hdrSz = RLC_AM_SEG_18BIT_SN_WITH_SO_HDRSZ; if(crnt->amHdr.si == RLC_SI_FIRST_SEG) { crnt->hdrSz = RLC_AM_SEG_18BIT_SN_WITHOUT_SO_HDRSZ; } else { crnt->hdrSz = RLC_AM_SEG_18BIT_SN_WITH_SO_HDRSZ; } } /* Add the next to the retx list */ AMDL.retxLst.crnt = &crnt->lstEnt; CM_LLIST_INS_AFT_CRNT(AMDL.retxLst, next); AMDL.nxtRetx = next; amDl->estHdrSz += next->hdrSz; return; } /** * @brief Private handler to retransmit PDUs or PDU segments * * @details * Its a private function called by kwProcessSdus, to create the * PDUs / its segments from the retransmission buffer available in RbCb. * * - Eliminate the fixed header size and MAC header size while * forming PDUs/segments * - While pdusize is available and retxBuf has data (pdu or portion * of pdu) to be sent, form the pdu as it is if it matches with the * pdusize else segment the PDUs/portion of PDUs * - Call rlcAmmDlCheckAndSetPoll function to check and set the poll bit as * required * - Concatenate data and header info and fill pduInfo * - Update retxCnt and send indication to PDCP if it reaches maxRetx * threshold * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb RB control block * @param[in] kwdatReq DatReq to be sent to MAC * * @return Void * */ void rlcResegRetxPdus(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcDatReq *rlcDatReq) { RlcAmDl *amDl; RlcRetx *retx; uint8_t hdr[RLC_MAX_HDRSZ]; uint16_t idx; Buffer *pdu; MsgLen pduSz; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS uint16_ sduIdx; RlcL2MeasTb *l2MeasTb; RlclchInfo *lchInfo; uint8_t numSdus; #endif amDl = &AMDL; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS /* TODO : This shoould be taken care in new Trasmissions */ /* This lchInfo should be retrieved there */ l2MeasTb = rlcUtlGetCurMeasTb(gCb, rbCb); if (l2MeasTb == NULLP) { return; } /* TODO : This lcid needs to be searched in case of normal Tx */ /* In retx here, its fine as this will be higher priority */ lchInfo = &l2MeasTb->lchInfo[l2MeasTb->numLchInfo]; if (l2MeasTb->numLchInfo >= RLC_MAX_ACTV_DRB) { return; } l2MeasTb->numLchInfo++; lchInfo->lcId = rbCb->lch.lChId; lchInfo->numSdus = 0; #endif while ((rlcDatReq->pduSz > 0) && (amDl->nxtRetx != NULLP)&& (rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu < RLC_MAX_PDU)) { uint16_t tmpSz; retx = amDl->nxtRetx; /* kw003.201 : Add header size to seg size to determine if the */ /* the segment can be completed within the allocation */ /* kw003.201 - Eliminate MAC Header Size based on bites needed */ tmpSz = RLC_MIN((retx->segSz + retx->hdrSz), rlcDatReq->pduSz); pduSz = (retx->segSz + retx->hdrSz); /* 5GNR_RLC: length field in 5GNR MAC Hdr is 8/16 btis*/ rlcDatReq->pduSz -= (tmpSz < 255) ? RLC_MAC_HDR_SZ2 : RLC_MAC_HDR_SZ3; /* kw003.201 - We should have at least one more than basic header */ if (rlcDatReq->pduSz <= retx->hdrSz) { return; } rlcGetNxtRetx(gCb, &(amDl->nxtRetx)); /* Send retx buf without segmentation */ if (rlcDatReq->pduSz >= pduSz) { uint8_t pollBit; DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcResegRetxPdus: Send retx buf without segmentation " "UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); if (retx->yetToConst) { /* Construct hdr with the available hdr values */ rlcConstructAmHdr(&retx->amHdr, hdr, amDl->snLen, &idx); /* Add header to the pdu/segment */ ODU_ADD_PRE_MSG_MULT_IN_ORDER(hdr, idx + 1, retx->seg); retx->yetToConst = FALSE; } /* kw003.201 - Check if poll bit needs to be set. Retx size does */ /* not affect the poll bit so it is being passed as zero */ pollBit = rlcAmmDlCheckAndSetPoll(gCb,rbCb, FALSE, 0); RLC_UPD_POLL_BIT(gCb, retx, pollBit); rlcDatReq->pduSz -= pduSz; AMDL.estHdrSz -= retx->hdrSz; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS if (rbCb->rlcId.rbType == CM_LTE_DRB) { numSdus = 0; for (sduIdx = lchInfo->numSdus ; ((numSdus < retx->numSdu) && (sduIdx < RLC_L2MEAS_SDUIDX)) ; sduIdx++, numSdus++) { lchInfo->sduInfo[sduIdx].arvlTime = retx->sduMap[numSdus].sdu->arrTime; lchInfo->sduInfo[sduIdx].isRetxPdu = TRUE; /* TODO : for later use */ } lchInfo->numSdus += numSdus; } #endif } else { RlcRetx *tNode; /* Segment this pdu / portion of pdu. Insert this segment into */ /* retxLst and update offset */ DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcResegRetxPdus: Segment retx buf UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); /* Eliminate fixed header size if the pdu is segmented for the */ /* first time */ if(amDl->snLen == RLC_AM_CFG_12BIT_SN_LEN) { if(retx->amHdr.si < RLC_SI_LAST_SEG) { rlcDatReq->pduSz -= RLC_AM_SEG_12BIT_SN_WITHOUT_SO_HDRSZ; } else { rlcDatReq->pduSz -= RLC_AM_SEG_12BIT_SN_WITH_SO_HDRSZ; } } else { if(retx->amHdr.si < RLC_SI_LAST_SEG) { rlcDatReq->pduSz -= RLC_AM_SEG_18BIT_SN_WITHOUT_SO_HDRSZ; } else { rlcDatReq->pduSz -= RLC_AM_SEG_18BIT_SN_WITH_SO_HDRSZ; } } if (rlcDatReq->pduSz <= 0) { return; } /* Allocate memory for tracking a new segment */ RLC_ALLOC_WC(gCb,tNode, sizeof(RlcRetx)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (tNode == NULLP) { DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcResegRetxPdus: Memory allocation failed UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); return; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ /* initialize the list pointer to 0 instead of memset */ tNode->lstEnt.next = 0; tNode->lstEnt.prev = 0; /* Segment header and data */ RLC_AM_RMV_HDR(gCb, rbCb, retx); /* kw003.201 - Split the payload and update other fields */ rlcSplitPdu(gCb,rbCb, retx, tNode, rlcDatReq->pduSz); #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS numSdus = 0; /* ccpu00143043 */ sduIdx = lchInfo->numSdus; for (numSdus = 0, sduIdx = lchInfo->numSdus; ((numSdus < retx->numSdu) && (sduIdx < RLC_L2MEAS_SDUIDX)); numSdus++, sduIdx++) { lchInfo->sduInfo[sduIdx].arvlTime = retx->sduMap[numSdus].sdu->arrTime; lchInfo->sduInfo[sduIdx].isRetxPdu = TRUE; } lchInfo->numSdus = sduIdx; if ((retx->amHdr.lsf == 0) && (lchInfo->numSdus > 0)) { lchInfo->numSdus--; } #endif /* Construct hdr with the available hdr values */ rlcConstructAmHdr(&retx->amHdr, hdr, amDl->snLen, &idx); ODU_ADD_PRE_MSG_MULT_IN_ORDER(hdr, idx + 1, retx->seg); retx->hdrSz = idx + 1; /* Poll bit need not be set for this seg, since its second */ /* half remains in retxLst */ RLC_UPD_POLL_BIT(gCb, retx, FALSE); retx->yetToConst = FALSE; rlcDatReq->pduSz = 0; } rlcCpyMsg(gCb,retx->seg, &pdu); /* Update pduInfo */ rlcDatReq->pduInfo.mBuf[rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu] = pdu; rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu++; /* kw005.201 ccpu00117318, updating the statistics */ gCb->genSts.pdusRetx += 1; gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numRlcAmCellRetxPdu++; retx->soEnd = retx->amHdr.so + retx->segSz - 1; retx->pendingReTrans = FALSE; amDl->retxBo -= retx->segSz; } #ifndef ALIGN_64BIT DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcResegRetxPdus: retxBo after resegmentation = %ld" "UEID:%d CELLID:%d", amDl->retxBo, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); #else DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcResegRetxPdus: retxBo after resegmentation = %d " "UEID:%d CELLID:%d", amDl->retxBo, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); #endif return; } /** * @brief Private handler to assemble SDUs to form new data PDU(s) * * @details * Its a private function called by kwProcessSdus, to create the new data * PDUs from the SDU queue of RbCb. * * - While pdusize is available, segment/concatenate SDUs or else if it * matches the pdu size form PDUs accordingly. * - RLC header and MAC header size are eliminated while forming the PDUs * - Call rlcAmmDlCheckAndSetPoll function to check and set the poll bit * as required * - Concatenate data and header info and fill pduInfo * * @param[in] rbCb RB control block * @param[in] kwdatReq DatReq to be sent to MAC * * @return Void * */ void rlcAssembleSdus(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcDatReq *rlcDatReq) { Buffer *pdu = NULLP; MsgLen macGrntSz = rlcDatReq->pduSz; RlcAmDl *amDl = &AMDL; RlcSdu *sdu = amDl->nxtTx; RlcSduMap sduMap; bool nxtTxUpd = FALSE; KwuDiscSduInfo *discSduInfo = NULLP; RlcKwuSapCb* rlckwuSap = gCb->u.dlCb->rlcKwuDlSap + RLC_UI_PDCP; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS RlcContSduLst contSduLst; /*Contained sduLst */ int32_t dataVol = amDl->bo; uint32_t *totMacGrant = &rlcDatReq->totMacGrant; RlcL2MeasDlIpTh *dlIpThPut = &rbCb->l2MeasIpThruput.dlIpTh; uint8_t *sduIdx = &dlIpThPut->lastSduIdx; bool newIdx; bool isSduSegmented; int32_t oldBo; RlclchInfo lchInfo; RlclchInfo *dstLchInfo; uint32_t segSduCnt = 0; uint32_t lchIdx; uint32_t numSdus = 0; uint32_t currSduIdx = 0; RlcL2MeasTb *l2MeasTb; #endif /* Discard new changes starts */ Ticks timeDiff = 0; Ticks curTime = 0; uint8_t numNewPdu = 0; RlcTx *txBuf = NULLP; /* Discard new changes ends */ VOLATILE uint32_t startTime = 0; uint32_t hdrEstmt; uint32_t fixedHdrSz; uint32_t pduSz; RlcAmHdr *amHdr = NULLP; RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo = NULLP; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS contSduLst.numSdus = 0; contSduLst.lcId = rbCb->lch.lChId; oldBo = amDl->bo; lchInfo.lcId = rbCb->lch.lChId; lchInfo.numSdus = 0; #endif /* Discard new changes starts */ /* Allocate memory for discSdu Info */ RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_ALLOC(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, discSduInfo, sizeof(KwuDiscSduInfo)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (discSduInfo == NULLP) { DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAssembleSdus: Memory allocation failed UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); return; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ discSduInfo->numSduIds = 0; discSduInfo->rlcId = rbCb->rlcId; rlcUtlGetCurrTime(&curTime); amDl->sduQ.crnt = &sdu->lstEnt; /* Eliminate fixed header size */ /*5GNR: value of RLC_AM_PDU_FIXED_HDRSZ will be 2 or 3 depending on SN Size*/ if(amDl->snLen == RLC_AM_CFG_12BIT_SN_LEN) { fixedHdrSz = RLC_AM_PDU_12BIT_SN_HDRSZ; } else { fixedHdrSz = RLC_AM_PDU_18BIT_SN_HDRSZ; } while ((macGrntSz > fixedHdrSz) && (sdu != NULLP) && (rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu < RLC_MAX_PDU) && (numNewPdu < RLC_MAX_NEW_DL_PDU)) { #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS isSduSegmented = sdu->mode.am.isSegmented; #endif /* Discard new changes starts */ if ((sdu->mode.am.isSegmented == FALSE) && (rbCb->discTmrInt > 0) && \ (rbCb->rlcId.rbType == CM_LTE_DRB)) { //leftAmSdus[rbCb->qci]--; timeDiff = RLC_TIME_DIFF(curTime,sdu->arrTime); if (timeDiff > rbCb->discTmrInt) { CmLList* nxtNode; /*starting Task*/ SStartTask(&startTime, PID_RLC_AMM_DISC_SDUS); #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS RLC_UPD_L2_DL_DISC_SDU_STS(gCb,rbCb); /* TODO need to send disc cfm to pdcp */ #endif /* Update bo for boReport */ amDl->bo -= sdu->sduSz; /* Get next sdu for assembly */ nxtNode = sdu->lstEnt.next; /* store the info for sending it to PDCP */ if(discSduInfo->numSduIds > 500) { DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAssembleSdus: This is a big error, we shouldn't be here" "UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); break; } discSduInfo->sduIds[discSduInfo->numSduIds] = sdu->mode.am.sduId; discSduInfo->numSduIds++; cmLListDelFrm(&amDl->sduQ, &sdu->lstEnt); rlcUtlAddSduToBeFreedQueue(gCb, sdu); rlcUtlRaiseDlCleanupEvent(gCb); /* We need to restore the crnt in the linked list which * would have become NULL in the DelFrm above */ amDl->sduQ.crnt = nxtNode; if(nxtNode) sdu = (RlcSdu*)nxtNode->node; else sdu = NULLP; /*stopping Task*/ ODU_STOP_TASK(startTime, PID_RLC_AMM_DISC_SDUS); continue; } } nxtTxUpd = FALSE; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS newIdx = FALSE; #endif /** kw003.201 - Check for window stall when you are * creating a new PDU */ if (RLC_AM_IS_TRANS_WIN_STALLED(amDl)) { //int *a = NULLP; printf("\n Window stalled \n"); gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numRlcAmCellWinStall++; //*a = 10; break; } hdrEstmt = fixedHdrSz; if (sdu->mode.am.isSegmented) { /* Adding two byte for SO */ hdrEstmt += 2; } /* Eliminate MAC header */ /* ccpu00135743 : Fix for MAC Hdr size calculation */ /*5GNR: value of mac hdr length field changed to 8/16bits */ pduSz = RLC_MIN(macGrntSz, (sdu->sduSz + hdrEstmt)); hdrEstmt += (pduSz < 255) ? RLC_MAC_HDR_SZ2 : RLC_MAC_HDR_SZ3; macGrntSz -= hdrEstmt; /* kw005.201 Check for PDU Size is large enough. * Fix for ccpu00118973 * */ if(macGrntSz <= 0) { break; } /* Dont create new txBuf for segmented SDU */ if (!sdu->mode.am.isSegmented) { /* Update txBuf */ RLC_ALLOC_WC(gCb,txBuf, sizeof(RlcTx)); cmLListInit(&txBuf->pduLst); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (txBuf == NULLP) { uint32_t avblMem = 0; SRegInfoShow(gCb->init.region, &avblMem); DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAssembleSdus: Memory allocation failed UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); return; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ rlcUtlStoreTxBuf(amDl->txBufLst, txBuf, amDl->txNext); } else { txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(amDl->txBufLst, amDl->txNext); } RLC_ALLOC_WC(gCb,pduInfo, sizeof(RlcDlPduInfo)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (pduInfo == NULLP) { uint32_t avblMem = 0; SRegInfoShow(gCb->init.region, &avblMem); DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAssembleSdus: Memory allocation failed UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); return; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ /*Initialize DL segment structure */ pduInfo->lstEnt.next = NULLP; pduInfo->lstEnt.prev = NULLP; pduInfo->lstEnt.node = NULLP; pduInfo->pdu = NULLP; pduInfo->amHdr.dc = 0; pduInfo->amHdr.p = 0; pduInfo->amHdr.si = 0; pduInfo->amHdr.so = 0; pduInfo->amHdr.sn = amDl->txNext; if (macGrntSz >= sdu->sduSz) { pdu = sdu->mBuf; sdu->mBuf = NULLP; /* Update Framing Info */ if (sdu->mode.am.isSegmented) { /*5GNR RLC: SN should be same for all segment of a SDU*/ pduInfo->amHdr.sn = sdu->mode.am.sn; pduInfo->amHdr.si = RLC_SI_LAST_SEG; /* binary 10 */ pduInfo->amHdr.so = sdu->actSz - sdu->sduSz; sdu->mode.am.isSegmented = FALSE; gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numRlcAmCellSduTx++; //printf("\n 5GNRLOG: last segment of lcId %d SduId %u So %u macGrntSz %u sduActSz %u sdu->sduSz %u\n", // rbCb->lch.lChId, sdu->mode.am.sduId, pduInfo->amHdr.so, macGrntSz, sdu->actSz, sdu->sduSz); } else { gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numRlcAmCellSduTx++; } amHdr = &pduInfo->amHdr; /* Create PDU with hdr and data */ rlcAmmCreatePdu(gCb,rbCb, amHdr, pduInfo, pdu); //printf("\n Segmentation not required case: numPdu %d pdu %p \n",rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu, pdu); #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS_RLC rlcUtlUpdSduSnMap(rbCb, sdu, rlcDatReq, TRUE); #endif /* LTE_L2_MEAS */ /* kw005.201 ccpu00117318, updating the statistics */ rlcUtlIncrementKwuStsSduTx(gCb->u.dlCb->rlcKwuDlSap + rbCb->k1wuSapId); #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS if(RLC_MEAS_IS_DL_ANY_MEAS_ON_FOR_RB(gCb,rbCb)) { if(isSduSegmented) { *sduIdx = dlIpThPut->lastSduIdx; } else { RLC_GETSDUIDX(*sduIdx); newIdx = TRUE; } rlcUtlUpdateContainedSduLst(*sduIdx, &contSduLst); rlcUtlUpdateOutStandingSduLst(dlIpThPut, *sduIdx, sdu->actSz, sdu->mode.am.sduId, newIdx); /* Update the arrival time for each SDU */ /* ccpu00143043 */ if ( lchInfo.numSdus < RLC_L2MEAS_SDUIDX) { lchInfo.sduInfo[lchInfo.numSdus].arvlTime = sdu->arrTime; lchInfo.numSdus++; } } #endif sduMap.sduSz = sdu->sduSz; } else { /* Segmentation * Allocate buffer for next PDU * Remove the segmented portion from SDUQ * Calculate the hdr with LI for SDU */ Buffer *remSeg = NULLP; //printf("\n SDU segmentation case: numPdu %d pdu %p \n", rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu, pdu); #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS if(RLC_MEAS_IS_DL_IP_MEAS_ON_FOR_RB(gCb,rbCb) || RLC_MEAS_IS_DL_DELAY_MEAS_ON_FOR_RB(gCb,rbCb) || RLC_MEAS_IS_DL_UU_LOSS_MEAS_ON_FOR_RB(gCb,rbCb) ) { /* If actual size of the sdu is equal to msgLen * then it is first segment of the SDU */ if(sdu->actSz == sdu->sduSz) { RLC_GETSDUIDX(*sduIdx); newIdx = TRUE; } else { *sduIdx = dlIpThPut->lastSduIdx; } rlcUtlUpdateContainedSduLst(*sduIdx, &contSduLst); rlcUtlUpdateOutStandingSduLst(dlIpThPut, *sduIdx, sdu->actSz, sdu->mode.am.sduId, newIdx); if(RLC_MEAS_IS_DL_UU_LOSS_MEAS_ON_FOR_RB(gCb,rbCb)) { /* If actual size of the sdu is equal to msgLen * then it is first segment of the SDU */ if(sdu->actSz == sdu->sduSz) { segSduCnt++; } } } #endif /* Segment the SDU to the size of the PDU and update header Info */ ODU_SEGMENT_MSG(sdu->mBuf, macGrntSz, &remSeg); pdu = sdu->mBuf; sdu->mBuf = remSeg; /* Update SI and SN */ if (sdu->mode.am.isSegmented) { /*5GNR RLC: SN should be same for all segment of a SDU. * Sdu was already segmented and segmenting again*/ pduInfo->amHdr.sn = sdu->mode.am.sn; pduInfo->amHdr.si = RLC_SI_MID_SEG; /* binary 11 */ pduInfo->amHdr.so = sdu->actSz - sdu->sduSz; //printf("\n 5GNRLOG: mid segment of lcId %d SduId %u So %u macGrntSz %u sduActSz %u sdu->sduSz %u\n", // rbCb->lch.lChId, sdu->mode.am.sduId, txBuf->amHdr.so, macGrntSz, sdu->actSz, sdu->sduSz); } else { /*5GNR RLC: This means it is the first*/ pduInfo->amHdr.si = RLC_SI_FIRST_SEG; /* binary 01 */ /*5GNR_RLC: Store SN so that in sub-seqent SDU segments will use this SN*/ sdu->mode.am.sn = pduInfo->amHdr.sn; pduInfo->amHdr.so = 0; //printf("\n 5GNRLOG: First segment of lcId %d SduId %u So %u macGrntSz %u sduActSz %u sdu->sduSz %u\n", // rbCb->lch.lChId, sdu->mode.am.sduId, txBuf->amHdr.so, macGrntSz, sdu->actSz, sdu->sduSz); } amHdr = &pduInfo->amHdr; /* Create PDU with hdr and data */ rlcAmmCreatePdu(gCb,rbCb, amHdr, pduInfo, pdu); sdu->mode.am.isSegmented = TRUE; sdu->sduSz -= macGrntSz; sduMap.sduSz = macGrntSz; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS_RLC rlcUtlUpdSduSnMap(rbCb, sdu, rlcDatReq, FALSE); #endif /* LTE_L2_MEAS */ amDl->nxtTx = sdu; nxtTxUpd = TRUE; } /* Update bo for boReport */ amDl->bo -= sduMap.sduSz; sduMap.sdu = sdu; /* Update pduInfo */ rlcDatReq->pduInfo.mBuf[rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu] = pdu; rlcDatReq->pduInfo.numPdu++; numNewPdu++; /* kw005.201 ccpu00117318, updating the statistics */ gCb->genSts.pdusSent++; gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numRlcAmCellSduBytesTx = gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numRlcAmCellSduBytesTx + sduMap.sduSz; /* Update the RLC Tx buffer with the new PDU info */ RLC_MEM_CPY(&pduInfo->sduMap, &sduMap, sizeof(RlcSduMap)); pdu = NULLP; macGrntSz -= sduMap.sduSz; /* Get next sdu for assembly */ RLC_LLIST_NEXT_SDU(amDl->sduQ, sdu); } /*End of pduSz loop */ rlcDatReq->pduSz = macGrntSz; /* Updating nxtTx to sdu in the Q */ if (!nxtTxUpd) amDl->nxtTx = sdu; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS if(RLC_MEAS_IS_DL_ANY_MEAS_ON_FOR_RB(gCb,rbCb) && (rbCb->rlcId.rbType == CM_LTE_DRB)) { numSdus = 0; currSduIdx = 0; l2MeasTb = rlcUtlGetCurMeasTb(gCb, rbCb); rlcUtlUpdateBurstSdus(gCb, rbCb, &contSduLst, dataVol, *totMacGrant); if ((lchInfo.numSdus != 0) && (l2MeasTb != NULLP)) { for (lchIdx = 0; ((lchIdx < l2MeasTb->numLchInfo) && (lchIdx < RLC_MAX_ACTV_DRB )); lchIdx++) { if (l2MeasTb->lchInfo[lchIdx].lcId == rbCb->lch.lChId) { /* Lch Info already added in Retx procedure */ break; } } if (lchIdx < RLC_MAX_ACTV_DRB) { if (lchIdx == l2MeasTb->numLchInfo) { l2MeasTb->lchInfo[lchIdx].lcId = rbCb->lch.lChId; l2MeasTb->lchInfo[lchIdx].numSdus = 0; l2MeasTb->numLchInfo++; } dstLchInfo = &l2MeasTb->lchInfo[lchIdx]; currSduIdx = l2MeasTb->lchInfo[lchIdx].numSdus; while ((numSdus < lchInfo.numSdus) && (currSduIdx < RLC_L2MEAS_SDUIDX)) { dstLchInfo->sduInfo[currSduIdx].arvlTime = lchInfo.sduInfo[numSdus].arvlTime; dstLchInfo->sduInfo[currSduIdx].isRetxPdu = FALSE; numSdus++; currSduIdx++; } l2MeasTb->lchInfo[lchIdx].numSdus += numSdus; } } /* Fix Klock warning */ if(l2MeasTb != NULLP) { l2MeasTb->txSegSduCnt += segSduCnt; } } *totMacGrant -= (oldBo - amDl->bo); #endif if(discSduInfo->numSduIds != 0) { /* Sap control block */ RlcUiKwuDiscSduCfm(&rlckwuSap->pst, rlckwuSap->suId, discSduInfo); } else { RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_FREE(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, discSduInfo, sizeof(KwuDiscSduInfo)); } DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAssembleSdus: BO after assembly = %d UEID:%d CELLID:%d", amDl->bo, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); return; } /** * @brief Private handler to check if the poll bit needs to be set for data PDU * * @details * Its a private function called by kwProcessSdus, to checks if the * polling bit needs to be set for any RLC data PDU and updates the * same. * - For the new PDUs, if the counters exceed the configured * pduWoPoll/byteWoPoll values, return poll bit. * - For the PDUs/portion of PDUs, if the SDU list / retxBuf is * empty, return poll bit. * - Update the pollPdu, pollByte counters and Poll_SN; start staProhTmr * * @param[in] rCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb RB control block * @param[in] newPdu Flag to indicate if its a new AMD PDU. * @param[in] bufSz Length of the PDU * * @return Bool * -# 1 - To set the poll bit * -# 0 - Poll bit is not set * */ bool rlcAmmDlCheckAndSetPoll(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, bool newPdu, MsgLen bufSz) { bool pollBit = FALSE; RlcAmDl *amDl = &(rbCb->m.amDl); /* If it's a new PDU increment PDU without poll and bytes without poll and check if they cross the configured number of poll pdu and poll bytes*/ if (newPdu) { amDl->pduWoPoll++; /* Patch kw004.201 */ amDl->byteWoPoll += bufSz; if (((amDl->pollPdu != -1) && (amDl->pduWoPoll >= amDl->pollPdu)) || ((amDl->pollByte != -1) && (amDl->byteWoPoll >= amDl->pollByte))) { pollBit = TRUE; } } /* Check if both tx/retx buffer are empty or if tx window is stalled */ if (((amDl->nxtTx == NULLP) && (amDl->nxtRetx == NULLP)) || RLC_AM_IS_TRANS_WIN_STALLED(amDl)) { pollBit = TRUE; } if (pollBit) { amDl->pduWoPoll = 0; amDl->byteWoPoll = 0; amDl->pollSn = (amDl->txNext - 1) & amDl->snModMask; DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAmmDlCheckAndSetPoll: Poll SN = %d UEID:%d CELLID:%d", amDl->pollSn, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); /* kw005.201: Fix for poll retransmission timer. * Timer is stopped if it is already running and * then starting the timer. Fixes crs * ccpu00117216 and ccpu00118284 . * */ if( TRUE == rlcChkTmr(gCb,(PTR)rbCb,RLC_EVT_AMDL_POLL_RETX_TMR) ) { rlcStopTmr(gCb,(PTR)rbCb, RLC_EVT_AMDL_POLL_RETX_TMR); } rlcStartTmr(gCb,(PTR)rbCb, RLC_EVT_AMDL_POLL_RETX_TMR); } return (pollBit); } /** * @brief Private handler to create AMD PDU * * @details * This function constructs header and concatenate it with the data for * the PDU. It also updates the txBuf with the created PDU. * * @param[in] gCB RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Downlink RB control block * @param[in] amHdr AM header * @param[in] RlcDlPduInfo Pointer to PduInfo * @param[in] pdu PDU buffer * * @return Void * */ void rlcAmmCreatePdu(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcAmHdr *amHdr, RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo, Buffer *pdu) { uint8_t hdr[RLC_MAX_HDRSZ]; uint16_t idx; RlcTx *txBuf; MsgLen pduSz; RlcAmDl *amDl = &(rbCb->m.amDl); /* Update sn */ amHdr->sn = amDl->txNext; /*5GNR RLC: Increment txNext only if no segmentation of it is a last segment */ if((!amHdr->si) || (amHdr->si == RLC_SI_LAST_SEG)) { //printf("\n 5GNRLOG: no segment/last seg SDU with lcId %d Sn %u txNext %u So %u\n", // rbCb->lch.lChId, amHdr->sn, amDl->txNext, amHdr->so); amDl->txNext = (amDl->txNext + 1) & amDl->snModMask; } /* Update hdr Info */ ODU_GET_MSG_LEN(pdu, &pduSz); /* passing newPDU = TRUE*/ amHdr->p = rlcAmmDlCheckAndSetPoll(gCb,rbCb, TRUE, pduSz); /* Construct header with the available hdr Info, set isSegment to FALSE */ rlcConstructAmHdr(amHdr, hdr, amDl->snLen, &idx); /* Concatenate hdr and data */ ODU_ADD_PRE_MSG_MULT_IN_ORDER(hdr, idx+1, pdu); txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(amDl->txBufLst, amHdr->sn); rlcCpyMsg(gCb,pdu,&(pduInfo->pdu)); pduInfo->pduSz = pduSz; pduInfo->hdrSz = idx+1; /*Update estHdrSz. deduct current hdrSz */ amDl->estHdrSz -= pduInfo->hdrSz; /* Reestimate estHdrSz for mid and last seg */ if(amHdr->si & 0x1) { amDl->estHdrSz += ((amHdr->si == RLC_SI_MID_SEG)? pduInfo->hdrSz : (pduInfo->hdrSz + 2)); } cmLListAdd2Tail(&txBuf->pduLst, &pduInfo->lstEnt); pduInfo->lstEnt.node = (PTR)pduInfo; gCb->genSts.bytesSent += pduSz; return; } /** * @brief Private handler to remove the retx PDU from the rbCb * * @details * This function releases a retx PDU stored on DL portion of rbCb. * It also updates the BO if wtForAck flag is not set which implies * that it is not sent out yet. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] retx retransmit PDU to be removed * @param[in] rbCb Radio Bearer Control Block * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcRemRetxPdu ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcRetx *retx ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcRemRetxPdu(gCb, rbCb, retx) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcRetx *retx; #endif { TRC2(rlcRemRetxPdu) cmLListDelFrm(&AMDL.retxLst, &retx->lstEnt); if( AMDL.retxLst.count == 0) { AMDL.nxtRetx = NULLP; } if(retx->pendingReTrans == TRUE) { AMDL.retxBo -= retx->segSz; AMDL.estHdrSz -= retx->hdrSz; } rlcUtlAddReTxPduToBeFreedQueue(gCb, retx); rlcUtlRaiseDlCleanupEvent(gCb); RETVOID; } /** * @brief Private handler to mark a retx PDU for further retransmission * * @details * This function sets a retx PDU that has not been ACKed in the * received Status PDU for futher retransmission. If the retransmission * limit is reached, it releases the retx PDU and informs the higher * layers about the same. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] retx retransmit PDU to be removed * @param[in] rbCb Radio Bearer Control Block * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlMarkPduForReTx ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcRetx *retx ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlMarkPduForReTx(*gCb, rbCb, retx) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcRetx *retx; #endif { TRC2(rlcAmmDlMarkPduForReTx) if (AMDL.maxReTxReached == TRUE) { RETVOID; } if(retx->pendingReTrans == FALSE) { retx->pendingReTrans = TRUE; ++retx->retxCnt; AMDL.retxBo += retx->segSz; AMDL.estHdrSz += retx->hdrSz; if (retx->retxCnt > AMDL.maxRetx) { /* RLC_DL_MAX_RETX fix */ /* Marking the RB stalled for DL scheduling. This is to avoid unnecessary */ /* preparation of RLC PDUs and adding the same to Tx Buffer */ /* This condition is to avoid sending StaIndication more than once */ if (TRUE != rbCb->m.amDl.maxReTxReached) { rbCb->m.amDl.maxReTxReached = TRUE; rbCb->m.amDl.bo = 0; rbCb->m.amDl.cntrlBo = 0; rbCb->m.amDl.retxBo = 0; /* Sending BO update to SCH */ rlcUtlSendDedLcBoStatus(gCb, rbCb, 0,0,0,0); rlcAmmSndStaInd(gCb, rbCb, retx); gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLMaxRetx++; } rlcRemRetxPdu(gCb,rbCb, retx); RETVOID; } if (AMDL.nxtRetx == NULLP) { AMDL.nxtRetx = retx; } gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLRetransPdus++; } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Private handler to check if SDU is completely deliverd and * send higher layers data confirmation * * @details * This function sends higher layers data confirmation for SDUs which * have been successfully delivered to the peer RLC entity. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Radio Bearer Control Block * @param[in] sduLst List of SDUs that were part of the PDU * @param[in] numSdu Number of SDUs in the list * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlCheckIsSDUDelivered ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSduMap *sduMap, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlCheckIsSDUDelivered(gCb, rbCb, sduMap, datCfm) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcSduMap *sduMap; KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm; #endif { RlcSdu *sdu; TRC2(rlcAmmDlCheckIsSDUDelivered) sdu = sduMap->sdu; sdu->mode.am.rcvdSz += sduMap->sduSz; /* send a dat cfm if all the bytes of the sdu have been received */ if (sdu->mode.am.rcvdSz == sdu->actSz) { /* Send DatCfm for this sdu */ if((*datCfm)->numSduIds < KWU_MAX_DAT_CFM) { (*datCfm)->sduIds[(*datCfm)->numSduIds++] = sdu->mode.am.sduId; } else { /* This is an error that should never happen, we should resize * the #define to a larger value or check why we need to * send so many confirms in one go * Confrims to PDCP are being dropped in this case */ RlcKwuSapCb *rlckwuSap; rlckwuSap = gCb->u.dlCb->rlcKwuDlSap + RLC_UI_PDCP; RlcUiKwuDatCfm(&rlckwuSap->pst, rlckwuSap->suId, *datCfm); RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_ALLOC(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, *datCfm, sizeof(KwuDatCfmInfo)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (*datCfm == NULLP) { RLOG_ARG2(L_FATAL,DBG_RBID,rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "Memory allocation failed UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); RETVOID; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ (*datCfm)->numSduIds = 0; (*datCfm)->rlcId = rbCb->rlcId; /* ccpu00135618: say total 1026 sduIds to copy the 1025 sduId after * new allocation of datCfm */ (*datCfm)->sduIds[(*datCfm)->numSduIds++] = sdu->mode.am.sduId; } /* Remove SDU from the sduQ */ cmLListDelFrm(&AMDL.sduQ, &sdu->lstEnt); rlcUtlAddSduToBeFreedQueue(gCb, sdu); rlcUtlRaiseDlCleanupEvent(gCb); } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Private handler to mark a PDU successful. * * @details * This function is called when we receive a STATUS pdu that marks * a PDU as successful. It releases the PDU from RLC entity and * informs PDCP of successful SDUs delivered as a result of this PDU. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Radio Bearer Control Block * @param[in] sn SN that is successfully delivered to the peer * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulTxPdu ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSn sn, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulTxPdu(gCb, rbCb, sn, datCfm) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcSn sn; KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm; #endif { TRC2(rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulTxPdu) CmLList *pduNode; RlcTx *txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(AMDL.txBufLst, sn); if (txBuf == NULLP) { RETVOID; } pduNode = txBuf->pduLst.first; while(pduNode) { RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo = (RlcDlPduInfo *)(pduNode->node); rlcAmmDlCheckIsSDUDelivered(gCb, rbCb, &(pduInfo->sduMap), datCfm); pduNode = pduNode->next; } rlcUtlAddTxPduToBeFreedQueue(gCb, txBuf); rlcUtlRaiseDlCleanupEvent(gCb); /* so that it is not processed again */ rlcUtlRemovTxBuf(AMDL.txBufLst, txBuf, gCb); RETVOID; } /** * @brief Handler to send Status Indication to PDCP * * @details * This function is used to send status indication to PDCP when the * maximum retransmission threshold value is reached for a PDU. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb RB control block * @param[in] retx The PDU/segment that failed max re-transmissions * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmSndStaInd ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcRetx *retx ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmSndStaInd(gCb, rbCb, retx) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcRetx *retx; #endif { KwuStaIndInfo *staInd; RlcKwuSapCb *rlckwuSap; TRC2(rlcAmmSndStaInd); /* Sap control block */ rlckwuSap = gCb->u.dlCb->rlcKwuDlSap + RLC_UI_PDCP; /* Allocate memory for staInd Info */ RLC_SHRABL_STATIC_BUF_ALLOC(rlckwuSap->pst.region, rlckwuSap->pst.pool, staInd, sizeof(KwuStaIndInfo)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (staInd == NULLP) { RLOG_ARG2(L_FATAL,DBG_RBID,rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "Memory allocation failed UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); RETVOID; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ /* Fill staInd Info */ RLC_MEM_CPY(&staInd->rlcId, &rbCb->rlcId, sizeof(CmLteRlcId)); staInd->numSdu = 1; staInd->sduId[0] = retx->sduMap.sdu->mode.am.sduId; #ifdef KW_PDCP #else RlcUiKwuStaInd(&rlckwuSap->pst, rlckwuSap->suId, staInd); #endif /* KW_PDCP */ RETVOID; } /** * @brief Handler to get the next node to be retransmitted from retxLst * * @details * This function is used to get the next node to be retransmitted * from the retxLst * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] retx The PDU/segment after which to find a node to be * retransmitted * * @return Void * */ void rlcGetNxtRetx(RlcCb *gCb, RlcRetx **retx) { CmLList *tNode; do { tNode = &((*retx)->lstEnt); tNode = tNode->next; if (tNode) { *retx = (RlcRetx *)tNode->node; } else { *retx = NULLP; RETVOID; } }while((*retx)->pendingReTrans == FALSE); return; } /** * @brief Handler to process the re-establishment request received from UIM * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rlcId Identity of the RB in the UE/Cell for which * re-establishment is to be done * @param[in] rbCb Downlink RB control block (rbCb is freed in this * function) * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI Void rlcAmmDlReEstablish ( RlcCb *gCb, CmLteRlcId rlcId, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb ) #else Void rlcAmmDlReEstablish(gCb, rlcId, rbCb) RlcCb *gCb; CmLteRlcId rlcId; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; #endif { /* create a new AM DL RB, reset it and replace in the UeCb*/ RlcDlUeCb *ueCb; RlcDlRbCb *resetRb; RlcAmDl* newAmDl; RlcAmDl* oldAmDl; RLC_ALLOC(gCb, resetRb, sizeof(RlcDlRbCb)); /* ccpu00135170 Removing KLOCK warning */ if(resetRb == NULLP) { RETVOID; } RLC_MEM_CPY(resetRb, rbCb, sizeof(RlcDlRbCb)); RLC_MEM_SET(&resetRb->m.amDl, 0 , sizeof(RlcAmDl)); /* AGHOSH changes start */ /* restore the old AM values */ newAmDl = &resetRb->m.amDl; oldAmDl = &rbCb->m.amDl; newAmDl->pollPdu = oldAmDl->pollPdu; newAmDl->pollByte = oldAmDl->pollByte; newAmDl->maxRetx = oldAmDl->maxRetx; newAmDl->snLen = oldAmDl->snLen; newAmDl->snModMask = oldAmDl->snModMask; newAmDl->pollRetxTmrInt = oldAmDl->pollRetxTmrInt; rbCb->boUnRprtdCnt = (U32)0; rbCb->lastRprtdBoToMac = (U32)0; cmInitTimers(&(resetRb->m.amDl.pollRetxTmr), 1); /* AGHOSH changes end */ if (ROK != rlcDbmFetchDlUeCb(gCb,rlcId.ueId, rlcId.cellId, &ueCb)) { RLOG_ARG2(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID, rlcId.cellId, "UeId [%d]: UeCb not found RBID;%d", rlcId.ueId, rlcId.rbId); RETVOID; } if(rlcId.rbType == CM_LTE_SRB) { ueCb->srbCb[rlcId.rbId] = resetRb; } else { ueCb->drbCb[rlcId.rbId] = resetRb; } /* update into the logical channel array also */ ueCb->lCh[rbCb->lch.lChId - 1].dlRbCb = resetRb; if((resetRb->rlcId.rbType == CM_LTE_SRB) &&(resetRb->rlcId.rbId == 1)) { /* To stop the traffic on SRB2 and other DRBs*/ rlcDlUtlSetReestInProgressForAllRBs(gCb, ueCb); } else { rlcDlUtlSetReestInProgressForRB(gCb, resetRb); } /* allocate the TX array again */ #ifndef LTE_TDD U32 hashIndex; RLC_ALLOC(gCb, resetRb->m.amDl.txBufLst, (RLC_TX_BUF_BIN_SIZE * sizeof(CmLListCp))); for(hashIndex = 0; hashIndex < RLC_TX_BUF_BIN_SIZE; hashIndex++) { cmLListInit(&(resetRb->m.amDl.txBufLst[hashIndex])); } #endif /* send the old rb of deletion */ rlcAmmFreeDlRbCb(gCb,rbCb); /* TODO: for now we are re-settting the re-establishment flag here this needs to be fixed There should be a proper intreface to resume the RBs */ if(rlcId.rbType == CM_LTE_SRB) { rlcDlUtlResetReestInProgress(ueCb->srbCb[rlcId.rbId]); } else { rlcDlUtlResetReestInProgress(ueCb->drbCb[rlcId.rbId]); } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Handler to discard a SDU. * * @details * This function is used to discard a SDU after receiving * the Discard Request from UIM. The SDU is discarded if its * available and is not mapped to any PDU yet. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb RB control block * @param[in] sduId Sdu ID of the SDU to be discarded * * @return S16 * -# ROK In case of successful discard * -# RFAILED In case the SDU is not found or already mapped */ #ifdef ANSI S16 rlcAmmDiscSdu ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, U32 sduId ) #else S16 rlcAmmDiscSdu(gCb, rbCb, sduId) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; U32 sduId; #endif { TRC2(rlcAmmDiscSdu); return (RFAILED); } /** * @brief Handler for Poll retransmit timer expiry * * @details * This function is used to handle events upon expiry of Poll * retransmit timer. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Downlink RB control block * * @return Void */ #ifdef ANSI Void rlcAmmPollRetxTmrExp ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb ) #else Void rlcAmmPollRetxTmrExp(gCb, rbCb) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; #endif { RlcRetx *retx; RlcAmDl *amDl = &(rbCb->m.amDl); RlcSn sn; RlcTx *txBuf; TRC2(rlcAmmPollRetxTmrExp); /* kw003.201 - Correcting the logic for determmining whether to do */ /* any transmission of PDU. As per the spec section */ /*, if there is any to transmit or retransmit, */ /* do nothing. Else, pick up the VT(S) -1 for retx */ /* We have nothing to transmit if window is stalled or */ /* there are no SDUs to be transmitted or if there are */ /* PDUs to be retransmitted. */ if(CM_LTE_SRB == rbCb->rlcId.rbType) { gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLPollTimerExpiresSrb++; } else { gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLPollTimerExpiresDrb++; } if (((amDl->nxtTx == NULLP) && (amDl->nxtRetx == NULLP)) || RLC_AM_IS_TRANS_WIN_STALLED(amDl)) { sn = (amDl->txNext - 1) & amDl->snModMask; txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(amDl->txBufLst, sn); if (txBuf != NULLP) { rlcAmmDlMoveFrmTxtoRetxBuffer(gCb,amDl, &retx, sn); if (AMDL.nxtRetx == NULLP) { AMDL.nxtRetx = retx; } rlcAmmSendDedLcBoStatus(gCb, rbCb, &AMDL); RETVOID; } /* Get the last node in retxLst */ RLC_LLIST_LAST_RETX(amDl->retxLst, retx); /* Unset wtForAck flag for the NACK PDUs */ if (retx != NULLP) { rlcAmmDlMarkPduForReTx(gCb, rbCb, retx); rlcAmmSendDedLcBoStatus(gCb, rbCb, &AMDL); } } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Handler to update Acks for the remaining PDUs after the last accessed * NACK PDU. * * @details * This function is used to handle ACKs for the PDUs remaining after the * last accessed NACK PDU, It updates the txBuf/retxBuf for the ACKs and * sends DatCfm to PDCP for the same. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Downlink Radio Bearer control block * @param[in] mAckSn The ACK SN after doing the base modulus * @param[in] rextNode Next node in the re-transmission buffer * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForAckSn ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSn mAckSn, CmLList *retxNode, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForAckSn(gCb, rbCb, mAckSn, retxNode, datCfm) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcSn mAckSn; CmLList *retxNode; KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm; #endif { RlcSn mSn; RlcSn sn; RlcRetx *retx; RlcTx *txBuf; TRC2(rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForAckSn); /* Remove pdus/segs from retxLst */ while (retxNode) { retx = (RlcRetx *)(retxNode->node); retxNode = retxNode->next; MODAMT(retx->amHdr.sn, mSn, AMDL.txNextAck,AMDL.snModMask); if (mSn < mAckSn) { rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulReTx(gCb,rbCb, retx, datCfm); } } /* For the remaining; pdus not acknowldeged by the NACK_SN but being acknowledged by the ACK_SN*/ /* start from the starting of the transmission window and remove till just before ACK_SN*/ mSn = 0; /* same as MODAMT(AMDL.txNextAck, mSn, AMDL.txNextAck);*/ sn = AMDL.txNextAck; while(mSn < mAckSn) { txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(AMDL.txBufLst, sn); if (txBuf != NULLP) { RLOG_ARG3(L_UNUSED,DBG_RBID,rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "rlcAmmDlUpdateTxAndReTxBufForAckSn: ACK for PDU " "with sn = %ld UEID:%ld CELLID:%ld", sn, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulTxPdu(gCb,rbCb, sn, datCfm); } sn = (sn + 1) & AMDL.snModMask; MODAMT(sn, mSn, AMDL.txNextAck,AMDL.snModMask); } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Handler to update Acks for the remaining PDUs after the last accessed * NACK PDU. * * @details * This function is used to handle ACKs for the PDUs remaining after the * last accessed NACK PDU, It updates the txBuf/retxBuf for the ACKs and * sends DatCfm to PDCP for the same. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Downlink Radio Bearer control block * @param[in] mAckSn The ACK SN after doing the base modulus * @param[in] rextNode Next node in the re-transmission buffer * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlUpdTxAndReTxBufForLessThanNackSn ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcSn sn, RlcSn mNackSn, CmLList **retxNode, KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlUpdTxAndReTxBufForLessThanNackSn(gCb, rbCb, sn, mNackSn, retxNode, datCfm) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; RlcSn sn; RlcSn mNackSn; CmLList **retxNode; KwuDatCfmInfo **datCfm; #endif { RlcSn mSn; RlcRetx *retx; RlcTx *txBuf=NULLP; TRC2(rlcAmmDlUpdTxAndReTxBufForLessThanNackSn); while (*retxNode) { retx = (RlcRetx *)((*retxNode)->node); MODAMT(retx->amHdr.sn, mSn, AMDL.txNextAck,AMDL.snModMask); if (mSn < mNackSn) { (*retxNode) = (*retxNode)->next; rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulReTx(gCb,rbCb, retx, datCfm); } else { break; } } /* Remove all pdus with SN < NACK_SN from the transmission buffer */ MODAMT(sn, mSn, AMDL.txNextAck,AMDL.snModMask); while (mSn < mNackSn) { /* this if check seems redundant,why should mSn ever be mTxSn (which actually is VT(A) */ txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(AMDL.txBufLst, sn); if ((txBuf != NULLP)) { RLOG_ARG3(L_DEBUG,DBG_RBID, rbCb->rlcId.rbId, "rlcHndlStaRsp: Handle ACK (sn = %d) UEID:%d CELLID:%d", sn, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); /* Remove pdus from txBuf */ rlcAmmDlProcessSuccessfulTxPdu(gCb,rbCb, sn, datCfm); } sn = (sn + 1) & AMDL.snModMask; MODAMT(sn, mSn, AMDL.txNextAck,AMDL.snModMask); } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Handler to form construct AM header * * @details * This function is used to construct am header with the available header * elements. * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] amHdr AM Header * @param[in] isSeg Check for Segmentation of PDU * @param[in] hdr Header field * @param[in] idx Index * * @return Void * */ void rlcConstructAmHdr(RlcAmHdr *amHdr, uint8_t *hdr, uint8_t snLen, uint16_t *idx) { *idx = 0; hdr[0] = RLC_DATA_BITMASK; hdr[0] = hdr[0] | (amHdr->p << 6); hdr[0] = hdr[0] | ((amHdr->si & 0x3) << 4); if(snLen == RLC_AM_CFG_12BIT_SN_LEN) { hdr[0] = hdr[0] | (U8)((amHdr->sn & 0xF00) >> 8); hdr[1] = (U8)(amHdr->sn & 0x0FF); (*idx)++; } else { hdr[0] = hdr[0] | (U8)((amHdr->sn & 0x30000) >> 16); hdr[1] = (U8)((amHdr->sn & 0xFF00) >> 8); (*idx)++; hdr[2] = (U8)(amHdr->sn & 0xFF); (*idx)++; } if ((amHdr->si == RLC_SI_MID_SEG) || (amHdr->si == RLC_SI_LAST_SEG)) { (*idx)++; hdr[(*idx)] = (U8)((amHdr->so & 0xFF00)>> 8); (*idx)++; hdr[(*idx)] = (U8)(amHdr->so & 0xFF); } return; } /** * @brief This function adds a retx PDU to list of retx PDUs * * @details * kw003.201 - Poll expiry may cause an SN to be added to retx * out of sequence and hence all additions to retx * must validate that they are added in sequence * * @param[in] amDl AM Downlink Control Block * @param[in] retx Retransmit PDU * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmAddPduToRetxLst ( RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcRetx *retx ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmAddPduToRetxLst(amDl, retx) RlcAmDl *amDl; RlcRetx *retx; #endif { CmLList *node; RlcRetx *tRetx; RlcSn tMSn; RlcSn retxMSn; TRC2(rlcAmmAddPduToRetxLst); node = amDl->retxLst.last; MODAMT(retx->amHdr.sn, retxMSn, amDl->txNextAck,amDl->snModMask); while(node != NULLP) { tRetx = (RlcRetx *)(node->node); MODAMT(tRetx->amHdr.sn, tMSn, amDl->txNextAck,amDl->snModMask); if (tMSn > retxMSn) { node = node->prev; } else { break; } } if (node) { amDl->retxLst.crnt = node; cmLListInsAfterCrnt(&amDl->retxLst, &retx->lstEnt); retx->lstEnt.node = (PTR)retx; } else { amDl->retxLst.crnt = amDl->retxLst.first; cmLListInsCrnt(&amDl->retxLst, &retx->lstEnt); retx->lstEnt.node = (PTR)retx; } if (amDl->nxtRetx == NULLP) { amDl->nxtRetx = retx; } RETVOID; } /** * @brief Handler to Move the PDU from txBuf to re-transmission buffer * * @details * This function is used to move the PDU from the txBuf to re-transmit buffer * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] amDl AM Downlink Control Block * @param[in] retx node in the reTx buffer to be moved to, allocated by * this function * @param[in] sn SN in the tx buffer which needs to be moved * * @return Void * */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlMoveFrmTxtoRetxBuffer ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcAmDl *amDl, RlcRetx **retx, RlcSn sn ) #else PRIVATE Void rlcAmmDlMoveFrmTxtoRetxBuffer(gCb, amDl, retx, sn) RlcCb *gCb; RlcAmDl *amDl; RlcRetx **retx; RlcSn sn; #endif { RlcTx* txBuf = rlcUtlGetTxBuf(amDl->txBufLst, sn); TRC2(rlcAmmDlMoveFrmTxtoRetxBuffer); if (txBuf == NULLP) { RETVOID; } while(txBuf->pduLst.first) { RlcDlPduInfo *pduInfo = (RlcDlPduInfo *)(txBuf->pduLst.first->node); RLC_ALLOC_WC(gCb,*retx, sizeof(RlcRetx)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) if (*retx == NULLP) { RLOG0(L_FATAL, "Memory allocation failed"); RETVOID; } #endif /* ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_RES */ /* Move Sdu byte segment from TX buf to retx buf*/ rlcAmmDlMoveSduByteSegFrmTxtoRetxBuffer(gCb, amDl, retx, pduInfo); /* Delete node from the txBuf Pdu lst */ cmLListDelFrm(&txBuf->pduLst, txBuf->pduLst.first); RLC_FREE_WC(gCb, pduInfo, sizeof(RlcDlPduInfo)); } /* Remove PDU from txBuf */ rlcUtlDelTxBuf(amDl->txBufLst, txBuf,gCb); RETVOID; } /* * @brief * function to free/release the Acknowledged mode RBCB buffers * * @details * This primitive Frees the Acknowledged Mode RbCb transmission Buffer, * retransmission Buffer and reciption Buffers * * @param [in] gCb - RLC instance control block * @param [in] rbCb - Downlink RB Control Block * * @return Void */ #ifdef ANSI Void rlcAmmFreeDlRbCb ( RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb ) #else Void rlcAmmFreeDlRbCb(gCb,rbCb) RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; #endif { /* stop the re-transmission timer */ if(TRUE == rlcChkTmr(gCb,(PTR)rbCb,RLC_EVT_AMDL_POLL_RETX_TMR)) { rlcStopTmr(gCb,(PTR)rbCb, RLC_EVT_AMDL_POLL_RETX_TMR); } /* store the entire Rb pointer */ rbCb->rlsLnk.node = (PTR)rbCb; cmLListAdd2Tail(&gCb->u.dlCb->toBeFreed.rbLst, &rbCb->rlsLnk); /* the sdu queue */ cmLListCatLList(&(gCb->u.dlCb->toBeFreed.sduLst),&(rbCb->m.amDl.sduQ)); rlcUtlRaiseDlCleanupEvent(gCb); RETVOID; } /** * @brief Handler to create STATUS Pdu * * @details * This function is used to create status pdu * * @param[in] gCb RLC instance control block * @param[in] rbCb Downlink RB control block * @param[in] rlcDatReq The data to be passed to MAC * * @return Void * */ void rlcAmmCreateStatusPdu(RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, RlcDatReq *rlcDatReq) { RlcSn sn; /* sequence number */ RlcSn ack_sn; /* Ack sequence number */ Buffer *mBuf; /* control pdu buffer */ MsgLen cntrlPduSz; /* control pdu size */ uint8_t cntrlPdu[RLC_MAX_CNTRL_FIELDS]; /* control pdu to be added to mBuf */ RlcUdxDlStaPdu *pStaPdu; uint16_t bytesToEncode = 0; /* bytes required to encode the STATUS PDU */ uint16_t encIdx = 0; uint16_t prevEncIdx = 0; RlcNackInfo *rlcNackInfo; uint16_t nkCnt = 0; pStaPdu = AMDL.pStaPdu; /* D/C| CPT| */ /* 0 - Control 1 - Data */ cntrlPdu[0] = 0x00; cntrlPdu[2] = 0x00; /* ACK SN Field will be set in the end based on available Grant */ encIdx = bytesToEncode = 3; /* Num Octets before NACK SN info encoding*/ ack_sn = pStaPdu->ackSn; if (rbCb->m.amDl.snLen == RLC_AM_CFG_12BIT_SN_LEN) { /* If alteast one NACK SN Info then set the E1 field */ if (pStaPdu->nackCount) { /* 12 BIT SN CASE: In Third Octet: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 E1 R R R R R R R */ cntrlPdu[2] = 0x80; } for(nkCnt = 0;nkCnt < pStaPdu->nackCount; nkCnt++) { sn = pStaPdu->nackInfo[nkCnt].sn; rlcNackInfo = &(pStaPdu->nackInfo[nkCnt]); bytesToEncode += 2; /* 2 Octets for NACK SN */ /* Check if E2 : isSegment is set */ if (rlcNackInfo->isSegment) { bytesToEncode += 4; /* 4 Octets: SOstart, SOend */ } /* Check if E3 : nackRange is set */ if (rlcNackInfo->nackRange) { bytesToEncode += 1; /* 1 Octet: NACK range */ } /* Check if this NACK info can be accomodated in the Grant */ if( rlcDatReq->pduSz >= bytesToEncode) { /* If there is a NACK SN before this then set its E1 bit */ if(prevEncIdx) { /* NACKSN E1 E2 E3 R */ cntrlPdu[prevEncIdx + 1] |= 0x8; } /* 12 BIT Nack SN encode */ cntrlPdu[encIdx] = (sn & 0xFF0) >> 4; /* Next Octet */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 1] = (sn & 0xF) << 4; if (rlcNackInfo->isSegment) { /*Set E2 Bit */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 1] |= 0x4; /* Add soStart and soEnd */ /* SOstart */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 2] = (rlcNackInfo->soStart) >> 8; cntrlPdu[encIdx + 3] = rlcNackInfo->soStart & 0xFF; /* SOend */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 4] = (rlcNackInfo->soEnd) >> 8; cntrlPdu[encIdx + 5] = rlcNackInfo->soEnd & 0xFF; } if (rlcNackInfo->nackRange) { /*Set E3 Bit */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 1] |= 0x2; if(rlcNackInfo->isSegment) { cntrlPdu[encIdx + 6] = rlcNackInfo->nackRange; } else { cntrlPdu[encIdx + 2] = rlcNackInfo->nackRange; } } gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLNacksInStaPdu++; } /* Set ACK SN now */ else { ack_sn = rlcNackInfo->sn; /* Not even one nack can be accomodated */ if (nkCnt == 0) { cntrlPdu[2] = 0x0; } break; } prevEncIdx = encIdx; encIdx = bytesToEncode; }/* Loop is done for the NackCount */ /* set ACK SN */ { DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAssembleCntrlInfo: ACK PDU's SN = %d"\ "UEID:%d CELLID:%d", ack_sn, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); cntrlPdu[0] |= (ack_sn & 0xF00)>> 8; cntrlPdu[1] = (U8)ack_sn; } } else if (rbCb->m.amDl.snLen == RLC_AM_CFG_18BIT_SN_LEN) { /* If alteast one NACK SN Info then set the E1 field */ if (pStaPdu->nackCount) { /* 12 BIT SN CASE: In Third Octet: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACKSN E1 R */ cntrlPdu[2] = 0x2; } for(nkCnt = 0;nkCnt < pStaPdu->nackCount; nkCnt++) { sn = pStaPdu->nackInfo[nkCnt].sn; rlcNackInfo = &(pStaPdu->nackInfo[nkCnt]); bytesToEncode += 3; /* 3 Octets for NACK SN */ /* Check if E2 : isSegment is set */ if (rlcNackInfo->isSegment) { bytesToEncode += 4; /* 4 Octets: SOstart, SOend */ } /* Check if E3 : nackRange is set */ if (rlcNackInfo->nackRange) { bytesToEncode += 1; /* 1 Octet: NACK range */ } /* Check if this NACK info can be accomodated in the Grant */ if( rlcDatReq->pduSz >= bytesToEncode) { /* If there is a NACK SN before this then set its E1 bit */ if(prevEncIdx) { /* NACKSN E1 E2 E3 R R R */ cntrlPdu[prevEncIdx + 2] |= 0x20; } /* 18 BIT Nack SN encode */ cntrlPdu[encIdx] = (U8)((sn & 0x3FC00) >> 10); /* Next Octet */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 1] = (U8)((sn & 0x3FC) >> 2); /* Next Octet */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 2] = (U8)((sn & 0x3)<< 6); if (rlcNackInfo->isSegment) { /* NACKSN E1 E2 E3 R R R */ /*Set E2 Bit */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 2] |= 0x10; /* Add soStart and soEnd */ /* SOstart */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 3] = (rlcNackInfo->soStart) >> 8; cntrlPdu[encIdx + 4] = (U8)rlcNackInfo->soStart; /* SOend */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 5] = (rlcNackInfo->soEnd) >> 8; cntrlPdu[encIdx + 6] = (U8)(rlcNackInfo->soEnd); } if (rlcNackInfo->nackRange) { /* NACKSN E1 E2 E3 R R R */ /*Set E3 Bit */ cntrlPdu[encIdx + 2] |= 0x08; if (rlcNackInfo->isSegment) { cntrlPdu[encIdx + 7] = rlcNackInfo->nackRange; } else { cntrlPdu[encIdx + 3] = rlcNackInfo->nackRange; } } gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numDLNacksInStaPdu++; } /* Set ACK SN now */ else { ack_sn = rlcNackInfo->sn; /* Not even one nack can be accomodated */ if (nkCnt == 0) { cntrlPdu[2] &= 0xFD; } break; } prevEncIdx = encIdx; encIdx = bytesToEncode; }/* Loop is done for the NackCount */ /* set ACK SN */ { DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAssembleCntrlInfo: ACK PDU's SN = %d" "UEID:%d CELLID:%d", ack_sn, rbCb->rlcId.ueId,rbCb->rlcId.cellId); cntrlPdu[0] |= (ack_sn & 0x3C000) >> 14; cntrlPdu[1] = (ack_sn & 0x3FC0) >> 6; cntrlPdu[2] |= (ack_sn & 0x3F)<< 2; } } else { /* ERROR Log */ DU_LOG("\nRLC: rlcAssembleCntrlInfo:Conf SN LEN %d is INVALID !!!! \ UEID:%d CELLID:%d", rbCb->m.amDl.snLen, rbCb->rlcId.ueId, rbCb->rlcId.cellId); } #ifndef L2_OPTMZ SGetMsg(RLC_GET_MEM_REGION(gCb), RLC_GET_MEM_POOL(gCb),&mBuf); #else mBuf = (Buffer *)rlcAmmStaPduList[rlcAmmStaPduListCnt++]; SResetMBuf(mBuf); if(rlcAmmStaPduListCnt > 511) rlcAmmStaPduListCnt = 0; #endif cntrlPduSz = encIdx; ODU_ADD_POST_MSG_MULT(cntrlPdu, cntrlPduSz, mBuf); rlcDatReq->pduSz -= cntrlPduSz; /* Add mBuf to AMDL.mBuf */ AMDL.mBuf = mBuf; return; } #ifdef RLC_STA_PROC_IN_MAC/* RLC Status PDU Processing */ S16 rlcProcDlStatusPdu(Pst *udxPst,SuId suId, CmLteCellId cellId,CmLteRnti rnti,CmLteLcId lcId,Buffer *rlcSdu); #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rgAmmExtractElmnt ( RlcCb *gCb, Buffer *pdu, RlcExtHdr *hdrInfo ) #else PRIVATE Void rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, pdu, hdrInfo) RlcCb *gCb; Buffer *pdu; RlcExtHdr *hdrInfo; #endif { U8 hdr; U8 pLen = hdrInfo->pLen; U8 len = (U8)hdrInfo->len; U16 val; U8 tHdr; U8 fLen; U8 rLen; /* U8 rLen1 = 0; */ U16 tVal; TRC2(rlcAmmExtractElmnt); hdr = hdrInfo->hdr; if (pLen == 0) { SRemPreMsg(&hdr, pdu); pLen = 8; } tHdr = hdr; if (len <= 8) { val = tHdr >> (RLC_BYTE_LEN - (len)); hdr = hdr << len; pLen -= len; } else /*if (len > 8) */ { fLen = pLen; val = tHdr; val = val >> (RLC_BYTE_LEN - fLen); val = val << (len - fLen); rLen = len - fLen; SRemPreMsg(&hdr, pdu); tHdr = hdr; if (rLen <= 8) { hdr = hdr >> (RLC_BYTE_LEN - rLen); val = val | hdr; hdr = tHdr << rLen; pLen = (RLC_BYTE_LEN - rLen); } else { rLen = rLen - RLC_BYTE_LEN; tVal = hdr; tVal = tVal << rLen; val = val | tVal; SRemPreMsg(&hdr, pdu); tHdr = hdr; hdr = hdr >> (RLC_BYTE_LEN - rLen); val = val | hdr; hdr = tHdr << rLen; pLen = (RLC_BYTE_LEN - rLen); } } hdrInfo->pLen = pLen; hdrInfo->hdr = hdr; hdrInfo->val = val; RETVOID; } #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rgAmmUlHndlStatusPdu ( Pst *udxPst, SuId suId, RlcCb *gCb, RlcDlRbCb *rbCb, Buffer *cntrlPdu, U8 *fByte ) #else PRIVATE Void rgAmmUlHndlStatusPdu(udxPst,suId,gCb, rbCb, cntrlPdu, fByte) Pst *udxPst; SuId suId; RlcCb *gCb; RlcDlRbCb *rbCb; Buffer *cntrlPdu; U8 *fByte; #endif { U8 e1; RlcExtHdr hdrInfo; RlcUdxStaPdu *pStaPdu; U8 e3; /* NACK RANGE : 5GNR */ U32 snLen; U32 snRange; U32 resrvdBitsAckSn; U32 resrvdBitsNackSn; TRC2(rgAmmUlHndlStatusPdu) RLCDBGP_BRIEF(gCb, "rgAmmUlHndlStatusPdu(rbCb, cntrlPdu, fByte) \n"); RLC_MEM_ZERO(&hdrInfo, sizeof(RlcExtHdr)); /* Extract the Control PDU */ hdrInfo.hdr = (*fByte << 1); hdrInfo.pLen = 4; /* D/C has been shifted in the calling function */ if (hdrInfo.hdr & 0xE0) { RLCDBGP_ERROR(gCb, "rgAmmUlHndlStatusPdu: Reserved value for CPT received \n"); RETVOID; } RLC_ALLOC_SHRABL_BUF(udxPst->region, udxPst->pool, pStaPdu, sizeof(RlcUdxStaPdu)); #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_ADD_RES) /* Memory allocation failure can not be expected */ if(!pStaPdu) { RETVOID; } #endif if (rbCb->m.amDl.snLen == RLC_AM_CFG_12BIT_SN_LEN) { snLen = 12; resrvdBitsAckSn = RLC_STA_PDU_R_BITS_ACKSN_12BITS; resrvdBitsNackSn = RLC_STA_PDU_R_BITS_NACKSN_12BITS; } else if (rbCb->m.amDl.snLen == RLC_AM_CFG_18BIT_SN_LEN) { snLen = 18; resrvdBitsAckSn = RLC_STA_PDU_R_BITS_ACKSN_18BITS; resrvdBitsNackSn = RLC_STA_PDU_R_BITS_NACKSN_18BITS; } else { snLen = RLC_SN_LEN; resrvdBitsAckSn = 0; resrvdBitsAckSn = 0; } pStaPdu->nackCnt = 0; /* For CPT */ hdrInfo.hdr = hdrInfo.hdr << RLC_CPT_LEN; /* ACK Sn */ hdrInfo.len = RLC_SN_LEN; rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); pStaPdu->ackSn = hdrInfo.val; /* Check if NACK Exists */ hdrInfo.len = RLC_E1_LEN; rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); e1 = (U8)hdrInfo.val; RLCDBGP_DETAIL(gCb, "rgAmmUlHndlStatusPdu: ACK SN = %d \n", pStaPdu->ackSn); /* Extract the Reserved Bits after ACK SN field */ hdrInfo.len = resrvdBitsAckSn; rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); /* If NACK exists in control PDU */ /* For ACKs and NACKs */ while (e1 && (pStaPdu->nackCnt < RLC_MAX_NACK_CNT)) { hdrInfo.len = snLen; rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].sn = hdrInfo.val; hdrInfo.len = RLC_E1_LEN; rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); e1 = (U8)hdrInfo.val; /* Extract e2 */ /* hdrInfo.len = RLC_E1_LEN; --> previusly stored value (for e1) is already present*/ rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); /* e2 = (U8) hdrInfo.val;*/ /* Store e2 value */ pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].isSegment = (U8) hdrInfo.val; /* Extract e3 : 5GNR */ /* hdrInfo.len = RLC_E1_LEN; --> previusly stored value (for e1) is already present*/ rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); e3 = (U8) hdrInfo.val; /* Extract Reserved Bits after NACK SN */ hdrInfo.len = resrvdBitsNackSn; rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); /* Test for resegmentation */ if (pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].isSegment) { hdrInfo.len = RLC_SO_LEN_5GNR; /* 5GNR : SO Len 16 Bits */ rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].soStart = hdrInfo.val; rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].soEnd = hdrInfo.val; RLCDBGP_DETAIL(gCb, "rgAmmUlHndlStatusPdu: soStart and soEnd = %d %d \n", pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].soStart, pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].soEnd); } else { hdrInfo.len = 0; pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].soStart = 0; pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].soEnd = 0; } /* NACK RANGE Field is SET */ if (e3) { /* Extract NACK range field */ hdrInfo.len = RLC_NACK_RANGE_LEN; rgAmmExtractElmnt(gCb, cntrlPdu, &hdrInfo); snRange = (U8)hdrInfo.val; pStaPdu->nackInfo[pStaPdu->nackCnt].nackRange = snRange; } pStaPdu->nackCnt++; } gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numULStaPduRcvd++; gRlcStats.amRlcStats.numULNackInStaPduRcvd += pStaPdu->nackCnt; /* In case we have reached the MAX NACK CNT, then we should modify the ACK_SN to the last NACK SN + 1 and discard the original ACK_SN*/ if(pStaPdu->nackCnt == RLC_MAX_NACK_CNT) { pStaPdu->ackSn = (pStaPdu->nackInfo[RLC_MAX_NACK_CNT-1].sn + 1) & amDl->snModMask; } /* Parse & send Status PDU to RLC-DL */ //rlcUlUdxStaUpdReq(&(sapCb->pst), sapCb->spId, &rbCb->rlcId, pStaPdu); rlcUlUdxStaUpdReq(udxPst, suId, &rbCb->rlcId, pStaPdu); RETVOID; } S16 rlcProcDlStatusPdu(Pst *udxPst,SuId suId, CmLteCellId cellId,CmLteRnti rnti,CmLteLcId lcId,Buffer *rlcSdu) { RlcDlRbCb *rbCb = NULLP; RlcDlUeCb *ueCb = NULLP; U8 fByte; U8 temp; S16 retVal = RFAILED; RlcCb *gCb; Pst dlRlcPst = *udxPst; gCb = RLC_GET_RLCCB(1); /* DL RLC instance */ if( ROK != rlcDbmFetchDlUeCb(gCb,rnti,cellId,&(ueCb))) { printf("\n RLC UECb Not found...\n"); return RFAILED; } rbCb = ueCb->lCh[lcId - 1].dlRbCb; /* Skip if mode is not AM */ if((rbCb == NULLP) || (rbCb->mode != CM_LTE_MODE_AM)) { return RFAILED; } if(ROK != SExamMsg((Data *)(&fByte), rlcSdu, 0)) { printf("\n Failure in Rlc Hdr SExamMsg\n"); return RFAILED; } if(RLC_CNTRL_PDU == ((fByte & RLC_DC_POS) >> RLC_DC_SHT)) { SRemPreMsg(&temp, rlcSdu); dlRlcPst.selector = 1;/* LWLC*/ rgAmmUlHndlStatusPdu(&dlRlcPst,suId,gCb, rbCb, rlcSdu, &fByte); retVal = ROK; } return (retVal); } #endif /*@}*/ /********************************************************************30** End of file **********************************************************************/