/******************************************************************************* ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) [2017-2019] [Radisys] # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ *******************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************ Name: LTE-MAC layer Type: C source file Desc: C source code for Entry point fucntions File: rg_tom.c **********************************************************************/ static const char* RLOG_MODULE_NAME="MAC"; static int RLOG_FILE_ID=237; static int RLOG_MODULE_ID=4096; /** @file rg_tom.c @brief This module does processing related to handling of lower interface APIs invoked by PHY towards MAC */ /* header include files -- defines (.h) */ #include "envopt.h" /* environment options */ #include "envdep.h" /* environment dependent */ #include "envind.h" /* environment independent */ #include "gen.h" /* general layer */ #include "ssi.h" /* system services */ #include "cm5.h" /* common timers defines */ #include "cm_hash.h" /* common hash list defines */ #include "cm_llist.h" /* common linked list defines */ #include "cm_mblk.h" /* memory management */ #include "cm_tkns.h" /* common tokens */ #include "cm_lte.h" /* common tokens */ #include "rgu.h" /* RGU defines */ #include "tfu.h" /* RGU defines */ #include "lrg.h" /* layer management defines for LTE-MAC */ #include "crg.h" /* layer management defines for LTE-MAC */ #include "rg_sch_inf.h" /* layer management defines for LTE-MAC */ #include "rg.h" /* defines and macros for MAC */ #include "rg_env.h" /* defines and macros for MAC */ #include "rg_err.h" /* defines and macros for MAC */ /* header/extern include files (.x) */ #include "gen.x" /* general layer typedefs */ #include "ssi.x" /* system services typedefs */ #include "cm5.x" /* common timers */ #include "cm_hash.x" /* common hash list */ #include "cm_lib.x" /* common library */ #include "cm_llist.x" /* common linked list */ #include "cm_mblk.x" /* memory management */ #include "cm_tkns.x" /* common tokens */ #include "cm_lte.x" /* common tokens */ #include "rgu.x" /* RGU types */ #include "tfu.x" /* RGU types */ #include "lrg.x" /* layer management typedefs for MAC */ #include "crg.x" /* CRG interface typedefs */ #include "rg_sch_inf.x" /* SCH interface typedefs */ #include "rg_prg.x" /* PRG interface typedefs */ #include "rgm.x" /* layer management typedefs for MAC */ #include "rgm.h" /* layer management typedefs for MAC */ #include "rg.x" /* typedefs for MAC */ #ifdef MAC_RLC_UL_RBUF #include "ss_rbuf.h" #include "ss_rbuf.x" #endif /* ADD Changes for Downlink UE Timing Optimization */ #ifndef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlProcDlSf ARGS(( RgDlSf *dlSf, RgCellCb *cellCb, RgErrInfo *err)); #else PUBLIC S16 rgTOMUtlProcDlSf ARGS((RgDlSf *dlSf, RgCellCb *cellCb, RgErrInfo *err)); #endif PRIVATE S16 rgTOMProcCrntiCEInDatInd ARGS(( RgMacPdu *pdu, RgUeCb *prevUeCb, RgCellCb *cellCb, TfuDatInfo *datInfo, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo, U8 subframe )); PRIVATE S16 rgTOMProcCCCHSduInDatInd ARGS(( RgMacPdu *pdu, RgUeCb *prevUeCb, RgCellCb *cellCb, TfuDatInfo *datInfo, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo, U8 subframe )); PUBLIC S16 rgHndlFlowCntrl ( RgCellCb *cell, RgInfSfAlloc *sfInfo ); EXTERN S16 RgUiRguFlowCntrlInd(Pst* pst, SuId suId, RguFlowCntrlInd *flowCntrlInd); #ifdef EMTC_ENABLE EXTERN S16 rgEmtcHndl(RgCellCb *cell,RgInfSfAlloc *sfInfo); EXTERN S16 rgTOMEmtcUtlFillDatReqPdus(TfuDatReqInfo *datInfo, RgDlSf *dlSf, RgCellCb *cell, RgErrInfo *err); EXTERN Void rgTOMEmtcRlsSf(RgDlSf *dlSf); #endif #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS PRIVATE Void rgTOML2MCompileActiveLCs ARGS (( RgCellCb *cellCb, RgUeCb *ueCb, RgMacPdu *pdu, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo )); PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlL2MStoreBufSz ARGS (( RgUeCb *ueCb, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo )); PRIVATE S16 rgTomUtlPrepareL2MUlThrpInfo ARGS (( RgCellCb *cellCb, RgUeCb *ueCb, RgRguDedDatInd *dDatInd )); /* The below table takes lower values of BSR Range for a BSR value This is to ensure that outstanding can be decrease to zero upon reception of TB, which is not guaranteed if higher Range values are used */ /* Note: taking value 10 for BSR index 1 */ #ifndef MAC_5GTF_UPDATE PRIVATE U32 rgLwrBsrTbl[64] = { 0, 10, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 22, 26, 31, 36, 42, 49, 57, 67, 78, 91, 107, 125, 146, 171, 200, 234, 274, 321, 376, 440, 515, 603, 706, 826, 967, 1132, 1326, 1552, 1817, 2127, 2490, 2915, 3413, 3995, 4677, 5476, 6411, 7505, 8787, 10287, 12043, 14099, 16507, 19325, 22624, 26487, 31009, 36304, 42502, 49759, 58255, 68201, 79846, 93479, 109439, 128125, 150000 }; #else PRIVATE U32 rgLwrBsrTbl[64] = { 0,10,13,16,19,23,29,35,43,53,65,80,98,120,147,181,223,274,337,414, 509,625,769,945,1162,1429,1757,2161,2657,3267,4017,4940,6074,7469, 9185,11294,13888,17077,20999,25822,31752,39045,48012,59039,72598, 89272,109774,134986,165989,204111,250990,308634,379519,466683, 573866,705666,867737,1067031,1312097,1613447,1984009,2439678, 3000000}; #endif #endif /* local defines */ #define RG_TOM_INF_ALLOC(_pdu, _size, _dataPtr, _ret) {\ _ret = cmGetMem((Ptr)&_pdu->memCp, _size, (Ptr *)&_dataPtr); \ } /* global variables */ PUBLIC U32 rgUlrate_tfu; #ifdef EMTC_ENABLE EXTERN U32 grgUlrate_tfu; #endif /** @brief This function fills the PDSCH data of a downlink subframe * * @details * * Function: rgTOMUtlFillDatReqPdus * * Processing steps: * - Fill BCCH on DLSCH data using datInfo * - Fill PCCH on DLSCH data using datInfo * - Fill Dedicated data on DLSCH data using datInfo * - Fill RA RSP data using datInfo * * @param [out] TfuDatReqInfo *datInfo * @param [in] RgDlSf *dlSf * @param [in] RgCellCb *cellCb * @param [out] RgErrInfo *err * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlFillDatReqPdus ( TfuDatReqInfo *datInfo, RgDlSf *dlSf, RgCellCb *cellCb, RgErrInfo *err ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlFillDatReqPdus(datInfo, dlSf, cellCb, err) TfuDatReqInfo *datInfo; RgDlSf *dlSf; RgCellCb *cellCb; RgErrInfo *err; #endif { S16 ret; TfuDatReqPduInfo *datReq=NULLP; /* Moving node declaration to limited scope for optimization */ RgDlHqProcCb *hqCb; U8 idx; Inst inst = cellCb->macInst - RG_INST_START; TRC2(rgTOMUtlFillDatReqPdus) /* first lets send the BCCH data down to PHY */ if (dlSf->bcch.tb != NULLP) { if ((ret = rgGetEventMem(inst,(Ptr *)&datReq, sizeof(TfuDatReqPduInfo), &(datInfo->memCp))) != ROK) { err->errCause = RGERR_TOM_MEM_EXHAUST; RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"Memory Exhaustion "); RETVALUE(ret); } #ifdef TFU_ALLOC_EVENT_NO_INIT #ifndef L2_OPTMZ datReq->mBuf[1] = 0; #else datReq->tbInfo[0].lchInfo[0].mBuf[0]=NULLP; #endif #endif datReq->rnti = RG_SI_RNTI; datReq->dciInfo = dlSf->bcch.pdcch.dci; /* Note: SCpyMsgMsg is not done since free of unsent buffer * has been taken care through cell delete by invoking rgTomRlsSf * during shutdown */ datReq->nmbOfTBs = 1; #ifndef L2_OPTMZ datReq->mBuf[0] = dlSf->bcch.tb; #else SFndLenMsg((Buffer *)dlSf->bcch.tb, &(datReq->tbInfo[0].tbSize)); datReq->tbInfo[0].tbPres = TRUE; datReq->tbInfo[0].lchInfo[0].mBuf[0] = dlSf->bcch.tb; datReq->tbInfo[0].numLch = 1; datReq->tbInfo[0].lchInfo[0].numPdu = 1; #ifdef TFU_ALLOC_EVENT_NO_INIT datReq->tbInfo[1].tbPres = FALSE; datReq->tbInfo[1].lchInfo[0].mBuf[0] = NULLP; #endif #endif cmLListAdd2Tail(&datInfo->pdus, &(datReq->lnk)); datReq->lnk.node = (PTR)datReq; #ifdef TFU_UPGRADE /* ccpu00132314-ADD- Adding txPower offset for the PDSCH transmission */ datReq->txPwrOffset = dlSf->bcch.txPwrOffset; #endif /* Setting the pointer to NULL post transmission */ dlSf->bcch.tb = NULLP; } /* Fill PCCH data */ if (dlSf->pcch.tb != NULLP) { if ((ret = rgGetEventMem(inst,(Ptr *)&datReq, sizeof(TfuDatReqPduInfo), &(datInfo->memCp))) != ROK) { err->errCause = RGERR_TOM_MEM_EXHAUST; RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"Memory Exhaustion CRNTI:%d",datReq->rnti); RETVALUE(ret); } #ifdef TFU_ALLOC_EVENT_NO_INIT #ifndef L2_OPTMZ datReq->mBuf[1] = 0; #endif #endif datReq->rnti = RG_P_RNTI; datReq->dciInfo = dlSf->pcch.pdcch.dci; datReq->nmbOfTBs = 1; #ifndef L2_OPTMZ datReq->mBuf[0] = dlSf->pcch.tb; #else SFndLenMsg((Buffer *)dlSf->pcch.tb, &datReq->tbInfo[0].tbSize); datReq->tbInfo[0].tbPres = TRUE; datReq->tbInfo[0].lchInfo[0].mBuf[0] = dlSf->pcch.tb; #ifdef TFU_ALLOC_EVENT_NO_INIT datReq->tbInfo[1].tbPres = FALSE; datReq->tbInfo[1].lchInfo[0].mBuf[0] = NULLP; #endif datReq->tbInfo[0].numLch = 1; datReq->tbInfo[0].lchInfo[0].numPdu = 1; #endif cmLListAdd2Tail(&datInfo->pdus, &(datReq->lnk)); datReq->lnk.node = (PTR)datReq; #ifdef TFU_UPGRADE /* ccpu00132314-ADD- Adding txPower offset for the PDSCH transmission */ datReq->txPwrOffset = dlSf->pcch.txPwrOffset; #endif dlSf->pcch.tb = NULLP; } for(idx=0; idx < dlSf->numRaRsp; idx++) { if ((ret = rgGetEventMem(inst,(Ptr *)&datReq, sizeof(TfuDatReqPduInfo), &(datInfo->memCp))) != ROK) { err->errCause = RGERR_TOM_MEM_EXHAUST; RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"Memory Exhaustion CRNTI:%d", datReq->rnti); RETVALUE(ret); } #ifdef TFU_ALLOC_EVENT_NO_INIT #ifndef L2_OPTMZ datReq->mBuf[1] = 0; #endif #endif datReq->rnti = dlSf->raRsp[idx].pdcch.rnti; datReq->dciInfo = dlSf->raRsp[idx].pdcch.dci; datReq->nmbOfTBs = 1; #ifndef L2_OPTMZ datReq->mBuf[0] = dlSf->raRsp[idx].rar; #else SFndLenMsg((Buffer *)dlSf->raRsp[idx].rar, &datReq->tbInfo[0].tbSize); datReq->tbInfo[0].tbPres = TRUE; datReq->tbInfo[0].lchInfo[0].mBuf[0] = dlSf->raRsp[idx].rar; #ifdef TFU_ALLOC_EVENT_NO_INIT datReq->tbInfo[1].lchInfo[0].mBuf[0] = NULLP; datReq->tbInfo[1].tbPres = FALSE; #endif datReq->tbInfo[0].numLch = 1; datReq->tbInfo[0].lchInfo[0].numPdu = 1; // prc_trace_format_string(0x40,3,"UE Id=(%d) tbSz=(%d)",datReq->rnti, datReq->tbInfo[0].tbSize); #endif cmLListAdd2Tail(&datInfo->pdus, &(datReq->lnk)); datReq->lnk.node = (PTR)datReq; #ifdef TFU_UPGRADE /* ccpu00132314-ADD- Adding txPower offset for the PDSCH transmission */ datReq->txPwrOffset = dlSf->raRsp[idx].txPwrOffset; #endif dlSf->raRsp[idx].rar = NULLP; } /* Fill Dedicated UE data */ if (dlSf->tbs.count != 0) { CmLList *node; while (dlSf->tbs.first) { node = dlSf->tbs.first; hqCb = (RgDlHqProcCb*)node->node; if ((ret = rgDHMSndDatReq (cellCb, dlSf, datInfo, hqCb, err)) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "DHM unable to fill DATA request"); err->errType = RGERR_TOM_TTIIND; continue; } } /* end of while */ } RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of rgTOMUtlFillDatReqPdus*/ /** @brief This function does all the processing related to a single downlink * subframe. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMUtlProcDlSf * * Processing steps: * - collate control data for all UEs and send to PHY * - collate data buffers for all UEs and send to PHY * * @param [in] RgDlSf *dlSf * @param [in] RgCellCb *cellCb * @param [out] RgErrInfo *err * @return S16 */ /* ADD Changes for Downlink UE Timing Optimization */ #ifndef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlProcDlSf ( RgDlSf *dlSf, RgCellCb *cellCb, RgErrInfo *err ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlProcDlSf (dlSf, cellCb, err) RgDlSf *dlSf; RgCellCb *cellCb; RgErrInfo *err; #endif #else #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 rgTOMUtlProcDlSf ( RgDlSf *dlSf, RgCellCb *cellCb, RgErrInfo *err ) #else PUBLIC S16 rgTOMUtlProcDlSf (dlSf, cellCb, err) RgDlSf *dlSf; RgCellCb *cellCb; RgErrInfo *err; #endif #endif { S16 ret; TfuDatReqInfo *datInfo; Inst inst = cellCb->macInst - RG_INST_START; TRC2(rgTOMUtlProcDlSf); /* Fill Data Request Info from scheduler to PHY */ if ((ret = rgAllocEventMem(inst,(Ptr *)&datInfo, sizeof(TfuDatReqInfo))) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"Unable to Allocate TfuDatReqInfo"); RETVALUE(ret); } else { cmLListInit(&datInfo->pdus); #ifdef LTE_TDD RGADDTOCRNTTIME(dlSf->schdTime, datInfo->timingInfo, TFU_DELTA); #else RGADDTOCRNTTIME(dlSf->schdTime, datInfo->timingInfo, TFU_DLDATA_DLDELTA); #endif datInfo->cellId = cellCb->cellId; if((0 == (datInfo->timingInfo.sfn % 30)) && (0 == datInfo->timingInfo.subframe)) { //printf("5GTF_CHECK rgTOMUtlProcDlSf dat (%d : %d)\n", datInfo->timingInfo.sfn, datInfo->timingInfo.subframe); } #ifdef TFU_ALLOC_EVENT_NO_INIT datInfo->bchDat.pres = 0; #endif /* Fill BCH data */ if (dlSf->bch.tb != NULLP) { datInfo->bchDat.pres = PRSNT_NODEF; datInfo->bchDat.val = dlSf->bch.tb; dlSf->bch.tb = NULLP; } #ifdef EMTC_ENABLE /* Fill the DLSCH PDUs of BCCH, PCCH and Dedicated Channels */ if ((ret = rgTOMEmtcUtlFillDatReqPdus(datInfo, dlSf, cellCb, err)) != ROK) { RG_FREE_MEM(datInfo); RETVALUE(ret); } #endif /* Fill the DLSCH PDUs of BCCH, PCCH and Dedicated Channels */ if ((ret = rgTOMUtlFillDatReqPdus(datInfo, dlSf, cellCb, err)) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"Unable to send data for cell"); RG_FREE_MEM(datInfo); RETVALUE(ret); } if((datInfo->pdus.count) || (datInfo->bchDat.pres == TRUE)) { /* sending the data to Phy */ if (rgLIMTfuDatReq(inst,datInfo) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"Unable to send data info for cell"); } } else { /* Nothing to send: free the allocated datInfo */ RG_FREE_MEM(datInfo); } } RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of */ U32 rgMacGT; /** * @brief Handler for processing TTI indication recieved from * PHY for a cell. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMTtiInd * * Handler for processing TTI indication recieved from PHY * for a cell. * * Invoked by: RgLiTfuTtiInd * * Processing Steps: * - Get cell and update the cell's current time with the timing value given * by PHY * - Invoke the cmPrcTmr to process the timing queue. * - Append the PHICH information to the downlink subframe that needs to go * out to PHY in this subframe. * - Invoke DHM to release the downlink subframe that occured earlier * rgDHMRlsDlsfHqProc. * - Invoke the TTI handler of scheduler. * - Invoke the TTI handler of RAM module. * - Get the downlink subframe that has to go out to PHY in this subframe * rgSCHSubFrmGet. * - Invoke rgTOMUtlProcTA to perform and timing advance processing. * - Invoke rgTOMUtlProcDlSf to do further processing on the downlink * subframe. * - Get the downlink subframe that would occur after RG_DL_DELTA and * invoke rgTOMUtlProcDlSfStaInd to send status indications to the higher * layer. * - Invoke GOM's TTI handler rgGOMTtiHndlr * - Invoke COM's TTI handler rgCOMTtiHndlr * * @param[in] Inst inst * @param[in] TfuTtiIndInfo *ttiInd * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #if (defined (MAC_FREE_RING_BUF) || defined (RLC_FREE_RING_BUF)) pthread_t gMacTId = 0; #endif #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 rgTOMTtiInd ( Inst inst, TfuTtiIndInfo *ttiInfo ) #else PUBLIC S16 rgTOMTtiInd(inst, ttiInfo) Inst inst; TfuTtiIndInfo *ttiInfo; #endif { RgCellCb *cellCb; RgErrInfo err; RgDlSf *dlSf; /* ADD Changes for Downlink UE Timing Optimization */ #ifdef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ RgDlSf *prevDlSf; CmLteTimingInfo prevTmInfo; #endif TfuTtiCellInfo *ttiInd = &ttiInfo->cells[0]; TRC2(rgTOMTtiInd); #ifdef MAC_FREE_RING_BUF gMacTId = pthread_self(); #endif cellCb = rgCb[inst].cell; if ((cellCb == NULLP) ||(cellCb->cellId != ttiInd->cellId)) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,ttiInd->cellId, "Unable to get the cellCb for cell"); err.errType = RGERR_TOM_TTIIND; err.errCause = RGERR_TOM_INV_CELL_ID; RETVALUE(RFAILED); } RGCPYTIMEINFO(ttiInd->timingInfo, cellCb->crntTime); if((0 == (ttiInd->timingInfo.sfn % 30)) && (0 == ttiInd->timingInfo.sfn)) { //printf("5GTF_CHECK rgTOMTtiInd (%d : %d)\n", ttiInd->timingInfo.sfn, ttiInd->timingInfo.subframe); } rgMacGT = (ttiInd->timingInfo.sfn * RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES_5G) + ttiInd->timingInfo.subframe; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS rgL2Meas(cellCb); /*Included to track the number of 10240 cycles completed */ if((cellCb->crntTime.sfn == 0) && (cellCb->crntTime.subframe==0)) { cellCb->ttiCycle += 1; } #endif /*Check if we have transmitted the previous DL SF, it could be the case that we haven't received all the DATA from RLC as yet and thus we would not have transmitted previous DL SF yet.*/ /* ADD Changes for Downlink UE Timing Optimization */ #ifdef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ RGSUBFRMCRNTTIME(ttiInd->timingInfo, prevTmInfo, 1); prevDlSf = &cellCb->subFrms[(prevTmInfo.subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)]; if(FALSE == prevDlSf->txDone) { if (ROK != rgTOMUtlProcDlSf (prevDlSf, cellCb, &err)) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"Unable to process " "previous downlink subframe for cell"); err.errType = RGERR_TOM_TTIIND; } /* Mark this frame as sent */ prevDlSf->txDone = TRUE; if(prevDlSf->remDatReqCnt) { /*We have not received 1 or more data requests from RLC, this is error scenario. MAC & SCH need to discard the allocations for which data request hasn't been received as yet. And MAC needs to inform SCH about the list of UEs for which allocation need to be discarded. */ prevDlSf->remDatReqCnt = 0; } } #endif dlSf = &cellCb->subFrms[(ttiInd->timingInfo.subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)]; if((dlSf->txDone == TRUE) || (!RG_TIMEINFO_SAME(ttiInd->timingInfo,dlSf->schdTime))) { /* MS_WORKAROUND */ #ifndef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ TfuDatReqInfo *datInfo; CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo; #ifdef TFU_DL_DELTA_CHANGE RGADDTOCRNTTIME(cellCb->crntTime, timingInfo, TFU_DLDATA_DLDELTA); #else RGADDTOCRNTTIME(cellCb->crntTime, timingInfo, TFU_DELTA); #endif /* Fill Data Request from MAC for BCH */ if ((timingInfo.sfn % 4 == 0) && (timingInfo.subframe == 0)) { if (ROK != rgAllocEventMem(inst,(Ptr *)&datInfo, sizeof(TfuDatReqInfo))) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "rgTOMUtlProcDlSf() Unable to Allocate TfuDatReqInfo for cell"); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } else { cmLListInit(&datInfo->pdus); datInfo->cellId = cellCb->cellId; datInfo->bchDat.pres = NOTPRSNT; datInfo->timingInfo = timingInfo; /* sending the dummy data req to Phy */ if (rgLIMTfuDatReq(inst,datInfo) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "rgTOMUtlProcDlSf() Unable to send data info for cell"); } } } #endif /* Freeing as the part of CL Non RT Indication */ /* TDOD : Generalize for all SOCs */ #if !(defined(TENB_T2K3K_SPECIFIC_CHANGES) && defined(LTE_TDD)) rgDHMFreeTbBufs(inst); #endif RETVALUE(ROK); } /*Return if there is still some data to be received from RLC for this DL SF. */ /* ADD Changes for Downlink UE Timing Optimization */ #ifdef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ if(0 != dlSf->remDatReqCnt) { /* Freeing as the part of CL Non RT Indication */ /* TODO : Generalize for all SOCs and remove this flag */ #if !(defined(TENB_T2K3K_SPECIFIC_CHANGES) && defined(LTE_TDD)) rgDHMFreeTbBufs(inst); #endif RETVALUE(ROK); } #endif #ifdef XEON_SPECIFIC_CHANGES CM_MEAS_TIME((ttiInd->timingInfo.subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES), CM_DBG_MAC_TTI_IND, CM_DBG_MAC_DL_BR_PRC); #endif if (ROK != rgTOMUtlProcDlSf (dlSf, cellCb, &err)) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,ttiInd->cellId, "Unable to process downlink subframe for cell"); err.errType = RGERR_TOM_TTIIND; } #ifdef XEON_SPECIFIC_CHANGES CM_MEAS_TIME((ttiInd->timingInfo.subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES), CM_DBG_MAC_TTI_IND, CM_DBG_MAC_DL_AFTER_PRC); #endif /* Mark this frame as sent */ dlSf->txDone = TRUE; /* Freeing as the part of CL Non RT Indication */ /* TODO : Generalize for all SOCs and remove this flag */ #if !(defined(TENB_T2K3K_SPECIFIC_CHANGES) && defined(LTE_TDD)) rgDHMFreeTbBufs(inst); #endif RETVALUE(ROK); } /* rgTOMTtiInd */ /** @brief This function allocates the RgMacPdu that will be populated by DEMUX * with the SubHeaders list and the values of the Control elements. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMUtlAllocPduEvnt * * Processing steps: * @param[in] Inst inst * @param [out] RgMacPdu **pdu * * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlAllocPduEvnt ( Inst inst, RgMacPdu **pdu ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlAllocPduEvnt (inst,pdu) Inst inst; RgMacPdu **pdu; #endif { Mem evntMem; RgUstaDgn dgn; /* Alarm diagnostics structure */ VOLATILE U32 startTime=0; TRC2(rgTOMUtlAllocPduEvnt); evntMem.region = rgCb[inst].rgInit.region; evntMem.pool = rgCb[inst].rgInit.pool; /*starting Task*/ SStartTask(&startTime, PID_TOMUTL_CMALLCEVT); #ifdef MS_MBUF_CORRUPTION /* Should be enabled when debugging mbuf corruption */ MS_BUF_ADD_ALLOC_CALLER(); #endif /* */ if (cmAllocEvnt (sizeof (RgMacPdu), RG_BLKSZ, &evntMem, (Ptr*)pdu) != ROK) { rgFillDgnParams(inst,&dgn, LRG_USTA_DGNVAL_MEM); rgLMMStaInd(inst,LCM_CATEGORY_RESOURCE, LCM_EVENT_DMEM_ALLOC_FAIL, LCM_CAUSE_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL, &dgn); RLOG0(L_ERROR,"Allocation of DUX event failed"); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } /*stoping Task*/ SStopTask(startTime, PID_TOMUTL_CMALLCEVT); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of */ /** @brief This function frees up the RgMacPdu structure that has been * populated by demux. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt * - Function frees up the RgMacPdu structure, in case of error it shall * free up the buffer's present in the different sdu. * * Processing steps: * @param [in] Inst inst * @param [in] RgMacPdu *pdu * @param [in] Bool *error * @return */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt ( RgMacPdu *pdu, Bool error ) #else PRIVATE Void rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt (pdu, error) RgMacPdu *pdu; Bool error; #endif { RgMacSdu *sdu; CmLList *node; TRC2(rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt); /* Steps of freeing up the PDU. * 1. loop through the subHdrLst and free up all the buffers. * 2. free up the whole event */ if ((error == TRUE) && (pdu->sduLst.count > 0)) { node = pdu->sduLst.first; while (node) { sdu = (RgMacSdu*)node->node; RG_FREE_MSG(sdu->mBuf); node = node->next; } } RG_FREE_MEM(pdu); RETVOID; } /* end of rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt */ /** @brief This function allocates the RgMacPdu that will be populated by DEMUX * with the SubHeaders list and the values of the Control elements. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMInfAllocPduEvnt * * Processing steps: * @param [in] Inst inst * @param [out] RgMacPdu **pdu * * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMInfAllocPduEvnt ( Inst inst, RgInfSfDatInd **sfInfo ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMInfAllocPduEvnt (inst,sfInfo) Inst inst; RgInfSfDatInd **sfInfo; #endif { Mem evntMem; RgUstaDgn dgn; /* Alarm diagnostics structure */ VOLATILE U32 startTime=0; TRC2(rgTOMInfAllocPduEvnt); evntMem.region = rgCb[inst].rgInit.region; evntMem.pool = rgCb[inst].rgInit.pool; /*starting Task*/ SStartTask(&startTime, PID_TOMINF_CMALLCEVT); #ifdef MS_MBUF_CORRUPTION /* Should be enabled when debugging mbuf corruption */ MS_BUF_ADD_ALLOC_CALLER(); #endif /* */ if (cmAllocEvnt (sizeof (RgInfSfDatInd), RG_BLKSZ, &evntMem, (Ptr*)sfInfo) != ROK) { rgFillDgnParams(inst,&dgn, LRG_USTA_DGNVAL_MEM); rgLMMStaInd(inst,LCM_CATEGORY_RESOURCE, LCM_EVENT_DMEM_ALLOC_FAIL, LCM_CAUSE_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL, &dgn); RLOG0(L_ERROR,"Allocation failed"); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } /*stoping Task*/ SStopTask(startTime, PID_TOMINF_CMALLCEVT); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of */ /** @brief This function frees up the RgMacPdu structure that has been * populated by demux. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMInfFreePduEvnt * - Function frees up the RgMacPdu structure, in case of error it shall * free up the buffer's present in the different sdu. * * Processing steps: * @param [in] RgMacPdu *pdu * @param [in] Bool *error * @return */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rgTOMInfFreePduEvnt ( RgInfSfDatInd *sfInfo ) #else PRIVATE Void rgTOMInfFreePduEvnt (sfInfo) RgInfSfDatInd *sfInfo; #endif { TRC2(rgTOMInfFreePduEvnt); RG_FREE_MEM(sfInfo); RETVOID; } /* end of rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt */ #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS /** @brief This function performs the preparation of information needed to set * L2M Scheduled UL Throughput Information for a particular UE. * * @details * * Function: rgTomUtlPrepareL2MUlThrpInfo * This function performs the preparation of information needed to set * L2M Scheduled UL Throughput Information for a particular UE. * * * Processing steps: * @param [in] RgCellCb *cellCb * @param [in] RgUeCb *ueCb * @param [out] RgRguDedDatInd *dDatInd * @return */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTomUtlPrepareL2MUlThrpInfo ( RgCellCb *cellCb, RgUeCb *ueCb, RgRguDedDatInd *dDatInd ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTomUtlPrepareL2MUlThrpInfo(cellCb,ueCb,dDatInd) RgCellCb *cellCb; RgUeCb *ueCb; RgRguDedDatInd *dDatInd; #endif { U8 lcId; U8 lcgId; U8 loop; TRC2(rgTomUtlPrepareL2MUlThrpInfo); dDatInd->burstInd = RGU_L2M_UL_BURST_END; for(loop=0;loopnumLch;loop++) { lcId=dDatInd->lchData[loop].lcId; if (lcId) { lcgId = ueCb->ul.lcCb[lcId - 1].lcgId; if(ueCb->ul.lcgArr[lcgId].lcgBsInfo.outStndngBs > 0) { dDatInd->burstInd = RGU_L2M_UL_BURST_START; break; } } } RETVALUE(ROK); } /* rgTOMTtiInd */ #endif /** @brief This function is called by rgTOMDatInd. This function invokes the * scheduler with the information of the received Data and any Control Elements * if present. Also it generates Data indications towards the higher layers. * * @details * * Function: * * Processing steps: * - Retrieves the RaCb with the rnti provided, if it doesnt exist * return failure. * - If UE exists then update the Schduler with any MAC CEs if present. * - Invoke RAM module to do Msg3 related processing rgRAMProcMsg3 * - Loop through the SDU subheaders and invoke either a common data * indication (rgUIMSndCmnDatInd) or dedicated data indication * (rgUIMSndDedDatInd) towards the higher layers. * * @param [in] RgCellCb *cellCb * @param [in] RgUeCb *ueCb * @param [in] CmLteRnti rnti * @param [in] RgMacPdu *pdu * @param [out] U32 *lcgBytes * * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED */ RgUeCb *glblueCb4; RgUeCb *glblueCb5; #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlProcMsg ( RgCellCb *cellCb, RgUeCb *ueCb, RgMacPdu *pdu, Bool isSpsRnti, Bool *spsToBeActvtd, U16 *sduSize, U8 subframe, U32 *lcgBytes ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlProcMsg(cellCb, ueCb, pdu, isSpsRnti,spsToBeActvtd,sduSize, subframe, lcgBytes) RgCellCb *cellCb; RgUeCb *ueCb; RgMacPdu *pdu; Bool isSpsRnti; Bool *spsToBeActvtd; U16 *sduSize; U8 subframe; U32 *lcgBytes; #endif #else /* LTEMAC_SPS */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlProcMsg ( RgCellCb *cellCb, RgUeCb *ueCb, RgMacPdu *pdu, U8 subframe, U32 *lcgBytes ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlProcMsg(cellCb, ueCb, pdu, subframe, lcgBytes) RgCellCb *cellCb; RgUeCb *ueCb; RgMacPdu *pdu; U8 subframe; U32 *lcgByes; #endif #endif { Inst inst = cellCb->macInst - RG_INST_START; S16 ret; RgRguCmnDatInd *cDatInd; RgRguDedDatInd *dDatInd; CmLList *node; RgMacSdu *sdu; MsgLen ccchSz; MsgLen cpySz; #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS Pst schPst1; RgInfSpsRelInfo relInfo; #endif #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS U8 idx1; U8 idx2; RgUlSf *ulSf; U16 totalBytesRcvd = 0; U16 sduLen[RGU_MAX_LC] = {0}; U8 qciVal[RGU_MAX_LC] = {0}; U8 numPrb = 0; #endif U8 lcgId; MsgLen bufSz; /* Moved outside of LTE_L2_MEAS * scope as this pointer will now be used to * check for valid Logical Channel ID */ RgUlLcCb *ulLcCb; cDatInd = NULLP; dDatInd = NULLP; #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS ulSf = NULLP; idx1 = 0; idx2 = 0; #endif #ifdef SS_RBUF Void *elem = NULLP; #endif ulLcCb = NULLP; TRC2(rgTOMUtlProcMsg) #ifndef LTE_L2_MEAS UNUSED(subframe); #endif if(pdu->sduLst.first) { sdu = (RgMacSdu*)(pdu->sduLst.first->node); glblueCb4 = ueCb; if ((sdu->lcId == RG_CCCH_LCID)) { /* code for common channel dat indications */ if ((ret = rgAllocShrablSBuf (inst,(Data**)&cDatInd, sizeof(RgRguCmnDatInd))) != ROK) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } cDatInd->cellId = cellCb->cellId; cDatInd->rnti = ueCb->ueId; /* rg001.101: Corrected lcId value for common data indication */ cDatInd->lcId = cellCb->ulCcchId; cDatInd->pdu = sdu->mBuf; SFndLenMsg (sdu->mBuf, &ccchSz); /* Fix : syed Contention resolution ID copy should consider only * 6 bytes of information from sdu->mBuf. Incase of CCCH sdu for reest * message/psuedo reest message, ccchSz can go beyond 6 and can corrupt * other fields of ueCb. */ if (ccchSz >= RG_CRES_LEN) { SCpyMsgFix (sdu->mBuf, (MsgLen)0, RG_CRES_LEN, ueCb->contResId.resId, &cpySz); } #ifdef XEON_SPECIFIC_CHANGES CM_LOG_DEBUG(CM_LOG_ID_MAC, "CCCH SDU of size(%d) received for UE(%d) CRES[0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x] Time[%d %d]\n", ((S16)ccchSz), ueCb->ueId,ueCb->contResId.resId[0], ueCb->contResId.resId[1], ueCb->contResId.resId[2], ueCb->contResId.resId[3], ueCb->contResId.resId[4], ueCb->contResId.resId[5], cellCb->crntTime.sfn, cellCb->crntTime.subframe); #endif sdu->mBuf = NULLP; rgUIMSndCmnDatInd(inst,cellCb->rguUlSap,cDatInd); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of common channel processing */ #ifndef SS_RBUF if ((ret = rgAllocShrablSBuf (inst,(Data**)&dDatInd, sizeof(RgRguDedDatInd))) != ROK) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #else glblueCb5 = ueCb; elem = SRngGetWIndx(SS_RNG_BUF_ULMAC_TO_ULRLC); if (NULLP == elem) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } dDatInd = (RgRguDedDatInd *)elem; cmMemset((U8 *)dDatInd, 0x00, sizeof(RgRguDedDatInd)); #endif dDatInd->cellId = cellCb->cellId; dDatInd->rnti = ueCb->ueId; dDatInd->numLch = 0; } #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS ulSf = &cellCb->ulSf[(subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)]; if(ulSf->ueUlAllocInfo != NULLP) { for(idx1 = 0; idx1 < ulSf->numUe; idx1++) { if(ulSf->ueUlAllocInfo[idx1].rnti == ueCb->ueId) { numPrb = ulSf->ueUlAllocInfo[idx1].numPrb; break; } } } #endif node = pdu->sduLst.first; while (node) { sdu = (RgMacSdu*)node->node; ulLcCb = rgDBMGetUlDedLcCb (ueCb, sdu->lcId); if(ulLcCb == NULLP) { RLOG_ARG2(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"Unconfigured LCID:%d CRNTI:%d" ,sdu->lcId,ueCb->ueId); /* ccpu00128443: Fix for memory leak */ /* Fix : syed Neccessary to set sdu->mBuf = NULLP */ RG_FREE_MSG(sdu->mBuf); node = node->next; continue; } #ifdef RLC_STA_PROC_IN_MAC/* RLC Status PDU Processing */ { extern S16 kwProcDlStatusPdu(Pst *udxPst,SuId suId, CmLteCellId cellId,CmLteRnti rnti,CmLteLcId lcId,Buffer *rlcSdu); if(ROK == kwProcDlStatusPdu(&(cellCb->rguDlSap->sapCfg.sapPst), cellCb->rguDlSap->sapCfg.suId, cellCb->cellId,ueCb->ueId,sdu->lcId,sdu->mBuf)) { RG_FREE_MSG(sdu->mBuf); node = node->next; continue; } } #endif /* ccpu00116477- Fixed the rgUIMSndDedDatInd condition when we receive 11 sdus in the * list we are losing 11th sdu and sending the first 10 sdus again which * is causing the duplicate packets and eNB crashing due to access * of the freed memory */ if (dDatInd->numLch >= RGU_MAX_LC) { if ((ret = rgUIMSndDedDatInd(inst,ueCb->rguUlSap,dDatInd)) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "Failed to send datIndication to RGU CRNTI:%d",ueCb->ueId); RETVALUE(ret); } #ifndef SS_RBUF if ((ret = rgAllocShrablSBuf (inst,(Data**)&dDatInd, sizeof(RgRguDedDatInd))) != ROK) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #else elem = SRngGetWIndx(SS_RNG_BUF_ULMAC_TO_ULRLC); if (NULLP == elem) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } dDatInd = (RgRguDedDatInd *)elem; cmMemset((U8 *)dDatInd, 0x00, sizeof(RgRguDedDatInd)); #endif dDatInd->cellId = cellCb->cellId; dDatInd->rnti = ueCb->ueId; dDatInd->numLch = 0; } dDatInd->lchData[dDatInd->numLch].lcId = sdu->lcId; dDatInd->lchData[dDatInd->numLch].pdu.mBuf[dDatInd->lchData[dDatInd->numLch].pdu.numPdu] = sdu->mBuf; dDatInd->lchData[dDatInd->numLch].pdu.numPdu++; lcgId = ulLcCb->lcgId; SFndLenMsg(sdu->mBuf, &bufSz); #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS if(ulLcCb->measOn) { ueCb->ul.lcgArr[lcgId].lcgBsInfo.outStndngBs -= bufSz; } #endif //if ((lcgBytes != NULLP) && (ueCb->ul.lcgArr[lcgId].isGbr == TRUE)) if (lcgBytes != NULLP) { lcgBytes[lcgId] += bufSz; } sdu->mBuf = NULLP; dDatInd->numLch++; #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS /* Check if data has come on SPS LC */ /* KWORK_FIX: Modified the index from lcId to lcId-1 for handling lcId 10 properly */ if (ueCb->ul.spsLcId[sdu->lcId-1] == TRUE) { ueCb->ul.spsDatRcvd++; } if(isSpsRnti) { /* Data rcvd on CRNTI*/ /* Retrieve the LCG ID of the LCID*/ /* SPS LCG has data whose size > SID Size */ /* Activate SPS if data recvd on SPS LCID and size > SID Packet Size */ if((ueCb->ul.spsLcId[sdu->lcId-1] == TRUE) && (sdu->len > RG_SPS_SID_PACKET_SIZE)) { *spsToBeActvtd = TRUE; *sduSize = sdu->len; } } #endif #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS if(cellCb->qciArray[ulLcCb->qci].mask == TRUE) { sduLen[ulLcCb->qci] = sdu->len; totalBytesRcvd += sdu->len; qciVal[ulLcCb->qci] = ulLcCb->qci; } #endif node = node->next; } /* end of while for SubHeaders */ #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS for(idx2 = 0; idx2 < RGU_MAX_LC; idx2++) { if((cellCb->qciArray[qciVal[idx2]].mask == TRUE) && totalBytesRcvd > 0) { cellCb->qciArray[qciVal[idx2]].prbCount += ((numPrb * sduLen[idx2]) / totalBytesRcvd); } /* RRM_RBC_X */ if(totalBytesRcvd > 0 && qciVal[idx2] > 0) { RG_UPD_GBR_PRB(cellCb, qciVal[idx2], ((numPrb * sduLen[idx2])/totalBytesRcvd)); } /* RRM_RBC_Y */ } #endif /*Added for explicit release - start*/ #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS if(isSpsRnti && dDatInd && dDatInd->numLch) { if(ueCb->ul.spsDatRcvd != 0) { ueCb->ul.explRelCntr = 0; ueCb->ul.spsDatRcvd = 0; } else { ueCb->ul.explRelCntr++; if (ueCb->ul.explRelCntr == ueCb->ul.explRelCnt) { ueCb->ul.explRelCntr = 0; /* Indicate scheduler for explicit release */ cmMemset((U8*)&schPst1, (U8)0, sizeof(Pst)); rgGetPstToInst(&schPst1,inst, cellCb->schInstMap.schInst); relInfo.cellSapId = cellCb->schInstMap.cellSapId; relInfo.cRnti = ueCb->ueId; relInfo.isExplRel = TRUE; /* Release indicator is called now through the matrix in the function below */ RgMacSchSpsRel( &schPst1, &relInfo ); ueCb->ul.implRelCntr = 0; } } } else { /* SPS_FIX */ if(ueCb->ul.spsDatRcvd != 0) { //ueCb->ul.implRelCntr = 0; ueCb->ul.explRelCntr = 0; ueCb->ul.spsDatRcvd = 0; } } #endif /*Added for explicit release - end */ if((dDatInd) && (dDatInd->numLch)) { #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS rgTomUtlPrepareL2MUlThrpInfo(cellCb, ueCb,dDatInd); RG_CALC_TTI_CNT(cellCb, dDatInd->ttiCnt); #endif if ((ret = rgUIMSndDedDatInd(inst,ueCb->rguUlSap,dDatInd)) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "Failed to send datIndication to RGU CRNTI:%d",ueCb->ueId); RETVALUE(ret); } } #ifndef SS_RBUF else if((dDatInd) && (0 == dDatInd->numLch)) { /* Free the memory allocated for dDatInd if we * have no valid LCH PDU to send to RLC.*/ rgFreeSharableSBuf(inst,(Data **)&dDatInd,sizeof(RgRguDedDatInd)); } #endif RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of */ /** @brief This function frees up the RgMacPdu structure that has been * populated by demux. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMUtlInsSchInfo * - Function frees up the RgMacPdu structure, in case of error it shall * free up the buffer's present in the different sdu. * * Processing steps: * @param [in] RgMacPdu *pdu * @param [in] Bool *error * @return */ #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlInsSchInfo ( RgMacPdu *pdu, RgInfSfDatInd *sfInfo, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo, CmLteRnti rnti, Bool spsToBeActvtd, U16 sduSize, U32 *lcgBytes ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlInsSchInfo (pdu, sfInfo, ceInfo, rnti,spsToBeActvtd,sduSize, lcgBytes) RgMacPdu *pdu; RgInfSfDatInd *sfInfo; RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo; CmLteRnti rnti; Bool spsToBeActvtd; U16 sduSize; U32 *lcgBytes; #endif #else #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlInsSchInfo ( RgMacPdu *pdu, RgInfSfDatInd *sfInfo, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo, CmLteRnti rnti, U32 *lcgBytes ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlInsSchInfo (pdu, sfInfo, ceInfo, rnti, lcgBytes) RgMacPdu *pdu; RgInfSfDatInd *sfInfo; RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo; CmLteRnti rnti; U32 *lcgBytes; #endif #endif { S16 ret; RgInfUeDatInd *ueInfo; U32 lcgId = 0; U32 idx = 0; TRC2(rgTOMUtlInsSchInfo); RG_TOM_INF_ALLOC(sfInfo, sizeof(RgInfUeDatInd), ueInfo, ret); if(ROK != ret) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } ueInfo->rnti = rnti; ueInfo->ceInfo = *ceInfo; ueInfo->ueLstEnt.node = (PTR)ueInfo; for (lcgId = 1, idx = 0; lcgId < RGINF_MAX_LCG_PER_UE; lcgId++) { if (lcgBytes[lcgId] != 0) { /* Only GBR bytes */ ueInfo->lcgInfo[idx].lcgId = lcgId; ueInfo->lcgInfo[idx++].bytesRcvd = lcgBytes[lcgId]; lcgBytes[lcgId] = 0; } } cmLListAdd2Tail(&sfInfo->ueLst, &ueInfo->ueLstEnt); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of rgTOMUtlInsSchInfo */ #include /** * @brief Handler for processing data indication recieved from PHY for UEs. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMDatInd * * Handler for processing data indication recieved from PHY for UEs. * * Invoked by: RgLiTfuDatInd of LIM * * Processing Steps: * For each DataInfo recieved * - Validate the information received and retrieve cellCb * Validate cellId, rnti * - Call De-Mux module to decode the data rgDUXDemuxData * - If received a CRNTI control element * - Check if a CCCH SDU is present, if it is return failure * - Check for the existence of UE, if its isnt present return failure. * - Delegate the remaining processing to rgTOMUtlProcMsg3 which * primarily informs the scheduler about the data received and * generates Data indications towards the higher layer. * - If only CCCH SDU is present * - Invoke rgTOMUtlProcMsg3 for further processing. * - If its a non-Msg3 PDU i.e. received outside of a RA procedure * - Retrieve the UeCB * - Validate that the received PDU contains only configured Logical * Channels. * - Invoke rgTOMUtlProcDatPdu for further processing. It informs the * scheduler with the information of the received Data and generates * DatIndications towards the higher layers. * * @param [in] Inst inst * @param[in] TfuDatIndInfo *datInd * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 rgTOMDatInd ( Inst inst, TfuDatIndInfo *datInd ) #else PUBLIC S16 rgTOMDatInd(inst,datInd) Inst inst; TfuDatIndInfo *datInd; #endif { S16 ret = ROK; RgErrInfo err; RgUeCb *ueCb; RgUeCb *prevUeCb = NULLP; RgCellCb *cellCb; RgMacPdu *pdu; RgInfSfDatInd *sfInfo; RgInfCeInfo ceInfo; Pst schPst; CmLList *node; TfuDatInfo *datInfo; RgLowSapCb *tfuSap; U8 subframe; #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS Bool isSpsRnti=FALSE; Pst schPst1; RgInfSpsRelInfo relInfo; Bool spsToBeActvtd = FALSE; U16 sduSize = 0; #endif U32 lcgBytes[RGINF_MAX_LCG_PER_UE]; TRC2(rgTOMDatInd); #ifdef STUB_TTI_HANDLING_5GTF node = datInd->datIndLst.first; for (;node; node=node->next) { datInfo = (TfuDatInfo*)node->node; { MsgLen len; SFndLenMsg(datInfo->mBuf, &len); rgUlrate_tfu += len; if (rgUlrate_tfu > 100000) { printf("Sowmya:rgTOMDatInd datInfo->mBuf len =%d rgUlrate_tfu=%d",len,rgUlrate_tfu); rgUlrate_tfu = 0; } } } return(RFAILED); #endif cmMemset((U8 *)&lcgBytes, 0, sizeof(lcgBytes)); tfuSap = &(rgCb[inst].tfuSap); ueCb = NULLP; cellCb = rgCb[inst].cell; if((cellCb == NULLP) || (cellCb->cellId != datInd->cellId)) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,datInd->cellId,"Unable to get the cellCb for cell"); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } /* Avoiding memset as all the fields are getting initialized further */ if (rgTOMInfAllocPduEvnt (inst,&sfInfo) != ROK) { err.errType = RGERR_TOM_DATIND; RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,datInd->cellId,"Unable to Allocate PDU for DUX cell"); node = datInd->datIndLst.first; RETVALUE(RFAILED); } cmLListInit(&sfInfo->ueLst); sfInfo->cellId = datInd->cellId; sfInfo->timingInfo = datInd->timingInfo; subframe = datInd->timingInfo.subframe; node = datInd->datIndLst.first; for (;node; node=node->next) { datInfo = (TfuDatInfo*)node->node; { //extern U32 ulrate_tfu; MsgLen len; SFndLenMsg(datInfo->mBuf, &len); #ifdef STUB_TTI_HANDLING_5GTF // printf("Sowmya:rgTOMDatInd datInfo->mBuf len =%d",len); #endif rgUlrate_tfu += len; #ifdef EMTC_ENABLE grgUlrate_tfu += len; #endif } #ifdef STUB_TTI_HANDLING_5GTF rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt(datInd,TRUE); #endif /* We shall call De-Mux to process the received buffer. We shall try and find * out the RaCb based on the following - * 1. If the incoming PDU contained a CCCH SDU i.e. this is message 3. * 2. If the incoming PDU contained a CRNTI control element, i.e. we should * have a ueCb also for this */ /* Lets allocate the event that needs to be passed to DUX */ if (rgTOMUtlAllocPduEvnt (inst,&pdu) != ROK) { err.errType = RGERR_TOM_DATIND; RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,datInd->cellId,"Unable to Allocate PDU for DUX cell"); rgTOMInfFreePduEvnt (sfInfo); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if ((ret = rgDUXDemuxData (inst,pdu, &ceInfo, &datInfo->mBuf, &err)) != ROK) { //exit(1); /* Fix: sriky memory corruption precautions */ rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt (pdu, TRUE); err.errType = RGERR_TOM_DATIND; RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,datInd->cellId,"DUX processing failed"); tfuSap->sapSts.numPduDrop++; continue; } /* It could be that a non-msg3 pdu contains a CRNTI Control element. We * should check for CRNTI CE and if it exists the UECb must exist, also an * if the CRNTI in the CE and the one with which the message came in are * different we shall look for an raCb as well. */ if (ceInfo.bitMask & RG_CCCH_SDU_PRSNT) { ret = rgTOMProcCCCHSduInDatInd(pdu, prevUeCb, \ cellCb, datInfo, &ceInfo, subframe); if (ret == RFAILED) { rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt (pdu, TRUE); err.errType = RGERR_TOM_DATIND; tfuSap->sapSts.numPduDrop++; continue; } } /* end of Msg3 processing */ else if (ceInfo.bitMask & RG_CRNTI_CE_PRSNT) { ret = rgTOMProcCrntiCEInDatInd(pdu, prevUeCb, \ cellCb, datInfo, &ceInfo, subframe); if (ret == RFAILED) { rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt (pdu, TRUE); err.errType = RGERR_TOM_DATIND; tfuSap->sapSts.numPduDrop++; continue; } } /* end of CRNTI based message */ else { ueCb = rgDBMGetUeCb (cellCb, datInfo->rnti); if (ueCb == NULLP) { #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS /* Try getting the UE using SPS-RNTI. */ ueCb = rgDBMGetSpsUeCb (cellCb, datInfo->rnti); if (ueCb != NULLP) { isSpsRnti = TRUE; /* Increment implrelCntr for an empty transmission */ if (pdu->sduLst.count == 0) { ueCb->ul.implRelCntr++; if (ueCb->ul.implRelCntr == ueCb->ul.implRelCnt) { /* Indicate scheduler for implicit release */ cmMemset((U8*)&schPst1, (U8)0, sizeof(Pst)); rgGetPstToInst(&schPst1,inst, cellCb->schInstMap.schInst); ueCb->ul.implRelCntr = 0; ueCb->ul.explRelCntr = 0; relInfo.cellSapId = cellCb->schInstMap.cellSapId; relInfo.cRnti = ueCb->ueId; relInfo.isExplRel = FALSE; RgMacSchSpsRel(&schPst1, &relInfo); } } else { /* Reset the implrelCntr */ ueCb->ul.implRelCntr = 0; } } else #endif { /* Perform failure if ueCb is still NULLP */ rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt (pdu, TRUE); err.errType = RGERR_TOM_DATIND; RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,datInd->cellId,"RNTI:%d Unable to get the UE CB", datInfo->rnti); tfuSap->sapSts.numPduDrop++; continue; } } #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS rgTOMUtlL2MStoreBufSz(ueCb, &ceInfo); rgTOML2MCompileActiveLCs (cellCb, ueCb, pdu, &ceInfo); #endif #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS if ((ret = rgTOMUtlProcMsg(cellCb, ueCb, pdu, isSpsRnti,&spsToBeActvtd,&sduSize, subframe, (U32 *)&lcgBytes)) != ROK) #else if ((ret = rgTOMUtlProcMsg (cellCb, ueCb, pdu, subframe, (U32 *)&lcgBytes)) != ROK) #endif /* LTEMAC_SPS */ { rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt (pdu, TRUE); err.errType = RGERR_TOM_DATIND; RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,datInd->cellId, "Unable to handle Data Indication CRNTI:%d",ueCb->ueId); tfuSap->sapSts.numPduDrop++; continue; } } #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS if(rgTOMUtlInsSchInfo(pdu, sfInfo, &ceInfo, datInfo->rnti,spsToBeActvtd,sduSize, (U32 *)&lcgBytes) != ROK) #else if(rgTOMUtlInsSchInfo(pdu, sfInfo, &ceInfo, datInfo->rnti, (U32 *)&lcgBytes) != ROK) #endif { rgTOMInfFreePduEvnt (sfInfo); rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt (pdu, FALSE); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } /* free up the PDU memory */ rgTOMUtlFreePduEvnt (pdu, FALSE); } /* Free the allocated memory for ueUlAllocInfo here */ #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS if(cellCb->ulSf[(subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)].ueUlAllocInfo != NULLP) { /*ccpu00117052 - MOD - Passing double for proper NULLP assignment */ rgFreeSBuf(inst,(Data **)&(cellCb->ulSf[(subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)].ueUlAllocInfo), ((cellCb->ulSf[(subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)].numUe) * sizeof(RgUeUlAlloc))); } #endif /* RRM_RBC_X */ /* Update PRB used for all GBR QCIs to scheduler */ cmMemcpy((U8*) &sfInfo->qcisUlPrbCnt[0], (U8*) &cellCb->qcisUlPrbCnt[0], (RGM_MAX_QCI_REPORTS * sizeof(U32))); /* clear the cellCb ul prb value */ cmMemset((U8*)&cellCb->qcisUlPrbCnt[0], 0, (RGM_MAX_QCI_REPORTS * sizeof(U32))); /* RRM_RBC_Y */ rgGetPstToInst(&schPst, inst,cellCb->schInstMap.schInst); sfInfo->cellSapId = cellCb->schInstMap.cellSapId; RgMacSchSfRecp(&schPst, sfInfo); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* rgTOMDatInd */ /** * @brief Function handles allocation for common channels i.e. BCCH-BCH, * BCCH-DLSCH, PCCH-DLSCH. * * @details * * Function : rgHndlCmnChnl * * This function is invoked from RgSchMacSfAllocReq. This function handles * allocations made for common channels like BCCH and PCCH. * * Processing steps: * 1. If BCCH on BCH has been scheduled, send StatusIndication on RGU. * 2. If PCCH is scheduled, send StatusIndication on RGU. * 3. If BCCH on DLSCH has been scheduled and sndStatInd is TRUE, send * StatusIndication on RGU, else copy the bcch buffer onto the downlink * subframe. * * * @param[in] RgCellCb *cell, * @param[in] CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo, * @param[in] RgInfCmnLcInfo *cmnLcInfo, * @param[in/out] RgErrInfo *err, * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgHndlCmnChnl ( RgCellCb *cell, CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo, RgInfCmnLcInfo *cmnLcInfo, RgErrInfo *err ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgHndlCmnChnl(cell, timingInfo, cmnLcInfo, err) RgCellCb *cell; CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo; RgInfCmnLcInfo *cmnLcInfo; RgErrInfo *err; #endif { #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) RgPcchLcCb *pcch; #endif #ifndef RGR_SI_SCH RgBcchDlschLcCb *bcch; #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) RgBcchBchLcCb *bch; #endif #endif/*RGR_SI_SCH*/ RguCStaIndInfo *staInd; RgDlSf *dlSf; Inst inst = cell->macInst - RG_INST_START; TRC2(rgHndlCmnChnl) dlSf = &cell->subFrms[(timingInfo.subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)]; if(cmnLcInfo->bitMask & RGINF_BCH_INFO) { #ifndef RGR_SI_SCH #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) if(NULLP == (bch = rgDBMGetBcchOnBch(cell))) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if(cmnLcInfo->bchInfo.lcId != bch->lcId) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #endif if (rgAllocShrablSBuf (inst,(Data**)&staInd, sizeof(RguCStaIndInfo)) != ROK) { err->errCause = RGERR_TOM_MEM_EXHAUST; RETVALUE(RFAILED); } staInd->cellId = cell->cellId; staInd->rnti = RG_INVALID_RNTI; staInd->lcId = cmnLcInfo->bchInfo.lcId; staInd->transId = (timingInfo.sfn << 8) | (timingInfo.subframe); /* ADD Changes for Downlink UE Timing Optimization */ #ifdef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ dlSf->remDatReqCnt++; #endif if (rgUIMSndCmnStaInd (inst,cell->rguDlSap,staInd) != ROK) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #else /*Store the received BCH Data in the scheduled subframe*/ dlSf->bch.tb = cmnLcInfo->bchInfo.pdu; #endif/*RGR_SI_SCH*/ } if(cmnLcInfo->bitMask & RGINF_PCCH_INFO) { #if (ERRCLASS & ERRCLS_DEBUG) if(NULLP == (pcch = rgDBMGetPcch(cell))) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if(cmnLcInfo->pcchInfo.lcId != pcch->lcId) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #endif dlSf->pcch.pdcch.rnti = cmnLcInfo->pcchInfo.rnti; dlSf->pcch.pdcch.dci = cmnLcInfo->pcchInfo.dciInfo; #ifdef TFU_UPGRADE /* ccpu00132314-ADD-Fill the tx Pwr offset from scheduler */ dlSf->pcch.txPwrOffset = cmnLcInfo->pcchInfo.txPwrOffset; #endif if (rgAllocShrablSBuf (inst,(Data**)&staInd, sizeof(RguCStaIndInfo)) != ROK) { err->errCause = RGERR_TOM_MEM_EXHAUST; RETVALUE(RFAILED); } staInd->cellId = cell->cellId; staInd->rnti = RG_INVALID_RNTI; staInd->lcId = cmnLcInfo->pcchInfo.lcId; staInd->transId = (timingInfo.sfn << 8) | (timingInfo.subframe); /* ADD Changes for Downlink UE Timing Optimization */ #ifdef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ dlSf->remDatReqCnt++; #endif /* for consolidated CmnStaInd calling below function from function * rgHndlSchedUe once CmnStaInd prepared for all UEs */ if (rgUIMSndCmnStaInd (inst,cell->rguDlSap,staInd) != ROK) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } } if(cmnLcInfo->bitMask & RGINF_BCCH_INFO) { dlSf->bcch.pdcch.rnti = cmnLcInfo->bcchInfo.rnti; dlSf->bcch.pdcch.dci = cmnLcInfo->bcchInfo.dciInfo; #ifdef TFU_UPGRADE /* ccpu00132314-ADD-Fill the tx Pwr offset from scheduler */ dlSf->bcch.txPwrOffset = cmnLcInfo->bcchInfo.txPwrOffset; #endif #ifndef RGR_SI_SCH if(NULLP == (bcch=rgDBMGetBcchOnDlsch(cell,cmnLcInfo->bcchInfo.lcId))) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if(TRUE == cmnLcInfo->bcchInfo.sndStatInd) { RG_FREE_MSG(bcch->tb); if (rgAllocShrablSBuf (inst,(Data**)&staInd, sizeof(RguCStaIndInfo)) != ROK) { err->errCause = RGERR_TOM_MEM_EXHAUST; RETVALUE(RFAILED); } staInd->cellId = cell->cellId; staInd->rnti = RG_INVALID_RNTI; staInd->lcId = cmnLcInfo->bcchInfo.lcId; staInd->transId = (timingInfo.sfn << 8) | (timingInfo.subframe); /* ADD Changes for Downlink UE Timing Optimization */ #ifdef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ dlSf->remDatReqCnt++; #endif if (rgUIMSndCmnStaInd (inst,cell->rguDlSap,staInd) != ROK) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } } else { SCpyMsgMsg(bcch->tb, RG_GET_MEM_REGION(rgCb[inst]), RG_GET_MEM_POOL(rgCb[inst]), &dlSf->bcch.tb); } #else /*Store the received BCCH Data in the scheduled subframe*/ dlSf->bcch.tb = cmnLcInfo->bcchInfo.pdu; #endif/*RGR_SI_SCH*/ } RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of rgHndlCmnChnl */ /** * @brief Function for handling allocations for dedicated channels for a * subframe. * * @details * * Function : rgHndlSchdUe * * This function shall be invoked whenever scheduler is done with the * allocations of dedicated channels for a subframe. Invoked by the function * RgSchMacSfAllocReq. * * Processing steps : * 1. Loops through the list of UE's scheduled looking for the corresponding * ueCb/raCb. * 2. Finds the corresponding HARQ process. * 3. Invokes the DHM function to issue StatusIndications on RGU. * * * @param[in] RgCellCb *cell, * @param[in] CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo, * @param[in] RgInfUeInfo *ueInfo * @param[in/out] RgErrInfo *err * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgHndlSchdUe ( RgCellCb *cell, CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo, RgInfUeInfo *ueInfo, RgErrInfo *err ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgHndlSchdUe(cell, timingInfo, ueInfo, err) /* laa_ut_fix */ RgCellCb *cell; CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo; RgInfUeInfo *ueInfo; RgErrInfo *err; #endif { TRC2(rgHndlSchdUe); if(NULLP == ueInfo->allocInfo) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } rgDHMSndConsolidatedStaInd(cell, ueInfo, timingInfo, err); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of rgHndlSchdUe */ #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS /** * @brief Function for handling Uplink allocations for Ue for a * subframe. * * @details * * Function : rgHndlUlUeInfo * * @param[in] RgCellCb *cell, * @param[in] CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo, * @param[in] RgInfUlUeInfo *ueInfo * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgHndlUlUeInfo ( RgCellCb *cell, CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo, RgInfUlUeInfo *ueInfo ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgHndlUlUeInfo(cell, timingInfo, ueInfo) RgCellCb *cell; CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo; RgInfUlUeInfo *ueInfo; #endif { Inst inst = cell->macInst - RG_INST_START; U8 idx; RgUlSf *ulSf; S16 ret; TRC2(rgHndlUlUeInfo) ulSf = &cell->ulSf[(timingInfo.subframe % RGSCH_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)]; /* rg003.301-MOD- Corrected the purifier memory leak */ if (ulSf->numUe != ueInfo->numUes) { if (ulSf->ueUlAllocInfo) { rgFreeSBuf(inst,(Data **)&(ulSf->ueUlAllocInfo), ulSf->numUe * sizeof(RgUeUlAlloc)); } } #ifdef XEON_SPECIFIC_CHANGES CM_MEAS_TIME((cell->crntTime.subframe % RGSCH_NUM_SUB_FRAMES), CM_DBG_MAC_TTI_IND, CM_DBG_MEAS_FREE); CM_ADD_INFO((cell->crntTime.subframe % RGSCH_NUM_SUB_FRAMES), CM_DBG_MEAS_FREE, ulSf->numUe); #endif ulSf->numUe = ueInfo->numUes; if((ulSf->ueUlAllocInfo == NULLP) && (ueInfo->numUes > 0)) { /* Allocate memory for ulAllocInfo */ if((ret = rgAllocSBuf(inst,(Data**)&(cell->ulSf[(timingInfo.subframe % RGSCH_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)]. ueUlAllocInfo), ueInfo->numUes * sizeof(RgUeUlAlloc))) != ROK) { RETVALUE(ret); } } #ifdef XEON_SPECIFIC_CHANGES CM_MEAS_TIME((cell->crntTime.subframe % RGSCH_NUM_SUB_FRAMES), CM_DBG_MAC_TTI_IND, CM_DBG_MEAS_ALLOC); CM_ADD_INFO((cell->crntTime.subframe % RGSCH_NUM_SUB_FRAMES), CM_DBG_MEAS_ALLOC, ueInfo->numUes); #endif if (ulSf->ueUlAllocInfo != NULLP) { for(idx = 0; idx < ueInfo->numUes; idx++) { ulSf->ueUlAllocInfo[idx].rnti = ueInfo->ulAllocInfo[idx].rnti; ulSf->ueUlAllocInfo[idx].numPrb = ueInfo->ulAllocInfo[idx].numPrb; } } RGCPYTIMEINFO(timingInfo, ulSf->schdTime); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of rgHndlUlUeInfo */ #endif /** * @brief Function for handling RaResp request received from scheduler to MAC * * @details * * Function : rgTOMRlsSf * * This function shall be invoked whenever scheduler is done with the * allocations of random access responses for a subframe. * This shall invoke RAM to create ueCbs for all the rapIds allocated and * shall invoke MUX to create RAR PDUs for raRntis allocated. * * * @param[in] Inst inst * @param[in] CmLteCellId cellId, * @param[in] CmLteTimingInfo timingInfo, * @param[in] RaRespInfo *rarInfo * @return S16 * -# ROK **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC Void rgTOMRlsSf ( Inst inst, RgDlSf *dlSf ) #else PUBLIC Void rgTOMRlsSf(dlSf) Inst inst; RgDlSf *dlSf; #endif { U8 idx; TRC2(rgTOMRlsSf) if(dlSf->txDone == FALSE) { RLOG0(L_ERROR, "SUBFRAME Not pushed to the PHY"); if (dlSf->bch.tb != NULLP) { RG_FREE_MSG(dlSf->bch.tb); } if (dlSf->bcch.tb != NULLP) { RG_FREE_MSG(dlSf->bcch.tb); } if (dlSf->pcch.tb != NULLP) { RG_FREE_MSG(dlSf->pcch.tb); } #ifdef EMTC_ENABLE rgTOMEmtcRlsSf(dlSf); #endif for(idx=0; idx < dlSf->numRaRsp; idx++) { RG_FREE_MSG(dlSf->raRsp[idx].rar); } } /* ADD Changes for Downlink UE Timing Optimization */ #ifdef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ dlSf->remDatReqCnt = 0; /* Fix[ccpu00126310]: Tracks Data Requests from RLC for both loosely and tight coupled RLC-MAC */ dlSf->statIndDone = FALSE; #endif if (dlSf->tbs.count) { U8 i; CmLList *node; RgDlHqProcCb *hqP; RGDBGERRNEW(inst, (rgPBuf(inst), "Error Stale TBs in Subframes TBS list\n")); node = dlSf->tbs.first; while(node) { hqP = (RgDlHqProcCb*)node->node; node = node->next; if (hqP) { for(i=0;i< RG_MAX_TB_PER_UE;i++) { if (hqP->tbInfo[i].sfLnkInfo[dlSf->schdTime.subframe % 2].sf == dlSf) { cmLListDelFrm(&dlSf->tbs, &(hqP->tbInfo[i].sfLnkInfo[dlSf->schdTime.subframe % 2].sfLnk)); hqP->tbInfo[i].sfLnkInfo[dlSf->schdTime.subframe % 2].sfLnk.node = NULLP; printf("\n rgTOMRlsSf:: hqP %p \n", (Void *)hqP); } hqP->tbInfo[i].sfLnkInfo[dlSf->schdTime.subframe % 2].sf = NULLP; } } } } /*arjun: check if dlSf laaTb list has to be freed???*/ cmLListInit(&dlSf->tbs); dlSf->txDone = FALSE; dlSf->numRaRsp = 0; RETVOID; } /** * @brief Function is called by the scheduler once it has completed the * allocation for the subframe. * * @details * * Function : rgHndlFlowCntrl * This function should fill and send Flow control * indication to RLC * * * @param[in] Pst *cell * @param[in] RgInfSfAlloc *sfInfo Carries all the allocation * information. * @return S16 * -# ROK **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 rgHndlFlowCntrl ( RgCellCb *cell, RgInfSfAlloc *sfInfo ) #else PUBLIC S16 rgHndlFlowCntrl(cell, sfInfo) RgCellCb *cell; RgInfSfAlloc *sfInfo; #endif { RguFlowCntrlInd *flowCntrlInd; Pst *pst; U32 ueIdx; U32 lcIdx; TRC3(rgHndlFlowCntrl); pst = &cell->rguDlSap->sapCfg.sapPst; /* flowCntrlInd is alloced in cell init time and will be re-used throughout */ flowCntrlInd = cell->flowCntrlInd; flowCntrlInd->cellId = sfInfo->cellId; flowCntrlInd->numUes = sfInfo->flowCntrlInfo.numUes; for (ueIdx = 0; ueIdx < sfInfo->flowCntrlInfo.numUes; ueIdx++) { flowCntrlInd->ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].ueId = sfInfo->flowCntrlInfo.ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].ueId; flowCntrlInd->ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].numLcs = sfInfo->flowCntrlInfo.ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].numLcs; for (lcIdx = 0; lcIdx < RGINF_MAX_NUM_DED_LC; lcIdx++) { flowCntrlInd->ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].lcInfo[lcIdx].lcId = sfInfo->flowCntrlInfo.ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].lcInfo[lcIdx].lcId; flowCntrlInd->ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].lcInfo[lcIdx].pktAdmitCnt = sfInfo->flowCntrlInfo.ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].lcInfo[lcIdx].pktAdmitCnt; flowCntrlInd->ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].lcInfo[lcIdx].maxBo4FlowCtrl = sfInfo->flowCntrlInfo.ueFlowCntrlInfo[ueIdx].lcInfo[lcIdx].maxBo4FlowCtrl; } } RgUiRguFlowCntrlInd(pst, cell->rguDlSap->sapCfg.spId,flowCntrlInd); /* TODO: Rishi confirm if the suId and pst pointer is correct */ RETVALUE(ROK); } /** * @brief Function is called by the scheduler once it has completed the * allocation for the subframe. * * @details * * Function : RgSchMacSfAllocReq * * This function shall be invoked whenever scheduler is done with the * allocations of for a subframe. The sfInfo carries all the allocation * details for the common channels, RA responses and dedicated channel * allocations. * * Processing steps : * 1. Reset the information present in the downlink subframe that is * scheduled. * 2. Handle common channel allocations * 3. Handle RA Response allocations * 4. Handle dedicated channel allocations. * * @param[in] Pst *pst * @param[in] RgInfSfAlloc *sfInfo Carries all the allocation * information. * @return S16 * -# ROK **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 RgSchMacSfAllocReq ( Pst *pst, RgInfSfAlloc *sfInfo ) #else PUBLIC S16 RgSchMacSfAllocReq(pst, sfInfo) Pst *pst; RgInfSfAlloc *sfInfo; #endif { RgCellCb *cell; RgDlSf *dlSf; RgErrInfo err; VOLATILE U32 startTime=0; Inst inst; TRC2(RgSchMacSfAllocReq) RG_IS_INST_VALID(pst->dstInst); inst = pst->dstInst - RG_INST_START; /*starting Task*/ SStartTask(&startTime, PID_MAC_SF_ALLOC_REQ); if(NULLP == sfInfo) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if((cell = rgCb[inst].cell) == NULLP) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,sfInfo->cellId, "No cellCb found with cell"); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } dlSf = &cell->subFrms[(sfInfo->timingInfo.subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES)]; rgTOMRlsSf(inst,dlSf); dlSf->schdTime = sfInfo->timingInfo; #ifdef LTE_ADV rgLaaInitTbInfoLst(cell); #endif /* Fix : syed Ignore Failure Returns and continue processing. * Incomplete processing results in state sync loss between MAC-SCH. */ #ifdef EMTC_ENABLE if(TRUE == cell->emtcEnable) { rgEmtcHndl(cell, sfInfo); } #endif rgHndlCmnChnl(cell, sfInfo->timingInfo, &sfInfo->cmnLcInfo, &err); rgHndlRaResp(cell, sfInfo->timingInfo, &sfInfo->rarInfo, &err); #ifdef LTE_ADV #ifdef XEON_SPECIFIC_CHANGES CM_MEAS_TIME((cell->crntTime.subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES), CM_DBG_MAC_TTI_IND, CM_DBG_MAC_B4_UE_SCHD); #endif rgHndlSchdUe(cell, sfInfo->timingInfo, &sfInfo->ueInfo, &err); #ifdef XEON_SPECIFIC_CHANGES CM_MEAS_TIME((cell->crntTime.subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES), CM_DBG_MAC_TTI_IND, CM_DBG_MAC_UE_SCHD); #endif rgLaaChkAndReqTbs(dlSf,cell, inst); #else rgHndlSchdUe(cell, sfInfo->timingInfo, &sfInfo->ueInfo, &err); #endif #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS if(rgHndlUlUeInfo(cell, sfInfo->ulUeInfo.timingInfo, &sfInfo->ulUeInfo) != ROK) { RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #endif #ifdef XEON_SPECIFIC_CHANGES CM_MEAS_TIME((cell->crntTime.subframe % RG_NUM_SUB_FRAMES), CM_DBG_MAC_TTI_IND, CM_DBG_MAC_MEAS); #endif /* Fix[ccpu00126310]: Tracks Data Requests from RLC for both loosely and tight coupled RLC-MAC */ /* Added the handling for pushing down * TFU Data request in the retransmission only scenario.*/ #ifdef LTEMAC_DLUE_TMGOPTMZ dlSf->statIndDone = TRUE; /* Fix [ccpu00126310]: Tracks Data Requests from RLC for both loosely and tight coupled RLC-MAC */ if(!(dlSf->txDone) && #ifdef LTE_ADV (TRUE == rgLaaChkAllRxTbs(dlSf)) && #endif (0 == dlSf->remDatReqCnt) && (dlSf->statIndDone) && (RG_TIMEINFO_SAME(cell->crntTime, dlSf->schdTime))) { /*This is the case of rettransmission, so no need * to wait for TTI Ind to push TFU Data Request. Send * it right away.*/ if (ROK != rgTOMUtlProcDlSf (dlSf, cell, &err)) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cell->cellId,"Unable to process downlink subframe for cell"); err.errType = RGERR_ROM_DEDDATREQ; } /* Mark this frame as sent */ dlSf->txDone = TRUE; } #endif if (sfInfo->flowCntrlInfo.numUes > 0) { rgHndlFlowCntrl(cell,sfInfo); } /*stoping Task*/ SStopTask(startTime, PID_MAC_SF_ALLOC_REQ); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of RgSchMacSfAllocReq */ /** * @brief Handler for processing data indication recieved from PHY for UEs. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMProcCrntiCEInDatInd * * Handler for processing data indication recieved from PHY for UEs. * * Invoked by: RgLiTfuDatInd of LIM * * Processing Steps: * For each DataInfo recieved * - If received a CRNTI control element * - Check if a CCCH SDU is present, if it is return failure * - Check for the existence of UE, if its isnt present return failure. * - Delegate the remaining processing to rgTOMUtlProcMsg3 which * primarily informs the scheduler about the data received and * generates Data indications towards the higher layer. * * @param RgMacPdu *pdu, * @param RgUeCb *prevUeCb, * @param RgCellCb *cellCb, * @param TfuDatInfo *datInfo, * @param RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMProcCrntiCEInDatInd ( RgMacPdu *pdu, RgUeCb *prevUeCb, RgCellCb *cellCb, TfuDatInfo *datInfo, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo, U8 subframe ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMProcCrntiCEInDatInd( pdu, prevUeCb, cellCb, datInfo, ceInfo, subframe) RgMacPdu *pdu; RgUeCb *prevUeCb; RgCellCb *cellCb; TfuDatInfo *datInfo; RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo; U8 subframe; #endif { RgUeCb *ueCb = NULLP; Inst inst = cellCb->macInst - RG_INST_START; #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS Bool spsToBeActvtd; U16 sduSize; #endif TRC2(rgTOMProcCrntiCEInDatInd) #ifndef LTE_L2_MEAS UNUSED(subframe); #endif ueCb = rgDBMGetUeCbFromRachLst (cellCb, datInfo->rnti); if (ueCb == NULLP) { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "RNTI:%d Received MSG3 with CRNTI,unable to find ueCb", ceInfo->ces.cRnti); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } prevUeCb = rgDBMGetUeCb (cellCb, ceInfo->ces.cRnti); if (prevUeCb == NULLP) { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "RNTI:%d Received MSG3 with CRNTI,unable to find ueCb", ceInfo->ces.cRnti); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } RLOG_ARG2(L_DEBUG,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "CRNTI CE(%d) received through tmpCrnti(%d)", ceInfo->ces.cRnti, datInfo->rnti); rgDBMDelUeCbFromRachLst(cellCb, ueCb); rgRAMFreeUeCb(inst,ueCb); ueCb = prevUeCb; #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS if ((rgTOMUtlProcMsg(cellCb, ueCb, pdu, FALSE,&spsToBeActvtd,&sduSize, subframe, NULLP)) != ROK) #else if ((rgTOMUtlProcMsg (cellCb, ueCb, pdu, subframe, NULLP)) != ROK) #endif /* LTEMAC_SPS */ { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "RNTI:%d Processing for MSG3 failed",datInfo->rnti); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } RETVALUE(ROK); } /** * @brief Handler for processing data indication recieved from PHY for UEs. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMProcCCCHSduInDatInd * * Handler for processing data indication recieved from PHY for UEs. * * Invoked by: RgLiTfuDatInd of LIM * * Processing Steps: * For each DataInfo recieved * - If only CCCH SDU is present * - Invoke rgTOMUtlProcMsg3 for further processing. * - If its a non-Msg3 PDU i.e. received outside of a RA procedure * - Retrieve the UeCB * - Validate that the received PDU contains only configured Logical * Channels. * - Invoke rgTOMUtlProcDatPdu for further processing. It informs the * scheduler with the information of the received Data and generates * DatIndications towards the higher layers. * * @param TfuDatIndInfo *datInd * @param RgMacPdu *pdu, * @param RgUeCb *prevUeCb, * @param RgCellCb *cellCb, * @param TfuDatInfo *datInfo, * @param RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMProcCCCHSduInDatInd ( RgMacPdu *pdu, RgUeCb *prevUeCb, RgCellCb *cellCb, TfuDatInfo *datInfo, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo, U8 subframe ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMProcCCCHSduInDatInd( pdu, prevUeCb, cellCb, datInfo, ceInfo, subframe) RgMacPdu *pdu; RgUeCb *prevUeCb; RgCellCb *cellCb; TfuDatInfo *datInfo; RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo; U8 subframe; #endif { RgUeCb *ueCb = NULLP; Inst inst = cellCb->macInst - RG_INST_START; #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS Bool spsToBeActvtd; U16 sduSize; #endif TRC2(rgTOMProcCCCHSduInDatInd) #ifndef LTE_L2_MEAS UNUSED(subframe); #endif if (ceInfo->bitMask & RG_CRNTI_CE_PRSNT) { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "CRNTI:%d Received MSG3 with CCCH",ceInfo->ces.cRnti); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } ueCb = rgDBMGetUeCbFromRachLst (cellCb, datInfo->rnti); if (ueCb == NULLP) { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "RNTI:%d Processing for MSG3 failed", datInfo->rnti); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } /* Fix: syed Drop any duplicate Msg3(CCCH Sdu) */ if (ueCb->dl.hqEnt.numHqProcs) { /* HqE is already initialized by a previuos Msg3 */ RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"RNTI:%d Processing for MSG3 failed. Duplicate " "MSG3 received. Dropping", datInfo->rnti); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if(rgDHMHqEntInit(inst,&ueCb->dl.hqEnt, cellCb->maxDlHqProcPerUe) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"RNTI:%d Harq Initialization failed ", datInfo->rnti); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } RLOG_ARG1(L_DEBUG,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId, "CCCH SDU received through tmpCrnti(%d)",datInfo->rnti); #ifdef LTEMAC_SPS if ((rgTOMUtlProcMsg(cellCb, ueCb, pdu, FALSE,&spsToBeActvtd,&sduSize, subframe, NULLP)) != ROK) #else if ((rgTOMUtlProcMsg (cellCb, ueCb, pdu, subframe, NULLP)) != ROK) #endif /* LTEMAC_SPS */ { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"RNTI:%d Processing for MSG3 failed", datInfo->rnti); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } RETVALUE(ROK); } #ifdef LTE_L2_MEAS /** @brief This function captures the BSR value from Control Element * Info structure and updates the effective Buffer size into the * corresponding LCG ID. * * @details * * Function: rgTOMUtlL2MStoreBufSz * * Processing steps: * - update/append the Data structure based on BSR type * * @param [in] RgUeCb *ueCb * @param [in] RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo * @return S16 */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlL2MStoreBufSz ( RgUeCb *ueCb, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgTOMUtlL2MStoreBufSz (ueCb, ceInfo) RgUeCb *ueCb; RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo; #endif { U8 lcgId; U8 bsr; TRC2(rgTOMUtlL2MStoreBufSz); if(ceInfo->bitMask & RG_TRUNC_BSR_CE_PRSNT) { lcgId = ((ceInfo->ces.bsr.truncBsr >> 6) & 0x03); bsr = ceInfo->ces.bsr.truncBsr & 0x3F; ueCb->ul.lcgArr[lcgId].lcgBsInfo.outStndngBs = rgLwrBsrTbl[bsr]; } else if(ceInfo->bitMask & RG_SHORT_BSR_CE_PRSNT) { lcgId = ((ceInfo->ces.bsr.shortBsr >> 6) & 0x03); bsr = ceInfo->ces.bsr.shortBsr & 0x3F; ueCb->ul.lcgArr[lcgId].lcgBsInfo.outStndngBs = rgLwrBsrTbl[bsr]; } else if(ceInfo->bitMask & RG_LONG_BSR_CE_PRSNT) { ueCb->ul.lcgArr[0].lcgBsInfo.outStndngBs = rgLwrBsrTbl[ceInfo->ces.bsr.longBsr.bs1]; ueCb->ul.lcgArr[1].lcgBsInfo.outStndngBs = rgLwrBsrTbl[ceInfo->ces.bsr.longBsr.bs2]; ueCb->ul.lcgArr[2].lcgBsInfo.outStndngBs = rgLwrBsrTbl[ceInfo->ces.bsr.longBsr.bs3]; ueCb->ul.lcgArr[3].lcgBsInfo.outStndngBs = rgLwrBsrTbl[ceInfo->ces.bsr.longBsr.bs4]; } RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of rgTOMUtlL2MStoreBufSz*/ /** @brief : Compiles list of LCs received in UL data for DTCH RBs * * @details * * @param [in] RgCellCb *cellCb * @param [in] RgUeCb *ueCb * @param [in] CmLteRnti rnti * @param [in] RgMacPdu *pdu * @param * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rgTOML2MCompileActiveLCs ( RgCellCb *cellCb, RgUeCb *ueCb, RgMacPdu *pdu, RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo ) #else PRIVATE Void rgTOML2MCompileActiveLCs(cellCb, ueCb, pdu, ceInfo) RgCellCb *cellCb; RgUeCb *ueCb; RgMacPdu *pdu; RgInfCeInfo *ceInfo; #endif { CmLList *node; RgMacSdu *sdu; RgUlLcCb *ulLcCb; TRC2(rgTOML2MCompileActiveLCs) node = pdu->sduLst.first; while (node) { sdu = (RgMacSdu*)node->node; if ((ulLcCb = rgDBMGetUlDedLcCb(ueCb, sdu->lcId)), ulLcCb != NULLP) { if (ulLcCb->lcgId != 0) { ceInfo->bitMask |= RG_ACTIVE_LC_PRSNT; ceInfo->ulActLCs[ulLcCb->lcId - 1] = TRUE; } } node = node->next; } } /* end of */ #endif /********************************************************************** End of file **********************************************************************/