/******************************************************************************* ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) [2017-2019] [Radisys] # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ *******************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************ Name: LTE-MAC layer Type: C source file Desc: C source code for Entry point fucntions File: rg_lim.c **********************************************************************/ /** @file rg_lim.c. @brief It has APIs exposed by Lower Interface Modulue of MAC. It acts as an Interface handler for lower interface APIs. */ static const char* RLOG_MODULE_NAME="MAC"; static int RLOG_FILE_ID=182; static int RLOG_MODULE_ID=4096; /* header include files -- defines (.h) */ #include "envopt.h" /* environment options */ #include "envdep.h" /* environment dependent */ #include "envind.h" /* environment independent */ #include "gen.h" /* general layer */ #include "ssi.h" /* system services */ #include "cm5.h" /* common timers defines */ #include "cm_hash.h" /* common hash list defines */ #include "cm_llist.h" /* common linked list defines */ #include "cm_mblk.h" /* memory management */ #include "cm_tkns.h" /* common tokens */ #include "cm_lte.h" /* common tokens */ #include "rgu.h" /* RGU defines */ #include "tfu.h" /* RGU defines */ #include "lrg.h" /* layer management defines for LTE-MAC */ #include "crg.h" /* layer management defines for LTE-MAC */ #include "rg_sch_inf.h" /* layer management defines for LTE-MAC */ #include "rg_env.h" /* customisable defines and macros for MAC */ #include "rg.h" /* defines and macros for MAC */ /* header/extern include files (.x) */ #include "gen.x" /* general layer typedefs */ #include "ssi.x" /* system services typedefs */ #include "cm5.x" /* common timers */ #include "cm_hash.x" /* common hash list */ #include "cm_lib.x" /* common library */ #include "cm_llist.x" /* common linked list */ #include "cm_mblk.x" /* memory management */ #include "cm_tkns.x" /* common tokens */ #include "cm_lte.x" /* common tokens */ #include "rgu.x" /* RGU types */ #include "tfu.x" /* RGU types */ #include "lrg.x" /* layer management typedefs for MAC */ #include "crg.x" /* layer management typedefs for MAC */ #include "rg_sch_inf.x" /* SCH interface typedefs */ #include "rg_prg.x" /* PRG interface typedefs */ #include "du_mgr_mac_inf.h" #include "rg.x" /* typedefs for MAC */ /* local defines */ /* local typedefs */ /* local externs */ PRIVATE S16 rgLIMValidateSap ARGS((Inst inst,SuId suId)); PRIVATE Void rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt ARGS((TfuDatIndInfo *datInd, Bool error)); #ifdef RG_UNUSED PRIVATE Void rgLIMUtlFreeDatReqEvnt ARGS((TfuDatReqInfo *datReq, Bool error)); #endif /* forward references */ /** * @brief This API is invoked to send TFU SAP bind request to PHY. * * @details * * Function : rgLIMTfuBndReq * * This API is invoked to send TFU SAP bind request to PHY. It fills in * the Pst structure, spId and suId values and invokes bind request * primitive at TFU. * * @param[in] Inst inst * @param[in] SuId suId * @param[in] SpId spId * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 rgLIMTfuBndReq ( Inst inst, SuId suId, SpId spId ) #else PUBLIC S16 rgLIMTfuBndReq(inst,suId, spId) Inst inst; SuId suId; SpId spId; #endif { S16 ret; RgLowSapCb *tfuSap; Pst pst; TRC2(rgLIMTfuBndReq); /* Get the lower SAP control block from the layer control block. */ tfuSap = &(rgCb[inst].tfuSap); (Void)cmMemcpy ((U8*)&pst, (U8*)&(tfuSap->sapCfg.sapPst), sizeof(Pst)); if((ret = RgLiTfuBndReq (&pst, suId, spId)) != ROK) { RLOG0(L_ERROR,"Call to RgLiTfuBndReq() failed"); } RETVALUE(ret); } /* rgLIMTfuBndReq */ /** * @brief This API is invoked to send TFU SAP unbind request to PHY. * * @details * * Function : rgLIMTfuBndReq * * This API is invoked to send TFU SAP unbind request to PHY. It fills in * the Pst structure and spId value and invokes unbind request * primitive at TFU. * * @param[in] Inst inst * @param[in] SpId spId * @param[in] Reason reason * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 rgLIMTfuUbndReq ( Inst inst, SpId spId, Reason reason ) #else PUBLIC S16 rgLIMTfuUbndReq(inst,spId, reason) Inst inst; SpId spId; Reason reason; #endif { S16 ret; RgLowSapCb *tfuSap; Pst pst; TRC2(rgLIMTfuUbndReq); /* Get the lower SAP control block from the layer control block. */ tfuSap = &(rgCb[inst].tfuSap); cmMemcpy ((U8*)&pst, (U8*)&(tfuSap->sapCfg.sapPst), sizeof(Pst)); if((ret = RgLiTfuUbndReq (&pst, tfuSap->sapCfg.spId, reason)) != ROK) { RLOG0(L_ERROR,"Call to RgLiTfuUbndReq() failed"); } RETVALUE(ret); } /* rgLIMTfuUbndReq */ /** * @brief Bind confirm API for TFU SAP * * @details * * Function : RgLiTfuBndCfm * * This API is invoked by PHY to confirm TFU SAP bind. * * * @param[in] Pst *pst * @param[in] SuId suId * @param[in] U8 status * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 RgLiTfuBndCfm ( Pst *pst, SuId suId, U8 status ) #else PUBLIC S16 RgLiTfuBndCfm(pst, suId, status) Pst *pst; SuId suId; U8 status; #endif { Inst inst; S16 ret; RgLowSapCb *tfuSap; TRC3(RgLiTfuBndCfm); RG_IS_INST_VALID(pst->dstInst); inst = pst->dstInst - RG_INST_START; /* Lets validate suId first */ /* CA_Change */ tfuSap = &(rgCb[inst].tfuSap); if (suId != tfuSap->sapCfg.suId) { RLOG2(L_ERROR,"Incorrect SuId. Configured (%d) Recieved (%d)", tfuSap->sapCfg.suId, suId); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } ret = rgLMMBndCfm (pst, suId, status); RETVALUE(ret); } /* RgLiTfuBndCfm */ /** @brief This function Validates the SAP information received along with the * primitive from the lower layer. * Function: * Validates SAP information. * @param[in] Inst inst * @param suId The SAP Id * @return * -# ROK * -# RFAILED */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE S16 rgLIMValidateSap ( Inst inst, SuId suId ) #else PRIVATE S16 rgLIMValidateSap(inst,suId) Inst inst; SuId suId; #endif { RgLowSapCb *tfuSap; TRC2(rgLIMValidateSap) tfuSap = &(rgCb[inst].tfuSap); /* First lets check the suId */ if( suId != tfuSap->sapCfg.suId) { RLOG2(L_ERROR,"Incorrect SuId. Configured (%d) Recieved (%d)", tfuSap->sapCfg.suId, suId); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } if (tfuSap->sapSta.sapState != LRG_BND) { RLOG1(L_ERROR,"Lower SAP not enabled SuId (%d)", tfuSap->sapCfg.suId); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } RETVALUE(ROK); } /* end of rgLIMValidateSap */ /** @brief This function frees up the TfuDatIndInfo structure * * @details * * Function: rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt * - Function frees up the TfuDatIndInfo structure, in case of error it shall * free up the buffer's present in the datIndLst. * * Processing steps: * @param [in] TfuDatIndInfo *datInd * @param [in] Bool *error * @return */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt ( TfuDatIndInfo *datInd, Bool error ) #else PRIVATE Void rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt(datInd, error) TfuDatIndInfo *datInd; Bool error; #endif { TfuDatInfo *datInfo; CmLList *node; TRC2(rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt); /* Steps of freeing up the TfuDatInd. * 1. loop through the datIndLst and free up all the buffers. * 2. free up the whole event */ if ((error == TRUE) && (datInd->datIndLst.count > 0)) { node = datInd->datIndLst.first; while (node) { datInfo = (TfuDatInfo*)node->node; RG_FREE_MSG(datInfo->mBuf); node = node->next; } } RG_FREE_MEM(datInd); RETVOID; } /* end of rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt*/ /** * @brief Downlink data indication from PHY. * * @details * * Function : RgLiTfuDatInd * * This API is invoked by PHY to send data indication to MAC on * recieving data from UEs. * * @param[in] Pst *pst * @param[in] SuId suId * @param[in] TfuDatIndInfo *datInd * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 RgLiTfuDatInd ( Pst *pst, SuId suId, TfuDatIndInfo *datInd ) #else PUBLIC S16 RgLiTfuDatInd(pst, suId, datInd) Pst *pst; SuId suId; TfuDatIndInfo *datInd; #endif { Inst inst; S16 ret; VOLATILE U32 startTime=0; TRC3(RgLiTfuDatInd); // printf("5GTF:: DatindRcvd\n"); RG_IS_INST_VALID(pst->dstInst); inst = pst->dstInst - RG_INST_START; /*starting Task*/ SStartTask(&startTime, PID_MAC_TFU_DATIND); #ifndef NO_ERRCLS if ((ret = rgLIMValidateSap (inst,suId)) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,datInd->cellId,"SAP Validation failed"); rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt(datInd, TRUE); RETVALUE(ret); } #endif /* Now call the TOM (Tfu ownership module) primitive to process further */ rgCb[inst].tfuSap.sapSts.numPduRcvd += datInd->datIndLst.count; ret = rgTOMDatInd(inst,datInd); /* Fix: sriky memory corruption precautions */ /* Free up the memory for the request structure */ if (ret == ROK) { rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt(datInd, FALSE); } else { rgLIMUtlFreeDatIndEvnt(datInd, TRUE); } /*stoping Task*/ SStopTask(startTime, PID_MAC_TFU_DATIND); RETVALUE(ret); } /* RgLiTfuDatInd*/ #ifdef RG_UNUSED /** @brief This function frees up the TfuDatReqInfo structure. * * @details * * Function: rgLIMUtlFreeDatReqEvnt * - Function frees up the TfuDatReqInfo structure, in case of error it shall * free up the buffer's present in the PDUs list. * * Processing steps: * @param [in] TfuDatReqInfo *datReq * @param [in] Bool *error * @return */ #ifdef ANSI PRIVATE Void rgLIMUtlFreeDatReqEvnt ( TfuDatReqInfo *datReq, Bool error ) #else PRIVATE Void rgLIMUtlFreeDatReqEvnt(datReq, error) TfuDatReqInfo *datReq; Bool error; #endif { TfuDatReqPduInfo *datInfo; CmLList *node; U8 i; TRC2(rgLIMUtlFreeDatReqEvnt); /* Steps of freeing up the TfuDatReq. * 1. Free the bch buffer. * 2. loop through the pdus list and free up all the buffers. * 3. free up the whole event */ if (error) { if (datReq->bchDat.pres == PRSNT_NODEF) { RG_FREE_MSG(datReq->bchDat.val); } if (datReq->pdus.count > 0) { node = datReq->pdus.first; while (node) { datInfo = (TfuDatReqPduInfo*)node->node; for (i=0; inmbOfTBs; i++) { if (datInfo->mBuf[i] != NULLP) { RG_FREE_MSG(datInfo->mBuf[i]); } } node = node->next; } } } RG_FREE_MEM(datReq); RETVOID; } /* end of rgLIMUtlFreeDatReqEvnt*/ #endif /** * @brief This API is invoked to send Data to PHY. * * @details * * Function : rgLIMTfuDatReq * * This API is invoked to send Data to PHY. It * fills in the Pst structure, spId value and invokes Data * request primitive at TFU. * * @param[in] Inst inst * @param[in] TfuDatReqInfo *datReq * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 rgLIMTfuDatReq ( Inst inst, TfuDatReqInfo *datReq ) #else PUBLIC S16 rgLIMTfuDatReq(inst,datReq) Inst inst; TfuDatReqInfo *datReq; #endif { S16 ret; RgLowSapCb *tfuSap; TRC2(rgLIMTfuDatReq) /* Get the lower SAP control block from the layer control block. */ tfuSap = &(rgCb[inst].tfuSap); #ifndef NO_ERRCLS if (tfuSap->sapSta.sapState != LRG_BND) { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,datReq->cellId,"Lower SAP not bound (%d)", tfuSap->sapSta.sapState); #ifdef RG_UNUSED /* This case will never be hit if sap is not bound then we dont get TTI */ rgLIMUtlFreeDatReqEvnt(datReq, TRUE); #endif RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #endif tfuSap->sapSts.numPduTxmit += datReq->pdus.count; /* Using existing pst - for optimization */ if((ret = RgLiTfuDatReq (&tfuSap->sapCfg.sapPst, tfuSap->sapCfg.spId, datReq)) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,datReq->cellId,"Call to RgLiTfuDatReq() failed"); } RETVALUE(ret); } /* rgLIMTfuDatReq*/ #ifdef L2_OPTMZ /** * @brief This API is invoked to send Data to PHY. * * @details * * Function : rgLIMTfuDelDatReq * * This API is invoked to send Data to PHY. It * fills in the Pst structure, spId value and invokes Data * request primitive at TFU. * * @param[in] Inst inst * @param[in] TfuDelDatReqInfo *datReq * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 rgLIMTfuDelDatReq ( Inst inst, TfuDelDatReqInfo *delDatReq ) #else PUBLIC S16 rgLIMTfuDatReq(inst,delDatReq) Inst inst; TfuDelDatReqInfo *delDatReq; #endif { S16 ret; RgLowSapCb *tfuSap; TRC2(rgLIMTfuDelDatReq) /* Get the lower SAP control block from the layer control block. */ tfuSap = &(rgCb[inst].tfuSap); #ifndef NO_ERRCLS if (tfuSap->sapSta.sapState != LRG_BND) { RLOG_ARG1(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,delDatReq->cellId,"Lower SAP not bound (%d)", tfuSap->sapSta.sapState); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #endif if((ret = RgLiTfuDelDatReq (&tfuSap->sapCfg.sapPst, tfuSap->sapCfg.spId, delDatReq)) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,delDatReq->cellId,"Call to RgLiTfuDelDatReq() failed"); } RETVALUE(ret); } /* rgLIMTfuDatReq*/ #endif /*L2_OPTMZ */ /** * @brief Transmission time interval indication from PHY. * * @details * * Function : RgLiTfuTtiInd * * This API is invoked by PHY to indicate TTI indication to MAC for a cell. * * @param[in] Pst *pst * @param[in] SuId suId * @param[in] TfuTtiIndInfo *ttiInd * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 RgLiTfuTtiInd ( Pst *pst, SuId suId, TfuTtiIndInfo *ttiInd ) #else PUBLIC S16 RgLiTfuTtiInd(pst, suId, ttiInd) Pst *pst; SuId suId; TfuTtiIndInfo *ttiInd; #endif { S16 ret; VOLATILE U32 startTime=0; Inst inst; TRC3(RgLiTfuTtiInd); RG_IS_INST_VALID(pst->dstInst); inst = pst->dstInst - RG_INST_START; /*starting Task*/ SStartTask(&startTime, PID_MAC_TTI_IND); #ifdef NO_ERRCLS if ((ret = rgLIMValidateSap (pst->dstInst - RG_INST_START,suId)) != ROK) { RLOG_ARG0(L_ERROR,DBG_CELLID,ttiInd->cells[0].cellId,"SAP Validation failed"); RETVALUE(ret); } #endif /* Now call the TOM (Tfu ownership module) primitive to process further */ ret = rgTOMTtiInd(inst,ttiInd); /*stoping Task*/ SStopTask(startTime, PID_MAC_TTI_IND); RETVALUE(ret); } /* RgLiTfuTtiInd */ #if defined(TENB_T2K3K_SPECIFIC_CHANGES) && defined(LTE_TDD) /** * @brief Transmission of non-rt indication from CL. * * @details * * Function : RgLiTfuNonRtInd * * This API is invoked by CL to indicate non-rt processing indication to MAC for a cell. * * @param[in] Pst *pst * @param[in] SuId suId * @return S16 * -# ROK * -# RFAILED **/ #ifdef ANSI PUBLIC S16 RgLiTfuNonRtInd ( Pst *pst, SuId suId ) #else PUBLIC S16 RgLiTfuNonRtInd(pst, suId) Pst *pst; SuId suId; #endif { TRC3(RgLiTfuNonRtInd); #ifdef NO_ERRCLS if (rgLIMValidateSap (pst->dstInst - RG_INST_START, suId) != ROK) { RGDBGERRNEW(pst->dstInst - RG_INST_START, (rgPBuf(pst->dstInst - RG_INST_START),"RgLiTfuNonRtInd() SAP Validation failed.\n")); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } #endif rgDHMFreeTbBufs(pst->dstInst - RG_INST_START); RETVALUE(ROK); } /* RgLiTfuNonRtInd */ #endif /********************************************************************** End of file **********************************************************************/