/******************************************************************************* ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) [2017-2019] [Radisys] # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ *******************************************************************************/ /* This file handles the cell configurtaion for MAC CL */ #include "envdep.h" #include "gen.h" #include "ssi.h" #include "cm_hash.h" #include "gen.x" #include "ssi.x" #include "cm_hash.x" #include "cm_lib.x" #include "mac_interface.h" #include "lwr_mac.h" EXTERN S16 rgClBldAndSndFAPICfgReq ARGS((ClCellCb *cellCb)); /******************************************************************* * * @brief Validates CL cell configuration * * @details * * Function : rgClVldtCellCfg * * Functionality: * - Validates all PHY cell configuration patameters * * @params[in] cell config * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ PRIVATE S16 rgClVldtCellCfg ( MacCellCfg *cellCfg ) { RETVALUE(ROK); } /******************************************************************* * * @brief Cell configuration handler at MAC CL * * @details * * Function : RgClCellCfgReq * * Functionality: * -Handler for new cell addition request from du_app * * @params[in] cell cfg * @return ROK - success * RFAILED - failure * * ****************************************************************/ PUBLIC U16 RgClCellCfgReq ( MacCellCfg *cellCfg ) { ClCellCb *cellCb = NULLP; printf("\nReceived cell configuration request. Adding cellId[%d] phyCellId[%d]", cellCfg->cellId, cellCfg->phyCellId); if(clGlobalCp.numOfCells >= MAX_NUM_CELL_SUPP) { printf("\nMaximum number of cells [%d] already configured", MAX_NUM_CELL_SUPP); RETVALUE(LCM_REASON_INVALID_PAR_VAL); } if(rgClVldtCellCfg(cellCfg) != ROK) { printf("\nCell configuration failure. Cell Id [%d]", cellCfg->cellId); RETVALUE(LCM_REASON_INVALID_PAR_VAL); } if((cellCb = (ClCellCb *)rgClUtlGetCellCb(cellCfg->cellId)) == NULLP) { if((SGetSBuf(clGlobalCp.region, clGlobalCp.pool, (Data **)&cellCb, sizeof(ClCellCb)) != ROK) || (cellCb == NULLP)) { printf("\nFailed to allocate memory for new cell"); RETVALUE(LCM_REASON_MEM_NOAVAIL); } cmMemset((U8 *)cellCb, 0, sizeof(ClCellCb)); cellCb->cellId = cellCfg->cellId; cellCb->phyState = PHY_STATE_IDLE; if((cmHashListInsert(&(clGlobalCp.cellCbLst), (PTR)cellCb, (U8 *)&cellCb->cellId, sizeof(U16))) != ROK) { printf("\nFailed to insert cell into list."); RETVALUE(RFAILED); } clGlobalCp.numOfCells++; } cmMemcpy((U8 *)&cellCb->cellCfg, (U8 *)cellCfg, sizeof(MacCellCfg)); /* Build and send CONFIG request to PHY */ if(rgClBldAndSndFAPICfgReq(cellCb) != ROK ) { printf("\nrgClBldAndSndPhyCfgReq failed"); RETVALUE(LCM_REASON_NEG_CFM); } RETVALUE(LCM_REASON_NOT_APPL); } /********************************************************************** End of file **********************************************************************/